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Mclachlan D. — X-ray crystal structure |
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Absorption coefficient 152
Absorption correction 2 193
Absorption edge 81 82
Absorption spectra of x-rays 81
Accelerating electrons 168 173
Acicular crystals 13
Adjoint of matrix 39
Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 144 148
Amplitude 86 153 166 157 164 174 177 180 188 278
Amplitude, definition of 155 156
Amplitude, figures showing 155
Aniline 356
Anisotropy, magnetic 14
Anomalous scattering 265
Apatite 21
Aragonite 370
Argand diagrams 37 219
Argand diagrams for centered and non-centered crystals 219
Argand diagrams, figures of 37 219
Atomic number 83
Atomic position 2 3 5 24 47 62 77 132 152 178 181 182 195 204 223 224 253 257 289 323 366 379
Atomic position, distribution (statistical method of Karle and Hauptman) 253 257
Atomic position, examples of determinations of 323 379
Atomic position, tables of 345 353
Atomic Radii 223
Atomic scattering power (see Scattering)
Atomic structure 82 83
Atomic vibrations 184 (see also Temperature-correction factor)
Atomic weights 221
Atomic-stru&ture factors 106 152 175 178 183 238
Atoms, bonds between 353
Atoms, bonds between, configuration in molecules 224
Atoms, bonds between, coordinates of 152 353
Atoms, bonds between, distribution of electrons in 175 248
Atoms, bonds between, heavy, in phase determination 224 225 356 361 379
Atoms, bonds between, interatomic distances 229 233 234 241 354 356 371 377
Atoms, bonds between, nucleus of 176 177
Atoms, bonds between, slice through 176
Atoms, bonds between, two-dimensional array of 89
Axanite 18
Axis, c-axis projection 379
Axis, c-axis projection of rotation 116 329 334 393
Axis, c-axis projection, crystallographic 3 6 9 129
Axis, c-axis projection, rotary glides 207
Axis, c-axis projection, screw 63 66 75 137 207 233
Axis, c-axis projection, symbols for 66
Axis, c-axis projection, twofold 233
Axis, transformation from cubic to hexag c-axis projection, onal 41
Barium antimony tartrate 19
Beevers — Lipson strips 268 271
Bentonite 21
Beryl 21
Bessel functions 255 371 373
Bipyramid 9
Body centers 65
Body-centered lattices 137 148
Bragg angles 94 115 121 139 192
Bragg ionization chamber for intensity, determinations 326
Bragg law 77 86 87 90 100 107 121 132 133 178 187
Bragg law, complete 90
Bragg law, complete, elementary 86 87
Bragg masks 274 282 285
Bragg multiple-pinhole camera 286 290
Bragg optical analogs 286 290
Bragg reflections 108
Bragg x-ray microscope 286 290
Bravais lattices 6 6 63
Browning motion 253
Buerger’s image-seeking function 216
Buerger’s implication theory 234 237
Buerger’s minimum function 246 308
Calcite 20 370
Calcium aluminum silicate 19
Calomine 18
Camera constants 139 327
Cameras, de Jong — Bouman 123 124
Cameras, figure 100
Cameras, Laue 99 107
Cameras, moving-film 105 274
Cameras, multiple-pinhole 286 290
Cameras, oscillation 110 111
Cameras, precession 124 126
Cameras, rotation 107 111 388
Cameras, Schiebold — Sauter 111 112 115
Cameras, single-crystal 8 100
Cameras, Weissenberg 108 113 115 116 123 127 129 373 394
Cameras, x-ray 77 (see also Pictures)
Carbon, atomic scattering factor for 340
Carbon-carbon bonds 332 355
Carbon-carbon intermolecular distable 332
Carbon-oxygen bonds 355
Cassette, flat 91 100
Cauchy and Schwarz inequalities 239
Centers 6 65 74
Centers of symmetry 205 363
Centers, body 65 137
Centers, face 65 134 137
Centers, figures of 65
Centers, inversion of 204
Centers, tables of 6
Centrosymmetric crystals 218 220 226 241 246 270 348
Centrosymmetric molecules 357
Centrosymmetric Patterson maps 232
Characteristic radiation of x-rays 80 81
Chlorine, atomic scattering factor for 362
Chlorophyl 356 357
Claudetite 123
Cleavage planes 10
Clinohedrite 18
Cobalt target 331
Cobalt, characteristic wavelength 139
Cofactor of matrix 39
Coherent beams 154
Collimated beam 2
Collimation tube 100 128 129
Complex quantities 36 38
Complex variables 199
Computers 267 279 321 369
Computers for performing convolutions 315 320
Computers, digital 306
Computers, fly’s-eye 286 290
Computers, Hagg machine 291 296
Computers, Maxwell machine 296
Computers, multiple-pinhole camera 286 290
Computers, Pepinsky 306 315
Computers, photoelectric analyzer 290 291
Computers, projector for Huggins masks 279 280 329 330
Computers, S-FAC (see Pepinsky above)
Computers, sand machine 282 286 320
Computers, Utah 296 305 376
Computers, versatile projector 318 319
Computers, X-RAC (see Pepinsky above)
Computers, x-ray microscope 286 290
Computing aids, Beevers — Lipson strips 268 272
Computing aids, Bragg — Huggins masks 274 282 285 291 317
Computing aids, masks 280 282 291
Computing aids, multiple slide rule 273 296
Computing aids, Patterson — Tunell strips 268 270 338
Computing aids, punched cards 305 306
Computing aids, Robertson’s strips 272 273
Computing aids, saw 102
Computing aids, Wyckoff ruler 101 102
Cone, limiting 398
Conjugated systems, interatomic distances in 356
Continuous radiation 80
Contours, example of 361
Convolutions 210 212 216 228 315— 320
Convolutions of higher rank 214 215 315 320
Convolutions of reciprocal lattice 320
Convolutions self 212 228 320
| Convolutions, computers for performing 315 320
Convolutions, irrational or mixed 215 216 315
coordinates 26 31 47 62 64 74 152 179 187 251 353 373
Coordinates of equivalent points 334
Coordinates of equivalent positions for 32
Coordinates, groups 47 62
Coordinates, normal 187 251
Coordinates, polar 157
Coordinates, rotation of 27
Coordinates, transformation of 26 31
Coordination numbers 223 224
Copper antimony sulfide 22
Copper chloride 356
Copper molybdate 144 396
Copper radiation 144 357
Copper sulfate pentahydrate 231
Coronene 268
Corrections for measured intensities 182 192
Corrections, divergence of beam 187
Corrections, Lorentz-polarization factors 192
Corrections, motions of crystal 190 192
Corrections, polarization factor 192
Corrections, temperature 182
Cosmic rays 78
Crystal monochrometers 107 326
Crystal violet 115
Crystallographic data, examples of 138 144
Crystallographic directions 5
Crystals, acicular 13
Crystals, centrosymmetric (see Centrosymmetric crystals)
Crystals, classes 1 22 47 63 77
Crystals, equant 13
Crystals, fibrous 13
Crystals, figures showing 3 4 6 18 22
Crystals, growth of 2 10 12
Crystals, habit of 10 12 13
Crystals, lattices (see Lattices)
Crystals, orthogonal 90
Crystals, platy 13
Crystals, ples 323 385
Crystals, scintillating 326
Crystals, shapes of 13
Crystals, slicing of (see Slices)
Crystals, stereographic projections of 18 22
Crystals, tables of 6
Crystals, temperature of 182 187
Cubic axes, transformation to hexagonal 41
Cubic crystals 4 6 10 61 63 72 327
Cubic crystals, figures of 61 63
Cylindrical film 90 92 373 392 Weissenberg
Dawton method of intensity measure, ment 326
Debye — Waller correction factor (see Temperature-correction factor)
Densitometers 325
Densitometry, Brentano’s evaluation of 326
Density, electron (see Electron density)
Density, electron, specific gravity 142 144 221
Determinants 38
Diagonal glide 67
Diagonal matrix 251
Diagonal mirror 45 65
Diagonal three-fold rotor 44
diamond 223
Diffraction 14 86 87 164 168
Diffraction grating 88 163 166
Diffraction pattern, three-dimensional 106
Diffraction planes 393
Diffraction spots 2 (see also Laue spots)
Diffraction, from holes 290
Diffraction, from parallel plates 86 100 183
Diffraction, from row of points 88
Diffraction, orders of 77 86 87 90 133 165 166 286
Diffraction, sphere of 99 (see also Sphere)
Digital computers 306
Dimensions of unit cells (see Unit cell)
Diopside 222 223 304
Dioptase 20
discontinuous functions 254
dispersion 162 168
Displacement and wave addition 154 (see also Wave addition)
Divergence of beam 2
Divergence of beam, correction for 187
Divergent-beam pictures 397 399
Divergent-beam pictures, reciprocal lattice in 374 376 394 398
Divergent-beam pictures, sphere of diffraction in 397
dodecahedron 17
Dome 9
Double Patterson functions 215 (see also Patterson functions)
Edges, unit cell 74
Electric vector Et 77 153 170 172 173
Electricity and magnetism, theory of 170 171
Electromagnetic rays 152 173 174
Electromagnetic spectrum 78
Electron density 3 14 169 173 192 199 200 205 220 257 269 272 325 349
Electron density, maps of 195
Electron density, tables of 346 378
Electron distribution in atoms 175 248
Electron, acceleration of 168 173
Electron, acceleration of, charge on 79
Electron, acceleration of, energy levels of 80
Electron, acceleration of, nucleus 177
Electron, acceleration of, scattering power of 168 175 177 178
Electron, acceleration of, structure factor of 173
Elements, chemical, spectra of 83
Elements, chemical, spectra of of cofactor and matrix 39
Emission spectra of x-rays 81 82
Empty cells in reciprocal lattice 95
End-centered lattice 64
Epsonite 18
Equant crystals 13
Equi-inclination method 122 128 146
Equivalent points (see Equivalent positions)
Equivalent positions 43 63 64 73 75 204 209 218 223 232 234 258 268 329 349
Equivalent positions, coordinates of 47 62 334
Equivalent positions, figures of 43 67 144 335
Eulerian cradle 128 129
Experimental Patterson maps 230 231
Exposure time (see Intensity measurement
Extinctions 63 103 114 132 138 151 207 328 330 332 373
Extinctions, associated with glides 135 136
Extinctions, figures showing 133 143 146
Extinctions, tables of 135 136 142 329 334
F values, computer for 290 (see also Computers)
F values, from isomorphous pairs 226 228 264
F values, naphthalene 261
F values, phases of 217 258 261 264 274
F values, range of 238 325
F values, signs of 218 220 225 228 368 Scattering Structure
Face centers 66 74 134 137
Families of planes 8 162 277 349 389
Fibrous crystals 13
Filament 78 79
film 2 324 326
Film factor 335 373 374
Film, cassette, flat 91
Film, cylindrical 90 92 373 392
Film, flat 90 91 386
Film, moving 105
Film, multiple-film technique 325 335
Film, response curve for 325
Film, spherical 388 391 392 Densitometers Density
Filters 77 83 86 107 326 331
Filters, table of 84
Flat-cone method 121 122 128
Fly’s eye 286 290
Formula weight, definition of 330
Fourfold rotors 13 30 67 205
Fourier analyses 198 211
Fourier coefficients 3 25
Fourier projections 344 361
Fourier series 151 196 277
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