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Lord E., Wilson C. — The Mathematical Description of Shape and Form (Mathematics and Its Applications) |
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Absolute value metric 226
Affine geometry 33
Aitoff's projection 54
Algebraic curves and surfaces 90
Allometric growth 71
Analytic functions 74
Anticlastic 28 87
Aperiodic tessellations 166
Azimuthal projections 53
Bandlimiting 244
Battey, M.H. 161 243
Baybars, I. and Eastman, C.M. 183
Behaviour space 102
Bernini, G. 175
Bi- function 196
Bicubic patch 199
Bifurcation 105
Binary patterns 220
Binode 92
Binormal 19
Biquadratic transformation 192
Bivariate interpolation 189
Blending functions 198
Blum, H. 98
Bolyai, J. 32
Bonne's projection 57
Boron 161
Bow and buttock lines 51
Bragg, W.L. 162
Bragg, W.L. and Claringbull, G.F. 162
Branchpoints 121
Bravais lattices 152 156
Brigham, E.O. 248
Brill, E.L. 232
Brueckner, M. 125
Buckling 70
Buckminster Fuller, R. 60
Canonical forms for singularities 74
Catalano, E. 178
Catastrophe manifold 102
Catastrophe map 102
Catastrophe theory 101
Catenary 131
Catenoid 25
Caustic curve 98
Chain encoding 227
Christoffel symbols 24
Classification of surfaces 42
Concho-spiral 173
Conformal mapping 67
Conformal projections 53
Congruence 13
Conic node 87 92
Conical projection 56
Continuity 36
Contour-tracing 224
contours 50
Control space 102
Convolution 214 247
Coolidge, J.L. 13 78
Coons' surface patches 193
Coordinate curves 18
Coordinates, Cartesian 14
Coordinates, curvilinear 31
Coordinates, eulerian 65
Coordinates, homogeneous 33
Coordinates, Lagrangian 65
Covariance 209
Coxeter, H.S.M. 32 148 172
Critchlow's solid 165
Critical point 74
Cross-cap 42
Crystal, class 157
Crystal, habit 161
Crystal, system 155
Crystallography 155 244
Curvature of a plane curve 16
Curvature of a space curve 19
Curvature of a surface 27
Curvature tensor 25
Curvature, Gaussian 28 184
Curvature, mean 28 135
Curve, plane 15
Curve, space 19
Cusp 76
Cuspidal edge 88
Cylindrical projection 57
Deficit angle 127
Deformation 50 64 129
Descartes, R. 14
Diffeomorphism 35
Differential geometry 35
Dihedral angle 127
Dilatation 34 167
Diopside 243
Dirac delta function 212
Dirichlet region 163
Displacement vector 64
Dragon curve 138 139 229
Dual of a graph 182
Dual of a tessellation 163
Duda, R.O. and Hart, P.E. 221 224
Dueppe, R.D. and Gottschalk, H.J. 189
Duncan, J.P. and Vickers, G.W. 51 196
Eells, J. 74
Embedding 47
Engel, H. 178
Envelope 93
Equal-area projections 53
Erlangen program 34 179
Escher, M.C. 166
Euclid 12 32
Euclidean group 14
Euclidean metric 225
Euler characteristic 184
Euler's formula 183
Eulerian coordinates 65
Evolute 98
Exceptional points 118
Fairing 51 196
Feature extraction 220
Fejes Toth, L. 152
Fermat's principle 130
Fibonacci sequence 170
Filtering 242 247
Finite difference methods 218
Finite element methods 118 135 220
Fishnet representation 191
fold 84
Forrest, A.R. 199
Fourier integral 240
Fourier series 230
Fourier surfaces 206
Froebel's 'gifts' 141
Gardner, M. 138 166
Gauss — Codazzi equations 25
Gauss — Weingarten relations 24
Gauss, C.F. 21 32 127
Gaussian curvature 28 184
Genus 46 184
Gibbs phenomenon 247
Gips, J. 136 140
Glide reflection 152
Gnomonic projection 53
Go 225
Golubitsky, M. and Guillemin, V. 74
Graph theory 181
Groner, G.F. 202
Group of motions 14 34 179
Growth 71
| Gruenbaum, B. and Shephard, G.C. 166 167
Hamilton's principle 129
Handle 42
Harmon, L. D and Julesz, B. 204
Heaton, P. 51
Helicoid 25
Helix 20
Hilbert's curve 140 141
Homegraaf, A. 178
Homeomorphism 38
Homogeneous coordinates 33
Homogeneous equations 33
Hsu, M.L. and Robinson, A.H. 204
Hunt, J.C.R. and Snyder, W.H. 116
Huxley, J. 71
Hyperbolic paraboloid 175
Hyperbolic plane 32 166
Hyperboloid 174
icosahedron 148
Illumination 63 236
Immersion 47
Indicatrix 66
Inflexion 76 91
Interpolation 186
Intrinsic equation 16
Inversion in a circle 35
Inversive geometry 35
Ishi, K. 135
Isoclines 107
Isometry 14
Jeans, J.H. 101
Jones, O. 153
Joukowski's transformation 68
Junkins, J.L., Miller, G.W. and Jancaitis, J.F. 202
Kepes, G. 178
Kepler — Poinsot solids 125
Klein's bottle 40
Klein's Erlangen program 34 179
Klein, F. 34
Knots 47
Kober, H. 69
Kriging 209
Kuratowski's theorem 182
Lagrangian coordinate system 65
Lambert's projection 54
Laplace's equation 69 218 235
Lattice 149
Least squares 199
Leonardo da Vinci 147
Leopold, L.B. and Langbein, W.B. 133 147
Levine, M.D. 221
Lines of curvature 27
Lobachevski, N.I. 32
Loeb, A.L. 162
Loxodrome 60
Lynes, J.A. 63
Mackay, A.L. 161
Map generalization 208
map projections 53
Mapping 14 47
March, L. and Earl, C.F. 183
March, L. and Steadman, P. 226
Maximum value metric 226
Medial axis 100
Mercator's projection 59
Metric 22 225
Minimal surfaces 133
Minimisation 129
Moebius strip 39
Mollweide's projection 58
Moments 212
Monge's form 18 87
Monkey-saddle 83
Morse, P.M. and Feshbach, H. 31
Nicholson, C. 51
Node 91
Non-Euclidean spaces 31
Normal plane 19
Normal to a space curve 19
Normal to a surface 22
Ontogenetic spiral 169
Orientable 39
Orthographic projection 53
Osculating plane 19
Parametric description 15 19
Parastichies 169
Peano's curve 140 141
Pearce, P. 167
Penrose, R. 166
permutations 179
Perspectivity 32
Pfalz, J.L. and Rosenfeld, A. 227
Phillips, F.C. 157
Phyllotaxis 167
Picture function 216
Pinch point 87
Planar graphs 182
Plateau's problem 133
Platonic solids 163
Point groups 148
Polygonal arc 124
Polygonal symbols 38
Polyhedra 125
Primitive cell 155
Projective geometry 32 180
Proportional development 195
Quadric surfaces 175
Ramphoid cusp 76
Random functions 208
Rectifying plane 19
Reflection 14
Regular point 74 90
Regular point system 147
Rhombic dodecahedron 165
Rhumb line 60
Richards, F.J. 172
Riemann — Hugoniot catastrophe 104
Riemann, B. 31
Riemannian geometry 31
Rivers 132 145
Rotation 14
Saddle point 80
Saint-Venant condition 70
Sanson — Flamsteed's projection 58
Scalar field 49
Schattenschneider, D. 167
Schwarz — Christoffel transformation 69
Schwenk, T. 73
Sciagraphy 33
Screw axis 157
Semple, J.G. and Kneebone, G.T. 78
Serret — Frenet formulae 20 129
Shannon sampling theorem 245
Shape grammars 136
Siegel, K. 178
Similarities 34
Singularity 74
Smoothing 203
Snow, R. 170
Snowflake curve 140
Southwell, R.V. 220
Space curves 19 79
Space groups 152
Space-filling 162
Spherical harmonics 235
Spinodal point 87
Spiral similarity 167
Splines 189
Stable singularities 75
Statistical methods 208
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