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Cotton F.A. — Chemical Applications of Group Theory
Cotton F.A. — Chemical Applications of Group Theory

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Название: Chemical Applications of Group Theory

Автор: Cotton F.A.


Retains the easy-to-read format and informal flavor of the previous editions, and includes new material on the symmetric properties of extended arrays (crystals), projection operators, LCAO molecular orbitals, and electron counting rules. Also contains many new exercises and illustrations.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: third edition

Год издания: 1990

Количество страниц: 460

Добавлена в каталог: 18.02.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$AB_3$ (planar, $D_{3h}$) molecules, $\sigma$ MO's      219
$AB_3$ (planar, $D_{3h}$) molecules, $\sigma$ MO's, sigma hybrid orbitals      226
$AB_3$ (pyramidal, $C_{3v}$) molecules, vibrational analysis of      328
$AB_4$ (planar, $D_{4h}$) molecules, $\sigma$ MO's for      219
$AB_4$ (planar, $D_{4h}$) molecules, $\sigma$ MO's for, sigma hybrid orbitals for      226
$AB_4$ (tetrahedral, $T_d$) molecules, $\sigma$ MO's for      209
$AB_4$ (tetrahedral, $T_d$) molecules, $\sigma$ MO's for, $\pi$ MO's for      227
$AB_6$ (octahedral, $O_h$) molecules, $\pi$ MO's      228
$AB_6$ (octahedral, $O_h$) molecules, $\sigma$ MO's      214
$B_6H^2_6$      231
$C_n$, axis, definition      22
$ND_3$, vibrational modes      333
$N_2F_4$, vibrational analysis      334
$SF_6$, vibrational analysis of      337
$S_n$ definition      27
4n + 2 rule      158
Abelian group      7
Allene, symmetry of      57
Allyl group, LCAO-MO treatment of      181
Ammonia molecule: symmetry of      57
Ammonia molecule: vibrations of      333
Angular momentum, coupling of      258
Angular momentum, coupling of,orbital      256
Angular momentum, coupling of,spin      256
Asymmetric unit      348 350
Atomic orbitals      205—209 254
Atomic wave functions      205—209
Benzene, LCAO-MO's of      142
Benzene, LCAO-MO's of, resonance energy      148
Bicyclooctatriene, LCAO-MO treatment of      166
Bond order, definition in MO theory      165
Boranes      231
Bragg equation      402
Bravais lattices      369
Butadiene, LCAO-MO's for      196
Butadiene, LCAO-MO's for, cyclization to cyclobutene      198
Cage compounds      230
Capping, of clusters      237
Center of inversion      22
Centering: of 2D lattices      356
Centering:of 3D lattices      369
Character tables for double groups      297 443
Character tables, compilation of      426—436 II
Character tables, definition      90
Chirality: of crystals      408
Chirality: of molecules      34
Chirality: of space groups      410
Classes: definition      13
Classes: of symmetry operations      50
Classes: orders of      15
Cluster compounds      230
Complexes, magnetic properties      279
Complexes, magnetic properties, spectra      279
Configuraton interaction      176
Configuraton interaction in naphthalene spectrum      176
Conjugate group elements      13
Conrotatory ring opening      199
Cope rearrangement      203
Correlation diagrams, for ligand field splitting      265
Correlation field      344
Correlation table, for $O_h$ and its subgroups      437
Crystal field theory      282
Crystal systems      375 380
Crystallographic point groups      378
Crystallographic point groups, projection diagrams      447
Crystallographic point groups, table of      379
Cuboctahedron      49
Cyclic groups: definition      10
Cyclic groups: representations for      95
Cyclobutadiene, LCAO-MO treatment of      150
Cycloheptatrienyl group, LCAO-MO treatment of      154
Cyclooctatetraene, 1,3,5,7-tetramethyl      58
Cyclooctatetraene, LCAO-MO treatment of      156
Cyclooctatetraene, symmetry of      59
Cyclopentadienyl group, LCAO-MO treatment of      152
Cyclopentadienyl group, metal complexes of      241 250
Cyclopropenyl group, pi orbitals for      124
d orbitals, splitting: by octahedral field      266 282
d orbitals, splitting: by tetrahedral field      266 276 283
d orbitals, wave functions      207
Delocalization energy, definition      148
Delocalization energy,of benzene      148
Descending symmetry, method of      270
Determinants      421
Diels — Alder reaction      195
Direct product: applications      107
Direct product: definition      105
Direct product: representations of      106
Disorder, in crystals      407
Disorder, in crystals, of nearly-planar molecules      408
Disrotatory ring opening      199
Dodecahedron: pentagonal      46
Dodecahedron: rhombohedral      62
Dodecahedron: symmetry of pentagonal      48
Dodecahedron: trigonal      62
Double groups      297
Eigenfunctions      100
Eigenfunctions, orthonormality of      101
Eigenvalues      100
Eigenvalues, degenerate      101
Electron count, of a cluster      238
Energy level diagrams      138
Energy level diagrams, for pi molecular orbitals      150
Energy level diagrams, ligand field for $d^n$ configurations      276
Energy level diagrams,Tanabe — Sugano type      276
Equivalent atoms      32
Equivalent symmetry elements      32
Ethylene, dimerization of      190
Exclusion rule, in vibrational spectra      338
F matrix      320
f orbitals      441
F-G matrix method      317
F-G matrix method applied: to $H_2O$      319
F-G matrix method applied: to $NH_3$      328
Fermi resonance      338
Ferrocene: MO treatment of      241
Ferrocene: symmetry of      60
Force constants      320
Fundamental transition (vibrational), definition      326
Fundamental transition (vibrational), selection rules      324
G matrix      322
g matrix elements      444
Glide plane: axial      384
Glide plane: definition      350
Glide plane: diagonal      384
Glide plane: diamond      384
Glide plane: table of      385
Great orthogonality theorem      81
Group, abelian      7
Group, Abelian, classes of      13
Group, Abelian, cyclic      10
Group, Abelian, definition      6
Group, Abelian, multiplication table for      8
Group, Abelian, space      see “Space groups”
Group, Abelian, subgroups of      12
Hamiltonian operator      100
Hole formalism      274
Hueckel approximation      136
Hueckel approximation for carbocyclic systems      147
Hund's rule      138
Hybrid orbitals      222
Hybrid orbitals, tetrahedral      226
Hybrid orbitals, trigonal bipyramidal      226
Hybrid orbitals,$AB_3$ (planar)      223
Hybrid orbitals,$AB_4$ (planar)      226
Hybrid orbitals,octahedral      227
Hydrogen peroxide molecule, symmetry of      58
icosahedron      46
Icosahedron, symmetry of      48
Internal coordinates      307
Internal coordinates, contributions to normal modes      315
Inversion center: definition      22
Inversion center: matrix representation of      71
L-S coupling scheme      257
L-S coupling scheme, $d^n$ states in      259
Lattice, 2D: definition      350
Lattice, 2D: hexagonal      353
Lattice, 2D: oblique      352
Lattice, 2D: rectangular, centered      353
Lattice, 2D: rectangular, primitive      353
Lattice, 2D: rotational symmetry of      354
Lattice, 2D: symmetry of      355 380
Lattice, 2D: types of      351
Lattice, 3D: centering of      370
Lattice, 3D: chiral      410
Lattice, 3D: cubic      372
Lattice, 3D: isometric      372
Lattice, 3D: monoclinic      370
Lattice, 3D: orthorhombic      371
Lattice, 3D: properties of      375
Lattice, 3D: rhombohedral      373
Lattice, 3D: table of      375
Lattice, 3D: tetragonal      371
Lattice, 3D: triclinic      370
Lattice, 3D: types      369
Laue symmetry      383
LCAO approximation      134
LCAO approximation for allyl group      181
LCAO approximation for carbocyclic systems      142
LCAO approximationfor tetramethylene cyclobutane      159
Ligand field theory      253 287
Linear molecules, symmetry of      56
Matrices, adjoint      424
Matrices, block factored      68
Matrices, character of      69
Matrices, conjugate      70
Matrices, definition      417
Matrices, F,      see “F matrix”
Matrices, for geometric transformations      420
Matrices, G,      see “G matrix”
Matrices, inverse      424
Matrices, multiplication of      418
Matrices, non-singular      425
Matrices, orthogonal      73
Matrices, square      62
Metal carbonyl clusters      235
Methane: photoelectron spectrum of      223
Methane: vibrational analysis      335
Molecular orbital theory: for $AB_3$ (planar) molecules      219
Molecular orbital theory: for $AB_4$ (tetrahedrai) molecules      209
Molecular orbital theory: for $AB_6$ (octahedral) molecules      214
Molecular orbital theory: for $AB_n$ type molecules      209
Molecular orbital theory: for carbocyclic systems      142
Molecular orbital theory: for cyclobutadiene sandwich compounds      240
Molecular orbital theory: for dibenzenechromium      246
Molecular orbital theory: for ferrocene      241
Molecular orbital theory: for metal sandwich compounds      240
Molecular orbital theory: general principles      133
Molecular vibrations      304
Molecular vibrations, selection rules      324
Molecular vibrations, wave functions for      325
Motif, crystallographic      348
Mulliken symbols      90
Multiplicity      see “Spin multiplicity”
Naphthalene: electronic spectrum of      176
Naphthalene: LCAO-MO treatment of      172
Naphthalene: MO's, tabulation      176
Naphthalene: secular equation for $\pi$ bonding in      139
Normal modes of vibration: genuine      305
Normal modes of vibration: number in a molecule      305
Normal modes of vibration: of $CO_3^{2-}$      306
Normal modes of vibration: of $ND_3$      333
Normal modes of vibration: symmetry of      304 309
Optical isomerism      34
Orbital angular momentum      255
Orthogonality theorem      81
Orthonormality, conditions for      101
Orthorhombic space groups      397
Orthorhombic space groups, choice of axes      399
Pi bonds, MO's for      227
Planes of symmetry      18
Platonic solids      45
Polar coordinates      205
Polarization, of d-d transitions      289 296
Polarization, of d-d transitions, vibronic      292
Polyhedra, regular      45
Polyhedral boranes      231
Polyhedral boranes, MO's for      233
Products: of group elements      6
Products: of symmetry operations      29
Projection operators      115
Quantum mechanics, relationship to group theory      100
Quantum numbers      254
Quantum numbers for many-electron atoms      257
Quantum numbers for single electrons      254
Reading list      451 Appendix
Reciprocals, of group elements      7
Reciprocals, of group elements, product of      7
Redundant symmetry coordinates      316
Reflection operation, definition      18
Reflection operation, matrix representation of      71
Reflection plane      18
Regular polyhedra      45
Representations, irreducible      81
Representations, of groups      78
Representations, reducible      80
Representations, rules concerning      81
Resonance energy      148
Resonance integral      438
Rotations: improper      27
Rotations: matrix representation of      71
Rotations: proper      22
Rotations: rotation-inversion      376
Rotations: rotation-reflection      27
Russell — Saunders coupling      257
Russell — Saunders coupling, $d^n$ states arising from      259
SALC's      114
Schoenflies notation      41
Secular equations, derivation of      135
Secular equations, symmetry factoring      140
Secular equations, vibrational      318
Selection rules: for cyclization reactions      188
Selection rules: for spectra of complexes      289
Selection rules: vibrational      327
Selection rules: Woodward — Hoffmann      189
Similarity transformation      11
Solid state, effect on vibrational spectra      341
Space groups, 2D      358
Space groups, 2D, diagrams      362
Space groups, 2D, examples      366
Space groups, 2D, list of      359
Space groups, 2D, symmetries      355
Space groups, 3D      388
Space groups, 3D, isometric      399
Space groups, 3D, monoclinic      392
Space groups, 3D, orthorhombic      397
Space groups, 3D, systematic absences for      406
Space groups, 3D, tetragonal      399
Space groups, 3D, triclinic      389
Space groups, 3D, trigonal/hexagonal      399
Space symmetry      348
Space symmetry, one-dimensional      349
Space symmetry, three-dimensional      368
Space symmetry, two-dimensional      358
Spectroscopic $\beta$      439
Spin, angular momentum      256
Spin, multiplicity      258
Spin, quantum number      258
Stereographic projections      448
Subgroups: definition      12
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