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Поиск книг, содержащих: Smith normal form
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Goldschmidt D.M. — Algebraic Functions and Projective Curves | 6 | Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. — Abstract algebra | 479 | Brown W.C. — Matrices over communicative rings | 189 | Ben-Israel A., Greville T. — Generalized inverses: Theory and applications | 33, 84 | Sommeling R. — Characteristic classes for irregular singularities | 63 | Pohst M.E. — Computational Algebraic Number Theory | 12 | Lutkepohl H. — Handbook of Matrices | 222 | Miller E., Sturmfels B. — Combinatorial Commutative Algebra | 131, 133, 148 | Newman M. — Integral Matrices | 26 | Rotman J.J. — An Introduction to the Theory of Groups | 143 | Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. — Abstract Algebra | 391, 414 | Kaczynski T., Mischaikow K.M. — Computational Homology | 123, 124 | Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R. — Algebraic Geometry III : Complex Algebraic Varieties. Algebraic Curves and Their Jacobians | 72 | Ash R.B. — Abstract algebra: the basic graduate year | 4.5 | Holt D.F., Bettina E., Eamonn O. — Handbook of Computational Group Theory | 341 | Alaca S., Williams K.S. — Introductory Algebraic Number Theory | 219, 234 | Cohen H.A. — A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory | 67, 75 | Marcus M., Minc H. — Survey of matrix theory and matrix inequalities | 44 | van Lint J.H., Wilson R.M. — Course in Combinatorics | 358 | Mcdonald B.R. — Linear algebra over commutative rings | 63 |