Авторизация |
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Goldschmidt D.M. — Algebraic Functions and Projective Curves |
Предметный указатель |
Absolutely irreducible 54
Adele 43—44 47
Adele, class group 44
Adjoint conditions 143
Adjoint curves 145
Adjoint divisor 141
Adjoint function 143
Bezout's theorem 113
Bombieri, Enrico 151
Canonical map 21
Class number 152
Completion 16—18
Completion of a graded algebra 26
Completion of a module 18
Conductor of a plane curve 144
Conductor, local 80
Conorm 69
Degree 113
Degree of a plane curve 137
Derivation 24
Derivation, extension of 26
Derivation, generalized 27
Different 75—82
Different exponent 76 80
Different inverse 81
Different of an element 78
Different transitivity of 76
Differential form 24 61
Differential form, divisor of 61
Differential form, exact 25
Differential form, module of 24
Differential form, regular 62
Discrete valuation ring 5
Discrete valuation ring, completion of 20—23
Divisor 40
Divisor, canonical 48
Divisor, class group 42 153
Divisor, class group order of 152
Divisor, degree of 41
Divisor, field of definition 75
Divisor, group 41
Divisor, linear equivalence 42
Divisor, partial ordering on 42
Divisor, prime 40
Divisor, prime singular 73
Divisor, principal 41
Divisor, separable prime 57
Divisor, special 47 129
Divisors, splitting field for 75
Dual map 139
Dual plane 136
Elliptic curve 52 122
Elliptic curve, group of 53
Extension, Galois 89—93 169—171
Extension, Kummer 101
Extension, purely inseparable 168
Extension, scalar 72
Extension, separable 26 55 57 166—168
Extension, tamely ramifield 77
Extension, totally ramifield 13 78 91
Extension, transcendental 172
Extension, unramified 12 101
Extension, weakly separable 58
Extension, wildly ramified 77 93
Finite fields 172
Finitepotent map 30
Finitepotent subspace 31
Formal power series 21
Frobenius, map 158
Frobenius, substitution 159
Functional field 40
Functional field, geometric 54
Functional field, singular 88
Generic coordinates 142
Generic line 141
Generic map 142
Genius 47
Genius of a plane curve 143
Goppa codes 65
| Gorenstein relations 146
Graded algebra 25 104
Graded ideal 104
Graded module 104
Hasse chain rule 29
Hasse derivative 28 64
Hensel's lemma 19
Hilbert basis theorem 116
Hilbert nullstellensatz 105
Hyperplane in infinity 11
Integral closure 3 4
Intersection divisor 112
Intersection multiplicity 112
Intersection multiplicity of plane curves 137
Jacobian 51 70
Laurent series 22 64
Linearly disjoint 168
Local parameter 5
Nakayama's lemma 3
Newton's algorithm 19
Norm 69 70 164 171
Norm absolute 150
Osculation plane 129
Plane model 110
Primitive element 171
Product formula 45
Projective curve 107
Projective embedding 120 122
Projective map 108-114
Projective map, birational 110
Projective map, canonical 121
Projective map, divisor of 110
Projective map, effective 109
Projective map, natural 110
Projective map, normalized 112
Projective map, singularity of 114
Projective space 103
Projective variety 106
Ramification index 10 14 57
Ramification tame 77
Ramification wild 77
Rational function 107
Residue 34—36
Residue, degree 11 14
Residue, field separable 58
Residue, form 33
Residue, local 64
Residue, theorem 60
Residue, trace formula 35 72
Riemann hypothesis 160
Riemann zeta function 150
Riemann — Hurwitz formula 76
Riemann — Roch theorem 50—51 62 122 129 134 146 153 155
Separating variable 26 27 55
Singularities 114—122
Singularities of a plane curve 120 143 146
Smith normal form 6
Splitting field 73
Stoehr — Voloch theorem 133 158
Strong approximation theorem 51 120 147
Strong fixed point 130
Tangent line 53 138
Tate, John 30 59
Taylor's theorem 64
Trace 79 164—168 171
Trace of differential form 71
Transcendence degree 173
Ultrametric inequality 1
Valuation extension theorem 3 109
Valuation ring 1
Weak approximation theorem 7 71 78 80 82 89
Weierstrass, divisor 126 135
Weierstrass, gap sequence 129
Weierstrass, points 127
Wiel bound 161
Wiel differential 48 60
Wiel, Andre 151 160
wronskian 124
Zariaski closed set 103
Zeta function 150
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