Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Sommeling R. — Characteristic classes for irregular singularities |
Предметный указатель |
Adjoint operator 15
Algorithm, chopoff 112
Algorithm, lift 103
Algorithm, maxdiff 106 107
Algorithm, nilpotent2 120
Algorithm, nilpotent3 125
Algorithm, regsing2 108
Algorithm, regsingl 107
Algorithm, sizereduction 113
Algorithm, solvemateqn 104
Algorithm, solvemateqn2 105
Algorithm, solvemateqn3 110
Algorithm, splitting 109
Canonical form 89
Canonical levels 89
Characteristic class 40—45
Characteristic polynomial 2
Characteristic ring 31—39
Cyclic vector 14 49
Dieudonne determinant 12
Differential operator 1 7
Differential operator, canonical form 89
Differential operator, canonical levels 89
Differential operator, category 1 7
Differential operator, characteristic class 40—45
Differential operator, characteristic polynomial 2
Differential operator, Dieudonne determinant 12
Differential operator, N-P polygon 49
Differential operator, N-P polynomials 53
Differential operator, nilpotent part 45
Differential operator, rational normal form 81-86
Differential operator, semisimple 25
Differential operator, semisimple part 45
Differential operator, simple see “Simple differential operator”
Differential operator, super-irreducible form 59
Differential operator, trace 92—94
Grothendieck group of Abelian category 11
Grothendieck group of Abelian monoid 7
Grothendieck group of field extension 19
Grothendieck group of simple differential operator 29
| Holonomic 8 90
Invariant of Gerard and Levelt 54—55
Invariant of Katz 57-58
Invariant of Malgrange 55—56
Invariant of Moser and Hilali 58—60
Irregular part 89
Lag 129
Lattice, special 88
Lattice, stabilizing 88
Monodromy matrix 2
Newton — Puiseux polygon 47—53
Newton — Puiseux polygon of differential operator 49
Newton — Puiseux polygon, slopes 49
Newton — Puiseux polynomials 53
Nilpotent part 45
Normalized eigenvalue 22—24
Order of matrix 58
Order of singularity 57—58
Ore domain 8
Poincare rank 58
Principal level 58
Ramification index of field extension 19
Ramification index of polynomial 32
Ramification index of simple differential operator 29
Rational normal form of general differential operator 81—86
Rational normal form of linear transformation 97
Rational normal form of simple differential operator 70—81
Regular singularity 98
Semisimple differential operator 25
Semisimple part 45
Similar 32
Simple differential operator 25—31
Simple differential operator, inertial degree 29
Simple differential operator, ramification index 29
Simple differential operator, rational normal form 70—81
Smith normal form 63
Splitting lemma 99 109
Standard triplet 102
Super-irreducible form 59
Trace of a diff. operator 92—94
Young tableau 66
Реклама |