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Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R. — Algebraic Geometry III : Complex Algebraic Varieties. Algebraic Curves and Their Jacobians |
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Abel, Niels Henrik 3 104
Action, monodromy, 129
Action, monodromy, semi-simplicity of 167
Airault, H. 226
Altaian, A. 110
Andreotti, Aldo 105 211 241 254
Arbarello, Enrico 233 239 241 259
Arnold, Vladimir 63
Artin, Michael 114
Axiom, covering homotopy 61
Beauville pair 246
Beauville, Armand 246 247 251 257
Bernoulli, Johann 3
Betti number 41 44
Betti number, even 41
Borel, Armand 210
Bott, Raoul 170
Brill — Noether number p 234
Bundle of conies 247
Bundle, antitautological 110 112
Bundle, canonical 54 99 117
Bundle, complexification of 25
Bundle, cotangent 24
Bundle, Hermitian, unitary basis of 30
Bundle, line 29
Bundle, line, associated to a divisor 50
Bundle, line, Chern class of 52
Bundle, line, negative 54
Bundle, line, positive 54
Bundle, normal 89 109
Bundle, tangent 14 24
Bundle, vector, 29
Bundle, vector, Hermitian 30
Bundle, vector, holomorphic 28
Bundle, vector, orientable 25
Carlson, James A. 97 135 136
Cartan's Theorem B 157
Cartan, Henri 10 148
Catanese, Fabrizio 141
Cattani, Eduardo 97
Chakiris, Ken 115 126 127 129 141 142 212
Chart 19
Chern class 162
Chern class of a positive line bundle 68
Chern, S.S. 37
Chow's Lemma 21 143
Chow, C.K.H.C 20
Class, canonical 100
Class, canonical, of a K3 surface 115
Clemens — Schmid exact sequence 190 193 196 199 200
Clemens, Herbert 83 108 114 185 194 247 248
Co cycle, Cech 29
Cohomology with compact supports 63
Cohomology, primitive 43 60 68 130
Compactification, Baily — Borel 210
Compactification, proper 156 164
Compactification, semistable 129
Compactification, smooth 165
Complete linear system 50
Complex, simplicial 61
Conjecture, Donagi's 253
Conjecture, trisecant 257
Connection on a holomorphic vector bundle 30
Connection, affine 28
Connection, Gauss — Manin 89 176
Connection, locally integrable 89
Connection, matrix 31 34
Connection, metric 32 52
Coordinates, homogeneous 15
Cornalba, Maurizio 233 239 241
Covering, double 243
Covering, normal 244
Curvature matrix 31
Curve, algebraic 7
Curve, algebraic, Jacobian of 103
Curve, bi-elliptic 236 242 250
Curve, canonical 99 101
Curve, discriminant 113
Curve, elliptic 3 6 71 72 81 101
Curve, elliptic, j invariant of 72 101
Curve, elliptic, modular invariant of 102
Curve, hyperelliptic 94 101 105 141 226 231 246
Curve, hyperelliptic, Torelli theorem for 107
Curve, plane quintic 242
Curve, singular 7
Curve, special 235
Curve, symmetric power of 103
Curve, tetragonal 251
Curve, trigonal 237 242 250
Curve, unicursal 226
Cycle, finite 43
Cycle, invariant 9 195
Cycle, vanishing 62 63 66 167
Cycle, vanishing, space of 66
Dalalian, C.G. 246
de Concini, C. 259
de Rham, Georges 4 37
Debarre, Olivier 252 257
Decomposition, Lefschetz, of cohomology 43
Deformation 89
Deformation, analytic 84
Deformation, complete 91
Deformation, effective 91
Deformation, infinitesimal 91
Deformation, Kuranishi, versal 92
Deformation, locally trivial 90
Deformation, trivial 90
Degenerate fiber 183
Degeneration 183
Degeneration of curves 186
Degeneration of elliptic pencils 129
Degeneration of K3 surfaces 208
Degeneration of surfaces 199
Degeneration, semistable 129 183 184 190
Degeneration, semistable, of K3 surfaces 206
Deligne, Pierre 7 64 66 101 147 148 165 166 180 182 194 212
Differentiation, exterior 26
Divisor 49
Divisor of a meromorphic function 49
Divisor with normal crossings 156 178 183
Divisor with normal crossings, triple points of 156
Divisor, Chern class of 167
Divisor, effective 49
Divisor, linear equivalence of 50
Divisor, polarization 108 224 246
Divisor, principal 49
Divisor, regular 104
Divisor, theta 103 104
Donagi, Ron 97 129 134 136 179 247 252 253
Duality, Kodaira — Serre 38 44 57
Duality, projective 106
Duality, Serre 80
Dubrovin, B.A. 226
Eilenberg, Samuel 10 148
Embedding, Pluecker 110
Embedding, Veronese 137
Equation, algebraic, solution of 230
Equation, Cartan's structure 32
Equation, Korteweg — de Vries 225
Equation, local 49
Equation, local, of a sheaf 50
Equation, of Lax type 224
Equation, Toda lattice 229
Euler characteristic 142
Euler characteristic, algebraic 203
Euler characteristic, topological 205
Euler, Leonhard 3
Exact sequence, Clemens — Schmid 10
Exact sequence, long 8
Family of marked K3 surfaces 119
| Family of polarized K3 surfaces 117
Family, algebraic, flat 101
Family, effective 96
Family, Kuranishi 91 96 128 142 178
Family, Kuranishi, universal 94 105 141
Family, Kuranishi, unpolarized 94
Family, smooth projective 85
Family, smooth, of a pair 178
Family, smooth, of complex analytic manifolds 61
Family, universal 91
Family, universal, of a polarized algebraic variety 95
Family, versal 91
Family, Weierstrass 129
Fano, G. 110
Fiber, degenerate 9
Fibration, locally trivial 60—62
Field of meromorphic functions 20
Filtration, Hodge 87
Filtration, stupid 164 169
Flow, Jacobian 224
Form, differential, positive 34
Form, harmonic 36
Form, holomorphic 4
Form, intersection 71
Form, Killing 77
Formula, adjunction 53 54 204
Formula, Hirzebruch's signature 175
Formula, Hurwitz 244
Formula, Kuenneth 148
Formula, Noether's 115 141 205
Formula, Picard — Lefschetz 63 66
Formula, Riemann — Roch 116 233 236
Formula, Umemura's 230
Fourfold, cubic, 108 139
Fourfold, cubic, rationality of 140
Fraction, meromorphic 18
Friedman, Bob 252
Froelicher, A. 91
Fulton, William 235
Function, analytic 17
Function, analytic, germ of 17
Function, holomorphic 17
Function, holomorphic, power series development of 17
Function, meromorphic 18
Function, rational 15
Function, rational, field of 12
Function, transition 28
Function, Weierstrass 3
Functions, abelian 4
GAGA (Geometrie algebrique et Geometrie analytique) 9 19
Genus, arithmetic 186 211
Genus, geometric 46 141 173
Gieseker, David 237
Godement, Roger 10 148
Graded differential algebra 180
Graded differential algebra, augmentation ideal of 180
Graded differential algebra, connected 180
Graded differential algebra, elementary extension of 181
Graded differential algebra, minimal 181
Graded differential algebra, minimal model of 181
Graded differential algebra, simply connected 180
Grassmanian 5 69 76 87 110
Grassmanian, tangent bundle of 76
Green, Mark Lee 97 179 242
Griffiths, Phillip 10 66 70 77 78 83 86 88 95 97 108 114 129 133 135 136 147 179 180 182 185 212 233 236 239 241 248
Grothendieck, Alexandre 10 14 20 21 86 148 156 237
Group, fundamental 62
Group, monodromy 62 66 85 86
Group, monodromy , of an extended variation of Hodge structures 89
Group, Picard 51
Group, Picard (PicX) 30
Gunning, Robert 19 257 258
Gusein-Zade, Sabir 63
Hain, Richard M. 183
Halfplane, upper 71 102
Halfplane, upper, Siegel 71 74 102 254
Harris, Joe 10 233 236 239 241
Hartshorne, Robin 14
Hilbert, David 11 13
Hironaka, Heisuke 16 22 156
Hirzebruch, Fritz 175
Hodge 5
Hodge structure 5 66 67 75
Hodge structure of odd weight 77
Hodge structure on an elliptic pencil 128
Hodge structure on the cohomology of smooth hypersurfaces 168
Hodge structure, extended variation of 89 96 102 126
Hodge structure, infinitesimal variation of 97 135
Hodge structure, limit 188
Hodge structure, mixed 7 8 143 145—147 154 176
Hodge structure, mixed, on homotopy groups 180
Hodge structure, mixed, on the cohomology of smooth varieties 156
Hodge structure, mixed, with graded polarization 177
Hodge structure, polarized 9 67 74 75 78 79 84 86
Hodge structure, pure 144
Hodge structure, variation of 88
Hodge structure, variation of mixed 176
Hodge structure, weighted 67
Hodge — Riemann bilinear relations 44 67 68 70 116 142 143
Hodge, *operator 35
Hodge, canonical bundle 77
Hodge, decomposition 5 6 41 68 84
Hodge, filtration 5 8 145 160
Hodge, filtration, decreasing 67
Hodge, filtration, limit 189
Hodge, number 68
Hodge, numbers 5 41 85 168 173
Hodge, numbers, of complete intersections 175
Hodge, numbers, of smooth hypersurfaces 174
Homotopy 61
Homotopy groups, mixed Hodge structures on 180
Homotopy groups, Whitehead product on 182
Hopf, Heinz 42 194
Hoyt, William L. 254
Hypercohomology 156 168
Hypersurface 49 129
Hypersurface, algebraic 11
Hypersurface, cubic 82 139
Hypersurface, fundamental class of 53
Hypersurface, smooth 173
Ideal, associated to an algebraic set 11
Igusa, Jun-ichi 259
Integral, abelian 3
Integral, elliptic 3
Invariant, modular 102
Iskovskikh, V.A. 252
Isomorphism, bi-rational 16
Isomorphism, holomorphic 17
Jacobi, Carl 3
Jacobian 80
Jacobian ideal 130
Jacobian, intermediate 79 247
Jacobian, intermediate, Weil 82
Jacobian, middle 79 83
Jacobian, middle, polarized 108
Jacobian, polarized 103
Jung, H. 259
Kadomtsev — Petviashvili (KP) hierarchy 227 258
Kahler, Erich 5
Kanev, V.I. 252
Kaplan, Aroldo 97
Kashiwara 178
Kay, I. 226
Kempf, George 184 234 243
Kii, K.I. 127 128
Kleiman, Steven 110 234
Kodaira dimension 126
Kodaira, Kunihiko 21 46 55 91 123 187
Koszul complex 131
Krichever, Igor 224 258 259
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