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Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R. — Algebraic Geometry III : Complex Algebraic Varieties. Algebraic Curves and Their Jacobians |
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Torelli theorem, generic 99
Torelli theorem, generic global, for elliptic pencils 126
Torelli Theorem, Global 96 105 142
Torelli theorem, global, for cubic fourfolds 139
Torelli theorem, global, for K3 surfaces 115 119
Torelli theorem, global, for marked K3 surfaces 121
Torelli theorem, infinitesimal 94—96 117 140 141
Torelli theorem, infinitesimal, for hypersurfaces 129 133
Torelli theorem, infinitesimal, for K3 surfaces 116 117
Torelli theorem, infinitesimal, mixed 179
Torelli Theorem, Local 96 167
Torelli Theorem, Weak 96 99 129
Torelli theorem, weak global 97
Torelli theorem, weak, for hypersurfaces 134
Torelli, Ruggiero 5 89 105 211 241
Torsion 35
Torus 3
Torus, complex 72 77
Torus, Griffiths 77—79 82 103 105
Torus, Griffiths, polarized 108
Torus, Griffiths, pseudo-polarized 77 79
Torus, Weil 82 108
Transformation, linear-fractional 71
Transformation, monodromy 60 61 66 119
Transformation, monoidal 16 21 83 205
Transformation, monoidal, center of 16
Transformation, Picard — Lefschetz 62 63 185 189
Trisecant 257
Trivialization 28
Trivialization, local 61
Tyurin, A.N. 108 114 246—248 251
Tyurina, G.I. 115
| Tyurina, G.N. 116
Ueno, Kenji 187
Usui, Sampei 177—179
Van der Waerden 11
Van Moerbeke, P. 226
Varchenko, A.N. 63
Variety, abelian 72 105
Variety, abelian, polarized 72 74 75
Variety, abelian, principally polarized 73 79
Variety, affine algebraic 14
Variety, Albanese 80 111
Variety, algebraic 14
Variety, algebraic, but not projective 22
Variety, algebraic, degenerations of 183
Variety, algebraic, polarized 68
Variety, complete intersection 175
Variety, complete, with normal crossings 149 150
Variety, Griffiths component of 83
Variety, Jacobian 75 80 224
Variety, Kummer 256
Variety, Picard 80 232
Variety, projective algebraic 15
Variety, projective, hyperplane section of 59
Variety, Prym — Tyurin 246
Variety, unirational 83
Vector, primitive 42
Voisin, Claire 129 139
Wang exact sequence 191
Weight filtration 145
Weight filtration, limit 189
Weil, Andre 14 256
Welters, G. 249 251 252 258
Zarisky, Oskar 11
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