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Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R. — Algebraic Geometry III : Complex Algebraic Varieties. Algebraic Curves and Their Jacobians |
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Kulikov, N.S. 199
Kulikov, Vik, S. 199
Kulikov, Viktor 96 115 205
Kuranishi, M. 86 91 92
Kynev, V.I. 141
Laksov, Dan 234
Landman, Alan 168 185 189
Laplacian 36
Laplacian, 57
Lattice 72
Lattice, Euclidean 118 127
Lattice, Euclidean, even 118
Lattice, Euclidean, unimodular 118 139
Lazarsfeld, Rob 235
Lefschetz decomposition 42 60
Lefschetz duality 192
Lefschetz, Solomon 43
Legendre, Adrien Marie 3
Lemma, 55
Lemma, Poincare 26 159
Lieberman, David I. 82
Linear system, complete 101
Macaulay, F.S. 131
Manifold, complex 5 19
Manifold, complex deformation of 89
Manifold, complex degenerations of 183
Manifold, complex orientability of 25
Manifold, complex rigid 91
Manifold, complex with normal crossings 149
Manifold, flag 5 70
Manifold, Hermitian 33
Manifold, Hodge 46
Manifold, Hopf 42
Manifold, Kaehler 5 38
Manifold, non-algebraic, with a maximal number of Meromorphic functions 23
Manifold, smooth 24
Map, Gysin 163 169
Mapping, Abel — Jacobi 81 111
Mapping, Abel — Jacobi, regularity of 82
Mapping, Albanese 80 81 112
Mapping, Albanese, holomorphic 103
Mapping, canonical 100 101 104 107
Mapping, Clemens 185 192
Mapping, cylindrical 112
Mapping, Gauss 105 108 239
Mapping, Gysin 161
Mapping, holomorphic 17
Mapping, Kodaira — Spencer 89—91 96 98 117 120 178
Mapping, period 6 7 66 84 86 95 134 167
Mapping, period, closed points of 105
Mapping, period, for algebraic curves 100
Mapping, period, for K3 surfaces 205 209
Mapping, period, for the smooth family of a pair 178
Mapping, period, holomorphic 120
Mapping, period, surjectivity of 96
Mapping, Poincare residue 168
Mapping, Prym 252
Mapping, rationa 15
Mapping, regular 11
Mapping, Veronese 138
Mapping, Veronese, canonical 104
Martens, Henrik 241
Masiewicky, L. 247
Matrix, Brill — Noether 233
Matrix, Siegel 258
Matve'ev, V.B 226
McKean, Henry 226
Metric, Fubini — Study 39 53 55
Metric, Hermitian, associated form of 33
Metric, Kaehler 24 38
Metric, Riemannian, on a Hermitian manifold 33
Meyer, A. 254
Milnor, John 63
Module, irreducible 42
Module, totally reducible 42
Moduli 4 93
Moduli space 92 93
Moduli space of a quartic hypersurface 116
Moduli space of hyperelliptic curves 94
Moduli space of K3 surfaces 94
Moduli space of marked K3 surface 120
Moduli space of nonsingular hypersurfaces 132
Moduli space of nonsingular hypersurfaces, closed points of 132
Moduli space of polarized abelian varieties 75 94
Moduli space, closed points of 103
Moduli space, coarse 93 101
Moduli space, coarse, closed point of 101
Moduli space, fine 93
Moishezon, Boris 21 24 186
monodromy 60
Morgan, John 180 182 183 212
Morphism 11
Morphism of mixed Hodge structures 145
Morphism of pure Hodge structures 144
Morphism of weighted Hodge structures 144
Morphism, smooth, proper 61
Morphism, strict 144
Moser, Juergen 226
Moses, H. 226
Mumford, David 75 80 93 101 103 114 132 184 189 203 224 246 250
Namikawa 187
Neighborhood, coordinate 19
Nickerson, Helen 159 162
Nijenhuis, A. 91
Nirenberg, Leon 91
Novikov, Sergei 226 259
Nullstellensatz 11 13
Ogg, Andrew P. 187
Operator, compact 228
Operator, compact self-adjoint 37
Operator, elliptic 36
Operator, finite difference 228
Operator, finite-dimensional 227
Operator, Green — de Rham 37
Operator, Griffiths 79
Operator, harmonic projection 36
Operator, Laplace 36
Operator, linear differential 222
Operator, Poincare residue 130 158
Operator, pseudo-differential 225
Operator, Weyl 68
Operators, commuting 221
Orientation of a differentiable manifold 26
Oriented vector space 25
Pencil, elliptic 115 126
Pencil, elliptic, special 127 128
Pencil, Lefschetz 64 65
Period 4 5
Period, lattice 4
Period, matrix 4
Persson, Ulf 199 204
Petri, Alberto 239
Piatetsky-Shapiro, Ilya 115 119 121
Plane, affine 3
Plane, projective 3
Poincare duality 43
Point, closed 96
Point, non-singular 13
Point, regular 18
Point, smooth 13
Polarization 68
Polarization, principal 75
Polyhedron of a variety with normal crossings 154
Problem, Luroth 83 108 251
Problem, Schottky 259
Problem, Torelli 89
Problem, Torelli, generic 89
Problem, Torelli, global 89
Problem, Torelli, infinitesimal 89
Problem, Torelli, local 89
| Problem, Torelli, weak 89
Property, local lifting 86
Prymian 243 244
Radical 11
Recillas, S. 251
Relation, Schottky's 259
Representation, monodromy 62
Resolution, fine 56
Riemann surface, compact 21
Riemann — Frobenius conditions 47 72
Riemann, Bernhard 21 93 104
Ring of regular functions 11
Ring, local 12
Rossi, Hugo 19
Saito, Masa-Hiko 177—179
Scheme 14
Schmid, Wilfried 147 188—190
Schottky, F. 259
Section, holomorphic 28
Sequence, Mayer — Vietoris 149
Sequence, spectral 27 148 152
Sequence, spectral, hypercohomology 27
Sequence, spectral, Leray 166
Serre, Jean-Pierre 10 20 21 118 127
Set, algebraic 11
Set, algebraic, category of 12
Set, algebraic, irreducible 12
Set, analytic 17
Set, analytic, irreducible 18
Set, analytic, irreducible at a point 18
Set, Zariski open 12
Shafarevich, Igor 12 14 115 119 121 205
Sheaf of complex differential forms 26
Sheaf of differential forms 29
Sheaf of holomorphic differential forms 27
Sheaf of holomorphic n-forms with logarithmic poles 157
Sheaf of meromorphic functions 50
Sheaf of rings 13
Sheaf of sections of a holomorphic vector bundle 29
Sheaf, canonical 85
Sheaf, coherent 20
Sheaf, coherent, flat 203
Sheaf, fine 26
Sheaf, grassmanization of 98
Sheaf, Hodge 77
Sheaf, horizontal 99
Sheaf, locally constant 8
Sheaf, normal 109
Sheaf, structure 13
Sheaf, tautological 76
Shimizu, Yuji 177—179
Shiota, Tak 223 224 226 259
Shokurov, V.V. 242 252
Siegel modular forms 231
Siegel, Carl-Ludwig 20 177 178
Singularity, non-degenerate quadratic 62 64
Singularity, resolution of 7
Singularity, simple 62
Smith normal form 72
Smith, R. 247 252
Soliton, Airault — McKean — Moser rational 226
Soliton, Kay — Moses 226
Space of period matrices 6
Space, analytic 92
Space, classifying 6 67 76
Space, classifying, of a non-singular projective curve 70
Space, classifying, of period matrices 84
Space, classifying, of polarized Hodge structures 69 71 120
Space, classifying, of weighted Hodge structures 142
Space, classifying, structure of flag manifold on 70
Space, complex 18 21
Space, complex projective 19 39
Space, holomorphic 25
Space, moduli, of polarized algebraic varieties 94
Space, moduli, of principally polarized abelian varieties 75
Space, projective $(P^n) $14
Space, ringed 14
Space, tangent 13
Spencer, D.C. 91
Steenbrink, J. 85 188 194 195
Subbundle, horizontal 177
Subbundle, tautological 110
Subspace, horizontal 76
Sullivan, Dennis 180 182 212
surface 141
Surface, algebraic, polarized 75
Surface, cubic 108 109
Surface, cubic, rationality of 109
Surface, cubic, twenty seven lines on 109
Surface, elliptic, Euler characteristic of 123
Surface, elliptic, special 127
Surface, Enriques 115
Surface, Fano 82 110
Surface, K3 94 115
Surface, K3, marked 119 121
Surface, Kummer 116
Surface, Kummer, special 116 121 122 125 127
Surface, modular 72
Surface, quartic 116
System, local 176
Theorem, Abel's 104
Theorem, Andreotti — Meyer 254
Theorem, Bertini's 64 123 235
Theorem, Bott's 170
Theorem, Chow's 20
Theorem, Clifford's 242
Theorem, de Rham for varieties with normal crossings 151
Theorem, de Rham's 26
Theorem, Dolbeault's 27 157
Theorem, hard Lefschetz 43 60 154 166
Theorem, Hironaka's 156 164 183 210
Theorem, Hodge index 69
Theorem, implicit function 19
Theorem, index 46
Theorem, invariant subspace 165
Theorem, Kempf's 243
Theorem, Kodaira embedding 46
Theorem, Kodaira embedding for surfaces 21
Theorem, Kodaira vanishing 54 58
Theorem, Landman's 168
Theorem, Lefschetz 113 176 235
Theorem, Lefschetz on hyperplane sections 54 59
Theorem, Lefschetz' on hyperplane sections 59
Theorem, M.Green's 242
Theorem, Macaulay's 131
Theorem, Martens 241 250
Theorem, Mumford's 242
Theorem, Noether — Castelnuovo 141
Theorem, Petri — Gieseker 239
Theorem, Riemann — Roch 100 104 122 123
Theorem, Riemann's 104
Theorem, Riemann's on singularities 242
Theorem, semistable reduction 184
Theorem, Shiota's 259
Theorem, Siegel's 21
Theorem, Stokes' 53
Theorem, Sturm's 231
Theorem, Torelli 240 257
Theta divisor 103
Theta function, Riemann's 227
Threefold, cubic 83 84 108 248
Todorov, Andrei 141 142 212
Topology, complex 16
Topology, Zariski 11
Torelli theorem 5 6 100 106 140
Torelli theorem for cubic threefolds 108
Torelli theorem for curves 104
Torelli theorem for hyperelliptic curves 107
Torelli theorem for the cubic threefold 114
Torelli theorem, generalized 96
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