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Kaczynski T., Mischaikow K.M. — Computational Homology |
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Abelian group 420
Abelian group, free 441
Abelian group, free, generated by 445
abs 453
acyclityTest 240
Algorithm 451
Algorithm, CCR 165 170
Algorithm, cubical homology 138
Algorithm, homology of a map 243
Algorithm, index pair 350
Algorithm, linear equation solver 124
Algorithm, preboundary, algebraic 140
Algorithm, preboundary, cubical 252
Algorithm, quotient group finder 128
Algorithm, reduction of a pair 170
Algorithm, Smith normal form 122
AND 454
Array 455
Automorphism 435
Average 451
Ball 399
Ball, closed 403
Barycentric coordinates 379
Barycentric subdivision 385
Basis 431
Basis of a group 441
Basis, canonical 431 445 449
Betti number 93
Bijection 409
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem 416
bool 454
Borsuk theorem 324
Boundary of a chain 23 60
Boundary operator 21 85
Boundary operator, cubical 54
Boundary operator, simplicial 384
Boundary, f-boundary 346
Boundary, group of boundaries 85
Boundary, map 54
Boundary, map, simplicial 381
Boundary, relative 281
Boundary, topological 405
Boundary, weak 305 328
boundaryMap 134 169 241
boundaryOperator 137
boundaryOperatorMatrix 137
Branching 459
break 460
Brouwer fixed-point theorem 324
Cahn — Hilliard equation 10 259
canonicalCoordinates 134
Category 389
Category of cubical sets 389
Category of representations of cubical polyhedra 390
Category, small 390
Cell, elementary 44
Chain 27
Chain complex, abstract 85
Chain complex, augmented 89
Chain complex, cubical 59
Chain complex, finitely generated free 86
Chain complex, free 85
Chain complex, relative 281
Chain equivalence 153
Chain group 48 53
Chain, elementary 47
Chain, homotopy 151
Chain, isomorphism 144
Chain, map 144
Chain, relative 280
Chain, selector 185 212
Chain, selector theorem 210
Chain, subcomplex 87
chainComplex 169
chainFromCanonicalCoordinates 135
chainMap 241
chainSelector 241
Chaotic dynamics 15
checkForDivisibility 120
chest 252
Collapse, elementary 71
Collar 344
columnAdd 104
columnAddOperation 106
columnEchelon 117
columnExchange 104
columnExchangeOperation 106
columnMultiply 104
columnMultiplyOperation 106
combinatorialEnclosure 345
Commutative diagram 145
Component, nondegenerate 41
Conjugacy, semiconjugacy 358
Conjugacy, topological 358
Conley index 357
Connected component 66
Connected simple system 391
Contractible 232
Convex set 378
Convex, hull 378
Coordinate isomorphism 94
Coordinate vector 431
coordinates 242
Coset 424
Coset of a subgroup 424
Covering 418
cube 134
Cube, elementary 40 154
Cube, elementary, dual 48
Cube, unitary 45
Cubical acyclic set 79
Cubical carrier 216
Cubical pair 280
Cubical product 51
Cubical set 43
Cubical wrap 344
cubicalChainComplex 137
cubicalChainGroups 136
cubicalSet 134 345
cubicalWrap 345
cuPreBoundary 252
cutFirst 454
CYCLE 22 60
Cycle, group of cycles 85
Cycle, reduced 89
Cycle, relative 281
Darboux theorem 412
Data structure 452
Data type 452
Decomposition disjoint 364
Decomposition, normal 131
defined 459
Deformation, retract 76
Deformation, retraction 76 232
degenerateDimensions 237 240
Degree of a map 333
Degree of a map, topological 337
DIM 140
Dimension of a cube 41
Dimension of a vector space 431
Direct sum 426
divides 454
Dynamical system 308
Dynamical system, invertible, noninvertible 308
Echelon form, column 108
Echelon form, row 107
EDGE 17 43
Edge path 67
Edge, connected 67
| Elementary cell 179
elementaryCubes 238
Embedding number 41
Enclosure, combinatorial 344 345
Endomorphism 435
Endpoint 134 453
Epimorphism 290 434
Equivalence class 425
Equivalence relation 425
Euler number 331
Evaluate 236 241
evaluatelnverse 350
Excision isomorphism theorem 287
Existence and uniqueness theorem 318
Face, free 71
Face, maximal 71
Field 428 429
firstlndex 455
Fitzhugh — Nagumo equations 267
Flow 318
Full solution 308 347
Full, cubical set 344
Function between pairs 286
Function size 271 273 277 282
Function, continuous 407
Function, lower semicontinuous 408
Function, measuring 271
Function, overloading 461
Function, rational 174
Function, uniformly continuous 417
Function, upper semicontinuous 408
functor 390
Functor, homology 390 392
Fundamental decomposition theorem 94 130
Gaussian elimination 107
Generator 169
generatorsOfHomology 138
Graph 17
Graph of a cubical map 209
Graph, combinatorial 18
Graph, combinatorial, equivalent 46
Graph, connected 18
Graph, cubical transition 365
Grey-scale 6
Group of weak boundaries 305 328
Group, cyclic 423
Hash 458
Hash element 458
Hash key 458
Hash value 458
Henon map 362
Homeomorphism 409
Homology 138
Homology of a chain complex 86
Homology, complex 86
Homology, cubical 60
Homology, cubical, group 60
Homology, functor 390 392
Homology, map 214
Homology, reduced 89
Homology, relative 281
Homology, simplicial 384
Homology, with coefficients 29 382
homologyGroupOfChainComplex 133
homologyOfMap 243
Homomorphism 433
Homomorphism, connecting 293
Homotopy class 234
Homotopy invariance theorem 233
Homotopy of maps 231
Homotopy of spaces 231
Homotopy on pairs 338
Homotopy type 231
Hopf trace theorem 328
Hull, closed 202
Hull, open 202
IdentityMatrix 457
Image 434
Image, binary 8
Image, grey-scale 8
IN 457
Index map 355
Index pair 346
Injection 409
int 453
Intermediate Value Theorem 412
Intersection 457
interval 134
Interval arithmetic 174 176
Interval, elementary 40
Interval, elementary, degenerate 40
Interval, elementary, nondegenerate 40
Invariant, isolated set 346
Invariant, maximal set 315 319 348
Invariant, subset 309 319
invariantPart 349 350
Isolating neighborhood 346 350
Isomorphism coordinate 94
Isomorphism of groups 434
Join 457
Kernel 434
kernellmage 116
Keys 458
Keyword 452
Klein bottle 384
lastlndex 455
Lefschetz fixed-point theorem 327
Lefschetz fixed-point theorem, relative 363
Lefschetz number 326
Left 453
Length 454
Level set 273
Limit of a sequence 415
Limit set, omega, alpha 311 319
LIST 454
Literal 452
Map, antipodal 335
Map, bilinear 50
Map, boundary, cubical 54
Map, chain 144
Map, cubical 179 206
Map, cubical, acyclic-valued 210
Map, cubical, combinatorial 178 206 343
Map, Henon 362
Map, inclusion 145
Map, index 355
Map, induced in homology 214
Map, linear 437
Map, logistic 15 358
Map, multivalued 178 206
Map, multivalued, lower semicontinuous 207
Map, multivalued, upper semicontinuous 207
Map, projection 147
Map, shift 309
Matrix 438
Matrix, canonical 449
Matrix, change of coordinates 95
Matrix, elementary 100
Matrix, integer 447
Matrix, nonsingular 439
Matrix, of f in bases 448
Matrix, submatrix 103
Matrix, transition 315 360 373
Matrix, transpose 100 439
Matrix, Z-invertible 448
Mayer — Vietoris sequence 299
Metallurgy 9
Metric 398
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