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Holt D.F., Bettina E., Eamonn O. — Handbook of Computational Group Theory |
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52 305
53 307
(free group on X) 35
(free abelian group on X) 46
52 305
53 307 401
13 413
51 305
53 307
-composition series 27
-group 26
-invariant 27
-invariant series 27
-invariant subgroup 26
-simple group 26
(X|R) 36
1-coboundary 52
1—cocycle 51
2—coboundary 53
2—cocycle 53
A* 34
Aachen — Sydney “Group” system 5
Abelian group(s) 10
Abelian group(s), fundamental theorem 345
Abelian group(s), presentation 47
Abelian quotients, computing 335
Absolutely irreducible KG-module 50
Absolutely irreducible KG-module, testing for 237
Absolutely irreducible representation 50
AbsolutelyIrreducible 239
ACE3 (coset enumeration) 2 4 170
Action intransitive 22
Action of a group 17
Action, affine 305 313 314
Action, block under 23
Action, coset 18
Action, equivalent 17
Action, faithful 18
Action, imprimitive 23
Action, kernel of 18
Action, n-(fold) transitive 22
Action, orbits 19
Action, primitive 23
Action, right regular 18 62
Action, transitive 22
Adian, S.I. 1 371
Affine action 305 313 314
Affine permutation groups 395
AG-system 274
Algebraic element of field 56
Algebraic number field 288
Algorithm, deterministic 67
Algorithm, Las Vegas 68 272
Algorithm, Monte Carlo 68 142 272
Algorithm, polynomial-time 109
Algorithm, randomized 67
Algorithm, rewriting 63 75
Almost simple group 269 378
Alt(n) 15
Alternating group 14
Alternating group, testing for 81
Archer, C. 403
Artin group 452
Artin, E. 383
Aschbacher's theorem (matrix groups classification) 269 395
Aschbacher, M. 269 395
Assmus, E.F. 145
Asynchronously automatic group 451
Atkinson's algorithm (for primitivity testing) 83
Atkinson, M.D. 83
Aut(G) 15
Automatic group 411 433 451
Automatic structure 433 451
Automatic structure with uniqueness 451
Automatic structure, shortlex 451
Automatic structure, shortlex, computing 456
Automorphism 15
Automorphism group 15
Automorphism group inner, outer 15
Automorphism group of a group (computing) 317 326 333 384
Automorphism group of a p-group (computing) 371
Automorphism group of combinatorial structure 118
Automorphism inner, outer 15
B(2, 6) 431
B(d, n) 372
B1—GM 252
Babai, L. 65 69 272
Baby Monster 2
Bachem, A. 349
Backtrack search 108
Base 2 77 82 87 88 264
Base image 88
Base image, partial 113
Base, change of 102
Base, computing 90
BaseSwap 103
Basic orbit 88 265
Basic stabilizer 88
Baumslag, G. 6 7 354
Beals, R. 83 271 272 377
Beetham, M. 171
Bendix, P.B. 417
Berlekamp algorithm (for polynomial factorization) 227
Berlekamp, E.R. 227
Besche, H.U. 2 394 402 403
Biautomatic group 451
Black-box group 65 271 272 384
Block design 118 145
Block system 23
Block system, computing 82
Block system, computing induced action on 106
Block under an action 23
BlockImageKernel 107
BlockStabilizer 107
BlockVerify 216
Boone, W.W. 1 149
Braid group 452
Bratus, S. 271 384
Brauer character table 248
Brauer, R. 246
| Bray, J. 410
Breuer, T. 409
Brink, B. 452
Brooksbank, P.A. 272
Brown, Harold 408
Bruckner, H. 364
BSGS see “Base strong
BSGS in matrix groups 264
BSGS in solvable groups 98
Buchberger, B. 417
Burnside group 372 431
Burnside group, restricted 372
Burnside problem 372
Burnside problem, restricted 372
Burnside — Brauer theorem 246
Burnside — Dixon — Schneider algorithm 255
Burnside's Lemma 19
Burnside, W. 4 246 255 372 391
Butler, G., v 77 122 132 265 268 385 397
Cameron, P.J. 383
Cannon, James W. 433 452
Cannon, John J. 5 132 199 256 268 301 320 334 380 384—386
Cannonito, F.B. 6 354
Canonical polycyclic sequence 296
CanonicalPolycyclicSequence 297
Cantor, D.G. 227
Card shuffling 144
CAS 5 255
Cauchy — Probenius lemma 20 374 390
Cayley 5 122 189
Cayley graph 18 147 411 453
Cayley graph, diameter 147
Celler, F. 66 269 272 304 311
Central series 29
Central series, lower 29 355
Central series, lower exponent-p 355
Central series, upper 29
Centralizer of a subgroup 21
Centralizer of a subgroup, computing 122 313
Centralizer of an element 20
Centralizer of an element, computing 122
Centralizing algebra 50
Centralizing algebra, computing 237
Centre of a group 16
Centre of a group, computing 123
CGT, v
Change of base 102
Character space 260
Character table, Brauer 248
Character table, computing 255
Character, linear 263
Characteristic of field 57
Characteristic polynomial of a matrix, computing 226
Characteristic subgroup 26
Characteristically simple group 26
CharacteristicPolynomial 227
Charney, R. 452
Chemical isomers 390
Chief factors 27
Chief series 27
Chief series, computing 381
Class map 256
Class matrix 256
Class, exponent-p 355
Class, nilpotency 29
Class-breadth conjecture 3 317
Classical group 14
Classification of finite simple groups 3 26 132 377 383 394
Coclass of a p-group 374
Cohen, A.M., vi
Cohomology group, first 52
Cohomology group, first (computing) 249 304
Cohomology group, second 53
Cohomology group, second (computing) 254 307
Coincidence 158
Coincidence (in coset enumeration) 83 156
Collected Word 282
Collection algorithm 280
Combinatorial structures, computing automorphism group 118
Combinatorial structures, constructing 145
Combinatorial structures, enumerating 390
Comm(g, h), xvi 27
Common substring replacement (in a group presentation) 40 185
Commutative group 10
Commutator 27
Commutator subgroup 28
Commutator subgroup, computing 73
Comp(G, M) 55
Compatible pair 55
Complement 38 51 304
Complement system 320
Complement system, computing 321
Complement, computing 304
Complete rewriting system 418
Composition factors 27
Composition factors of KG-module 50
Composition series 27
Composition series of KG-module 50
Composition series, computing 381
compress 167
Compression of coset table 167
Condensation 4 236
Conder, M. 198
Confluent polycyclic presentation 280
Confluent rewriting system 418
Congruence 23 156
Congruence, on a monoid 413
Conjugacy classes 20
Conjugacy classes, computing 316 384
Conjugacy problem 1 469
Conjugacy testing 316
Conjugate elements 20
Consistent polycyclic presentation 280 354 428
ConstantDegreeFactorization 230
Constructive recognition algorithm 271
ConstructiveMembershipTest 296
Conway polynomial 59 220
Conway, J.H. 373 409
Cooperman, G. 95 104
Cooperstein, B. 396
Coppersmith, D. 221
Core of a subgroup 19
Cormen, T.H., vi, xvi
Coset 11
Coset action 18
Coset action, computing 126
Coset automatic structure 469
Coset enumeration 1 2 63 149
Coset enumeration, coincidence 83
Coset enumeration, coset table method 165
Coset enumeration, modified 178
Coset enumeration, relator-based method 162
Coset table 151
Coset table, compression 167
Coset table, modified 174
Coset table, standardization 167
Coset, double 131
Coset, left, right 11
CosetEnumerationC 166
CosetEnumerationR 164
Cox, B. 132 384 385
Coxeter group 425 452
Coxeter, H.S.M. 1 149
Critical pair 417 420
Crystallographic group 289
Crystallographic group, enumeration 407
Curtis, R.T. 409
Cycle-type 21
Cyclic conjugates 36
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