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Holt D.F., Bettina E., Eamonn O. — Handbook of Computational Group Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Relation 37
Relation, defining 37
Relation, polycyclic 278
Relator 37
Relator, defining 37
RemoveGens 95
rep 86 157
Representation 49
Representation theory 48
Representation, absolutely irreducible 50
Representation, degree of 49
Representation, equivalent 49
Representation, irreducible 49
Representation, permutation 17
Representation, simple 49
Restricted Burnside group 3 372
Restricted Burnside problem 372
Rewrite 176
Rewrite-rule 418
Rewriting algorithm 63 75
Rewriting map 42
Rewriting system 417
Rewriting system in monoids and groups 423
Rewriting system in polycyclic groups 426
Rewriting system, complete 418
Rewriting system, confluent 418
Rewriting system, irreducible 421
Rewriting system, locally confluent 418
Rewriting system, Noetherian 418
Rewriting system, reduced 421
Rewriting system, terminating 418
Right regular action 18 62
Right transversal 12
Ringe, M. 4 221
rkbp (Rutgers Knuth — Bendix Package) 4 425 431
Robertson, E.F. 169
Robinson, D.J.S. 55 317
Roney-Dougal, C.M. 394 396
Ronyai, L. 230
Rotman, J.J. 49
Royle, G. 397 400
Rubik cube 147
Ruffini, P. 1
Rutgers Knuth — Bendix Package see “rkbp”
Ryba, A. 236
S-NormalClosure 100
Sandlobes, G. 385 400
Sarawagi, N. 95 104
Saxl, J. 395
SCAN 155
ScanAndFill 163
Schaps, M. 188
Schibbell, S.T. 148
Schneider, G.J.A. 4 242 255 260 263
Schoenwaelder, U. 295
Schonert, M. 83
Schreier conjecture 377
Schreier generators 42 78 173
Schreier transversal 42
Schreier trees 95
Schreier vector 78 79 303
Schreier — Sims algorithm 2 90 147 264
Schreier — Sims algorithm, complexity 93
Schreier — Sims algorithm, known base version 94
SchreierSims 91
Schur — Zassenhaus theorem 321
Schur's lemma 50
Scott, L.L. 378
Search tree, pruning 113
Search, backtrack 108
Search, coset representatives 114
Search, elements of permutation group 110
Search, elements of symmetric group 111
Search, subgroup 114
Second cohomology group 53
Second cohomology group, computing 254 307
Second isomorphism theorem 16
Segal, D. 274 371
Semidirect product of groups 50
Semigroup 412
Sequence of relative orders 274
Sequence, polycyclic 99 274
Seress, A., v 7 77 83 271 272 384
Series, -composition 27
Series, central 29
Series, chief 27
Series, composition 27
Series, derived 28
Series, derived (computing) 73
Series, lower central 29 355
Series, lower central (computing) 73
Series, polycyclic 273
Series, subnormal 27
Series, upper central 29
Setwise stabilizer 20
ShallowOrbitSv 96
Short base group 89
Short, H. 452
Short, M.W. 1 394
Shortlex automatic structure 451
Shortlex automatic structure, computing 456
Shortlex ordering 43 165 420 424 427
Shparlinski, I. 220
Sift 294
Simple group 14
Simple group, sporadic 2 4
Simple KG-module 49
Simple representation 49
Simplifying presentations 184
Sims, C.C., v 2 4 7 87 93 98 102 103 115 122 169 188 189 208 274 354 364 394 412 425 428 429 431 440
Situation A (computational) 62
Situation B (computational) 63
Situation C (computational) 63
SL(d, K) 14
SL(n, Z) 336
Slattery, M. 311
SLP 64 147
SLP, element 64 94 97 104
SLP, evaluation of 64
SLP, group 64
Small base group 93
Small cancellation group 1 452
Small groups, library of 402
Smith normal form 341
Smith normal form, computing 347
Smith, M.J. 55 317 384
smithForm 343
Socle 31 376
Socle factors, computing 377
Soicher, L. 6 283 284 400
Soluble group 29
Solvable BSGS algorithm 98
Solvable group 29
Solvable quotient algorithm 364
Solvable radical 132 375
Solvable radical, computing 140
SolvableBSGS 101
| Souvignier, B. 256 384 386
Sp(d, q) 14
Space group 2 3 290 407
SpinBasis 231
Split extension 38 51
Split extension, testing for 253
Splitting field 50 57
Sporadic simple group 2 4
Stabilizer 19
Stabilizer, computing 77 302
Stabilizer, pointwise 20
Stabilizer, setwise 20
Stafford, R.M. 148
Standard generators 272 410
Standard presentation 371
Standardization of coset table 167 447
standardize 168
Sterling, L.S. 348
Storjohann, A. 347
Straight-line program see “SLP”
Strip 89
Strip algorithm 89 94
Strong generating set 2 63 77 82 87 88 264
Strong generating set, computing 90
Strong presentation 205
Subgroup 11
Subgroup index of 11
Subgroup, characteristic 26
Subgroup, commutator 28
Subgroup, commutator (computing) 73
Subgroup, computing presentation 173
Subgroup, derived 28
Subgroup, maximal 11
Subgroup, minimal normal 26
Subgroup, normal 14
Subgroup, presentation of 41
Subgroup, proper 11
Subgroup, subnormal 26
Subgroups, computing 2 384 385
SubgroupSearch 117
Submonoid 412
Subnormal series 27
Subnormal subgroup 26
Subsemigroup 412
Substring 34
Subword 34
Suffix of a word 34
Super character table 391
Supersolvable group 288
Supersolvable presentation 288
Surface group 425
switch 167
Sylow 136
Sylow p-subgroup 21 320
Sylow p-subgroup, computing 132 134
Sylow system 320
Sylow theorems 21
Sym(n) 15
Symmetric group 13
Symmetric group, testing for 81
SymmetricGroupElements 112
Szemeredi 65
Table of marks 391 410
Teague, D.N. 383
Terminating rewriting system 418
TF-group 376
Theissen, H. 122 394
Third isomorphism theorem 16
Thompson, J.G. 139 142
Three subgroups lemma 33
Thurston, W.P. 352 433
Tietze transformations 40 173 352
Tietze transformations, programs 184 198
Tietze, H. 371
Tobin, S.J. 372
Todd — Coxeter algorithm 149 see
Todd — Coxeter — Schreier — Sims algorithm 207
Todd, J.A. 1 149
Transcendental element of field 56
Transitive action 22
Transitive permutation groups, library of 397
Transposition 13
Transversal 12
Transversal, computing 126
Transversal, Schreier 42
Trotter, H. 162
TryDescendant 192
Turing, A. 2
Twelfth man 70
U-Beta 80
Unger, W. 133 138 394
Unimodular matrix 336
Union — Find algorithm 83 85
Upper central series 29
Valency of a graph 145
Vaughan-Lee, M.R. 3 360 372 428
VectorInSubspace 223
Verify algorithm for BSGS 208
Verifying nilpotency 429
Virtual Haken Conjecture 352
Von Dyck group 425
Waldhausen, F. 352
Wamsley, J.W. 3 360 364 428
Wanless, I. 425
Ward, J.N. 160 164
Weight (of a polycyclic generator) 358
Weighted power-conjugate presentation 358
Wilson, R.A. 4 236 272 409 410
Winograd, S. 222
Word in A 34
Word problem 1 149 411
Word problem in monoids and groups 423
Word, collected 280 281
Word, cyclically reduced 36
Word, reduced 35
Word-acceptor 441 451 457
Word-acceptor, unique 441 451
Word-difference 453
Word-difference automaton 454 457 458
Word-hyperbolic group 452 468
Wreath product 24 143 144 398
Wreath-product ordering 426 430 459
Wright, C.R.B. 304 311 320
Wursthorn, M. 371
Z(G) 16
Z1—Matrix 251
Zassenhaus, H. 2 227 408
Zech logarithms 220
Zel'manov, E.I. 372
[g, h], xvi 27
[H, K] 27
{X|R} 37
|G| 10
“ATLAS of Finite Simple Groups” 393 409
“Group” system (Aachen — Sydney) 5
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