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Holt D.F., Bettina E., Eamonn O. — Handbook of Computational Group Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Cyclic extension method (for finding subgroups) 385
Cyclic group 12
Cyclic permutation (of a word) 36
Cyclically reduced word 36
Database, perfect groups 400
Database, primitive permutation groups 394
Database, small groups 402
Database, transitive permutation groups 397
Databases of groups 393
de la Harpe, P. 452 468
Deep — Thought 284
define 153
DefineSchreierGenerators 175
Defining relation 37
Defining relation of a monoid 415
Defining relator 37
Definition (in power-conjugate presentation) 358
Degree of group representation 49
Dehn algorithm 1
Dehn, M. 1 371
Dekimpe, K. 409
Depth (in polycyclic group) 277
DepthVector 223
Derivation 51
Derivation, principal 52
Derived series 28
Derived series, computing 73
Derived subgroup 28
DescendantSubgroups 192
Deterministic algorithm 67
Dfa (deterministic finite state automaton) 435
Diaconis, P. 144
Diameter of graph 147
Dietze, A. 188
Dihedral group 12
Direct product of groups 10
Direct product of groups internal 30
Discrete log problem 220 272
Dixon, J.D. 3 255 257 260 394 396
Dobcsanyi, P. 198
Double coset 131
Double coset representatives computing 131 329
Driscoll, J.R. 147
Dunfield, N.M. 352
EARNS (elementary abelian regular normal subgroup) 139
EARNS (elementary abelian regular normal subgroup), computing 139
Easdown, D. 133 137
Eick, B. 2 6 274 295 301 311 320 364 371 374 384 394 396 402 403 409
Element(s), order of (computing) 66 72 269
Element(s), powers of (computing) 72
Element(s), random 69 95 136 218 272
Elementary abelian p-group 11
Eliminating generators (from group presentation) 41 185
Endomorphism 15
Endomorphism algebra of KG-module 50
Endomorphism algebra of KG-module, computing 237 241
Enveloping algebra 231
Epimorphism 15
Epimorphism, natural 16
Epimorphisms 330
Epstein, D.B.A. 433 469
Equivalent actions 17
Equivalent extensions 53
Equivalent representations 49
Erobenius automorphism 59
Error-correcting code 118 145 146
Essential rule in rewriting system 421 458
Euclidean group 452
Euler -function 17 59 391
Even, S. 147
ExistsWord 449
Exponent of a group 58
Exponent vector 276
Exponent-p class 355
Exponents, power 278
Extension 56 see
Extension, KG-module 52
F(2, 9) 373 468
F(2, n) 373
Factorization problem in permutation groups 148
Factorizing polynomials 226
Faithful action 18
Fellow-traveller property 454 468
Felsch method (coset enumeration) 165
Felsch, H. 165
Felsch, V. 2 3 170 311 317 373
Fibonacci group 160 373
Field, algebraic element 56
Field, characteristic of 57
Field, extension 56
Field, finite 57
Field, primitive element 59
Field, splitting 57
Field, transcendental element 56
Finite fields 57
Finite fields, computing in 220
Finite quotients, computing 326 352
Finite state automaton 422 433 434
Finite state automaton in rewriting systems 439
Finite state automaton, 2—variable 442
Finite state automaton, accessible 436
Finite state automaton, coaccessible 436
Finite state automaton, composite 450 465 466
Finite state automaton, counting the language of 438
Finite state automaton, deterministic 435
Finite state automaton, enumerating the language of 437 463 470
Finite state automaton, equivalent 434
Finite state automaton, existential quantification 448
Finite state automaton, language of 434
Finite state automaton, making deterministic 443
Finite state automaton, minimizing 444 459
Finite state automaton, operations on 442
Finite state automaton, standardization of 447 459
Finite state automaton, transition table 436
Finite state automaton, trim 436
Finkelstein, L. 95 104
First cohomology group 52
First cohomology group, computing 249 304
First isomorphism theorem 16
FirstInClass 194
Frattini extension 404
Frattini lemma 22
Frattini rank 359
Frattini subgroup 32 404
Free Abelian group 46
Free abelian group, free basis of 46
Free group 33 452
Free monoid 415
Frobenius group 139
FSA see “Finite state automaton”
FSA-Count 438
FSA-Enumerate 437
Fun(X) 413
Furst, M.L. 93 147
G-congruence 23 83
Galois group, computing 399
Gap 5 17 120 122 131 132 170 185 189 220 221 255 268 326 353 364 373 374 380 383 393 394 397 409 456
Gaschutz, W. 404
Geek, M. 7
GeneralSearch 114
Generate-p — Groups 369
Generators 12 13
Generators, Schreier 42 173
Generators, standard 272
Genetic algorithms 148
Geometrically finite group 452
Gersten, S.M. 452
Ghys, E. 452 468
Gilman, R.H. 418
| GL(d, K) 14 49
GL(d, q) 14
GL(n, Z) 336
Glasby, S. 271 311
GO(d, q) 14
Goldreich, O. 147
Golod — Shafarevich bound 373
GoodBasePoints 266
Graham, R.L. 144
Graph 118 145
Graph, arc-transitive 198
Griess, R.L. 4
Gromov, M. 452
Group 9
Group action 17
Group algebra 49
Group extension 38 48 307
Group extension, computing 307
Group extension, presentation of 38
Group extension, split 38 51
Group extension, split (testing for) 253
Group module see “KG-module”
Group presentation 36
Group representation 48 49
Group representation, absolutely irreducible 50
Group representation, degree of 49
Group representation, equivalent 49
Group representation, irreducible 49
Group representation, simple 49
Group ring 49
Group, -simple 26
Group, abelian 10
Group, almost simple 269 378
Group, alternating 14
Group, Artin 452
Group, asynchronously automatic 451
Group, automatic 411 433 451
Group, biautomatic 451
Group, black-box 65
Group, braid 452
Group, centre of 16
Group, characteristically simple 26
Group, classical 14
Group, commutative 10
Group, Coxeter 425 452
Group, crystallographic 289
Group, crystallographic (enumeration) 407
Group, cyclic 12
Group, dihedral 12
Group, direct product 10
Group, elementary abelian 11
Group, euclidean 452
Group, exponent of 58
Group, free 33 452
Group, free abelian 46
Group, geometrically finite 452
Group, growth function of 411 434 441
Group, hyperbolic 452
Group, Kleinian 470
Group, nilpotent 29
Group, perfect 28
Group, permutation 13
Group, polycyclic 29 273 353 425
Group, presentation of 38
Group, semidirect product 50
Group, simple 14
Group, SLP 64
Group, small cancellation 452
Group, socle of 31
Group, soluble, solvable 29
Group, space 290 407
Group, supersolvable 288
Group, surface 425
Group, symmetric 13
Group, von Dyck 425
Group, word-hyperbolic 452 468
Growth function of a group 411 434 441
GU(d, q) 14
H char G 26
Hadamard bound 349
Haken manifold 352
Hall -subgroup 320
Hall, Marshall 431
Hall, Philip 372
Hashing 443
Havas, G. 2 3 162 170 178 184 347—349 352 353 372
Hazelgrove, B. 2 4 149 162
Heath, L.S. 60
Heineken group 188 467
Heineken, H. 430
Hermiller, S.M. 425
Hermite normal form 337
Hermite normal form, computing 347
HermiteForm 338
Heydemann, M.-C. 148
Higman, G. 372
Hillman, J. 432
Hippe, L. 170
Hiss, G., VI 4 236
HLT+Lookahead (coset enumeration) 164
Holt, D.F. 6 7 122 132 133 230 255 271 325 326 334 349 353 371 380 384 385 400 425 432 433 469
Homomorphism(s) 15 51
Homomorphism(s) of modules, computing 241
Homomorphism(s), between permutation groups 107
Homomorphism(s), computing with 74
Homomorphism(s), crossed 51
Homomorphism(s), defining 74
Homomorphism(s), kernel of 15
Homomorphism(s), monoid 413
Homomorphism(s), on permutation groups 105
Homomorphism(s), verifying 74
Honing, B. 396
Hopcroft, J.E. 93 446
Howlett, R.B. 271 452
Hulpke, A. 131 148 326 333 334 384 385 397 400
Hurt, D.F. 469
Hyperbolic group 452
ImageKernel 76
Imprimitive action 23
Indecomposable KG-module testing for 242
Index automaton 440
Index of a subgroup 11
Induced action on a block system 106
Induced action on an orbit 105
Induced polycyclic sequence 291
Induced polycyclic series 291
InducedPolycyclicSequence 294
Inn(G) 15
Inner automorphism 15
Internal direct product 30
Intersection of subgroups computing 124 311
Intransitive action 22
Inverse of a matrix computing 223
InvertMatrix 224
Irreducible KG-module 49
Irreducible KG-module, finding all 246
Irreducible KG-module, testing for 230
Irreducible representation 49
Irreducible rewriting system 421
Irreducible rule in rewriting system 421
Irreducible string in rewriting system 418
Isaacs, I.M. 49
Isomorphic groups 15
Isomorphic groups, testing for 317 326 333 371
Isomorphic KG-modules 49
Isomorphic KG-modules, testing for 244
Isomorphism 15
Isomorphism problem 1 432
Isomorphism theorem(s) for groups 16
Isomorphism theorem(s) for monoids 414
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