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Поиск книг, содержащих: Torsional rigidity

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Henrici P. — Applied and Computational Complex Analysis. I: Power Series, Integration, Conformal Mapping, Location of Zeros.372, 377
Ames W.F. — Numerical methods for Partial Differential Equations97
Hayman W.K. — Multivalent Functions103
Sadd M.H. — Elasticity: theory, applications, and numerics208
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Mathematical Theory of Elasticity125, 141, 175, 189
Ewald P.P. — The physics of solids and fluids48
Iesan D. — Saint-Venant's Problem9, 122
Cleland A.N. — Foundations of nanomechanics214
Stakgold I. — Green's Functions and Boundary Value Problems546
Feodosiev V.I. — Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis264, 354
Barber J.R. — Elasticity226
Billingham J., King A.C. — Wave Motion151
Love A.E.H. — A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity312
Stakgold I. — Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics346—48
Truesdell C., Noll W. — The Non-Linear Field Theories Of Mechanics266
Stakgold I. — Boundary value problems of mathematical physics346—348
Амензаде Ю.А. — Теория упругости185
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Mathematical Theory of Elasticity125, 141, 175, 189
Papadopoulos G.J. (ed.), Devreese J.T. (ed.) — Path integrals and their applications in quantum, statistical, and solid state physics281
Borodich F. — Theory of Elasticity238
Stakgold I. — Green's functions and boundary value problems546
Hearn E.J. — Mechanics of Materials (vol. 1) An Introduction to the Mechanics of Elastic and Plastic Deformation of Solids and Structural Materials182
Hearn E.J. — Mechanics of Materials (vol. 2) An Introduction to the Mechanics of Elastic and Plastic Deformation of Solids and Structural Materials150
Sperb R.P. — Maximum principles and their applications3, 86
Lee A. — Mathematics Applied to Continuum Mechanics228
Necas J., Hlavacek I. — Mathematical Theory of Elastic and Elastico-Plastic Bodies: An Introduction227
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