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Hearn E.J. — Mechanics of Materials (vol. 2) An Introduction to the Mechanics of Elastic and Plastic Deformation of Solids and Structural Materials |

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Название: Mechanics of Materials (vol. 2) An Introduction to the Mechanics of Elastic and Plastic Deformation of Solids and Structural Materials
Автор: Hearn E.J.
Рубрика: Физика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: third edition
Год издания: 1997
Количество страниц: 539
Добавлена в каталог: 18.10.2005
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AC system 179
Acoustic gauge 180
Acoustoelasticity 192
Active gauge 172 176 178—179
Airy stress function 263 265
Allowable working load 73
Alternating stress amplitude 447
Annular rings 208
Area, principal moments of 4
Area, product moment of 3
Area, second moment of 3—10
Auto frettage 89
Ayrton and Perry 42
Balanced circuit 173
Banded method 313
Basquin’s law 457
Beams, curved 509
Bending, of beams 509—516
Bending, unsymmetrical 1
Birefringence 183
Body force stress 220
Boundary condition, application 316 349
Boundary stress 185
Bredt-Batho theory 147 150
Brittle lacquers 167
Buckling of struts 30
Built-up girders 52
Calibration 69 169 186
Capacitance gauge 180
Carrier frequency system 180
Cartesian stress 220
Case-hardened shafts 79
Circular plates 193
Circular polarisation 188
Clarke 168
Coffin — Manson law 457
Collapse 64
Columns 30
Combined circle (Mohr) 228
Combined diagram 229
Compatibility 261 321
Compensation 187
Conjugate diameters 13
Contact stress 382
Corkscrew Rule 12
Correspondence table 347
Crack detection 169
Crack tip plasticity 482 488
creep 169 462
Crinkling of struts 50
Cross-sensitivity 173
Crossed set-up 182
Crushing stress 37
Cyclic stress-strain 455
Cylinders, residual stresses in 87
Cylindrical components 239
Dark field 182
DC system 179
De Forrest 168
Deflections, unsymmetrical members 15
Deviatoric stress 251
Diaphragms 193
Directions cosine 223
Disc, circular, solid 119
Disc, plastic yielding of 94
Disc, rotating 117
Disc, uniform strength 125
Disc, with central hole 122
Discretisation 305
Distortion 311
Dummy gauge 172 175—176
Dye-etchant 169
Dynamic strain 171
Eccentric loading of struts 42
Eccentric loading to collapse 85
Ellipse of second moments of area 9
Ellipse, momental 11
Ellis 168
Endurance limit 423
Equilibrium 319
Equilibrium, cartesian coordinates 236
Equilibrium, cylindrical coordinates 239
Equivalent length 35
Equivalent length (of Struts) 35
Euler theory 31
Extensometers 180
Factor, load 41 65 166
Fatigue 446
Fatigue crack growth 486 489
Finite element analysis 302
Finite element mesh 308
Finite element method 300
Fixed-ended struts 33
Flexural stiffness 193 197
Foil gauge 171 173
Fracture mechanics 472
Fringe order 185—186
Fringe pattern 181—182 184—192 420 481
Fringe value 185—186
Frontal method 315
Frozen stress technique 190
Full bridge circuit 173
Gauge, acoustic 180
Gauge, electrical resistance 171—180
Gauge, factor 172
Gauge, strain 171—180
Girder, built-up 50 52
Graphical procedure, stress 228—229
Grid technique 192
Griffith’s criterion 475
Half-bridge 172—173
Hetenyi 84
Holography 192
Hydrostatic stress 249 251
Idealisation 305
Inductance gauge 180
Initial curvature 41
Interference 181 184
Isochromatic 185
Isoclinic 188
Johnson parabolic formula 36
Land’s circle of moments of area 7
Larson — Miller parameter 468
Laterally loaded struts 46
Light field 182
Load factor 41 73
Manson — Haferd parameter 469
Material fringe value 185—186
Maximum compressive stress 381 385 387
Mean stress 252 451
Membrane 152
Modulus, reduced 82
Mohr’s circle of second moments of area 6
Mohr’s strain circle 228
Mohr’s stress circle 228
Moire 192
Momental ellipse 11 13
Monochromatic light 185
Neuber’s rule 425
Notch sensitivity 424
Null balance 173
| Oblique plane, stress on 224
Octahedral planes 249
Octahedral shear stress 250
Octahedral stress 249
Overspeeding 95
Parallel set-up 183
Partitioning 349
Perry-Robertson 29 39
Photoelastic coating 190
Photoelasticity reflection 190
Photoelasticity transmission 181
Piezo-resistive gauge 180
Plane polarisation 182
Plane strain 254
Plane stress 254
Plastic bending 64
Plastic deformation, discs 94
Plastic deformation, thick cylinder 87
Plastic hinge 71
Plastic limit design 71
Plastic torsion 75 79
Pneumatic gauge 180
Polariscope 182
Polariser 182
Principal axes 2
Principal second moments of area 4
Principal strain 228
Principal stress 228 247
Product second moment of area 3
Quarter-bridge 173
Quarter-wave plates 187
Radial stress 117—123 125—128 193—199
Radius of gyration 28
Rankine — Gordon theory 38
Rectangular plates 213
Reduced modulus 82
Reflection polariscope 190
Reflective coating 190
Refraction 183
Replica technique 192
Residual stresses 73 79 84 86 95—96 394
resistivity 172
Rotating cylinders 124
Rotating discs and rings 117
Rotating discs, collapse 94
Rotating hollow discs 122
Rotating uniform strength discs 125
Ruge and Simmons 171
Safety factor 41 65 166
Saint-Venant 420
Sand heap analogy 78
Second moment of area 2—10
Second moment of area, ellipse of 9
Second moment of area, principle 4
Second moment of area, product 3
Semi-conductor gauges 180
Senarment 187
Shape factor 65
Shape factor, unsymmetrical sections 67 69
Shear flow 147
Shear stress 224
Sherby — Dorn parameter 469
Skew loading 2
Slenderness ration 28
Smith — Southwell theory 42
Southwell 42
Specific resistance 172
Stern 168
Straight line formula 36
Strain circle 228
Strain gauge 171
Strain hardening 63—64 80
Strain, deviatoric 251 253
Strain, invariants 247
Strain, threshold 167
Stress concentration, effects 453
Stress intensity factor 477
Stress, body force 220
Stress, boundary 185
Stress, cartesian 220
Stress, concentration 86
Stress, concentration factor 408
Stress, concentration factor (evaluation) 413
Stress, crushing 37
Stress, deviatoric 246 251
Stress, direct 224
Stress, equations of equilibrium 236
Stress, freezing technique 190
Stress, hydrostatic 249—251
Stress, invariants 243—244
Stress, mean 252 447 451
Stress, radial 193 199
Stress, range 447
Stress, relaxation 470
Stress, separation 190
Stress, shear 224
Stress, tangential 193 199
Stress, three-dimensional 220
Stress, trajectory 189
Stress, yield 61
Stresscoat 168
Struts 28
Tangential stress 193 199
Tardy compensation 187
Temperature stresses 126
Temporary birefringence 183
Tensor notation 235
Thermal stresses 126
Thin membranes 194
Thin shells 517—518
Threshold strain 167
Timoshenko 142 144 146 212 214
Torsion of cellular sections 150
Torsion of non-circular sections 141
Torsion of open sections 143 150
Torsion of rectangular sections 142
Torsion of square closed of closed section 141
Torsion of thin-walled closed sections 147
Torsion of thin-walled stiffened sections 151
Torsion section modulus 144
Torsional rigidity 150
Toughness 473
Transformation 259 326
Transverse sensitivity 173
Triangular plane membrane element 343
Twist, angle of 141—147 149—152
Unbalanced bridge 173
Uniform strength discs 125
Unsymmetrical bending 1
Unsymmetrical, section struts 49
Validity limit (Euler) 37
Virtual work 323
Viscoelasticity 521
Voight-Kelvin 522
Warping 153 310
Webb’s approximation 44
Wheatstone bridge 172
Wilson — Stokes equation 423
Wire gauge 171
X-rays 192
Yield stress 61
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