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Truesdell C., Noll W. — The Non-Linear Field Theories Of Mechanics |
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Absorption of waves 276
Acceleration field 39
Acceleration gradients 54
Acceleration waves (see also Waves)
Acoustic tensor 384
Acoustical axes 268 414
Acoustical tensor 268
Action principle of Toupin 392
Adiabatic (see Isentropic)
Adiabatic stability 330
Adkins’ reciprocal theorem 207
Admissible process 44
Admissible thermodynamic process 365
Aeolotropic solid 82
Aeolotropic solid, stored energy 312
Aeolotropy 197
Aeolotropy, curvilinear 91
Airy’s stress function 204
Amplitude of wave 268 283
Angular oscillations of second-grade fluids 510
Anholonomic components 15
Anisotropic fluids of Coleman 88
Anisotropic fluids of Coleman of Ericksen 523 537
Anisotropic fluids of Green 521 523
Anisotropic fluids of Wang 86 88 151 314 316 473 475
Anisotropy (see also Aeolotropy)
Apparent moduli and elasticities 23
Astatic load 127
Axis of equilibrium 136 258
B-E inequalities 158 171 175 183 281 293
Basic representation theorem of Cauchy 29
Basic stability theorem 253
Basis vectors 14
Bending 186 194 211
Bending of a block 186 188 211 34
Bernstein’s theorem on waves 332
Betti’s theorem 324 seq.
Block, bending and stretching 186 188 211 342
Body force, Volumkraft 40
Body, definition 37
Body, homogeneous 59 90
Boltzmann’s theory of visco-elasticity 116
Bordoni’s special theory of elasticity 348
Boundary-value problems of elasticity 125
Bressan’s theorem on waves 282
Brillouin’s coefficients of second-order elasticity 230
Brillouin’s principle 360
Buckling, interior 130
C-inequalities (classical) 153
Caloric equation of state 298 361
Capillarity theory of Korteweg 513 515
Caprioli’s work theorem 305
Cauchy-Green tensors 53
Cauchy’s basic representation theorem 29
Change of frame 41
Channel flow 443 seq.
Christoffel symbols 19 seq.
Circular pipes, flow in them 448 452
Circulation-preserving motion 75
Clausius-Duhem inequality 295 361 363
Climbing in steady Couette flow 452 455
Co-ordinate systems 19 seq.
Co-ordinates, material and spatial 37 39
Coleman and Noll’s inequality 319 324
Coleman and Noll’s stability theorem 330
Coleman and Noll’s theory of fading memory 101 117
Coleman’s thermodynamics of simple materials 363 381
Coleman’s work theorem 306
Compatibility condition 127
Compatibility conditions for principal waves 286 288
Compatibility theorem of Signorini 225
Complementary strain-energy 327
Compressible elastic bodies 171 179 33
Compressible elastic bodies, homogeneous strain 171 179
Conductors of heat, Wdrmeleiter 384
Cone-and-plate flow 461 464
Configuration, definition 37
Configuration, local, lokale 52
Connection, material 89
Constant stretch history 438 440
Constitutive equation of a Ityperelastic material 302
Constitutive equation of an elastic fluid 149
Constitutive equation of an elastic material 119
Constitutive equation of an incompressible isotropic elastic material 148
Constitutive equation, general mechanical 57 58
Constitutive equations of Coleman, von Coleman 364 seq.
Constitutive equations of differential-type materials 93 seq.
Constitutive equations of rate-type materials 95
Constitutive equations, dimensionally reduced form 65 seq. 120
Constitutive equations, Materialgleichungen 2 36 44
Constraints, internal 69 73
Constraints, thermal, thermische 329
Contact force 40
Continuity equation 39
Continuum and molecular theories compared 5
Contravariant components 14 seq.
Contravariant derivatives 16
Convected stress-rate 96 97
Cosserat material 397
Cosserats’ theory of polar elastic materials 3 89
Couette flow, Couette — Strdmung 449 seq.
Coulomb’s experiments on torsion 236
Couple density, Kraftepaardichte 394
Couple-stress tensor 396 525
Covariant components 14 seq.
Covariant derivatives 16
Crystal classes 83
Cyclic processes, general theorem 381
Cyclic processes, inequalities 3 69
Cylinder, extension by twisting 193 352
Cylinder, radial oscillations 214 217
Cylinder, various deformations 189 195
Cylinders, coaxial, flow between them 446 452
Cylindrical co-ordinates 19
Cylindrical sector, straightening and stretching 188 seq. 343
Cylindrical tube, extension, inflation and shear 353
Da Silva's theorem on torques 128
Definite conductor of heat 384
Deformation function, relative 49
Deformation gradient 49
Deformation, local 52
Deformations possible in all compressible elastic bodies 171 179 336
Deformations possible in all incompressible elastic bodies 337 342
Density of mass 38
Determinant of a tensor 15 23
Determinant, its gradient 25
Determinism, Determinismus 12 36 56
Differential equations of motion for superimposed infinitesimal displacement 247
Diffusion, framework of theories 537 541
Dilatation group, Dilatationsgruppe 86
Dilatation of hypo-elastic material 416
Dilatation, uniform 1 73
Dimensional invariance 64 65
Directors of an oriented medium 389 392
Dislocation 126
Dislocation density 92
Dislocations, continuous, in elastic bodies 125 126
Dislocations, continuum theory of 88 92
Dispersion of waves 276
Displacement^gradient 130
Dissipation principle 295
Duhem’s identity for acoustical tensors 335
Duhem’s theorem on wave speeds 335
Duhem’s theorem on waves 272
Dyadic product of two vectors 15
E-inequalities 171
E-T inequalities (extension-tension) 157
Elastic body 125
Elastic dielectric 385 to 388
Elastic fluid 148 480
| Elastic fluid, stored energy 313
Elastic material 106 11 7
Elastic material as approximation 111
Elastic material, isotropy group 122
Elastic material, its definition 13 117 11
Elastic material, polar 389 401
Elastic material, reinforced 122
Elastic solid 149 170
Elastic stability 252 260
Elastic subfluid 151
Elastic theories of fluids 480 seq.
Elasticities of an elastic material 132
Elasticities, apparent 239 seq. 251
Elasticities, number of independent ones 309 seq.
Elasticity of n-th order, n-ter Ordnung 228
Elasticity, classical infinitesimal theory 117
Elasticity, reduced constitutive equations 113 120
Elastostatics of simple materials 123
Elastostatics, differential equation 127
Electricity and heat, analogy 388
Electromechanical theories 385 389
Ellipsoid of polarization 332
Elliptical tube, secondary flow 503—
Energy balance 294 seq.
Energy functional 298
Entropy function 301
Entropy inequality 295 357
Entropy relation 302 368
Entropy, Entropie 133 294
Equation of continuity 39
Equation of state 133
Equation of state, caloric 298 361
Equipresence principle 35 seq. 364
Equivalence of motions and processes 42 43—45
Equivalence theorem for higher-order waves 273
Equivalence theorem of Cosserat-Toupin 395
Ericksen’s analysis of deformations possible in all compressible elastic bodies 336 seq.
Ericksen’s anisotropic fluids 523 537
Ericksen’s work theorem 307
Euclid invariance 392 395—
Euclidean action 389 392
Existence and uniqueness theorems in elasticity 133 139—
Extension and torsion interrelated 264 seq.
Extension of a cylinder by twisting 193 352
Extension of hypo-elastic material 417 seq.
Extension, steady 4 72
Extra stress 71
Fading memory 36 101 106 11
Finite elasticity, differential equation of motion 125
First-order fluids 100
Flow between coaxial cylinders 446 452
Flow of anisotropic solids 520 523
Fluidity, Fluiditdt 13
Fluids of different grades 494
Fluids of different orders 491
Fluids of first order 100
Fluids of rate type 482 484
Fluids of second grade 504 513
Fluids of second order 100
Fluids, simple 427 513
Fluids, special theories 475 to 513
Forces and stresses 39 41
Frame, change of 41
Frame-indifference, material 12 36 44 296
Frame-indifferent quantity 3
Frechet differential 104
Free energy 301
Free energy, minimum, Minimum 370
Free shape 130
Fresnel quadric 268
Fresnel-Hadamard theorem on wave propagation 168
Fresnel’s ellipsoid 332
Fundamental theorem of Hadamard on waves 271 332
Fundamental theorem of Noll on simple fluids, von Noll uber einfache Flussigkeiten 81
Fundamental theorem on hyperelastic solids 311
Fundamental theorem on simple materials 66
GCN condition (generalized Coleman-Noll condition) 162 169 321
Grade of a fluid, Grad einer Flussigkeit 494 504
Grade of a material of differential type 111
Gradient of a tensor function 24 27
Gradient of a vector field 15
Gradients of invariants, representations 34
Gradients of principal invariants 25 seq.
Green and Rivlin’s multipolar elasticity 400 seq.
Green-St. Venant strain tensor 221
Green’s anisotropic fluids 521 523
Grioli-Toupin material 400
Gyration vector 386
Hadamard's fundamental theorem on waves 271 332
Hadamard’s inequality 253 257
Hagen-Poiseuille efflux formula 36
Hamilton-Cayley theorem 26
Heat absorption, W armeab sorption 294
Heat and electricity, analogy 388
Heat conduction, Warmeleitung 294 seq.
Heat flux, Wdrmeflu 3 294
Helical flow, schraubenfdrmige Strdmung 445 to 452
Hemitropic tensor function 24
Hemitropy, Hemitropie 358
Higher-order elasticities, experimental 230
Higher-order waves 27 seq. 283
History of a function 52
History of finite hyperelasticity 304
Holohedry (see Isotropy)
Homentropic waves 272 335 38
Homogeneity of material lost by strain 251
Homogeneous body 59 90
Homogeneous flow of Ericksen’s anisotropic fluids 530 to 533
Homogeneous motions, isochoric 74
Homogeneous pure-stretch history 66
Homogeneous strain 171 183
Homogeneous strain history 62
Homothermal waves 272 335 38
Hydrostatic pressure 3
Hydrostatic tension states in elastic materials 170
Hyper elastic materials of second grade 397 to 400
Hyper elastic, special properties of solutions 342 to 344
Hyperelastic material 117 294
Hyperelastic material, definition, Definition 302
Hyperelastic solids, fundamental theorem 311
Hyperelastic stability 328 332
Hyperelastic subfluids 314 316
Hyperelasticity, definition 13
Hyperstress tensor 395 398
Hypo-elastic material, definition 401 seq.
Hypo-elastic response functions 404
Hypo-elastic waves 413 415
Hypo-elastic yield 420 426
Hypo-elasticity 13 117 401
Hypo-elasticity, relation to elasticity 406 411
Ideal material, ideale Substanz 2 44
IFS condition (invertibility of force-stretch) 56
Incompressibility, Inkompressibilitat 71
Incompressible (see also Isochoric)
Incompressible elastic bodies, all possible deformations 337 342
Incompressible elastic material 121
Incompressible elastic material, homogeneous strain 179 183
Incompressible isotropic elastic material 147 seq.
Incompressible isotropic material 241 to 246
Incompressible material, wave propagation 291 294
Inequalities for cyclical processes 3 69
Inequalities for elastic materials 153 171
Inequality of Coleman and Noll 319 324
Inextensibility 72
Infinitesimal plane waves 273 278
Infinitesimal rotation tensor 11
Infinitesimal stability 252 260
Infinitesimal strain superimposed upon a given strain 250 325
Infinitesimal strain tensor 115
Infinitesimal theory of elasticity 117
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