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Love A.E.H. — A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity |
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solid, constants and moduluses of 105—108 161
solid, propagation of waves in 18 298—300
105 149
of inertia 300
, curvi-linear 164
, produced by permanent set 118
Abraham, M. 44
Adams, F.D. 120
Addilwmal deflexion of beams 348
Addilwmal deflexion of plates 484
Afterstrain 116
Airy, G.B. 16 88
Alibrandi, P. 109
Almansi, E. 22 109 266 356
Amagat, E.H. 105
Angle, transmission of stress from an 211
Anorthic crystals 158
Anticlastic curvature 20 181 340 361
Applicable surfaces 499
Applied mechanics, criticisms of some methods used in 346—348
Applied mechanics, treatises on 112
Arches 447
Aron, H. 29
Atoherley, L.W. 213
Average strains, determination of 175
Axes of symmetry 150
Axes, moving 628—632
Axes, principal torsion-flexure, of a rod 382
Axes, principal, of strain 37 62
Bach, C. 112 346
Barriers see “Connectivity multiple”
bars see “Beams” “Rods” “Torsion”
Barthelemy, A. 496
Barytes, constants for 164
Basset, A.B. 24 397 453 532 533 537 543 546 548
Bauschinger, J. 112 113 114 115 116 117
Beams, 162 344
Beams, bent see “Additional deflexion” “Beams” “Continuous” “Bending “Bending “Bemoulli-Eulerian “Neutral
Beams, bent, curvature of 131 140 338 359 363
Beams, bent, deflexion of 140 339
Beams, bent, displacement in 140 333 338
Beams, bent, distortion of cross-sections of 340
Beams, bent, extension produced in, by transverse load 361 364
Beams, bent, obliquity of cross-sections of 140 338
Beams, bent, shearing stress in 139 331 341 346
Beams, bent, strength of 343
Beams, bent, stress produced in, by transverse load 139 329—333 346 357
Beams, bent, twist produced in, by transverse load 340 358
Beams, continuous 22 364
Beams, continuous, several spans 373—380
Beams, continuous, single span 370—373
Beilby, G.T. 112
Bells, vibrations of 5 552
Beltiami, E. 49 88 135 301
Bending moment 329 359
Bending moment, relation of, to curvature 129 338 359 365
Bending of beams by couples 129—131 162
Bending of beams by distributed load 366—369
Bending of beams by terminal load 138—140 329—346
Bending of beams by uniform load 351—361
Bending of beams of particular forms of section, circular 335 337 340 341 342 346 362
Bending of beams of particular forms of section, elliptic 835 837 341 342 346 348
Bending of beams of particular forms of section, narrow rectangular 138 846 363
Bending of beams of particular forms of section, other special forms 337 340 346
Bending of beams of particular forms of section, rectangular 837 344 346
Bending of beams, history of theory of 2 3 20 21
Bending of beams, naturally curved 450
Bernoulli, Daniel 3 4
Bernoulli, James 2
Bernoulli, James (the Younger) 5
Bernoulli-Eulerian theory 19 365 368 369
Beryl, constants for 163
Betti, E. 16 44 47 173 174 232
Biharmonic function 135
Binet, J. 23
Bipolar coordinates 273
Birkhoff, G.D. 487
Blade see “Stability”
Blanchet, P.H. 18
Body forces 75
Body forces, particular integrals for 183 229 245 252 257 304
Boiler flues, collapse of 574
Bolle, L. 589
Boltzmann, L. 118 146
Borchardt, C.W. 53 109 248 272
Born, M. 411 412 620
Boscovitch, B.J. 6
boundary conditions 100 134 167 228
Boundary conditions in flexure problem 330 332 343
Boundary conditions in gravitating sphere 257
Boundary conditions in plates 27 458—163
Boundary conditions in shells 29 536 543
Boundary conditions in torsion problem 313
Boundary conditions in vibrating cylinder 289 292
Boundary conditions in vibrating sphere 281
Bourdon’s gauge 501
Boussinesq, J. 16 20 24 26 29 89 185 188 190 193 211 240 243 314 316 351 431 435 441 459
Brass, constants for 13 105
Braun, P. 118
Breaking stress 114
Bresse, M. 24 447
Brewster, D. 89
Bridges, suspension 361
Bridges, travelling load on 26 441
Bromwich, T.J.I’A. 286 300 309 431
Bryan, G.H. 30 409 484 486 538 574
Buckling, resistance to 408 (see also “Stability”)
Burgess, R.W. 406
Burkhardt, H. 7 15
Butcher, J.G. 118
Calliphronas, G.C. 363
Canevazzi, S. 22 378
Cannon see “Gun construction”
cantilever 21 367
Capillarity 6
Carothers, S.D. 215 273
Cartography 63
Cast iron 109 114 115
Cast metals 97
Cauchy, A.L. 8 9 10 11 12 14 18 19 27 35 59 74 81 83 108 111 392 497 616 618
Cauchy’s relations 14 100 163 617 620 627
Central-line of prismatic body or curved rod 130
Cerruti, V. 16 238 241 243 248 303
Cesaro, E. 55 221 223
Chains, links of 447
Chakko, K.G. 113
Chladni, E.F.F. 5
Christoffel, E.B. 18 50 299
Cilley, P.H. 111
Circuits, non-evanesoible and reconcilable see “Connectivity multiple”
Circular arc see “Arches” “Circular
Circular cylinder see “Bending of beams”
Circular cylinder, equilibrium of, under any forces 270
Circular cylinder, strained symmetrically 276
Circular cylinder, vibrations of 18 287—292
Circular disk, equilibrium of, under forces in its plane 217—219
Circular disk, rotating 147
Circular ring (flat) under forces in its plane 272
Circular ring (flat), (thin), equilibrium of 402 424 448—450
Circular ring (flat), stability of 424
Circular ring (flat), vibrations of 451—454
Clamped end of a rod 370
Clanpped edge of a plate 462
Clapeyron, B.P.E. 15 22 373
Clausius, R. 9 10
Clebsoh, A. 13 17 21 24 27 28 35 179 180 207 270 272 387 388 396 397 468 553
Codazzi, D. 516
Coker, E.G. 89 113 120 364
Collapse see “Stability”
Collision see “Impact”
| Colour fringes see “Light polarized”
Combined strain 343
Compatibility, conditions of 49
Complex variable see “Conjugate functions”
Compression of a body between parallel planes 175 277
Compression of a body under pressure 103 107 142 144 164 176
Compression of a sphere by its own gravitation 143
Compression, centre of 187 306
Compression, modulus of 12 103 107 145
Cones, equilibrium of 203
Conformal transformation see “Conjugate functions”
Conical shells, thin, approximately inextensional solution 603
Conical shells, thin, edge-effect under lateral forces 595
Conical shells, thin, edge-effect under symmetrical conditions 691
Conical shells, thin, edge-effect under unsymmetrical conditions 605
Conical shells, thin, extensional solution for equilibrium of, under lateral forces 594
Conical shells, thin, extensional solution for equilibrium of, under syriimetrical conditions 590
Conical shells, thin, extensional solution for equilibrium of, under unsymmefcrical conditions 601
Conical shells, thin, inextensional deformation of 603
Conical shells, thin, of variable thickness 593
Conjugate functions 46 91 215 219 272 313 329 335
Conjugate property of harmonic functions 230 267
Conjugate property of normal functions 180
Connectivity, multiple 221 223
Constants, elastic, controversy concerning 13—15
Constants, elastic, definition of 99
Constants, elastic, experimental determination of 13 104 145 163 492
Constants, elastic, magnitude of 106
Constants, elastic, of crystals 163
Constants, elastic, of isotropic bodies 102
Constants, elastic, thermal variations of 109
Continuing equation 432
Cook, G. 575
Coordinates, curvilinear orthogonal 51 56 “Conjugate “Cylindrical “Elliptic “Polar
Coordinates, curvilinear orthogonal, dilatation and rotation in terms of 54
Coordinates, curvilinear orthogonal, general equations in terms of 141 168
Coordinates, curvilinear orthogonal, Lame’s identities for 52
Coordinates, curvilinear orthogonal, second derivatives in terms of first 57
Coordinates, curvilinear orthogonal, strain in terms of 53 58 631
Coordinates, curvilinear orthogonal, stress-equations in terms of 89 167 632
Copper, constants for 105
Cornu, M.A. 104 131
Cosserat, E. and F. 128 266 267
Coulomb, C.A. 3 4 121
Coulon, J. 304
Cowley, W.L. 373 443
Cox, H. 441
Cracks, diminution of strength on account of 273
Crawford, W.J. 493
Crushing of cylindrical test pieces 277
Crushing of metals 117
Crystalline medivm see “ solid” “Crystals”
Crystals, classification of 157
Crystals, elastic constants of 163
Crystals, elasticity of 14 159
Crystals, Neumann’s law of physical behaviour of 14 156
Crystals, symmetry of 155
Cubic capacity of a vessel 124
Cubic crystals 157 162
Culmann, K. 23
Curl of a vector 46
Currents, electric 225
Curvature see “Beams” “Rods” “Plates” “Shells” “Surfaces”
Curve of sines, a limiting case of the elastica 3 405 406
Cylindrical body of any form of section, equilibrium of see “Beams” “Plane “Plane “Rods” “Plates”
Cylindrical body of any form of section, equilibrium of, in a state of plane strain 273
Cylindrical body of any form of section, equilibrium of, in a state of stress uniform along its length 349
Cylindrical body of any form of section, equilibrium of, in a state of stress uniform, or varying uniformly, over its cross-sections 475
Cylindrical body of any form of section, equilibrium of, in a state of stress varying uniformly along its length 351
Cylindrical body of any form of section, equilibrium of, under fluid pressure 128
Cylindrical body of any form of section, equilibrium of, under gravity 127 175
Cylindrical body of any form of section, equilibrium of, under tension 103
Cylindrical coordinates 56 90 143 164 272 274 288
Cylindrical flaw in twisted shaft 123 316
Cylindrical shells (thick), equilibrium of, under pressure 144
Cylindrical shells (thin) under pressure 570
Cylindrical shells (thin), approximately inextensional solution 530
Cylindrical shells (thin), bending of 579
Cylindrical shells (thin), edge-effect under lateral forces 576
Cylindrical shells (thin), edge-effect under symmetrical conditions 569
Cylindrical shells (thin), edge-effect under unsymmetrical conditions 582
Cylindrical shells (thin), extensional solution for equilibrium of, under lateral forces 575
Cylindrical shells (thin), extensional solution for equilibrium of, under symmetrical conditions 568
Cylindrical shells (thin), extensional solution for equilibrium of, under unsymmetrical conditions 580
Cylindrical shells (thin), inextensional deformation of 505
Cylindrical shells (thin), stability of, under pressure 571—575
Cylindrical shells (thin), vibrations of, extensional 543
Cylindrical shells (thin), vibrations of, general theory 546
Cylindrical shells (thin), vibrations of, inextensional 512 547
Dadourian, H.M. 109
Dalby, W.E. 114 120
Dams, stresses in 213
Daniele, E. 273
Darnley, E.H. 443
Darwin, G.H. 15 121 259 262 263
Davidoglou, A. 442
Debye, P. 286
Deflexion see “Beams” “Plates”
Density, table of 105
Diagrams of plane stress 88
Diagrams, stress-strain 113
Diagrams, unclosed 120
Dilatation, cubical 41 61
Dilatation, cubical, average value of 175
Dilatation, cubical, centre of 187
Dilatation, cubical, determination of 233
Dilatation, cubical, in curvilinear coordinates 54
Dilatation, cubical, uniform 44
Dilatation, cubical, waves of 18 293 297
Discontinuity, connected with dislocation 223
Discontinuity, motion of a surface of 295—299
Disk see “Circular disk”
Dislocation in two-dimensional system 221
Dislocation of hollow cylinder with parallel fissure 225
Dislocation of hollow cylinder with radial fissure 227
Dislocation, theory of 221 225
Displacement 35
Displacement, effectively determined by strain 50 222
Displacement, many-valued 221
Displacement, one-valued in torsion and flexure of hollow shaft 320 333
Distortion of cross-sections of bent beam 340
Distortion of cross-sections of twisted prism 320
Distortion, waves of 18 293 297 299
Divergence of a vector 46
Double force 187 246 306
Dougall, J. 186 235 237 243 246 368 488
Dubois, F. 593
Duhamel, J.M.C. 108
Duhem, P. 47
Dunkerley, S. 443
Dynamical resistance 26 123 431—437 441
Earth in a state of initial stress 110 143 256
Earth, ellipticity of figure of 260
Earth, period of spheroidal vibrations of 286
Earth, strained by its own gravitation 143 255
Earth, stress produced in, by weight of continents 259
Earth, tidal effective rigidity of 261
Earthquakes 309
Ease, state of 113
Eddington, A.S. 50
Eddy, H.T. 447
Edge-effect in thin shells 549 556 570 thin” “Spherical thin” “Conical thin”)
Edwardes, D. 267 273
Elastic after-working 116
Elastica 3 24 401—405
Elastica, stability of 411 421
Elasticity, defined 92
Elasticity, limits of 113 115
Ellipsoid, solutions of the equations of equilibrium in 248 264 267
Elliptic coordinates 273
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