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Love A.E.H. — A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity |
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Tissot, M.A. 65
Todhunter and Pearson 7 13 27 59 99 121 128 409 441 447 491
Topaz, constants for 164
Tore, incomplete, torsion and flexure of 444
Torsion function 312
Torsion of a bar of circular section 128
Torsion of a sphere 252
Torsion of a thin shell 567
Torsion of bar of varying circular section 325—327
Torsion of prisms of material 324
Torsion of prisms of isotropic material 310—324
Torsion of prisms of special forms of section 317—320
Torsion problem 311
Torsion, distribution of terminal force producing 327
Torsion, history of theory of 3 19
Torsion, strength to resist 316
Torsion, stress and strain that accompany 44 310 315
Torsional couple in plate 455
Torsional couple in rod 386
Torsional couple in shell 528
Torsional rigidity 312
Torsional rigidity, calculation of 322
Torsional vibrations of a circular ring 453
Torsional vibrations of a cylinder 288
Torsional vibrations of a rod 429
Torsional vibrations of a sphere 285
Tortuosity of central-line of rod 381 397 414 444 447
Traction 75
Traction, used by Pearson in sense of tension 615
Transmission of force 15 183 211 problem
Trees 426
Trefftz, E. 320
Tresca, H. 116
Triclinic crystals 158
Tubes see “Cylindrical shells”
Tutton, A.E.H. 492
Twinning of crystals 163
Twist of a rod 381 382 446
Typical flexural strain of thin shell 502
Uniqueness of solution for equilibrium 170
Uniqueness of solution for vibrations 176
Uniqueness of solution, exceptions to 30 409
Unwin, W.C. 80 112 113 117 119
Variational equation 166
Variational equation, difficulty of forming, for thin shell 532
Variations, calculus of 172 493
Vibrations, general theory of 178—181
Vicat, L.J. 116
viscosity 117
Voigt, W. 14 21 26 44 81 99 118 121 157 159 161 163 325 349 440 614 615 616 620
Volterra, V. 121 221 227 246 304
| Voss, A. 499
Wagstaff, J.E.P. 440
Walker, G.W. 309
Warburg, E.G. 118
Ward, P.F. 442
Watch-spring 119 556
Watson, G.N. 328
Wave-surfaces 299
Waves due to forces of damped harmonic type 306
Waves due to variable forces 304—307
Waves in solid 18 298—300
Waves in infinite cylinder 288—292
Waves in isotropic solid 11 18 293—297 300 304
Waves in plate 309
Waves over surface of solid 307—309
Waxigexin, A. 273
Webage, H. 122
Webb, R.R. 71 273 373 631
Weber, H. 243
Weber, W. 116
Wedge, pressure on faces of 212
Weierstrass, K. 172
Weingarten, G. 221
Weingarten, J. 89
Wertbeim, G. 13 99 109
Weyrauch, J.J. 23 369
Whirling of shafts 442
Whittaker, E.T. 413
Wieghardt, K. 272
Wilberforce, L.R. 416
Willers, F.A. 326
Williams, G.T. 120
Willis, R. 26 441
Wilson, Carus 211 365
Winding ropes in mines 437
Winkler, E. 447
Woehler, A. 119
Wolf, K. 328
Work, done by external forces 98
Wright, J.E. 50 57
Wrinch, D.M. 442
Yerdet, E. 7
Yield-point 114
Yokota, S. 273
Young, A.E. 422
Young, T. 4 7
Young’s modulus 4
Young’s modulus in solids 107 161
Young’s modulus in isotropic solids 103
Young’s modulus, magnitude of 105
Young’s modulus, quartic surface for 108 162
Zixnznermann, H. 373 409
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