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Love A.E.H. — A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity
Love A.E.H. — A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity

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Название: A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity

Автор: Love A.E.H.


Most complete treatment of classical elasticity in a single volume. Coverage of stress, strain, bending, torsion, gravitational effects

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 4th Edition

Год издания: 1944

Количество страниц: 643

Добавлена в каталог: 25.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Elliptic cylinders under flexure      335
Elliptic cylinders under torsion      317
Elliptic cylinders, confocal      319 336
Elliptic cylinders, solutions of the equations of equilibrium in      273
Energy, intrinsic      93 (see also “Potential energy” “Strain-energy-function”)
Equilibrium, general equations of      6—12 84 100 133 135 141 169 229
Equipollent loads, elastic equivalence of      132
Estanave, E.      492
Euler, L.      3 4 5 401 405 616
Everett, J.D.      105
Ewing, J.A.      32 86 112 113 115 120 346
Ewing, J.A. and Bosenhain, W.      112
Existence theorems      172 232 489
Experimental results, indirectness of      96
Extension      32 40 44 61
Extension of a beam bent by distributed load      361
Extension of a plate bent by pressure      479—484 557—564
Extensional vibrations of a circular ring      453
Extensional vibrations of cylindrical shells      546
Extensional vibrations of plates      497 550
Extensional vibrations of rods      428 481—440
Extensional vibrations of shells      542
Extensional vibrations of spherical shells      551
Extensometer      96 113
Extertxiomt, principal      42 62
Fabre      361
Factors of safety      122 123
Failure      see “Liupture”
Fairbaim, W.      574
Fatigue      119
Filon, L.N.G.      89 91 113 138 214 221 273 277 316 328 363 367 368
Fissure      see “Dislocation”
Flamant      112 211
Flaws, diminution of strength on account of      123 252 316
Flexural rigidity of beam      369
Flexural rigidity of plate      464
Flexural rigidity of rod      388
Flexure      see “Beams”
Flexure functions      882 836—338 343 353
Flexure problem      382
Flow      see “Plasticity”
Flue      see “Boiler flues”
Fluid      117
Fluor spar, constants for      163
Flux of energy in vibratory motion      177
Foeppl, A.      112 119 122 326 346 558
Forsyth, A.R.      600
Fourier, J.B.J.      441
Fourier’s series      318 495
Fracture      see “Liupture”
frameworks      23
Freanel, A.      7
Fredholm, I.      232 266
Frequencies, number of, below fixed high limit      286
Frequency equation      179
Frequency, approximate determination of      441 443
FresneVs toave-surface      299
Fuchs, S.      198
Funicular polygon      376
Fuss, P.H.      3
Galerkin, B.      496
Galileo      1
Galileo9s problem      2
Garabedian, G.A.      363 487
Gardani, P.      104
Garrett, C.A.B.      442
Gauss, C.F.      500
Gehring, F.      27
Geophysics, applications of theory of elasticity to      263
Germain, Sophie      5
Ghree, C.      124 128 146 175 254 255 259 264 267 272 276 278 286 287 290 425 428 442 443
Girders      see “Beams”
Glass, constants for      13 105
Goldsohmidt, V.      157
Gough, H.J. and Hanson, D.      112 119 120
Graphic representation of stress      88
Graphic representation of the solution of the problem of continuous beams      376
Graphic representation of the theory of flexure      341
Graphic representation of the theory of torsion      320
Grashof, F.      22 338 346 495
Gravitation      see “Compression” “Earth”
Gravity, effect of, on surface waves      309
Gravity, effect of, on vibrations of spheres      286
Green, G.      11 15 18 46 59 85 111 299
Greenes transformation      85
Greenhill, A.G.      146 314 319 320 419 424 425 426 442
Green’s functions      231
Griffith, A.A.      273 322
Grober, M.K.      419
Gronwall, T.H.      320
Groups of transformations      71 151 157
Guest, J.J.      123 460
Gun construction      145
Hadamard, J.      29 59 304 489
Haigh, P.B.      121
Halphen, G.H.      424
Hamburger, M.      200
Hamiltonian principle      166
Hardening by overstrain      116
Hardness      16
Harmonic function      135 230
Harmonics, spherical      249
Harmonics, spherical, applied to problem of equilibrium of thin spherical shell      589
Harmonics, spherical, applied to problem of torsion of round bar      326
Harmonics, spherical, general solution of the equations of equilibrium in terms of      263 276
Harmonics, spherical, general solution of the equations of vibration in terms of      279
Harmonics, spherical, special solutions of the equations of equilibrium in terms of      250 252
Harnaek, A.      65
Hausmaninger, V.      25
Heat      see “Thermal effects” “Specific
Height, consistent with stability      425
Helix      see “Rods thin” “Springs”
Hencky, H.      448 492 494 496 558
Heppel, J.M.      22
Hereditary phenomena      121
Herglotz, G.      263
Hertz, H.      16 26 498 198 217 306
Hertz’s oscillator, type of waves due to      306
Hess, W.      24 401 417
Hexagonal crystals      158
Hicks, W. ML      232
Hilbert, D.      172
Hilton, H.      149
Hobson, E.W.      589
Hooke, R.      2
Hooke’s law      2 8 12
Hooke’s law, exceptions to      97 112
Hooke’s law, follows from molecular theory      620 625
Hooke’s law, generalized      97
Hopkins, W.      45
Hopkinson, B.      117 120 441
Hopkinson, J.      25 109 146
Hoppe, R.      25 452
Hoskins, L.M.      263
Hough, S.S.      263
Hydrodynamic analogies to torsion problem      314
Hysteresis      118
Hysteresis in special sense      120
Ibbetson, W.J.      17 136
Identical relations, between strain-components      see “Compatibility conditions
impact      16 198—200
Impact of metal rods with rounded ends      440
Impact of spheres      200
Impact, initiation of vibrations by      440
Impact, longitudinal, of bars      25 437
Impact, transverse, of bars      441
Incompressible solid, equilibrium of      264 266
Incompressible solid, vibrations of      283 286
Incompressible solid, waves on surface of      808
Inextensional displacement in thin rod      446
Inextensional displacement in thin shell      499 504 521
Inglis, C.E.      273
Initial stress      109 256 259 618 621
Integration, methods of, for equilibrium      15 232 245 247 263
Integration, methods of, for vibratory motion      179 300 304
Integro-differential equations      121
Interinoleeular action      6 7 9 10 616 620
Invariants of strain      43 62 102
Invariants of stress      83
Inversion of plane strain      215
Inversion, applied to plate      490
Iokibe, K.      109
Iron      see “Cast iron”
Iron, constants for      105
Iron, elastic limits for      116
Iron, yield-points for      116
Isostatic surfaces      89 91
Isotropic solids      102
Isotropy, transverse      160
Jaerisch, P.      18 273 278 285
Jeans, J.H.      260 263 286 309
Jeffcott, H.H.      443
Jeffery, G.B.      91 273
Jellett, J.H.      509
Jenkin, G.F.      112 119
Jessop, H.T.      113 131
Jouravski      22
Karman, Th.V.      121 501 558 614 615
Kelvin and Tait      14 20 24 29 35 59 69 71 121 132 190 254 259 262 270 314 381 415 416 421 438 440 459 462 489 553 557 614 615 616
Kelvin, Lord      12 15 39 54 55 61 79 95 99 108 109 111 118 119 172 183 249 262 263 265 294 298 306 614 616 620
Kerr, J.      89
Kinematics of thin rode      381—386 444—447
Kinematics of thin shells      517—524
Kinetic analogue for naturally curved rod      400
Kinetic analogue for naturally straight rod      399
Kinetic analogue for rod bent and twisted by terminal forces and couples      413
Kinetic analogue for rod subjected to terminal couples      417
Kinetic analogue, loxelastica      401
Kinetic moduluses, distinguished from static      98
Kirchhoff, G.      13 23 27 28 30 49 60 99 166 170 301 381 387 393 396 399 414 442 459 461 496 529 553 614
Klein, F. and Sommerfeld, A.      413
Knott, C.G.      494 495
Koenig, W.      306
Koenigs, G.      49
Kohlrausch, R.      109
Kolossoff, C.      320
Koto, A.      232 266 489
Kriemler, C.J.      409
Kuebler, J.      409
Lagerhjelm, P.      99
Lagrange, J.L.      3
Lamarle, E.      409
Lamb, H.      18 29 55 81 173 221 243 247 261 262 263 278 284 286 309 368 448 452 463 471 497 505 514 537 543 548 549 552 557 614
Lame and Clapeyron      10 15 121
Lamina      4
LanuS, G.      13 15 17 51 52 55 83 89 91 121 142 145 272 614 615
Laplace, P.S.      6
Larmor, J.      167 169 256 263 302 316 400 411
Lattice      618
Lattice of multiple point-elements      620
Laura, E.      306
Lauricella, G.      121 232 243 246 248 266 304 489
Laws, B.C.      493
Le Roux, J.      59
Lead, constants for      105
Lees, C.H.      109
Lees, S.      443
Length, standards of, affected by variations of atmospheric pressure, &c.      124.
Levy, H.      373 443
Levy, M.      22 213 373 378 424 425 492
Lewis, W.J.      157
Liebisch, Th.      149 162 616
Light, polarized, examination of stress-systems by means of      89 113 366 368
Limitations of the mathematical theory      112
Limits, elastic      see “Elasticity limits
Lines of shearing stress in flexure      342
Lines of shearing stress in torsion      315 321
Lines of stress      88
Lines of stress for force at a point      201
Lines of stress for two bodies in contact      198
Liouville, J.      301
Lipschitz, R.      99
Load      97
Load, sudden application or reversal of      123 181 437
Load, travelling      26 441
Loading, asymmetric, of beams      343
Loading, effect of repeated      119
Loading, surface, of beams      363 366
Longitudinal vibrations of rods      see “Extensional vibrations of rods”
Longitudinal waves      7 11
Lorenz, L.      304
MacCullagh, J.      169 300
Macroscopic      617
Maedonald, H.M.      800 320
Magnetometer, deflexion bars      124
Mallock, H.B.A.      104 131 145
Maoleod and Clarke      109
Marcolongo, R.      243 272
Mariotte, E.      2
Mascart, M.E.      89 149
Mason, W.      120
Mathieu, B.      29 496 551
Matter, constitution of      6 620
Maxwell, J.C.      17 84 88 89 108 146 221 232 616
Maxwell’s stress-system      84 87 136 616
Mayer, R.      448
Meissner, E.      589 593
Membrane, analogy of, to bent beam      345
Membrane, analogy of, to twisted shaft      327
Mesnager, A.      211 487 494
Meyer, O.E.      118
Michell, A.G.M.      419 421
Middle third, bule of      86 212
Miers, H.A.      157
Miller, J.W.      416
Minohin, G.M.      69 136
Miohell, J.H.      17 21 24 29 88 91 135 137 141 201 203 210 211 212 215 217 219 221 243 272 276 326 354 356 360 363 444 451 453 465 466 487 489 490
Modes of equilibrium, permanent and transitory      368
Modulus      106 616 modulus “Rigidity” “Young’s
Mohr, O.      22 121 123 375
Molecular hypothesis      6—10
Molinari, A.M.      121
Momentary stress      117
Moments, theorem of three      23 373
Monoclinic crystals      1S8
Morera, G.      88
Morrow, J.      104 442
Morton, W.B. and Close, L.J.      198
Mueller-Breslau, H.F.B.      23
Multiconstant theory      13
Navier      6 22 25 369 491
Neumann, C.      172 248
Neumann, F.E.      14 89 108 155 176
Neutral axis      see “Galileo’s problem”
Neutral plane      338
Neutral surface      361 364
Newton, I.      6 198
Nicholson, J.W.      442
Nodal surfaces of vibrating sphere      284
Normal forces, rod bent by      423
Normal functions of vibrating system      179
Normal integrals of linear differential equatibns      600
Notation      614
Nuclei of strain      186 201 208 306
Nuclei of strain, solution of the problem of the plane in terms of      240 243
Oblique crystals      158
Optics, influence of theories of, in promoting research in elasticity      7 8 11 30
Orlando, L.      243
Orr, W.M.F.      443
Orthogonal surfaces      51
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