Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Parametric equations
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 1) | 475, 517 | Keisler H.J. — Elementary calculus | 90 | Abell M.L., Braselton J.P. — Mathematica by Example | 65, 66, 81—83, 168—172 | Edwards C.C. — TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator For Dummies | See also parametric graphs | Ayres F.J., Mendelson E. — Schaum's Outline of Calculus | 145, 424 | Boas R.P. — A Primer of Real Functions | 115, 116 | Snyder V., Sisam C.H. — Analytic Geometry of Space | 21 | Sokolnikoff I.S. — Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists | 143, 149, 150, 199, 215, 247 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus: One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra, Vol. 1 | 475, 517 | Eisenhart L.P. — A Treatise on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces | see “Equations” | D'Angelo J.P., West D.B. — Mathematical Thinking: Problem-Solving and Proofs | 159, 60, 166—7 | Bluman G.W. — Problem Book for First Year Calculus | (III.6, 7, 9; VIIL8.l-8.11), [VIII.8.1—8.17] | Ford L. — Automorphic Functions | 220, 254 | Sommerville D. — An introduction to the geometry of N dimensions | 51, 56, 57 | Archbold J.W. — Introduction to the Algebraic Geometry of a Plane | see Equations | Woods F.S., Bailey F.H. — A Course in Mathematics. Volume II | I, 302 | Copeland A.H. — Geometry, algebra, and trigonometry by vector methods | 37, 88 | McKeague C. P. — Trigonometry | 322, 329, 333 | Tutte W.T. — Graph Theory as I Have Known It | 119, 120, 124, 139 | Gullberg J. — Mathematics: from the birth of numbers | 586 | United States NAVY — Mathematics, pre-calculus and introduction to probability (Navy course) | 3-18—3-27, 3-31 | Franklin P. — Differential and integral calculus | 210 | Kline M. — Mathematics for the Nonmathematician | 309 | Nahin P.J. — When Least Is Best: How Mathematicians Discovered Many Clever Ways to Make Things as Small (or as Large) as Possible | 217—219, 222, 224, 252, 259, 352—353 | Anthony G. — Elements of differential and integral calculus | 79 | D'Angelo J.P., West D.B. — Mathematical thinking: problem-solving and proofs | 159—160, 166—167 | Osborne G.A. — Differential and integral calculus, with examples and applications | 324 | Proskuryakov I.V. — Problems in Linear Algebra | 290 |