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Kline M. — Mathematics for the Nonmathematician |
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12 68 156
Aaboe, Asger 186
Abbott, E.A. 279
Abel, Niels Hendrik 27 120
Abscissa 256
Abstraction 15 30
Acceleration 294 342 352
Acceleration in sinusoidal motion 427
Acceleration, centripetal 350 352
Acceleration, instantaneous 365 ff.
Adams, Oscar S. 186
Addition of ordinates 442 ff.
Advancement of Learning 283
Aesthetics 24 550
Age of Reason 24 f. 240 411
Air, motion of 438 ff.
Al-Khowarizmi 19
Alberti, Leone Battista 216 229 509
Alder, Henry L. 521 540
Alexander the Great 17 153
Alexandria 17 ff. 136 153
Alexandrian Greeks see "Greeks"
Alexandrian Library 154
Algebra 12 17 22 52 253 255 478
Algebra as language 94 ff.
Algebra of logic 495 f.
Algebra of sets 491 ff.
Algebra, modular 487 ff.
Algebraic transformations 102 ff.
Almagest 19 158 161 192
Amplitude 424
Analogy 40 f.
Analysis 24
Analytic geometry see "Coordinate geometry"
Analytical Theory of Heat 446
Anatomy 202 214
Angle, critical 180
Angle, exterior 127
Angle, interior 127
Antiderivative 389
Apollonius 18 19 142 148 155 329
Approximation 71
Arabs 19 ff. 27 57 96 194 198 200
Archimedes 18 ff. 155 228 329 455
Architecture 37 f.
Area 129 131 366
Area by integration 394 ff.
Aristarchus 327
Aristotle 15 19 47 149 194 200 228 282 286 307
Arithmetic 12 20 30 52 58 199 478
Arithmetic mean 502 f.
Arithmetic, modular 484 ff.
Armitage, Angus 362
Ars Magna 203
ART see "Mathematics as an art" "Music" "Painting"
Associative axiom 76 f. 479 483 492
Astrology 14 199
Astronomy 13 ff. 18 23 85 124 155 157 171 188 199 253 289 326 see "Ptolemaic
Athens 15 17
Atomic weight 88 ff.
atoms 88 ff.
Augustine, Saint 1 9 198
Average 82 f. 502
Avogadro, A. 88
Axioms 16 26 50 75 126 541
Axioms of Euclid 126 f. 452
Axioms of physics 324 see "Newton's "Parallelism"
Babylonia 12 ff. 17 31 45 61 68 85 96 118 171 188 199
Bacon, Francis 1 23 280 283
Bacon, Roger 205
Ball, W.W. Rouse 29 93 122 152 186 208 414
Barrow, Isaac 336 368
Base 61 85
Baseball arithmetic 481 ff.
Baumgardt, Carola 362
Bell, A.E. 305
Bell, Eric T. 29 56 249 362 414 477 498
Benade, Arthur H. 451
Bernoulli family 24 437
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm 456
Binoculars 181
biology 26 83 499 526 see "Eye"
Blunt, Anthony 230
Bohm, David 540
Bolyai, John 452 456
Bonner, Francis T. 91 305 362 480
Bonola, Roberto 477
Boole, George 495 f. 498
Born, Max 540
Boyle, Robert 281 284
Boys, C.V. 152
Brahe, Tycho 206 327
Brianchon, Charles J. 242 245
Bronowski, J. 556
Brown, Lloyd A. 186 435
Brunelleschi 215
Bum, E.A. 305 363
Bunim, Miriam 230
Bury, J.B. 556
Butterfield, Herbert 305 363
Byzantine Empire 19 21 198 200
Cajori, Florian 208
Calculus 24 242 253 336 365
Calculus of variations 24
Calculus, history of 409 ff.
calendar 13 124 157 199
Camera 182
Cannizzaro, S. 88
Cantor, Georg 462 474
Cardan, Jerome 22 27 119 203 205 208 255 522
Carnot, L.N.M. 243
Carslaw, H.S. 477
Caspar, Max 363
Casting out nines 488 ff.
Catholic Church 20 198 206
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 411
Cause 282 f.
Cavalieri, Bonaventura 410
Cavallini 210
Cesalpinus, Andrew 204 283
Chamberlin, W. 186
Chasles, Michel 242
Chemistry 89 ff. 155 480
Childe, V. Gordon 29
China 12
Christianity 19 f. 194 198 206 227
Cimabue 210
circle 129 156 241 254
Circle, equation of 262 f.
Clagett, Marshall 57 195
Clark, Kenneth 230
clock 254 416 433
Cohen, I. Bernard 305 363
Cohen, Morris R. 57 540
Cole, Rex V. 230
Colerus, Egmont 93 122 414
Columbus, Christopher 136
Commutative axiom 76 f. 483 492
compass 21 201
complex numbers 26
Computers 86 ff.
Condensation 439
Cone 241
Congruence 129
Congruence, arithmetic 484 ff.
Conic sections 142 ff. 241 255 see "Hyperbola" "Parabola"
Construction problems, famous 148
Coolidge, Julian L. 57 230
Coordinate geometry 22 242 250
coordinates 257 308
| Copernicus, Nicolaus 21 192 206 253 326 551
Correlation 516 ff.
Cosine 159 ff.
Courant, Richard 152 498
Crombie, A.C. 208 306
Cross ratio 238 247
Curve fitting 511 ff.
Curve of an equation 269 ff.
Curvilinear motion 307
Cylinder 156
Cylindrical surface 465
D'Alembert, Jean le Rond 24 411 437
da Vinci, Leonardo 202 ff. 208 215 225 229 509
Dalton, John 88
Dampier-Whetham, W.C.D. 195 208 306 363
Dantzig, Tobias 93
David, Edward E., Jr. 451
Davis, Philip J. 93
de Fermat, Pierre 1 22 182 240 242 250 252 255 257 277 368 522
de la Hire, Philippe 242
De Magnete 283
de Mere, Chevalier 522
De Prospettiva Pingendi 223
de Roberval, Gilles P. 239
de Santillana, Giorgio 363
Decimal system 85
Deduction 30 41 128
Deductive method 45 ff. 128 150
Deetz, Charles H. 186
Deferent 192 327
definitions 51
della Francesca, Piero 216 229
Della Pittura 216
Derivative 375
Desargues, Girard 234 ff. 239 242 244 246 248
Descartes, Rene 22 f. 176 205 240 242 250 255 257 273 277 284 288 368 476 495 523 543
Description versus explanation 288
Dialogue on the Great World Systems 333
Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences 285 307
Dido, problem of 135
Differential equation 24
Differential geometry 24
Differentiation 376
Dimensions, four 275 ff.
Dimensions, three 273 ff.
Diophantus 18
Direct equation 308
Directrix 142 f.
Discourse on Method 240 252
Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Concerning Two New Sciences 285
Dispersion of data 503 ff.
Displacement 418
Distributive axiom 78 103 483
Donne, John 202
Drake, Stillman 363
Dreyer, J.L.E. 195 363
Duality 242 ff.
Duccio 210 ff.
Duerer, Albrecht 216 ff. 509
Dunnington, G.W. 477
Durrell, Clement V. 477
Earth, acceleration of 350
Earth, circumference of 136 165
Earth, density of 348
Earth, distance from moon 171 f.
Earth, shape of 352 366
Earth, volume of 348
Eastern Roman Empire see "Byzantine Empire"
Easton, Stewart C. 208
Eclipse 7 174
Economics 7 24 26 33 476
Egypt 12 ff. 17 31 45 68 96 118 153 171 188 199
Einstein, Albert 90 549
electricity 25
Electromagnetic waves 25 see
Elements of Euclid 17 125 142
ellipse 142 f. 222 241 253 271 328 334
Ellipse, equation of 272 f.
Ellis, Havelock 556
Energy 33 90
Enlightenment see "Age of Reason"
Epicycle 192 327
Equation of a curve 258 ff.
Equations, first degree 107
Equations, higher degree 119 ff.
Equations, linear 107
Equations, quadratic 107 ff. 112
Equations, second degree 107 ff. 112
Equations, solution of 106 ff. 255
Equator 165
Equilibrium position 418
Equivalent figures 129
Eratosthenes 136 154 157
Error curve 507
Escape velocity 401 ff.
Essay on Conic Sections 239
Ethics 24 476
Euclid 17 f. 19 125 142 154 155 200 228 329 453
Euclid Vindicated from All Defects 455
Euclidean geometry 17 f. 25 123 149 159 193 247 281 395 452
Eudoxus 17 125 190
Euler, Leonhard 24 411 437
Eves, Howard 29 93 152 414
Evolution, Theory of 452
Experimentation 4 40 283
Exponents 96 ff.
Extrasensory perception 537
eye 181 f. 234
Factoring 104
Farrington, B. 195 306
Ferrari, Lodovico 119
Fletcher, Harvey 451
Focus 142 ff.
force 33 193
Force of gravitation 326 341
Force, centripetal 353
Foreshortening 213 221
Formula 287 ff. 291
Fourier's theorem 446 ff.
Fourier, Joseph 445 f. 555
Frank, Philipp 477
Frequency distribution 507
Frequency distribution, binomial 533 f.
Frequency distribution, normal 507
Frequency of sinusoidal motion 425
Freund, John E. 521 540
Function 23 290
Function, linear 299
Function, periodic 422
Function, quadratic 300
Fundamental tone 448
Gade, John A. 363
Galen 156 204 282
Galilei, Galileo 23 ff. 205 240 251 254 283 306 307 325 332 334 343 363 390 412 436 499 547 549
Galois, Evariste 27 120
Gamow, George 93 477 540
Gases 155
Gauss, Karl Friedrich 25 27 455 549
Genetics 83 f. 526
Geocentric theory see "Ptolemaic theory"
Geographica of Eratosthenes 157
Geographica of Ptolemy 158
Geographical explorations 200
Geography 157 f. 332
Geometry 12 17 24 32 36 123 199 see "Euclidean "Non-Euclidean "Projective
Geometry of Descartes 253 f.
Geometry, four-dimensional 275 ff.
Germanic tribes 20 197
Ghiberti 229 509
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