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Kline M. — Mathematics for the Nonmathematician |
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Gibbon, Edward 2
Gilbert, Wm. 283
Giotto 213
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 2
Goldbach, Christian 46
Graunt, John 500
Gravitation 294 326 336 341 360 407
Gravitation, law of 341 547
Great circle 169 254
Greek art 37
Greek science 21 138 153 171 176 187 281 288
Greeks 2 14 21 23 27 31 46 58 68 96 123 148 153 187 200 203 205 213 250 452 468
Gunpowder 21 201
Haldane, E.S. 279
Hall, A.R. 363
Halley, Edmond 336 338 436 500
Hamilton, Edith 57
Hardy, G.H. 556
Harmonics of a musical sound 448
Harrison, John 433
Harvey, Wm. 204 283
Heat 24
Hebrews 14
Heliocentric theory 21 23 253 326
Hellenistic world see "Greeks"
Heron 139 155
Hexagon 241
Hilbert, David 25
Hindus see "India"
Hipparchus 18 f. 21 158 161 165 170 190 282
Hippias 125
Hippocrates 125
Hofmann, J.E. 208
Holton, Gerald 91 306 325 363
Hooke's law 417 429 547
Hooke, Robert 254 284 338 417 433 436 440
Huff, Darrell 521
Huygens, Christian 254 284 352 368 433 436
Hyperbola 142 f. 222 241 253
Hypersphere 276
Idealization 38 f.
Ideas of Plato 34 ff.
Increment 374
Indefinite integral 389
India 12 19 27 61 72 96 200
Indirect method of proof 128
Induction 40 ff. 45
Inertia see "Mass"
Infinite series 24
infinity 236 f.
Instant 368
Instantaneous 367 ff.
Instantaneous rate of change 367 ff.
INTEGER 58 ff.
integral 389
Integral as a limit 404 ff.
Integration 389
Intersection of sets 492
Interval of time 368
Invariant 238 247
Ionia 47 188
Irrational numbers 65 ff. 124
Isotope 89 f.
Ivins, Wm. M., Jr. 231 249
Ivins, Wm.M., Jr. 231 249
Johnson, Martin 231
Jones, Burton W. 93
Kant, Immanuel 476
Kasner, Edward 414 540
Kepler's laws 328 ff. 334 355 513 548
Kepler, Johannes 21 192 206 253 283 326 549
Koyre, Alexandre 363
Kuhn, Thomas S. 196 363
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 24 411 437
Langer, Susanne K. 498
Language of mathematics 94 ff.
Laplace, Pierre Simon 24 522 540
Latitude 166 ff.
Law 476
Lawson, Philip J. 231
Legendre, Adrien Marie 24
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 24 206 240 242 281 366 368 375 406 410 495
Length of curve 366
Lens 181 f. 202 254 284
Leonardo da Vinci see "Da Vinci"
Levinson, Horace C. 540
Life insurance 500 529
Light 2 16 24 138 144 155 193 202 215 254 284 469
Light, reflection of 138 f. 144 179 381
Light, refraction of 4 155 176 254 381
Light, total reflection of 179 f.
Light, velocity of 176
LIMIT 372 404 409
Line at infinity 237
Line curve 245
Line, equation of 258 ff.
Lobachevsky, Nicholas I. 456 ff.
Logarithms 22
Logic 30 ff. 149 495
Logic, symbolic 495 f.
longitude 158 165
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio 213
Loudness of a sound 448
Luther, Martin 201
Mac Curdy, Edward 208
Magnetism 25
Manning, H.A. 279
MAP 169 254
Mariotte, Edme 284
Martini, Simone 210
Mason, S.F. 363
Mass 33 340
Mass of earth 347
Mass of Sun 351
Mastery of nature 23 280
Mathematical creation 51 ff. 552
Mathematical logic 495 f.
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 336 ff. 360
Mathematics and engineering 23 ff. 110 155 475
Mathematics and human beings 27 f.
Mathematics and nature 16 150 187 205 208 329 359 412 462 471 479 497 542
Mathematics and science 5 ff. 21 23 46 110 411 462 473 547
Mathematics and science compared 33 ff. 110 473
Mathematics and superstitions 5
Mathematics and theology 2 199 331
Mathematics as an art 8 ff. 550
Mathematics, and art 8 37 209
Mathematics, and engineering 23 ff. 110 155 475
Mathematics, and human beings 27 f.
Mathematics, and nature 16 150 187 205 208 329 359 412 462 471 479 497 542
Mathematics, nature of 3 ff. 30 194 471 541
Mathematics, prehistoric 11
Matrices 26
Maxima and minima 131 ff. 317 366 382
Maxwell, James Clerk 25
Mazlish, B. 556
Mechanics 289
Median 502 f.
Medicine 155 f.
Medieval civilization 20 39 197
Medieval painting 210
Medieval science 198 ff. 281 288
Mendel, Gregor 526
Mendeleev, Dimitri Ivanovich 89
Mersenne, Marin 239 436
Method, of exhaustion 404
Method, of increments 372
Michelangelo 229 509
Microscope 202 254
Middle Ages 2 229
| Miller, Dayton C. 451
MODE 502 f.
Mohammedans see "Arabs"
Monge, Gaspard 242 f.
Moody, E.A. 306
Moon 335 344
Moon, distance from earth 171 f.
Moon, motion of 335 339 358
Moon, radius of 172 f.
More, Louis T. 364
Moroney, M.J. 540
Mortimer, Ernest 249
Motion 193 254 287 293 365 390 401
Motion of a bob on a spring 416 ff.
Museum of Alexandria 154 194
MUSIC 24 193 199 436
Musical instruments 445 447
Mydorge, Claude 239
n-dimensional space 26 275
Nagel, Ernest 57 540
Navigation 13 22 124 253 332 335 416
negative numbers 20 72
Neugebauer, Otto 29 57
Newman, James R. 364 414 498 521 540 556
Newton's laws of motion 293 f. 310 342 547
Newtonian mechanics 334 ff.
Nichomachus 18
Nicolo of Brescia see "Tartaglia"
Noland, Aaron 415
Non-Euclidean geometry 25 f. 452
Normal probability curve 505 ff. 530
Novum Organum of Bacon 283
Number mysticism 59 f.
Number, concept of 12 f. 15 20 30 58
Ohm, George S. 447
Olson, Harry F. 451
On Burning Glasses 148
On the Lever 157
On the Motion of the Planet Mars 328
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres 327 332
Optics see "Light"
Ordinate 257
Ore, O. 122 208 540
Origin 256
Oscillatory motion 417
Pacioli, Luca 200 f.
painting 21 204 209
Panofsky, Erwin 231
parabola 142 ff. 222 241 253 264 311 334
Parabola, equation of 265 ff.
Paraboloidal mirror 14 f. 147
Paragone of Leonardo 229
Parallelism 126 236 453
Parametric equations 309
Parsons, Edward A. 186
Parthenon 37
Pascal's triangle 533 f.
Pascal, Blaise 1 27 206 239 242 245 284 410 522 554
Pearson, Karl 501 517
Pendulum 254 417
Pensees of Pascal 240
Pentagon 134
Pepys, Samuel 2
Perimeter 131 ff.
Period of a bob 432
Periodic motion 416 ff.
Periscope 181
Perspective 210 ff. 232
Perspective, focused 215
Perspective, optical 211
Perspective, terraced 210
Perspective, vertical 211
Phidias 37
Phillips, Melba 91 305 362 480
Philosophy 7 21 24 47 124 252 475 545 see
Photograph 234
Pierce, John A. 451
Piero della Francesca see "Della Francesca"
Pitch 448 ff.
Plato 2 17 30 32 48 50 125 199 228 476 543
Playfair, John 453
Poincare, Henri 25 27 477 556
Point at infinity 236 f.
Point curve 245
Political theory 7 24 26 33 476
Polyclitus 35 f.
Polygon 134 see "Quadrilateral" "Rectangle" "Square" "Triangle"
Polyhedron 130
Poncelet, Jean Victor 243 f.
Pope Julius II 227
Poseidonius 136 157
positional notation 20 61 85
Poundal 340
Praxiteles 37
Precession of the equinoxes 358
Prediction 548
Premises 41 ff.
Primary and secondary qualities 285 f.
Prime numbers 46
Principle of least time 183 254
Printing 22 201
prism 180
probability 26 240 253 522
Projectile motion 22 f. 201 254 284 310 338 366 381
Projection 216 ff. 232 419
Projective geometry 21 232
proof 39 ff. 45 53
Protestant Revolution 22 201
Provincial Letters 240
Psychology 24 537
Ptolemaic theory 158 191 326
Ptolemy, Claudius 18 ff. 21 155 158 161 165 170 190 200 228 282
Ptolemy, Egyptian dynasty 154 f.
Pyramids of Egypt 13
Pythagoras 17 59 65 68 228
Pythagorean Theorem 65 f. 161
Pythagorean triples 65
Pythagoreans 34 59 65 125 188 436
Quadrangle 244
Quadratic formula 116 f.
Quadrilateral 134 244
Quadrivium 199
Qualitative knowledge 156 282
Quality of a sound 448 ff.
Quantitative knowledge 156 288
Quetelet, L.A.J. 501 509
Radian 423
Radio 25 147
Raisz, E. 186
Randall, John H., Jr. 208 289 306 556
RANGE 316 321
Raphael 227 ff.
Rarefaction 439
Rate of change, average 367 ff.
Rate of change, instantaneous 367 ff.
Reasoning 3 ff. 15 39 149 see
rectangle 131 ff.
Rectangular Cartesian coordinate system 257 274
Redfield, John 451
Refraction 176
Regular polyhedra 129
Reichmann, W.J. 521 540
Relativity, theory of 90 470
Religion 21 34 59 206 331 see "Christianity"
Religion and painting 210 ff.
Renaissance 2 20 202 209 248
Republic of Plato 32
Resonator 448
Rest position 418
Rheticus, George Joachim 551
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