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Kline M. — Mathematics for the Nonmathematician |
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Rhine, J.B. 537 540
Riemann, Bernhard 25 275 461
Ripley, Julian A., Jr. 435
Robbins, Herbert 152 498
Roessler, Edward B. 521 540
Rolle, Michel 411
Roller, Duane H.D. 93 306 325 363
Romans 18 157 194 197
Root of an equation 112
Rotation of the earth 352 ff.
Russell, Bertrand 9 10 208 477 556
Saccheri, Girolamo 454 f. 461
Sambursky, S. 196
Sampling 538 f.
Sarton, George 196
Satellite 354 f.
Sawyer, W.W. 122 152 186 249 279 306 414 498 556
Schopenhauer, Arthur 2 53
Schroedinger, Erwin 540
Scientific explanation 282 f. 288
Scientific method 281 ff. 337 359
Scott, J.F. 29 152 186 279 415
Sculpture 37 ff.
Sears, Francis W. 186 451
Section 216 ff. 232
Similarity 129
Sine 159 ff.
Singer, Charles 196
Singh, Jagit 415
Sinusoidal functions 418 ff. 436
Sir Galton, Francis 501 517
Sir Heath, T.L. 152 186
Sir Jeans, James 57 196 363 451
Sir Jones, Harold Spencer 363
Sir Newton, Isaac 2 22 205 240 242 251 284 289 308 335 366 368 375 406 409 417 436 455
Sir Petty, William 500
Sir Wren, Christopher 338
slope 259 ff. 379
Smith, David Eugene 29 57 93 122 152 186 208 415
Smith, Preserved 306 364
Snell, Willebrord 176
Social sciences 7 26 33 499 see "Political
Socrates 36 50 228
Sommerville, D.M.Y. 477
Sound 16 24 155 193 436 see
Sound wave 440
Sound, complex 445 ff.
Sound, simple 438 ff.
Spectacles 254
Speed 287 ff.
Speed, instantaneous 365 ff.
Spengler, Oswald 556
Sphere 129 156 222
Sphere and Riemannian geometry 467 ff.
Sphere, equation of 275 f.
Spirit of Geometry 240
Spring 254
Spring constant 429
Square 132 ff.
Standard deviation 504 f.
Statistics 26 499
Stevin, Simon 284
Strabo 136 157
Strong, E.W. 306
Struik, Dirk J. 29 57
Sullivan, John Wm.N. 364 556
Summa of Pacioli 202
Sun, density of 351
Sun, distance from Earth 172
| Sun, distance from Venus 174 f.
Sun, mass of 351
Sun, radius of 173
Surface, equation of 273 ff.
Sylvester, James Joseph 26
Symbolism 95 f. 255
Tacitus 197
Tangent, of an angle 159 ff.
Tangent, slope of 380
Tartaglia 8 22 119 255 284
Taylor, Henry O. 57 306
Taylor, Lloyd Wm. 152 186 306 364 435 451
Telescope 147 202 254 332
Television 25
Tensors 26
Thales 17 46 125
The Harmony of the World 330
Theorem 46 f. 543
Theory of numbers 253 490
Tides 358
Torricelli, Evangelista 240 284
Total reflection of light 180
Trajectory see "Projectile motion"
Treatise an Painting of Leonardo 216 229
triangle 127 ff.
Trigonometric functions see "Sinusoidal functions"
Trigonometric tables 161 f.
Trigonometry 18 158 416 441
Trivium 199
Truth 7 17 25 149 206 252 281 471 479 543
Tuning fork 438 ff.
Turks 200
Uccello, Paolo 216 229
Union of sets 491
Universe, conceptions of 188 f. 198 see "Ptolemaic
Valentin, Antonina 208
Validity 42
Vanishing line 222
Vanishing point 221 ff.
Vanishing point, diagonal 222 ff.
Variable 287 ff. 291
Vasari, Giorgio 231
Velocity see "Speed"
Venus 174 f.
Vesalius, Andreas 204 283
Vieta, Francois 22 118 255
Voice 450
Volume 366
Von Bergeijk, Willem A. 451
Von Guericke, Otto 284
von Helmholtz, Hermann 231 448 451
Wallis, John 368
Water power 155
Weaver, Warren 540
Wedberg, Anders 57
Weierstrass, Karl 27
Weight 340 343 353
Western European civilization 20 ff. 27
Whitehead, Alfred North 10 18 122 179 306 435 546
whole number 58 ff.
Wiener, Philip 415
Wightman, Wm.P.D. 364 415
Wolf, Abraham 306 364 521
Wolfe, Harold E. 477
Wood, Alexander 451
Work 397 ff.
Young, Jacob W.A. 249 477
Young, John W. 249
Zemansky, Mark 186 451
Zero 20 60
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