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Snyder V., Sisam C.H. — Analytic Geometry of Space |
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Absolute 53
angle 3
Angle between two lines 3 22
Angle between two planes 22
Apolar 182
Axis, radical 47
Axis, radical of revolution 50
Axis, radical, major, mean, minor 63
Binormal 248
Bundle of planes 31 115
Bundle of planes of quadrics 167
Bundle of planes, parallel 31
Burnside and Panton 239
Center 76
Center of ellipsoid 63
Center, radical 59
Characteristic 150
Class of a curve 225
Class of a surface 210
Cone 49
Cone, asymptotic 96
Cone, minimum 190
Cone, projecting 217 •
Cone, quadric 72
Cone, tangent 212
Conjugate points 132
Conjugate points, planes 132
Conjugate points, point and line 165
Contragredient 119
Cooerdinates 1
Cooerdinates, curvilinear 255
Cooerdinates, cylindrical 10
Cooerdinates, elliptic 106
Cooerdinates, homogeneous 33
Cooerdinates, hyperbolic 139
Cooerdinates, plane 31
Cooerdinates, polar 10
Cooerdinates, spherical 11
Cooerdinates, tetrahedral 109
Correspondence 120
Correspondence, involutorial 172
Cross ratio 121
Curvature 248
Curvature, mean 263
Curvature, total 263
Curve 46
Curve, algebraic 215
Curve, asymptotic 261
Curve, minimum 252
Curve, parametric 255
Curve, space 215 245
Cusp 226
Cyclide 203
Cyclide horn 204
Cyclide ring 204
Cyclide spindle 204
Cyclide, binodal 204
Cyclide, Dupin 204
Cyclide, nodal 203
Cylinder 49
Cylinder, elliptic 72
Cylinder, hyperbolic 72
Cylinder, imaginary 72
Cylinder, parabolic 72
Cylinder, projecting 47
Direction 3
Direction, cosines 5
Discriminant 78 126
Discriminating cubic 79
Distance 4 7
Distance between a point and line 23
Distance between two lines 24
Distance from a plane to a point 17
Double point of a curve 226
Double point of a curve of a surface 203 210
Double point of a curve, apparent 221
Duality 113
Ellipse, cubical 235
Ellipsoid 63
Ellipsoid, imaginary 68
Equation of plane 12
Equation of point 32
Equations of a line 19
Equations of a line, parametric 138
Euler 42
Factors, invariant 149
Field, plane 115
Fine 216
Formulas, Euler’s 42
Frenet — Serret 250
Generator 94
Genus 228
Halphen 216
Harmonic 122
hessian 212
Horopter 235
Hyperbola, cubical 234
Hyperboloid of one sheet 65
Hyperboloid of two sheets 67
Image 139
Independent planes 36
Indicatrix 267
Inflexion, linear 226
Intercepts 13
Invariant points 121
Invariant, relative 127
Invariant, under motion 82
Inversion, quadratic 201
Involution 122
Isotropic planes 54
Jacobian of a net 170
Jacobian of a web 176
Kummer 180
Kummer, surface 180
Law of inertia 136
Lines, conjugate 134
Lines, conjugate minimum 190
Lines, conjugate normal 255
| Lines, conjugate of centers 76
Lines, conjugate of curvature 263
Lines, conjugate of vertices 76
Matrix 37
Meusnier 260
Monoid 219
Node 226
Noether 221
normal 92
Normal form 13
Normal form, principal 247
Octant 2
Order of curve 170
Order of surface 208
Origin 1
Parabola, cubical 235
Paraboloid, elliptic 69
Paraboloid, hyperbolic 70
Parametric equations 21
Pencil of planes 26 115
Pencil of quadrics 147
Perspectivity 196
Plane 13
Plane at infinity 76
Plane of centers 76
Plane, diametral 75
Plane, double osculating 226
Plane, fundamental 73
Plane, normal 132 208
Plane, principal 78
Plane, radical 57
Plane, rectifying 247
Plane, self-conjugate 133
Plane, stationary 226
Plane, tangent 210
Planes, cooerdinate 1
Planes, cooerdinate, isotropic 190
Planes, cooerdinate, projecting 26
Point, at infinity 21
Point, at infinity stationary 226
Points, associated 168
Points, associated circular 53
Points, associated conjugate 132 153
Points, associated elliptic 267
Points, associated fundamental 197
Points, associated hyperbolic 267
Points, associated imaginary 44
Points, associated parabolic 267
Points, associated self-conjugate 133
Polar reciprocal figures 135
Polar reciprocal figures, tetrahedra 135
Position, hyperbolic 143
Projection, orthogonal 3
Projection, orthogonal, quadric cone on a plane 149
Projection, orthogonal, quadric on a plane 139
Projection, orthogonal, stereographic 59
Quadric cone 72
Quadric cone, non-singular 78
Quadric cone, singular 78
Quadric cone, surface 63 124
Quadrics, confocal 104
Quartic curve 235
Quartic curve, first kind 242
Quartic curve, non-singular 238
Quartic curve, rational 240
Quartic curve, rational, second kind 237
Radii, reciprocal 201
Radius of curvature 249
Radius of curvature of torsion 249
Range of points 115
Rank of curves 224
Rank of curves, of a matrix 37
Rank of curves, of determinants 37
Reflection 41
Regulus 94 138
Reye 77
Rotation 38
Salmon 167 177 227
Section, circular 98
Semi-axis 63
Sphere 52
Sphere point 52
Sphere, director 93
Sphere, imaginary 52
Sphere, osculating 251
Spheroid, oblate 64
Spheroid, oblate, prolate 65
Steinerian 214
surface 46
Surface, algebraic 206
Surface, developable 225
Surface, developable of revolution 50
Surface, developable polar 208
Surface, developable quadric 63
Tangent 209
Tangent, double 226
Tangent, inflexional 226
Tangent, stationary 226
Tangents, asymptotic 261
Tangents, asymptotic conjugate 262
Tangents, asymptotic inflexional 210
Tetrahedron, cooerdinate 35
Tetrahedron, cooerdinate, self-polar 135
Torsion 248
Transformation, birational 197
Transformation, birational of coordinates 38
Transformation, birational, projective 120
Translation 38
Umbilic 101
Unit plane 110
Unit plane, point 110
Vertex of bundle 31
Vertex of bundle of quadric 76
Vertices of ellipsoid 63
Web 176
Web, surface 179
Web, Weddle 179
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