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Osborne G.A. — Differential and integral calculus, with examples and applications |
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Acceleration 18
Angles with coordinate planes 133
Angles, between two curves 174 183
Arc, derivative of 186 187
Area, derivative of 241
Area, of any surface 355
Area, of curves 242 306 320 325 349
Area, of surface of revolution 337 353
Astroid 166 393
Asymptotes 179
Attraction at a point 376
Cardioid 170 392
Cauchy’s test for convergence 82
Centre, of curvature 200
Centre, of gravity 365
Centre, of pressure 374
Change of variable 57 58 148 299 304 317
Circle, of curvature 195 200
Circle, osculating 209
Comparison test for convergence 80
Computation, of 96
Computation, of logarithms 94
Constant, definition of 1
Constant, derivative of 26
Constant, of integration 224 310
Contact, order of 206 207 209
Convergence, absolute and conditional 78
Convergence, interval of 86
Convergence, tests for 79
Curvature, centre of 200
Curvature, circle of 195 200
Curvature, direction of 189
Curvature, radius of 195 196 197
Curvature, uniform 193
Curvature, variable 194
Curves, angle of intersection of 174 183
Curves, area of 242 306 320 325 349
Curves, continuous and discontinuous 22
Curves, direction of 16 173 182
Curves, for reference, higher plane 162
Curves, length of 327 330
Curves, osculating 208
Cycloid 385
Definite integral 307
Definite integral, as a sum 319
Definite integral, change of limits 317
Definite integral, definition of 310
Definite integral, double 343
Definite integral, infinite limits 315
Definite integral, infinite variables 315
Definite integral, sign of 314
Derivative, definition 11
Derivative, general expression of 12
Derivative, illustrations of 13 16 17 18
Derivative, of an arc 186 187
Derivative, of area 241 336
Derivative, of function of a function 58
Derivative, partial 131
Derivative, partial, of higher orders 136 137
Derivative, relation between and 57
Derivative, total 140
Differential coefficient 12
Differentials, definition of 68 70
Differentials, formulae for 71
Differentiation, algebraic formulae 26
Differentiation, definition of 26
Differentiation, inverse trigonometric formulae 51
Differentiation, logarithmic and exponential formulae 39
Differentiation, order of partial 137
Differentiation, partial 130
Differentiation, successive 61
Differentiation, trigonometric formulae 45
Element of an integral 319
Envelope, definition of 214 215
Envelope, equation of 215
Envelope, of normals 217
Epicycloid 390
Equation, of envelope 215
Equation, of evolute 201
Equation, of normal 176
Equation, of tangent 176
Equation, parametric 324
Evolute 201
Evolute, an envelope of normals 217
Evolute, equation of 201
Evolute, properties of 202 204
Functions of two or more variables 130
Functions, algebraic 2
Functions, continuous 22 315
functions, definition 1
Functions, discontinuous 22
Functions, expansion of 88
Functions, hyperbolic 379
Functions, implicit, differentiation of 75 144
Functions, increasing and decreasing 21
Functions, inverse trigonometric 51
Functions, logarithmic 39
Functions, transcendental 2
Functions, trigonometric 45
Gravity, centre of 365
| Higher plane curves 162
Huyghens’s approximate length of arc 93
Hyperbolic functions 379
Hypocycloid 391
Increment 11
Indefinite integral 309
Indeterminant forms 106
Inertia, moment of 346 363
Infinitesimals, order of 73
Inflexion, points of 190
Integrals for reference 396
Integrals, containing 263
Integrals, containing , 264
Integrals, containing , 296
Integrals, containing 266
Integrals, definite 307
Integrals, double 343 347 349 350
Integrals, fundamental 225
Integrals, indefinite 309
Integrals, triple 344 361 363
Integration between limits 309
Integration by algebraic substitution 299
Integration by parts 279
Integration by substitution 295
Integration of , 283
Integration of 295
Integration of , 274
Integration of 271 276 291
Integration of , 270
Integration of , 273
Integration of , 274 291
Integration of 284
Integration of rational fractions 249
Integration, as a summation 306
Integration, constant of 224 310
Integration, definition of 223
Integration, successive 343
Intercepts of tangent 173
Involute 201
Involute, properties of 202 204
Leibnitz’s theorem 65
Length of curves 93 327 330
Limit, definition of 8
Liquids, pressure of 371
Logarithmic functions 2 39
Logarithms, computation of 94
Maclaurin’s theorem 89
Maxima and minima 114 155
Moment of inertia 346 363
Napierian base 16
Normal, equation of 176
Order, of contact 206
Order, of differentiation 137
Osculating circle, coordinates of centre 209
Osculating circle, radius of 209
Osculating curves 208
Osculating curves, order of contact of 209
Pappus, theorems of 369
Parametric equations 324
Power series 85
Pressure of liquids 371
Pressure, centre of 374
Rates of increase 18
Reduction formulae 284 291
Remainder, Taylor’s theorem 105
Series of positive and negative terms 78
Series, computation by 94
Series, convergence of power 85
Series, convergent and divergent 78
Series, power 85
Slope of a curve 16
Slope of a line 16
Slope of a plane 133
Subnormal 173 183
Subtangent 173 183
Surface of revolution, area of 337 353
Surface, area of any 355
Surfaces of revolution, derivative of area of 336
Surfaces of revolution, volumes of 333 353
Tangent plane, equation of 133
Tangent, equation of 176
Tangent, intercept of 173
Taylor’s Theorem 97 103 145
Theorem, Leibnitz’s 65
Theorem, Maclaurin’s 89
Theorem, mean value 101
Theorem, Rolle’s 101
Theorem, Taylor’s 97 103 145
Transformation of partial derivatives 152 153
Trigonometric functions 2 45
Trochoid 388
Uniform curvature 193
Variable, change of 57 58 148 299 304 317
Variable, definition of 1
Variable, dependent and independent 2
Velocity 17
Volumes by area of section 340
Volumes, of any solid 361
Volumes, surfaces of revolution 333 358
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