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Edwards C.C. — TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator For Dummies |
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Tbl value 133 150
key 22
Int command 60
Prn command 60
(angular direction) 157
max variable (Polar mode) 162
min variable (Polar mode) 162
step variable (Polar mode) 162—163
2nd (secondary function) key 10 11
: (colon) 27
a + bi mode (Mode menu) 18 41—42
Aborting process 13 163
abs function (Math menu), CPX submenu 43
abs function (Math menu), NUM submenu 35
Absolute value, finding 35
Accessing, Angle menu 157
Accessing, CPX submenu (Math menu) 42
Accessing, Format menu 71
Accessing, Func (Function) mode (Mode menu) 69
Accessing, letters from keyboard 11
Accessing, Math menu 14 31
Accessing, MATH submenu (Math menu) 33
Accessing, Matrix editor menu 205
Accessing, menu 14—15
Accessing, Parametric mode (Mode menu) 140
Accessing, Pol (Polar) setting (Mode menu) 160
Accessing, Seq (Sequential) mode (Mode menu) 118
Accessing, Stat Plots menu 192
Accessing, Test menu 14
Accessing, Y = editor 140
Accessing, Zoom menu 127
Accuracy of graph 76—77
Adding matrices 212—213
Advanced Finance application 232
Alpha key 11
Alpha mode and Catalog 19
Analyzing statistical data 197—199
Angle function (Math menu, CPX submenu) 43
Angle menu, accessing 157
Angle menu, converting between degrees and DMS 38—39
Angle menu, converting degrees to radians 37—38
Angle menu, converting radians to degrees 38
Angle menu, entering angles in DMS measure 39
Angle menu, overriding mode of angle 39—40
Angle menu, overview of 36—37
Angles, entering in degrees in Radian mode 236
Angles, entering in DMS measure 39
Angles, entering in radian measure 159
Angles, overriding mode of 39—40
Angular direction 157
Animate style 74 145
Answer, starting expression with last 24—25
Applications on Texas Instruments Web site 232
Applications, downloading from Texas Instruments Web site 233
Applications, downloading, and battery low warning 9—10
Applications, Flash technology and 231
applications, installing 233
Apps key 231
Arguments, defining 239
Arguments, entering 23—24 236
arrow keys 10 12
Augment command 207
Augmenting two matrices 207—208
Automatically generated table, changing contents of 91 152
Automatically generated table, functions and 90—91
Automatically generated table, parametric equations and 151
Automatically generated table, polar equations and 171
Automatically generated table, sequences and 134
AxesOn and AxesOff options (Format menu) 71
Backup battery 10
Bal command 61
Balance of loan, finding 61
Battery low warning 9—10
Bound variable (Equation Solver) 47—48
Box plots, constructing 194
Box plots, description of 191—192
Box plots, tracing 196 197
Busy indicator 13
Cable, TI-Graph Link 219 220
Cable, unit-to-unit link 223
Cabri Jr. application 232
Calculate (CALC) menu, definite integral, evaluating 102—103
Calculate (CALC) menu, dy/dx, dy/dt, or dx/dt options 155—156
Calculate (CALC) menu, maximum or minimum points on graph, finding 98—99
Calculate (CALC) menu, point of intersection, finding 99—100
Calculate (CALC) menu, slope of curve, finding 100—101
Calculate (CALC) menu, value of function, finding 95—97
Calculate (CALC) menu, zeros of function, finding 97—98
Cash flow, distinguishing negative from positive 56
Cash-flow frequency list 56
Catalog Help application 232 236 239
Catalog, DiagnosticOn command 200
Catalog, using 18—19
CellSheet application 232
Changing batteries 10
Circle, drawing on graph 107—108
Clear key 12 13
Clearing data list 185
Clearing user-generated table 91—92
ClrDraw command 102 113
colon (:) 27
Column, deleting in Stat List editor 185
Combination (nCr) 179—180
Combining expressions 27—28
Commands See also Zoom commands
Commands, Int 60
Commands, Prn 60
Commands, augment 207
Commands, bal 61
Commands, ClrDraw 102 113
Commands, DiagnosticOn 200
Commands, functions and 76
commands, quit 13
Commands, recalling last 14
Commands, reusing 54
Commands, rref 216
Commands, SetUpEditor 183 188
Commands, Transpose 214
Commands, value 96—97 138
Commands, ZDecimal 84
Commands, ZInteger 85
Commands, ZPrevious 129 148
Commands, ZSquare 84—85 146 165—166
Commands, ZStandard 72 76—77 83—84
Commands, ZTrig 79 84
Communicating with PC, downloading TI Connect 219—220
Communicating with PC, installing and running TI Connect 220
Communicating with PC, TI-Graph Link cable and 220
Communicating with PC, transferring files 220—221
Complex mode 41—42
Complex numbers, conjugate of, finding 43
Complex numbers, polar angle and modulus of, finding 43—44
Complex numbers, real or imaginary part of, finding 43
Complex numbers, setting mode for 41—42
Complex numbers, using 41—42
Conj function 43
Connected mode (Mode menu) 17
Contrast, increasing or decreasing 10
Converting, between decimal and fraction 33 158—159
Converting, between degrees and DMS 38—39
Converting, between rectangular and polar form 44
Converting, coordinates 157—160
Converting, degrees to radians 37—38
Converting, radians to degrees 38
Coordinates, converting 157—160
CoordOn and CoordOff options (Format menu) 71 86—87
Copying files between calculator and PC 221
Copying one matrix to another 208—209
CPX submenu (Math menu), accessing 42
CPX submenu (Math menu), angle and abs functions 43—44
| CPX submenu (Math menu), conj function 43
CPX submenu (Math menu), overview of 32
CPX submenu (Math menu), Rect and Polar functions 44
Cube function 32 33
Cube-root function 33
Cursor 11
Curve fitting 191
Data, analyzing 197—199
Data, deleting and editing 184—185
Data, entering 183—184
Data, formula, using to enter 187
Data, one-variable, plotting 191—194
Data, saving and recalling data list 188—189
Data, sorting data list 189—190
Data, tracing plots 195—197
Data, two-variable, plotting 195
Data, user-named data list, creating 185—187
Dates, calculating number of days between two 66
Dec function (Math menu) 33
Decimals, converting to fraction 33 158—159
Decimals, random, generating 180—181
Defining, argument 239
Defining, matrices 205—206
Defining, parametric equation 140
Defining, solution bounds for Equation Solver 47—48
Definite integral, evaluating 102—103
Degree setting (Mode menu), entering angle in radian measure in 159
Degree setting (Mode menu), overview of 17
Degree setting (Mode menu), trigonometric functions and 236
Degrees, converting DMS to 39
Degrees, converting radians to 38
Degrees, converting to DMS 38
Degrees, converting to radians 37—38
Degrees, entering angle in while in Radian mode 236
del key 13
Deleting entry 13
Deleting Graph Database 81
Deleting matrix from memory 209
Deleting Picture 114
Deleting shading 102
Deleting statistical data 184—185
Derivatives, finding for functions 100—101
Derivatives, finding for parametric equations 155—156
Derivatives, finding for polar equations 175—176
Derivatives, finding, nDeriv function 34
Determinant of matrix, finding 214 215
DiagnosticOn command 200
Differentiation 34
Displaying functions in table 88—91
Displaying matrices 207
Displaying parametric equations in table 149—152
Displaying polar equations in table 169—117
Displaying sequences in table 132—135
Distortion of graph 76
DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds), converting degrees to 38
DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds), converting to degrees 39
Dot mode (Mode menu) 17
Dotted Line style 75 77
Downloading application from Texas Instruments Web site 233
Downloading applications, and battery low warning 9—10
Downloading TI Connect 219—220
Draw menu See also drawing on graph
Draw menu, ClrDraw command 113
Draw menu, Pen option 112
Draw menu, Shade option 109—111
Draw menu, Text option 111—112
Draw Points menu 113
Draw Store menu 113
Drawing on graph, circle 107—108
Drawing on graph, erasing 112—113
Drawing on graph, example of 105
Drawing on graph, freehand 112
Drawing on graph, function 108—109
Drawing on graph, horizontal or vertical line 107
Drawing on graph, inverse function 109
Drawing on graph, line segment 106
Drawing on graph, saving as Picture 113—114
Drawing on graph, sequence graph 126
Drawing on graph, tangent 108
DuplicateName menu 225 226
e key 22
editing See also Stat List editor; Table Setup editor; Window editor; Y= editor
Editing, definition of equation 152
Editing, definition of function in table 91
Editing, definition of sequence 135
Editing, entry 13—14
Editing, equation in Equation Solver 47
Editing, matrix 207
Editing, statistical data 184—185
Effective rate, definition of 53
Effective rate, finding nominal rate from 54
Effective rate, finding, given nominal rate 53—54
Embedding last answer in expression 25
Engineering (Eng) mode 16
Enter key 12
Entering angle in DMS measure 39
Entering angle in radian measure 159
Entering argument 23—24
Entering argument for menu functions 236
Entering arithmetic expression 21—22
Entering equation in Equation Solver 46—47
Entering graphing function 69—70
Entering identity matrix 212 213
Entering last entry, reusing 25—26
Entering number 22
Entering parametric equation 139—141
Entering polar equation 160—161
Entering scalar multiple of matrix 212
Entering sequence 117—120
Entering statistical data 183—184
equation See also Equation Solver; parametric equations; polar equations
Equation Solver, assigning value to variable 47
Equation Solver, defining solution bounds 47—48
Equation Solver, entering equation 46—47
Equation Solver, finding multiple solutions 49—50
Equation Solver, guessing solution 48
Equation Solver, overview of 45
Equation Solver, setting mode 46
Equation Solver, solving equation 49
Equation, editing definition of 152
Equation, iterative 17
Equation, solving system of linear 215—216
Erasing drawing 112—113
Erasing part of entry 13
ERR: ARGUMENT error message 236 239
ERR: BAD GUESS error message 48 239—240
ERR: DATA TYPE error message 44 213 240
ERR: DIM MISMATCH error message 212 213 240
ERR: DOMAIN error message 240
ERR: INVALID DIM error message 71 213 214 237 240
ERR: INVALID error message 125 240
ERR: NO SIGN CHNG error message 49 241
ERR: SINGULAR MAT error message 213 241
ERR: SYNTAX error message 22 235 241
ERR: WINDOW RANGE error message 237 241
Error in Xmit error message 223 226
Error messages, common 239—241
Errors, common 235—237
Errors, round-off 62
Evaluating arithmetic expression involving matrix 211—214
Evaluating definite integral 102—103
Evaluating expression 22
Evaluating expression, order of operations and 235—236
Evaluating function 23—24
Evaluating function at specified value of x 96
Evaluating parametric equation at specified value of T 154—155
Evaluating permutation or combination 179—180
Evaluating polar equation at specified value of n 174—175
Evaluating sequence at specified value of n 137—138
Exponential function key 22—23
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