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Edwards C.C. — TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator For Dummies
Edwards C.C. — TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator For Dummies

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Íàçâàíèå: TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator For Dummies

Àâòîð: Edwards C.C.


Finally, a For Dummies guide to a hugely popular calculator. Widely used by high school and college students in a wide range of math courses, the Texas Instruments TI83+ graphing calculator sold 2.5 million units in just the last

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.06.2006

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Expression, combining      27—28
Expression, entering and evaluating      21—22
Expression, inserting Math menu function into      32—33
Expression, inserting stored number into      27
Expression, recalling last      14
Expression, using previous answer in      24—25
ExprOn and ExprOff options (Format menu)      72 86—87
Fibonacci sequence      117
Files, transferring, between calculator and PC      220—221
Files, transferring, between calculators      224—226
Files, transferring, to several calculators      226—227
Financial goal, reaching      63—64
Flash technology      221 224 231
Float 0123456789 setting (Mode menu)      17
FMin and fMax functions      34
FnInt function      34—35
Format menu, accessing      71
Format menu, options      71—72
Format menu, Parametric mode      141—142
Format menu, Polar mode      161—162
Format menu, Sequence mode      121—122
Formula, using to enter data      187
FPart function      36
Frac function (Math menu)      33
Fractional part of value, finding      36
Fractions, converting decimal to      33 158—159
Fractions, converting to decimal      33
Full screen mode (Mode menu), overview of      18
Full screen mode (Mode menu), viewing graph or table in      136—137
Func (Function) mode (Mode menu), accessing      69
Func (Function) mode (Mode menu), overview of      17 70
Func (Function) mode (Mode menu), panning in      88
Func (Function) mode (Mode menu), Window editor      72—73
Function graphs, setting different style for multiple      73—75
Function graphs, steps for      70—73
Function graphs, trigonometric      79
Functions      See also function graphs
Functions, abs (Math menu)      35 43
Functions, angle (Math menu, CPX submenu)      43
Functions, conj      43
Functions, cube      32 33
Functions, cube-root      33
Functions, Dec (Math menu)      33
Functions, displaying in table      88—91
Functions, drawing on graph      108—109
Functions, entering      69—70
Functions, fMin and fMax      34
Functions, fnInt      34—35
Functions, fPart      36
Functions, Frac (Math menu)      33
Functions, gcd      36
Functions, greatest-integer      36
Functions, hyperbolic      18—19
Functions, imag      43
functions, Int      36
Functions, iPart      36
Functions, lcm      36
Functions, Math menu      32
functions, Max      36
functions, Min      36
Functions, nDeriv      34
Functions, piecewise-defined      77—79
Functions, polar      44
Functions, rational      236
Functions, real      43
Functions, rect      44
functions, Round      35
Functions, shading area between      109—111
Functions, slope (derivative), finding      100—101
Functions, trigonometric      18 79 236
Functions, value of, finding      95—97
Functions, viewing on same screen as graph      79—80
Functions, xth root      34
Functions, zeros of, finding      97—98
Future value of money, finding      64—65
G-T mode (Mode menu), overview of      18
G-T mode (Mode menu), sequence and      136
gcd function      36
generating random numbers      180—181
GeoMaster application      232
Graph Database, saving graph as      80—82 126
graphs      See also function graphs; parametric graphs; polar graphs; sequence graphs
Graphs, maximum or minimum point on, finding      98—99
Graphs, point of intersection of two, finding      99—100
Graphs, redrawing      86 129
Graphs, saving and recalling      80—82 126
Graphs, viewing on same screen as function      79—80
Graphs, viewing on same screen as table      92—93 136—137
Graphs, writing text on      111—112
Greatest common divisor, finding      36
Greatest-integer function      36
GridOn and GridOff options (Format menu)      71
Guessing solution      239—240
Highlighting item in menu      15
Histograms, constructing      192—194
Histograms, description of      191 192
Histograms, tracing      196 197
Home screen, overview of      13
Home screen, returning to      12
Horiz mode (Mode menu)      18
Hyperbolic functions      18—19
Imag function      43
Inequality Graphing application      232
Inserting character      14
Inserting Math menu function      32—33
Inserting stored number into expression      27
Installing application      233
Installing TI Connect      220
INT function      36
Integer part of value, finding      36
Integers, random, generating      180
Integration      34—35
Interest rate, continuous compounding of      59
Interest rate, effective rate, finding      53—54
Interest rate, nominal rate, finding      54
Internal rate of return, finding      55—56
Inverse function key      23
Inverse function, drawing on graph      109
Inverse of matrix, finding      213
Inverse trigonometric function key      22
IPart function      36
Iterative equation      17
key strokes      2
Keyboard overview      10
Keying over existing character      14
Keys, $\pi$      22
Keys, 2nd (secondary function)      10 11
Keys, Alpha      11
Keys, Apps      231
Keys, Arrow      10 12
Keys, Clear      12 13
Keys, Del      13
Keys, e      22
Keys, Enter      12
Keys, exponential function      22—23
Keys, inverse function      23
Keys, inverse trigonometric function      22
Keys, negation      22
Keys, On      10 13 163
Keys, square function      23
Keys, square-root      22—23
Keys, subtraction      22
Keys, trigonometric function      22
Keys, X,T,$\Theta$,n      12
LabelOn and LabelOff options (Format menu)      72
Last entry, reusing      25—26
Lcm function      36
Leasing versus borrowing      55—56
Least common multiple, finding      36
Left bound indicator      99
Letters, accessing      11
Line segment, drawing on graph      106
Line style      75
Line, horizontal or vertical, drawing on graph      107
Link Send menu      224 225 227
Linking calculators      223
List Select menu      224 225
Loans and mortgages, balance, finding      61
Loans and mortgages, principal and interest, finding      60
Loans and mortgages, TVM (time-value-of-money) Solver      57—59
Locking in Alpha mode      11
Math menu      See also Equation Solver
Math menu, accessing      14 31
Math menu, CPX submenu      32 42—44
Math menu, functions, using      32
Math menu, inserting function      32—33
Math menu, MATH submenu      31 33—35
Math menu, NUM submenu      31 35—36
Math menu, overview of      31
Math menu, PRB submenu      32
Math menu, submenus of      15
Math Probability menu, evaluating permutation or combination      179—180
Math Probability menu, generating random numbers      180—181
MATH submenu (Math menu), accessing      33
MATH submenu (Math menu), cube and cube-root functions      33
MATH submenu (Math menu), Dec function      33
MATH submenu (Math menu), fMin and fMax functions      34
MATH submenu (Math menu), fnInt function      34—35
MATH submenu (Math menu), Frac function      33
MATH submenu (Math menu), nDeriv function      34
MATH submenu (Math menu), overview of      31
MATH submenu (Math menu), xth root function      34
Matrices, augmenting two      208
Matrices, copying one to another      208—209
Matrices, defining      205—206
Matrices, deleting from memory      209
Matrices, description of      205
Matrices, displaying      207
Matrices, editing      207
Matrices, finding determinant of      214—215
Matrices, solving system of linear equations      215—216
Matrices, using in arithmetic expression      211—214
Matrix editor menu, accessing      205
Matrix Math menu, augment command      207
Matrix Math menu, Transpose command      214
max function      36
Maximum point on graph, finding      98—99
Maximum value, finding in list of numbers      36
Maximum value, finding location of      34
Memory Management menu      185
Menu function, entering argument for      236
Menus      See also Format menu; Math menu; Mode menu
menus, accessing      14—15
Menus, Angle      37—40 157
Menus, Calculate (CALC)      95—102 155—156
Menus, Draw      109—113
Menus, Draw Points      113
Menus, Draw Store      113
Menus, DuplicateName      225 226
Menus, Link Send      224 225 227
Menus, List Select      224 225
Menus, Math Probability      179—181
Menus, Matrix editor      205
Menus, Matrix Math      207 214
Menus, Memory Management      185
Menus, scrolling      15
Menus, selecting item from      15
Menus, Stat Calculate      198 200
Menus, Stat Plots      192
Menus, Test      14
Menus, Zoom      127
Menus, Zoom Memory      129
min function      36
Mini-program, writing      28
Minimum point on graph, finding      98—99
Minimum value, finding in list of numbers      36
Minimum value, finding location of      34
Mode menu, a + bi mode      41—42
Mode menu, Complex mode      41—42
Mode menu, Degree mode      159
Mode menu, Full Screen mode      136—137
Mode menu, Function mode      69 70 72—73 88
Mode menu, G-T mode      136
Mode menu, overview of      16—18
Mode menu, Parametric mode      140 145
Mode menu, Polar mode      160 161—163 169
Mode menu, Radian mode      159 236
Mode menu, selecting item from      15
Mode menu, Sequential mode      118 122—123 131
Modified box plot, description of      194
Modified box plot, tracing      196
Modulus of complex number, finding      43—44
Multiplying matrices      213
Naming data list      185—187
nCr (combination)      179—180
NDeriv function      34
Negating matrix      212
Negating number      235
Negation key      22
Negative cash flow, distinguishing from positive      56
nMax, setting for sequence      123
nMin, setting for sequence      118 123
Nominal rate, definition of      53
Nominal rate, finding effective rate from      53—54
Nominal rate, finding, given effective rate      54
Normal mode      16
Normal, Sci, or Eng setting (Mode menu)      16
NoteFolio application      232
NPr (permutation)      179—180
NUM submenu (Math menu), functions      35—36
NUM submenu (Math menu), overview of      31
Numbers      See also complex numbers
Numbers, entering      22
Numbers, negating      235
Numbers, random, generating      180—181
numbers, rounding      35
On key      10 13 163
One-variable data analysis      197—198
One-variable data, plotting      191—194
order of operations      23—24 235—236
Organizer application      232
Outlier, modified box plot and      194
Overriding mode of angle      39—40
Panning in Function mode      88
Panning in Parametric mode      145
Panning in Polar mode      169
Panning in Sequence mode      131
Parametric (Par) mode (Mode menu), accessing      140
Parametric (Par) mode (Mode menu), overview of      17
Parametric (Par) mode (Mode menu), panning in      145
Parametric (Par) mode (Mode menu), Window editor and      142—143
Parametric equations      See also parametric graphs
Parametric equations, definition of      148
Parametric equations, derivative, finding      155—156
Parametric equations, displaying in table      149—152
Parametric equations, entering      139—141
Parametric equations, evaluating      154—155
Parametric equations, graphing      141—144
Parametric equations, independent variable T      148—149
Parametric equations, overview of      139
Parametric equations, setting different styles for multiple graphs      144—145
Parametric equations, values of x and y      149
Parametric equations, Zoom commands and      146—147
Parametric graphs, saving      148
Parametric graphs, tracing      148—149
Parametric graphs, viewing on same screen as table      153—154
Parentheses, use of      23—24 235—236
Pasting function name in another pasting function      70
Pasting name of matrix into expression      212
Pasting parametric equation name in another equation      140
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