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Edwards C.C. — TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator For Dummies |
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Ymin and Ymax variables (Window editor), overview of 73 87 88
Ymin and Ymax variables (Window editor), readjusting after using ZoomFit command 144
Ymin and Ymax variables (Window editor), sequence, setting for 125
Yscl variable (Window editor), overview of 73 125
Yscl variable (Window editor), readjusting after using ZoomFit command 144
ZBox command, functions and 85—86
ZBox command, parametric equations and 146—147
ZBox command, polar equations and 166
ZBox command, sequences and 127—128
ZDecimal command 84
Zeros of function, finding 97—98
ZInteger command 85
Zoom commands See also specific commands
Zoom commands, overview of 69 83
Zoom commands, parametric equations and 146—147
Zoom commands, polar equations and 165—167
Zoom commands, Sequence mode and 127—129
Zoom commands, undoing 87
Zoom commands, using 83—85
Zoom In command, functions and 83—84 85
Zoom In command, parametric equations and 147
Zoom In command, polar equations and 167
| Zoom In command, sequences and 128—129
Zoom Memory menu 129
Zoom menu, accessing 127
Zoom Out command, functions and 83—84 85
Zoom Out command, parametric equations and 147
Zoom Out command, polar equations and 167
Zoom Out command, sequences and 128—129
ZoomFit command, functions and 73 84
ZoomFit command, parametric equations and 146
ZoomFit command, Parametric mode 143
ZoomFit command, Polar mode 163 165
ZoomFit command, readjusting viewing window after using 144
ZoomFit command, sequences and 124 127
ZoomStat command, functions and 84
ZoomStat command, histograms and 193
ZoomStat command, scatter or xy-line plots 195
ZPrevious command 129 148
ZSquare command, functions and 76 84—85
ZSquare command, parametric equations and 146
ZSquare command, polar equations and 165—166
ZStandard command 72 76—77
ZTrig command 79 84
“Escape” key equivalent 12
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