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Edwards C.C. — TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator For Dummies
Edwards C.C. — TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator For Dummies

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Название: TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator For Dummies

Автор: Edwards C.C.


Finally, a For Dummies guide to a hugely popular calculator. Widely used by high school and college students in a wide range of math courses, the Texas Instruments TI83+ graphing calculator sold 2.5 million units in just the last

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 259

Добавлена в каталог: 17.06.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Ymin and Ymax variables (Window editor), overview of      73 87 88
Ymin and Ymax variables (Window editor), readjusting after using ZoomFit command      144
Ymin and Ymax variables (Window editor), sequence, setting for      125
Yscl variable (Window editor), overview of      73 125
Yscl variable (Window editor), readjusting after using ZoomFit command      144
ZBox command, functions and      85—86
ZBox command, parametric equations and      146—147
ZBox command, polar equations and      166
ZBox command, sequences and      127—128
ZDecimal command      84
Zeros of function, finding      97—98
ZInteger command      85
Zoom commands      See also specific commands
Zoom commands, overview of      69 83
Zoom commands, parametric equations and      146—147
Zoom commands, polar equations and      165—167
Zoom commands, Sequence mode and      127—129
Zoom commands, undoing      87
Zoom commands, using      83—85
Zoom In command, functions and      83—84 85
Zoom In command, parametric equations and      147
Zoom In command, polar equations and      167
Zoom In command, sequences and      128—129
Zoom Memory menu      129
Zoom menu, accessing      127
Zoom Out command, functions and      83—84 85
Zoom Out command, parametric equations and      147
Zoom Out command, polar equations and      167
Zoom Out command, sequences and      128—129
ZoomFit command, functions and      73 84
ZoomFit command, parametric equations and      146
ZoomFit command, Parametric mode      143
ZoomFit command, Polar mode      163 165
ZoomFit command, readjusting viewing window after using      144
ZoomFit command, sequences and      124 127
ZoomStat command, functions and      84
ZoomStat command, histograms and      193
ZoomStat command, scatter or xy-line plots      195
ZPrevious command      129 148
ZSquare command, functions and      76 84—85
ZSquare command, parametric equations and      146
ZSquare command, polar equations and      165—166
ZStandard command      72 76—77
ZTrig command      79 84
“Escape” key equivalent      12
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