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Fuhrhop J., Penzlin G. — Organic Synthesis: Concepts, Methods, Starting materials |

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Íàçâàíèå: Organic Synthesis: Concepts, Methods, Starting materials
Àâòîðû: Fuhrhop J., Penzlin G.
Ðóáðèêà: Õèìèÿ/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: second edition, rewise and enlarged
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1994
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 432
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.10.2005
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Acetate, piperidinium, cat. for aldol add. 82
Acetate, sodium, -epimerization of ketones 277
Acetate, sodium, opening of oxiranes 282
Acetic acid, (dialkoxyphosphinyl)-, esters, pr. 188
Acetic acid, (dialkoxyphosphinyl)-, esters, Wittig — Horner olefinations 267 282
Acetic acid, anhydride ( ), protection with see “Protection”
Acetic acid, anhydride ( ), Pummerer rearr. with 51 265
Acetic acid, bromo-, esters, -synthon 19 65 309
Acetic acid, bromo-, esters, -synthon 19 301
Acetic acid, bromo-, esters, pr. 179
Acetic acid, chloro-, esters, hydantoins from 308
Acetic acid, chloro-, esters, pr. 179
Acetic acid, cyano-, esters, pr. 177
Acetic acid, cyano-, esters, pyrrolines from 298
Acetic acid, diazo-, ethyl ester, cyclopropanes from 74—75
Acetic acid, diazo-, ethyl ester, pr. 176 178
Acetic acid, dichloro-, deblocking of pixyl ethers 342
Acetic acid, esters see “Protection of hydroxy groups”
Acetic acid, esters, 1-methylethenyl ester, pr. 174
Acetic acid, esters, 1-methylethenyl ester, transenolization 58
Acetic acid, esters, C-H acidity 10
Acetic acid, hydroxy-, esters, pr. 176
Acetic acid, hydroxyphenyl-, (S)- (L-mandelic acid), chiral auxiliary (Masamune ketone) from 62
Acetic acid, mercapto-, redn. of methionine S-oxide 229
Acetic acid, oxo-, esters, 1-nitroalkanes 301
Acetic acid, oxo-, esters, pr. 176
Acyloin coupling 53—54
Acyloin coupling, retro-synthetic transform 194
Acyloins see “Ketones
Adams’ hydrogenation catalyst (Pt on ) 105
Adoc protective group 229
Affinity cleavage of DNA 342
AIBN see “Propanenitrile 2
Alcohols, 2-halo- see “Halohydrins”
Alcohols, allylic, asym. epoxidation 124—127 265 321—325
Alcohols, allylic, pr. 174
Alcohols, allylic, selective oxidation 133—135
Alcohols, allylic, substitution by amines [Pd] 164 303
Alcohols, allylic, synthesis, 1-alkenylation of carbonyl compds 44—45 62—63 323 326—327
Alcohols, allylic, synthesis, alkylation of 2-enals 303 321 322
Alcohols, allylic, synthesis, allylic oxidation of alkenes 116 119—123
Alcohols, allylic, synthesis, opening of oxiranes with strong bases 27
Alcohols, allylic, synthesis, reduction of 2-enones 105—107
Alcohols, conversions to alkenes see “ -Eliminations”
Alcohols, conversions to amines 160—161 267
Alcohols, conversions to halides 32 160—161 169 203 266 269 272 281 282
Alcohols, conversions to thiols 169
Alcohols, homoallylic, stereoselective 66—69 325—326
Alcohols, inversion-esteriflcation 160—161 286
Alcohols, Mitsunobu-type substitutions 160—161
Alcohols, oxidation to aldehydes 133—135
Alcohols, oxidation to carboxylic acids 134—135 319—320
Alcohols, oxidation to carboxylic esters 134—135
Alcohols, oxidation to ketones 109 111 133 135 266—267 276—277 283 322—323 328—329 337
Alcohols, oxidative cleavage of tert. alcohols 136
Alcohols, protection see “Protection of hydroxy groups”
Alcohols, protection, reduction to alkanes 97 113—114 203
Alcohols, synthesis from alkenes 107—108 117 130—131 283 319—320 325 337
Alcohols, synthesis from carbonyl compounds by alkylation 44—45 321—323
Alcohols, synthesis from carbonyl compounds by ox. cleavage 136—137 282 283
Alcohols, synthesis from carbonyl compounds by redn. 96 98—99 103—108 274—275 283 319—320 325 326 349
Alcohols, synthesis from carbonyl compounds by redn., enantioselective 102—103 108
Alcohols, synthesis from oxiranes by alkylation 21 44 269
Alcohols, synthesis from oxiranes by reduction 98—99 113—114 274—275 319—320
Alcohols, synthesis from prim, amines 202—203
Aldehydes with 2-enoic esters ( ) 69
Aldehydes, -alkylated 13
Aldehydes, -alkylated, opt. active 25—26
Aldehydes, -amino-, enol ether + CINO 268
Aldehydes, -chloro-, ketone + 51—52
Aldehydes, -hydroxy- 49 50 51 121—122 267
Aldehydes, -unsaturated, ketone + 51—52
Aldehydes, -unsaturated 70 76
Aldehydes, -hydroxy- 63—64
Aldehydes, 1-alkenylations 323
Aldehydes, 1-alkynylations 303
Aldehydes, 1-allylations 44—45 66—69 323—326
Aldehydes, aldol type reactions 44—45 56—58 60—62 322—323
Aldehydes, conversion to -hydroxynitriles etc. 18 50
Aldehydes, conversion to ketones 22 166
Aldehydes, conversion to Mannich iminium reagents 57 291—292
Aldehydes, conversion to sec. alcohols with RZnBr 44—45 301
Aldehydes, olefination 28—34 41 272—273 276 334
Aldehydes, oxidation to RCOOH or RCOOR' 134—135
Aldehydes, oxo- see “Dioxo compounds”
Aldehydes, reduction to alcohols 98 105—106 302
Aldehydes, reduction to alkanes 98
Aldehydes, reduction to amines (via aldoximes or aldimines) 98
Aldehydes, reductive coupling 53
Aldehydes, synthesis, formylation of RX 46—47
Aldehydes, synthesis, hydration of 1-alkynes 117 131
Aldehydes, synthesis, hydroformylation of 1-alkenes 47—48
Aldehydes, synthesis, hydrolysis of 1,3-dithianes 79 328—329
Aldehydes, synthesis, hydrolysis of aci-nitroalkanes 16 65—66
Aldehydes, synthesis, oxidation of alcohols 117 133—135 325
Aldehydes, synthesis, oxidative cleavage of 1,2-diols 81—82 202 272—273
Aldehydes, synthesis, oxidative cleavage of alkenes 81—82 87—88 202 259 322 323 326
Aldehydes, synthesis, oxidative cleavage of oxiranes 88
Aldehydes, synthesis, oxidative rearr. of alkenes 129—130
Aldehydes, synthesis, Pummerer rearr. of sulfoxides 51
Aldehydes, synthesis, reduction of carboxamides 96 98 105
Aldehydes, synthesis, reduction of carboximidic esters 13 22—23 63—64 298
Aldehydes, synthesis, reduction of carboxylic anhydrides or halides 46—47 98
Aldehydes, synthesis, reduction of carboxylic esters 105—106 159 165 203 272—273 276 283 321 322 327—328 334
Aldehydes, synthesis, reduction of nitriles 50 111—112 298
Aldehydes, synthesis, reductive formylation of ketones 48—49
Aldehydes, umpolung 17 51
Aldol-type reactions 55—62 81—83 328—329
Aldol-type reactions, acid-catalyzed 55—59 81 93 208 279
Aldol-type reactions, diastereoselective 60—62 322—323
Aldol-type reactions, directed 55—62
Aldol-type reactions, enantioselective 59 61—62
Aldol-type reactions, retro- see “Retro-aldol type cleavage”
Alkali metals, redn. with see “Birch reduction”
Alkaloids 289—299
Alkaloids, pr. 290
Alkaloids, syntheses, electrocyclic reactions 153—154 295—299
Alkaloids, syntheses, Mannich/Vilsmeier type reactions 291—293
Alkaloids, syntheses, phenol and aryl coupling 293—295
Alkanes, branched, carbosulfenylation of alkenes 21
Alkanes, branched, hydromethylation of alkenes 105
Alkanes, halo- see “Haloalkanes”
Alkanes, oxidation 118—119 285—286
Alkanes, synthesis by reduction by reductive cleavage of nitriles 280
Alkanes, synthesis by reduction by reductive coupling, of alkenes 37
Alkanes, synthesis by reduction by reductive coupling, of halides 36
Alkanes, synthesis by reduction of alcohols 97 113—114 203
Alkanes, synthesis by reduction of alkenes 96—97 101—105
Alkanes, synthesis by reduction of arenes 103—104
Alkanes, synthesis by reduction of carbonyl groups 98 109
Alkanes, synthesis by reduction of cyclopropanes 76 105
Alkanes, synthesis by reduction of halides 83 114—115 275 287 319—320 335—336
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), acidity of allylic C-H 9—10
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), alkoxy- see “Enol ethers”
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), carbosulfenylation (addn. of “ ”) 21
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), conversion to aldehydes, ketones and tert. alcohols with borane + CO 9 47—48
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), coupling with organyl halides 42—43
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), double-bond shift 85 90—91 101 274 278
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), E/Z isomerizn 31 100—102 282 296 332
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), E/Z isomerizn via trans-glycol thiocarbonates 142
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), halo- (vinyl halides), from alkynes 132 325
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), hydration via boranes 107—108 130—131 319—320 325 337
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), hydration with mercury (2+) 283
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), hydromethylation 105
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), oxidation 117 123—130
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), oxidation to 1,2-dihalides 84 119 123—124 156—157
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), oxidation to 1,2-diols 123—124 127—130 276—277
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), oxidation to 1,3-dienes 123—124 333—334
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), oxidation to halohydrins 77 117 275—276 286—287
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), oxidation to halolactones 275 319—321 335—336
| Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), oxidation to oxiranes by epoxidation 18 123—127 156—157 265 321—325
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), oxidation to oxiranes via halohydrins 77 117 287 319—320
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), oxidative cleavage 81—82 87—89 259 280 282 322 323 326
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), oxidative rearrangement 129—130
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), protection see “Protection of carbon-carbon double bonds”
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), reduction with /cat 96—97 101—103 278 283
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), reduction with (Z)-diazene 102
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), reduction with alkali metals 103—104 278
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), reduction with boranes 89—90 97 130—131
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), sterically hindered, snythesis 33—35 41
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), sulfonation with 252
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), synthesis 28—44 (see also “ -Eliminations”)
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), synthesis, cis-stereoselective 28—31 37 64 100—101
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), synthesis, olefination of carbonyl groups 28—35 110 125 267 272—273 276 281—283 334
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), synthesis, ox. dimerization of P ylides 31
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), synthesis, reduction of alkynes 40 64 100—101
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), synthesis, reductive coupling of alkynes 37—38
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), synthesis, reductive dimerization of carbonyl groups 34—35 41
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), synthesis, Tebbe methylenation of esters 110
Alkenes (carbon-carbon double bonds), synthesis, umpolung 18 211
Alkyl anions 4—5
Alkyl halides see “Haloalkanes”
Alkyl synthons see “Acceptor synthons” “Donor
Alkynes see “1-Alkynes”
Alkynes, acid-catalysed cyclization 91—92 279—280
Alkynes, alcohol addition to 64
Alkynes, hydration via boranes 117 131
Alkynes, hydration, with mercury(2+) 52 57 117
Alkynes, hydroboration and coupling 37—38
Alkynes, hydrobromination/hydrozirconation 132 325
Alkynes, oxidation or ox. cleavage 117 132
Alkynes, reduction to alkenes with [catalyst] 40 64 96—97 100—101 155
Alkynes, reduction to alkenes with DIBAL 100
Alkynes, reduction to alkenes with Li or Na 96—97 100—101
Alkynes, synthesis, alkynylation of RX 36 64 325
Alkynes, synthesis, fragmentation of hydrazones 89 142
Alkynes, synthesis, methylidynation with 325
Allyl a-synthons 22 27 299 303 325—326
Allyl d-synthons 66—69 90
Aluminate(1-), hydrotris(2-methyl-2-propanolato)-, redn. with 47—48 107
Aluminate(1-), tetrahydro-, lithium, + , redn. with, reduction with, of -unsaturated ketones 105—106
Aluminate(1-), tetrahydro-, lithium, + , redn. with, reduction with, of pyridines 112—113
Aluminate(1-), tetrahydro-, lithium, chiral reducing agents from 107—108
Aluminate(1-), tetrahydro-, lithium, reduction with, of alkyl tosylates 114
Aluminate(1-), tetrahydro-, lithium, reduction with, of carboxamides 112—113 247 291
Aluminate(1-), tetrahydro-, lithium, reduction with, of carboxylic esters 325 326 328 349
Aluminate(1-), tetrahydro-, lithium, reduction with, of ketones 106—107 322—323
Aluminate(1-), tetrahydro-, lithium, reduction with, of nitriles 50 298
Aluminate(1-), tetrahydro-, lithium, reduction with, of oxiranes 114
Aluminate(1-), tris(alkanolato)hydro-, prepn. 96
Aluminate(1-), tris(alkanolato)hydro-, redn. with 98 107—108
Aluminum amalgam (Al-Hg), -deoxygenation of -hydroxy ketones 277
Aluminum chloride ( ), Lewis acid catalyst for aldol type reactions 81
Aluminum chloride ( ), Lewis acid catalyst for alkyne cyclotrimerization 330
Aluminum chloride ( ), Lewis acid catalyst for Friedel — Crafts reactions 15—16 291
Aluminum chloride ( ), Lewis acid catalyst for glycosyl chloride synthesis 266
Aluminum chloride ( ), Lewis acid catalyst for redn. with 105—106 112—113
Aluminum hydride ( ) 105—106 112—113
Aluminum oxide ( ), basic cat. 32
Aluminum tris(2-propanolate), Oppenauer oxn. with 117 133—134 278
Aluminum(1+), diethyl-, sulfate ( ), catalyst for carbonyl allyl-stannylation 66—67
Aluminum, chlorodiethyl- ( ), catalyst for alkynylation of oxiranes 64—65
Aluminum, chlorodiethyl- ( ), catalyst for “ene” reaction of 2-alkynoic esters 282
Aluminum, hydrobis(2-methylpropyl)- ( , DIBAL), reduction with, 4-methoxybenzylidene acetals 326
Aluminum, hydrobis(2-methylpropyl)- ( , DIBAL), reduction with, alkynes 97 100
Aluminum, hydrobis(2-methylpropyl)- ( , DIBAL), reduction with, carboxamides 98
Aluminum, hydrobis(2-methylpropyl)- ( , DIBAL), reduction with, carboxylic esters 105—106 282 283 334
Aluminum, hydrobis(2-methylpropyl)- ( , DIBAL), reduction with, lactones 105 159 165 203 273 276 321 322
Aluminum, hydrobis(2-methylpropyl)- ( , DIBAL), reduction with, nitriles 50 96 111—112
Amfepramone, ( )- 302
Amidation see “Carboxamides”
Amide, bis(trimethylsilyl)- see “Silanamine ...”
Amide, diisopropyl- see “2-Propanamine ...”
Amides, alkali, basicity 5 10
Amides, alkali, deprotonation with, of acidic C-H 10 300 303—304
Amides, alkali, of 1-alkynes 5 36 64
Amides, alkali, of haloalkanes 74—75 92
Amines, allylic or benzylic, reductive cleavage 97—98 113—114
Amines, allylic or benzylic, synthesis 164 303
Amines, protection see “Protection”
Amines, synthesis by reduction of carboxamides 98 111—112 247
Amines, synthesis by reduction of imines 112—113
Amines, synthesis by substitution of allylic acetates 164
Amino sugars 263 267—268
Ammonia, deblocking with, of O-acyl derivatives 157—158
Ammonia, deblocking with, of protected DNA 224 342
Amphiphiles, synthetic 269 350—356
Ampicillin 311
ancat = anti-catenoid, definition 360
Androst-4-erie-3,17-dione, ( )- 280
Androst-5-en-17-one, 3-(acetyloxy)-, ( )- (andro-stenolone acetate), partial synth. 118—119
Anellations see “Carbocycles”
Angle of incidence in nucleophilic addns 315—316
Anisoles see “Arenes alkoxy-”
Annealing of DNA primers 227
Annealing of sticky ends 225—226 243—244
Annulenes, bridged 38 123—124 333—334
Anthracene, 9-(chloromethyl)-, mutagen 341—342
Anthracene, Diels — Alder addn. to 93
Anti/syn-selectivity see “cis/trans-selectivity” “erythro/threo-selectivity”
Antibiotics, synth. 310—329 (see also “Griseofulvins”)
Antithesis 171 193
Arabinose D— and L— pr 263
Arborol 355—356
Arenes, alkoxy-, reduction 87 97 103—104
Arenes, electrophilic substitution at 207—208 305—306 309
Arenes, nucleophilic substitution at 42—43 305 310
Arenes, redn., with /catalyst 87 112—113
Arenes, redn., with Li or Na 87 97 103—104
Arenes, synth. by dehydrogenation 139—140 338
Arnstein tripeptide 313—314
Aromadendrene 32
Aromadendrene, cyclopropa[a]naphthalene precursor 85
Artemisia alcohol 45
Aspartic acid, pr. 184
Aspartic acid, protection 229
Aspirin 301
Asymmetric induction see “Enantioselective”
Asymmetric induction, chiral ketones 62 106—107
Asymmetric induction, chiral sulfoxides 8—9
Asymmetric induction, steroid synthesis 27 278—281
Asymmetric syntheses see “Enantioselective ...”
Asymmetry of vesicle membranes 351
Atropisomers, 5,10,15,20-tetraarylporphyrins 253
Atropisomers, Kemp’s acid arylimides 347
Atropisomers, porphyrin oligomers 348—349
Atropisomers, “binap” chelands 102—103
Axial/equatorial stereoselectivity, 1-alkylation of cyclic ketones with 1-alkynes 63
Axial/equatorial stereoselectivity, 1-alkylation of cyclic ketones with Cu and Zn organyls 44—45
Axial/equatorial stereoselectivity, 1-alkylation of cyclic ketones with sulfur ylides 45
Axial/equatorial stereoselectivity, 2-alkylation of cyclic enamines 13 25—26 73
Axial/equatorial stereoselectivity, 2-alkylation of cyclic hydrazones 12
Axial/equatorial stereoselectivity, 3-alkylation of cyclic enones 20 72
Axial/equatorial stereoselectivity, dihydroxylation of cycloalkenes 127—129
Axial/equatorial stereoselectivity, epimerization of alcohols 288
Axial/equatorial stereoselectivity, reduction of ketones 105—107
Azepines, hexahydro- (azepanes) 149 304
Azides, acyl- see “Carboxylic acids azides”
Azides, heterocycles from 153—154
Azides, reduction to amines 267
Azines, olefins from 35
Aziridines, alkene + amine, 212—213
Aziridines, alkene + amine, cyclization of 2-halo amines 154
Aziridines, alkene + amine, thermal decomposition of azides 154
Azlactones see “5(4H)-Oxazolones”
Azodicarboxylic acid see “Diazenedicarboxylic acid”
Bacteria, genetic engineering with 241—246
Baeyer — Villiger rearrangement 80 136—137 165 210 275—276 282 283 319—320
Baldwin rules 315—316
Barbaralone = 94
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