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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure |
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Kiakauer, H. 134 135 136 650 791 see G. “Roelofs L. “Singh D.” “Wimmer E.” “Yu R.”
Kikuta, S. 136 501 see T.”
Kilcoyne, A. L. D. 791 see A.
Kim, H. -Y. 649 see G.”
Kim, H. K. 571 575 711 792 see H.” “Zhang Q.
Kim, H. Y. 571 575 see D. “Vidali G.”
Kim, Y. 226 see T.”
Kim, Y. S. 645 see R.
Kimura, Y. 791 see A.”
Kinematic analysis 273
Kinematic approximation 287 322 659 678 687
Kinematic approximation in 3-d 274
Kinematic diffraction amplitude 733
Kinematic diffraction intensity 733 738
Kinematic model 326
Kinematic scattering 336 345
Kinematic scattering intensity 742
Kinematic scattering theory 557
Kinetic accessibility 261
kinetic energy 151
Kinetic limitations 187
Kinetic oscillations 428 435 441
Kinetic phenomena 772
Kinetics 141 162 163 656 704 788
King — Smith, R. D. 136 227 see I.” “Ramamoorthy M.”
King, D. A. 134 494 497 498 642 789 790 792 see S. “Barnes C. “Bowker M.” “Debe M. “Griffiths K.” “Hofmann P.” “Jupille J.” “Lamble G. “Lindroos M.” “Stensgaard I.”
Kingdon, K. H. 498 see I.”
Kingsbury, D. L. 572 see J.”
Kink coiner energies 83
Kink density 73 79 85 88 89
Kink energy 74 82 83 84 90 91 670
Kink formation energy 242 665 669
Kink sites 223
Kink-kink interactions 83 670
Kink-kink separation 93
Kinks 33 71 79 87 122 174 176 239 565 663 665 666 669 670
Kinks, thermal excitation of 85
Kinniburgh, CG 181 359
Kinoshita, T. 498
Kinosita, K. 181 see T.”
Kinzel, W. 645 646 648 see W.”
Kirkpatnck, S. 790 see J.
Kirschner, J. 419
Kiskinova, M. 495 498 see G.” “Comelli G.” “Dhanak V.
Kittaka, S. 572 see K.”
Kittel, C. 134 182 498 571 648 see M.
Kjaer, K. 571 568 see J.”
Kjems, J. K. 571 574 see H.”
Klapwijk, T. M. 497 see D.
Kleban, P. 710 788 790 see P.”
Kleban, P. H. 789 see D.
Klebanoff, L. E. 501 see J.
Klein, J. 98 see S.”
Klein, J. R. 646
Klein, M. L. 573 see C.” “Ruiz J.
Kleiner, J. 710 see Y.
Kleinle, G. 498 499 see H.”
Kleinman, L. 494 495 see I. “Bylander D.
Klemperer, O. 359
Klier, K. 498
Klimov, A. 225 see M.”
Klink, C. 499 790 see K.”
Klitsner, T. 265 267 see R.
Knife edge singularity 85
Knm, J. 570 571 572 see J. “Migone A. “Muirhead R.
Knorr, K. 569 571 574 575 see J. “Koort H. “Shirazi A. “Volkmann U. “Weimer W.”
Knotek, M. L. 226
Knozinger, H. 182
Kobayashi, K. 134
Koch, J. 496 see G.”
Koch, R. 496 498 see O.”
Koch, S. W. 567 571 see F.
Kochanski, G. P. 267 see
Kodiyalam, S. 97
Koel, B. E. 500 see L.”
Koestner, R. J. 136 498 501 see M.
Kogut, J. B. 646
Kohler, U. 710 see M.”
Kohn — Sham equation 108 109
Kohn — Sham method 151 152
Kohn — Sham self-consistent approach 609
Kohn, W. 134 181 182 497 498 646 see P.” “Lang N. “Lau K.
Koidesch, M. 496 see W.”
Koitan, A. R. 791 see L.
Koite, U. 500 see S.”
Kolaczkiewicz, J. 648 790 see J.
Kolasinski, K. W. 182 see G.
Koma, A. 226 see A.”
Komolov, S. A. 227 see P.
Kondo problem 638
Kono, S. 133 134 135 493 497 498 see T.” “Higashiyama K.” “Kinoshita T.”
Koort, H. J. 571
Koranda, S. 420 see J.”
Kordesch, M. E. 418 419 500 see A.” “Rotermund H.
Koriinga, J. 646
Kose, R. 500 see H.”
Kosierlitz, M. 571
Koster, G. F. 136 183 646 see J. “Slater J.
Kosterlitz — Thouless point 751
Kosterlitz — Thouless transition 747
Kosterlitz, J. M. 359 790
Kothar, B. G. 645 see B.
Kouteck, J. 646
Kramer, H. M. 571 575 see J.
Krans, R. L. 496 see J.
Kress, W. 180 see F. “Reiger R.”
Kreuzer, H. J. 98 647 see S.
Kriebel, D. L. 791 see L.
Krim, J. 568 see M.”
Krischer, K. 496 498 see M.”
Kroll, C. 226
Kronberg, M. L. 226
Kruger, P. 267 see E.”
Krypion/graphite 522
Krypton 516 520 545 558 563
Kubala, S. 496 see W.”
Kubby, J. A. 136 267 see P.”
Kubiak, G. D. 182 183 see E.
Kudo, M. 181 226 see T.”
Kuhk, A. J. 418 see N.
Kuhlenbeck, H. 225 see M.”
Kuhnemuth, R. 570 see J.”
Kuipers, L. 97
Kuk, Y. 646
Kumagai, Y. 498
Kumar, S. 710 see G.
Kumikov, V. K. 97
Kunkel, R. 710
Kunz, A. B. 182
Kuppers, J. 43 359 496 502 see G.” “Woratschek B.”
Kurtz, R. L. 226
Kvick, A. 183 see J.
L'Ecuyer, J. 419
Lackey, D. 790 see B.
Lad, R. J. 225 226 see M.
Ladas, S. 497 see R.”
Laegsgaard, E. 790 see C.”
LaFemina, J. P. 180 181 182 255 266 267 see D. “Gibson A.” “Godin T.
Lagally, M. G. 87 98 265 267 268 358 359 360 571 643 649 710 711 790 792 see C. “Barnes R. “Ching W. “de J. “Haneman D.” “Martin J. “Mo “Saloner D.” “Swartzentruber B. “Tnngides M. “Wang G. “Webb M. “Welkie D. “Wu P.
Lagerof, K. P. D. 226 see W.
Lahee, A. M. 134 498 710 789 see J. “Harten U.”
Lakhlifi, A. 571
Lam, D. J. 181 226 see J.” “Ellis D.
Lamben, R. M. 43 495 see C.
Lambert, R. M. 494 see M.
Lambert, W. R. 267
Lambeth, D. N. 789 see L.
Lamble, G. M. 498
Lamellar halides 532
Landau classification 746
| Landau rules 723 766
Landau theory 747 798
Landau's first rule 724
Landau's second rule 723 724
Landau's third rule 724 765 766
Landau, D. P. 642 788 789 see K.”
Landau, L. D. 571 790
Landemark, E. 267
Lander, J. J. 135
Landman, U. 419
Landree, E. 418 see C.”
Landskron, H. 791 see J.
Lang, E. 359
Lang, N. D. 419 498 499 571 646 647 649 790 see C.” “Norskov J. “Williams A.
Lang, P. 643 see P.
Langdau expansion 722
Langell, M. A. 226
Langmuir adsorption model 65
Langmuir — Gurney model 461 464 466 483
Langmuir — Gurney picture 476
Langmuir, I. 498
Langreth, D. C. 135
Lanoo, M. 182
Lapeyre, G. J. 502 see H.”
Lapujoulade, J. 360 710 790 see H. “Villain J.”
Larese, J. Z. 568 571 570 572 see S.” see C.
Larher, Y. 57 572 574 see Y.” “Ser F.” “Teissier C.” “Terlain A.”
Larsen, P. K. 267 see B.
Larson B. E. 133 see K.
Larson, B. E. 790 see C.
Laser-induced diffusion 635
Late-time growth 777
Latent heat 534
Lateral disorder 674
Lateral force mode 376
Lateral interaction energy 555
Lateral interactions 580 584 617 626 627 631 634 635 638 641
Lateral length distribution 680
Lateral resolution of the STM 367
Lattice 655
Lattice constant 257
Lattice dynamics 557 634
Lattice family ot 6
Lattice gas 580 633 581 585 620 631 632 695
Lattice gas analogy 716
Lattice gas Hamiltonian 725
Lattice gas models 615 703 716 725 773
Lattice gas oider parameters 733
Lattice gas phase 728
Lattice gas system 803
Lattice gas transformation 730
Lattice line 16
Lattice liquid 620
Lattice liquid phase 728
lattice mismatch 41 290 516 567 697
Lattice planes 6
Lattice sites 79 581 678
Lattice, direction in a 6
Lau, K. H. 646 see W.”
Laue conditions 537
Laue for diffraction 279
Lauter, H. J. 569 570 571 572 574 575 792 see B.” “Cui J.” “Degenhardt D.” “Feile R.” “Freimuih H.” “Gay J. “Kjaer K.” “Madih K.” “Taub H.” “Tiby C.” “Wiechert H.”
Law, D. S. L. 227 see P. “Lindstrom J.”
layer groups 18
Layer spacings 326
Layer-by-layer growth 680 705—708
Layered perovskite 211
Lazneva, E. F. 227 495 496 497 790 see P. “Eierdal L.” “Feidenhans'I R.” “Jensen F.”
LCAO (linear combination of local orbital) 108 591 599
LDA (local density approximation) 107 109 112 115 116 117 122 628 640
Le Bosse, J. C. 646
Lead zirconate titinate ceramic 369
Leadbetter, A. J. 182
Leamy, H. J. 43
Lebehoi, A. 358 see R.”
Ledges 33
Lee, B. W. 227 267 see A.
Lee, K. B. 570 see C.
Lee, P. A. 568 see S.
Lee, T. D. 791
Lee, W. E. 226
LEED (low energy electron diffraction) 37 54 113 121 125—127 143 160 162 165 166 172 194 203—205 207 208 210 211 214 215 217—219 223 233 234 241 254 258 273 305 358 436—438 447 448 450 453 455—458 468 471—476 480 482 485 507 511 514 518 548 566 601 606 615 631 661 694 697 732 738 742 755 758 760 762 763 765
LEED (low energy electron diffraction) resolution 320
LEEM (low energy electron microscopy) 408 766
LEEM (low energy electron microscopy) contrast mechanisms in 408 409
LEEM (low energy electron microscopy) resolution in 409
LEEM (low energy electron microscopy) samples for 411
Left-handed coordinate system 28
Legendre transformations 57
LeGoues, F. K. 420 see R.
Lehmann, M. S. 184 see A.
Lehmpfuhl, G. 419 421 see N.”
Lehwald, S. 498 500 649 791 “Rahman T. “Voigtlander B.”
Leibsle, F. M. 227 267 498 499 710 see E. “Murray P. “Samsavar A.”
Leidheiser, Jr H. 498 see K.”
LEIS (low energy ion scattering) 194 396 399
Lelay, G. 135
Lemonmer, J. C. 358 see R.”
Lenc, M. 419 see I.”
Lenglart, P. 642 see G.”
Lennard — Jones 505
Lennard — Jones interaction 93
Lennard — Jones one-dimensional diagram 445
Lennard — Jones potentials 104 105 506 548 640
Lennard — Jones repulsion 583
Lenssinck, J. M. 97 see D.”
Lent, C. S. 359 see P.
Lenz 719
Lenz, J. 500 see E.”
LEPD (low energy positron diffraction) 143
Lerner, E. 568 571 573 see M.” “Knm J.” “Rapp R.
Lessor, D. L. 80 225 267 see D. “Horsky T.
Leung, W. Y. 568 see S.”
Level mixing 462
Levi, A. C. 359 see V.”
Levy, H. A. 358 see W.
Lewis, G. V. 182
Leynaud, M. 646
Li 111
Li and Na on Ru(0001) 469
Li, C. H. 498 see S.
Li, X. P. 135
Li, Y. 499 see P.
Li, Y. S. 645 see D.
Li, Z. G. 420 see D.
Li, Z. R. 568 572 see M. “Migone A.
Liang, K. S. 359
Liang, W. Y. 228 see W.”
Liang, Y. 182 226 225 see S.
Liao, D. K. 497 see I.
Liaw, H. P. 226
Liebau, F. 182
Liebeimann, R. C. 183 see S.”
Liebsch, A. 359 646
Lieske, N. P. 182
Liew, Y. F. 791
LiF(001) 352
Lifetime-broadening 462
Lifshitz criterion 724
Lifshitz, I. M. 791 790 see L.
Light domain walls 42
Lighthill, M. J. 646 791
Limitations to resolution 363
Lin, D. L. 650 see H.”
Lin, D. S. 267 see E.
Lin, M. E. 227 see H.”
Lin, X. F. 136 501 see K.
Lind, D. M. 227
Lindberg, P. A. P. 227
Linder, B. 646 see T.
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