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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure
Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure

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Íàçâàíèå: Physical Structure

Àâòîð: Unertl W.N.


The primary goal of this book is to summarize the current level of accumulated knowledge about the physical structure of solid surfaces with emphasis on well-defined surfaces at the gas-solid and vacuum-solid interfaces. The intention is not only to provide a standard reference for practitioners, but also to provide a good starting point for scientists who are just entering the field. The presentation in most of the chapters therefore assumes that the typical reader will have a good undergraduate background in chemistry, physics, or materials science. At the same time, coverage is comprehensive and at a high technical level with emphasis on fundamental physical principles. This first volume in a new series is appropriately devoted to the physical structure of surfaces, knowledge of which will be essential for a complete understanding of electronic properties and dynamical processes, the topics of the next two volumes in the series.

The volume is divided into four parts. Part I describes the equilibrium properties of surfaces with emphasis on clean surfaces of bulk materials. Part II provides an introduction to some of the primary experimental methods that are used to determine surface crystal structures. Part III gives an overview of the vast topic of the structure of adsorbed layers. The concluding Part IV deals with the topics of defects in surface structures and phase transitions.

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Spatially analyzed LEED      see “SPALEED”
Spatz, J. P.      420
Specht, E. D.      574
Specific heat      535 633 749
Specific heat exponent      741
Spectromicroscopy      416
Spectroscopic lonicity      257
Speed ratio      355
Spence, J. C. H.      419 420 421 see “Zuo J.
Sphalerite structure      193 219 220
Spherical aberration      401 402
Spicer, W. E.      501 502 see J.
Spiess, L.      136
Spin interactions      631
Spin-polarized electrons      459
Spin-polarized low energy electron microscopy      416
Spinel lattice      206
Spinel structure      193 206
Spiral dislocation      707
Spiral reaction fronts      414
Split positions concept      471
Split-off states      597
Spot profile analysis      669
Spreading pressure      66
sputtering      397
SrO      210
SrO (Type II) terminations      170
Stability of surfaces      55
Stacking faults      15 199 239 386 655 675 696
Staggered chemical potential      734
Staggered coverage      733
Staggered field      731
Staggered magnetic field      734
Staik, J. B.      43 see I.
Stampfl, C.      501 792
Stan, P. C.      136 360 418 419 see C.” “Marks L. “Van M.
Stancioff, P.      134 see M.”
standing waves      638
Stanley, H. E.      574
Starke, U.      497 499 791 see K.” “Ocd W.”
Starkey, E. K.      494 see J.
Static lattice      223
Statistical distributions      90
Statistical mechanics      55 79
Stauffei, L.      648
Stave, M. S.      136
Stechel, E. B.      645 see D.
Steele, W. A.      574
Stefan, P. M.      226 see L.
Stefanou, N.      643 see P.
Steffen, B.      96 see H.
Steinkilberg, M.      496 see J.
Stemkilberg, M.      501
Stensgaard, I.      136 495 496 497 499 790 792 see L.” “Feidenhans'l R.” “Jensen F.” “Klink C.” “Monensen K.”
Step bunching      78 79 681
Step collisions      82
Step crossing      81
Step density      72 73 76 79 80
Step diffusivity      85 87 88 91
Step distributions      94
Step edge barrier      702 707 708
Step edge diffusion      690
Step edge roughness      663
Step edge stiffness      88
Step edges      33 71 83 223 239 663 681
Step energy      93 665 670
Step fluctuations      665
Step formation      82
Step formation energy      82 242
Step free energy      73 81 83 85
Step height      663 664
Step height distribution      678
Step height multiplicity      665
Step intei action coefficient      94 95
Step interactions      77
Step lengths      302
Step loughness      669
Step meandenng      665 669 672 697
Step mtei action energy      82
Step pressure      73 77
Step stillness      82 88 91
Step wandering      55 82 85 90
Step-sicp lcpulsion      292 635
Step-slep separation      93
Step-step dipole interactions      672
Step-step interaction energies      242
Step-step interactions      81 83 91 93 636 664 665
Step-step lcpulsions      83
Step-terrace airay      197
Stephens, P. W.      570 574 see C.
Stepped suifaces      80 159 231 236 242 302 453 662 666
steps      30 35 67 79 96 122 174 176 197 221 223 224 291 363 565 606 607 635 636 655 663 665 668 679 688 689 696 705 725
Stercographic triangle      33
Stereographic piojection      30 31 663
Stern, E. A.      568 648 see C.” “Rudnick J.”
Steslicka, M.      643 see S.
Stevens, K.      267 see T.
Stewart, G. A.      568 572 see D. “Litzinger J.
Stich, I.      136
Sticking coelticient      479 552
Sticking piobability      441 457
Stiles, K.      266 267 see C. “Horsky T.
Stiles, M. D.      648
Stillinger, F.      136 648
Stimulaled desorpnon      358
Stishov, S. M.      183
Stishovite      174
STM (scanning tunneling microscopy)      54 67 90 91 93 116 122 125 126 130 195 196 202—205 207 211 214—216 218 223 234 239 241 242 259 273 363 364 371 372 438 449 451 453 454 456—458 476 490 492 601 606 623 633 636 655 661—664 669 673 674 688 689 690 693 697 699 700 709 755 760 761 764 766 771
STM (scanning tunneling microscopy) lateral resolution      367
STM (scanning tunneling microscopy) resolution      366
STM (scanning tunneling microscopy) tip      369
Stnte, S.      227
Stocker, W.      788 791 see M.” “Rieder K.
Stockmeyer, R.      572 see M.”
Stoehr, J.      420 495 501 see U.”
Stokbro, K.      136
Stoll, E.      133 789 see G.
Stoltenberg, J.      574
Stoncham, A. M.      226 644 648 see F.” “Hayes W.”
Stoner, N.      501 “Van Hove M.
Storchiometry      235
Stott, M.      648
Stout, G. H.      360
strain      93 175 178 235 481 626 665 671 672 674 675 686
Strain energy      699
Strain gauge      380
Stress      93 104 177 242 245 290 428 488 491 635 636 663 664 665 671 675 698 699
Stress anisotropy      668 672
Stress relaxation      697
Stress-mediated interactions      93
Striped incommensurate phase      519 555
Striped phase      520
Strite, S.      227 see H.”
Stroscio, J. A.      418 see R.
Structure      775
Structure factor      738 740 744 779
Stuehn, B.      575 see H.”
Stulen, R. H.      183 644 see T. see E.
Stumm, W.      183
Stumpf, R.      648 649
Subgroup      724
Sublimation      534
Substitutional adsorption      763
Substitutional atoms      289
Substitutional model      490 491
Substitutional site      474 476
Substrate lattices      686
Substrate mediated interaction      483
Substrate relaxation      618 627 628
Subsurface oxygen      456
Subsurface sites      617
Sudo, A.      182 see H.”
Suematsu, H.      571 790 see H.”
Sugawara, Y.      420 see H.”
Suhien, M.      570 see J.”
Suhl, H.      359 “Levi A.
Sulfate late piocesses      634
Sulfides      142
Sullivan, T. S.      569 see J. “Ecke R.
Sulsion, K. W.      649
Sun, Q.      649
Super periodicity      698
Superlattice      692
Superlattice reflections      327
Superlattice rods      284 293 297 339
Superlattices      199 208
Superstiuctures      661 685
Surface (factions      716
Surface angulai dependence of the      77
Surface anisotropy of the      68
Surface as a function of orientation      83
Surface atomic geometry      235
Surface band structure      114
Surface barrier shift      462
Surface Bnllouin zone      114 246 598 605 724 741 743
Surface changes in      56 94
Surface charge      194
Surface charging      140 179
Surface chemical bonding      233 235 249 253 256
Surface dangling bonds      261
Surface decomposition      179
Surface defects      171 174 176 281 414 657
Surface diffraction rods      280
Surface diffusion      56 438 442 580 681
Surface dynamics      179
Surface electionic structure      104 112
Surface electron charge distribution      344
Surface electron density      119
Surface electronic properties      113
Surface eneigy      114 142 671 681
Surface excess quantities      60
Surface faceting      55
Surface fiee energy      242 635
Surface iclaxation I.      10 117 122 140 141 164 169 170 172 173 175—178 212 219 249 254 389 390 395 660 755
Surface icsonantes      114
Surface imperfections      363
Surface ioughenmg      55 122 563 565 666 717
Surface lcconstiuction      110 117 122 131 140 164 169 172 177 178 197—200 223 255 389 390 395 427 438 441 450 451 453 665 681 717 753 755 771
Surface loughness      195 328
Surface magnetism      717
Surface mechanical propeities      375
Surface melting      77 122 565—567
Surface mesh      194
Surface moiphology      96
Surface molecule      591
Surface onentation      53
Surface peak      393 394
Surface phonon spectrums      358
Surface plasmons      307
Surface poisoning      630
Surface properties      113
Surface reactive site      176
Surface segregation      175
Surface stability      69
Surface states      112 114 115 162 211 234 246 250 259 261 450 585 599 601 610 611 635 637 638 641
Surface steps      803 805
Surface stoichiometries      140 188
Surface strain tensor      671
Surface strains      142
Surface stress      77 94 95 767
Surface structural properties      113
Surface structure      140
Surface symmetry      325
Surface tensile stress      122
Surface tension      55 56 57 58 63 65 69 81 114 301
Surface terminations      200
Surface thermodynamics      55 60
Surface toice constant      512
Surface topography      366
Surface topology      172 173 178 179
Surface V) center      176
Surface values of      56
Surface X-ray diffraction      125—128 273 326
Surface X-ray scattering      113 126
Surface X-ray scattering system      331
Surface, definition of      55
Surface-force constants      457
Surface-state bands      248
Surfaces states      112
Surfactants      705 708
Surfate excess      60 63
Surfate lesonance scaitenng      406
Surfate phonons      285 286
Surfate segregated substrate impunties      803
Surnev, L.      498 500 501 see M.” “Rangelov G.”
Surtace ciystallography      3 9 339
Survival of the largest      785
susceptibility      739 796 806 807
Susman, S.      183
Suter, R. M.      570 see N.”
Sutter, R. M.      568 see N.
Sutton, L. E.      501
Sutton, M.      569 571—574 see P.” “Hong H.” “Mochne S. “Nagler S. “Passell L.” “Specht E.
Suzanne, J.      567—575 see “Angot T.” “Audibert P.” “Beaume R.” “Bientait M.” “Brener R.” “Calisli S.” “Coulomb J. “Gay J. “Kramer H. “Krim J.” “Meichel T.” “Migone A. “Passell L.” “Seguin J. “Shechter H.” “Sidoumou M.” “Venables J. “Wang R.”
Suzuki, S.      498 see T.”
Sverblov, B.      227 see H.”
Swartz, L. E.      266 see D.
Swartzentruber, B. S.      98 265 267 268 494 710 see R. “Lagally M. “Webb M.
Swendsen, R. H.      360 574
Swiech, W.      99 see E.
Symmelry operations      724
Symmetry      516
Symmetry frustration      515
Synchrolron radiation      326
Szabo, A.      227
Szasz, L.      183
Szeftel, J. M.      500 see T.
Tabony, T.      574
tac      192 195 213 214
TaC(110)      682
TaC(110) transition      683
Taglauer, E.      418 see M.”
Tairach, G.      227
Takahashi, M.      136 268 710 792 see K.”
Takahashi, T.      136 501
Takaia, K.      496 see T.”
Takami, T.      501
Takayanagi, K.      136 268 419 710 791 792 see Y.” “Shibata A.” “Yamazaki K.”
Takcuchi, N.      136 268
Talapov, A. L.      573 see V.
tan      218
Tan, Y. T.      180 see R.
Tanaka, H.      182 227 see T.”
Tanaka, K.      501 see M.”
Tanaka, T.      227 see S.”
Tang, S. P.      136 see L.”
Taniguthi, M.      501
Tanishiro, Y.      98 136 268 710 792 see N.” “Sato H.” K.” “Yamazaki K.”
Tantalates      212
Tapping mode      376
Tasker, P. W.      180 183 227 see R.
Taub, H.      568—575 574 792 see K.” “Coulomb J. “Hansen F. “Kjems J. “Krim J.” “Larese J. “Suzanne J.” “Trotl G. “Wang R.”
Tayler, L. I.      135 see L.
Taylor, D. E.      649
Taylor, L. L.      791 see L.
Taylor, T. N.      500 see L.”
Tctrahedially cooidmated semiconductors      231
TED (tiansmission electron diffraction)      172 241 765
Teheps, W.      792
Teiakuia, K.      134 see K.”
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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