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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure
Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure

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Íàçâàíèå: Physical Structure

Àâòîð: Unertl W.N.


The primary goal of this book is to summarize the current level of accumulated knowledge about the physical structure of solid surfaces with emphasis on well-defined surfaces at the gas-solid and vacuum-solid interfaces. The intention is not only to provide a standard reference for practitioners, but also to provide a good starting point for scientists who are just entering the field. The presentation in most of the chapters therefore assumes that the typical reader will have a good undergraduate background in chemistry, physics, or materials science. At the same time, coverage is comprehensive and at a high technical level with emphasis on fundamental physical principles. This first volume in a new series is appropriately devoted to the physical structure of surfaces, knowledge of which will be essential for a complete understanding of electronic properties and dynamical processes, the topics of the next two volumes in the series.

The volume is divided into four parts. Part I describes the equilibrium properties of surfaces with emphasis on clean surfaces of bulk materials. Part II provides an introduction to some of the primary experimental methods that are used to determine surface crystal structures. Part III gives an overview of the vast topic of the structure of adsorbed layers. The concluding Part IV deals with the topics of defects in surface structures and phase transitions.

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Sauiet, P.      642 see A.”
Savage, D. E.      710 see D.”
Savage, T. S.      418 see R.”
Saxena, A.      791
SB      129 233 708
Sb adsorption      124
Scaled structure factors      744
Scaling      235 716 738 744 780 782 799
Scaling exponents      802
Scaling function      779 806
Scaling laws      257 265 802 806
Scanning electron microscopy      see “SEM”
Scanning force microscopy      see “SFM”
Scanning probe microscopies      224 363
Scanning tunneling microscopy      see “STM”
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS)      233
Scattered-wave theory      628
Scattering angle      275
Scattering cross section      344 555
Scattering length      274 630
Scattering matrix      322
Scattering plane      303 305
Scattering theory      589 630
Scattering theory methods      628 639
SCF LCAO (linear combination of atomic orbitals)      144 145 147 149 151 152
Schabel, M. C.      135 see J.
Schabes — Retchkiman, P. S.      573 575 see J.
Schafer, J. A.      226 see W.”
Schaffroih, Th      494 see G.”
Schardt, B.      135 see B.
Schart, A.      710 see K.”
Schaub, T.      227 see G.”
Scheffler, M.      97 134 266 494 499 500 501 571 648 649 792 see J.” “Dabrowski J.” “Fiorentini V.” “Horn K.” “Methfessel M.” “Neugebauer J.” “Schmalz A.” “Stampfl C.” “Stumpf R.”
Scheid, H.      500
Scherzer contrast transfer function      401
Scherzer defocus      404
Schick, M.      569 570 573 645 791 see S.” “Domany E.” “Gittes F. “Kinzel W.” “Nienhuis B.” “Nightingale M. “Pandit R.”
Schiff, L. I.      360
Schildbach, M. A.      183
Schildberg, H. P.      569 see J.”
Schimmclplenning, J.      574
Schinicker, D.      574
Schlbgl, R.      496 see G.”
Schleyer, P. V. R.      181 see W.
Schliei, R. E.      135 268 789 see H.
Schluier, M.      268
Schmalz, A.      493 494 500 648 see S.” see L.”
Schmidt, G.      225 494 495 see G.” “Bickel N.” “Eggeling von C.”
Schmidt, K.      498 see R.”
Schmidt, L. D.      97 500 see M.” “Root T.
Schmidtke, E.      648
Schmidtlem, G.      791 see J.
Schnanerly, S. E.      571 see S.
Schneffer, J. R.      644 648 see T.
Schneffer, R.      645 see F.”
Schnell Sorokm, A. J.      98
Schober, O.      495 see K.”
Schoenflies notation      17 18
Schoit, J.      790 see B.
Schonekas, O.      570 see J.”
Schonhammer, K.      648
Schottky barrier      124 130
Schreiner, D. G.      359 see
Schroder, J.      710 see R.
Schroder, U.      180 183 see F. “Reiger R.”
Schrodinger equation      108 146 344
Schrodinger one electron      147 157
Schrodinger, E.      183
Schuller, I. K. vee Falicov, LM      789
Schulman, L. S.      96 see J.
Schultz, H.      495 see D.”
Schultz, P. A.      645 see D.
Schulz, H.      134 see D.”
Schuster, R.      500 648 791
Schwartz, C.      574
Schwartz, L. M.      644 see H.”
Schwarz, E.      496 498 499 500 see M.” “Koch R.” “Over H.”
Schwegmann, S.      500
Schwennicke, C.      648 see E.” “Sklarek W.”
Schwoebel, P. R.      648
Schwoebel, R. L.      96 see J.
Scire, R.      421 see R.”
Scluldbeig, H. P.      570 see H.”
Scmiempiiical quantum mechanical methods      141
Scoles, G.      569 573 see T. “Rowntree P.” “Ruiz J.
Screened Coulomb potential      387
screening      392 471 472 476
Screening between the dipoles      471
Screening charge      465
Screening length      388
Screening potential      108
Screw and edge dislocations      35 672
Screw dislocation      39 705 706
Sears, M. P.      645 see D.
Second moment      625
Second order phase transition      718 736 798
Second phase precipitates      224
Second-order transition      701 702 720
Secondaiy emission ratio      307
Secondaiy ion mass spectroscopy      see “SIMS”
Secondary electrons      307
Seehofer, L.      500
Segregation      224
Seguin, J. L.      574 575 see J.” “Venables J.
Segum, J. L.      568 see M.”
Seifert, R. L.      99 see Y.
Seitz, F.      183
Selection rules      540
Selective adsorption      352
Selenides      142
Self adsorption      473
Self affine scaling      681
Self consistent field      144
Self consistent matrix Green's-function (MGF) scattering theory      629
Self similanty      704
Self-consistency      599
Self-consistent Hartree — Fock      587
Self-consistent pseudopotential calculations      129
Selke, W.      646 648 see W.”
Seller, H.      226 see S.”
Selloni, A.      133 268 see F.” “Takeuchi N.”
SEM (scanning electron microscopy)      273
Semancik, S.      180 183 225 495 see D. “Doenng D.
Semiconductor      115 601 611 635 675 676
Semiconductor metal overlayers on      123
Semiconductor principles of      246
Semiconductor surface reconstruction      234 261 265
Semiconductor surfaces      91 104—106 108 111 114 123 231 427 660
Semiconductor systems      131
Semiempirical methods      640
Semiempirical potentials      507
Semiempirical techniques      107
Septier, A.      420
Ser, F.      57
Sesselmann, W.      502 see B.”
SEXAFS      449 474
SFM (scanning force microscopy)      363 372 373
SFM lesolution ot the      376
Shadow cone      396 388—390 397
Shah, P. J.      710 see O.
Sham, L. J.      134 182 498 646 see W.”
Shape nansition      691
Sharma, Y. P.      574 see H.”
Shaw, C. G.      574
Shear      523
Shechter, H.      568 571 574 575 see R.” “Krim J.” “Wang R.”
Sheih, R.      791 see L.
Sheiko, S.      420 see J.
Shek, M. L.      226 see L.
Shell models      155 165
Shelton, J. C.      96 see J.
Shi, H.      497 500 see K.”
Shiba, H.      574
Shibata, A.      791
Shibata, Y.      227 see C.”
Shin H. D.      497 see H.”
Shioda, R.      136 500
Shirazi, A. R. B.      574
Shirley, D. A.      497 see Z.”
Shivaprasad, S. M.      97 see T.
Shkrebtii, A. I.      268 see N.”
Shnley, D. A.      498 501 see S. “Tobin J. “Tong S.
Shoie, J. D.      648 see L.
Short interaction lange      104
Short range potential      155
Short-biidge site      615
Short-range conelation      632
Shropshire, J. I.      83
Shu, Q. S.      569 see R.
Shuttlewoilh, R.      98
Si      111 123 160 231 233 236 246 338
Si dimer chains      128
Si(001)      660 668—671 688 689
Si(0010)      663
Si(100)      90 123 124 130 662 689 693
Si(100)(2x1)      241
Si(111)      91 93 123 124 127—129 161 412 487 488 717
Si(111) surface reconslructions with $\rm \sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}R30$      124
Si(111)($\rm \sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)-ln      129
Si(111)($\rm \sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30-Ag      696
Si(111)(2xl)      123 132 162 163 235 240 247
Si(111)(5x2)-Au      404
Si(111)(7x7)      132 241 247 328 329 513 662 677 696 725 805
Si(11O)      660
Si-Si dimers      217
Sibenci, S. J.      570 see K.
Siboulct, O.      98 see S.”
SiC, polytypes of      217
Sidoumou, M.      568 574 see P.”
Sigmund, P.      420
Silica      174 212
Silicates      212
Silicide layer      124
Silicon      236
Silicon carbide      215
Silicon nitride      220
Silicon wafers      123
Silicon-on-sapphire      209
Silveiman, P. J.      136 646 see I.” “Kuk Y.”
Silver      524 525
Silvi, B.      183
Simon, A.      500
Simple cubium      592
Simple lattices      30
Simple metals      108 132
SIMS (secondary ion mass spectroscopy)      456
Simulation techniques      105
Sinanoglu, O.      574 648
Sinclair, J. E.      134 644 see M.
Singh, D.      135 136 791 see L. “Yu R.”
Singh, D. J.      647 see J.
Single alignment technique      390
Single crystal substrates      427
Single height steps      665
Single scattering limit      274
Single-bond scission      161 162 236
Singularity      793
Sinha, S. K.      569 see P.”
Sinha, SunilK      791
Siolovitz, D. J.      647 648 see R.” “Ritkman J.
Site binding energy      726
Site switching      485
Skelton, D. C.      648 649 see D.
Skibowski, M.      225 see R.”
Skimmer      355
Skinner, A. J.      134 see L.”
Sklarek, W.      648
Skoczylas, W. P.      420
Skottke — Klein, M.      499 see H.”
Slab      113
Slab calculations      144 156 158 601
Slab lhickness      158
Slatei — Koster 2-center approximation      106
Slatei-type orbitals      147
Slater determinant      149 151
Slater exchange correlation potential      152
Slater, J. C.      183
Slater, J. R.      136
Slavin, A. J.      266 see R.
Slijkerman, W. F. J.      226 see S.”
Sloltze, P.      648
Slyozov, V. V.      791 see I.
Smeenk, R. G.      500 501 see J.
Smil, L.      180 see T.
Smilgies, D. M.      136 792
Smith, D. J.      227 420
Smith, G. W.      268 see P.
Smith, J. R.      98 135 136 648 see R.” “Rose J.
Smith, J. V.      183 see J.
Smith, P. V.      184 see X.
Smith, R. L.      227
Smith, S. T.      420
Smoluchowski      117
Smoluchowski smoothing effect      132
Smouluohowski, R.      136
Smyth, J. R.      183
Sneddon, L. G.      499 see J.
Snyder, E. J.      420
Soft metals      675
Softening of a surface phonon      118
Sokolov, J.      500
Sokolowski, M.      648
Solid I-solid 2 transitions      567
Solid on solid (SOS) model      79
Solid on solid model      80 299 665
Solid ovcilayer interface potentials      325
Solid phase      726
Solid slate physics      5
Solid-solid interlace      342
Solid-vacuum interface      112 342
Solid-vapoi interface      61
Solitaiy wave      443
Solomon, E. I.      225 see R.
Solubility      474
Somers, J.      497 see K.”
Somers, J. S.      791 see A.
Somorjai, G. A.      43 98 136 183 225 267 268 494 495 498 499 501 642 647 649 see A.” “Batteas J. “Chung Y. “Dubois L. “French T. “Koestner R. “MacLaren J. “Ogletree D. “Ohtani H.” “Toyoshima I.” “Van M.
Sona, F.      500
Song, K. -J.      98
Song, K. J.      97 see T.
Song, S.      98
Sorensen, O. T.      227
Soszka, W. veeTuikenburg, W. C.      420
Souda, R.      225 227 420 see M.”
Souice extension      320
Soukiassian, P.      136
Soven, P.      645 648 see D.”
Sowa, EC      183
SPA-LEED (spatially analyzed LEED)      202 315
Space chaige      315
Space gioups      16
Space notation      19
Space number of      19
Space shoit foim symbol tor      19
Spackman, M. A.      181 see K.
Spadicini, R.      359 see V.”
Spaepen, F.      97 see D.”
Spanjaard, D.      642 643 647 see J. “Dcsjonqueres M. “Oles A.
Spatial coherence      314
Spatial self-organization      441
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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