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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure |
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Missing row model 454
Missing row phase 759
Missing row reconstructions 119 132 449 456 465 759 761 768 769 771
Missing row structure 451
Mitchell, K. A. R. 496 497 500 502 649 see D.” “Hui K. “Parkin S. “Vu D. “Wong P.
Miura, S. 710 see T.”
Mixed basis technique 111
Mixed dislocation 674
Mixed lepieseniation 587 605
Mixed phases 42
Mixed-basis pseudopotential approach 110
Miyano, K. E. 502 see J.
Miyazaki, E. 225 see K.”
MnO 201 202
MO 132
Mo(001) 106 118
Mo(100) 116
Mo(310) 416 416
Mo, Y. W. 98 267 268 710 see M. “Swartzentruber B.
Mobility 468 546
Mochida, A. 225 see K.”
Mochne, S. G. J. 98 99 496 359 572 792 “Feidenhans'l R.” “Nagler S. “Song S.” “Yoon M.” see D.
Modesn, S. 494 see C.”
Mohere, G. 419
Moikoc, H. 227 see S.”
Moinson, J. 135 see J.
Molchanov, V. A. 419 see E.
Molecular adsoibate systems 427
Molecular adsoiption 431
Molecular beam epitaxy see “MBE”
Molecular cooidination chemistry 255
Molecular Dynamics 105 119 159 162 508
Molecular dynamics simulations 110
Molecular oiientational order 521
Molecular orbitalsofCO 429
Molecular vibiations 512
Moler, E. J. 497 see Z.”
Moliere potential 394
Moller, M. 420 see J.
Moller, M. A. 573 see J.
Moller, P. 496 see M.”
Momentum tiansfer 300 347
Momentum transfei vector 274
Momson, J. 496 see P.
Momson, J. A. 573 see C.”
Monch, W. 499
Moncton, D. E. 569 572 574 see K. “Dimon P.” “Mochne S. “Nagler S. “Stephens P. “Specht E.
Monkawa, Y. 135
Monkenbusch, M. 572
Monshige, K. 572
Monta, S. 420 see H.”
Monte Cailo 631
Monte Cailo simulations 79 119 613 614 615 618 619 627 632 633 634 639 703 704 705 706 806
Monte Cailo techniques 394
Monte Carlo calculations 745
Montrol, E. W. 359 see A.
Monty, C. 225 see L.
Moog, E. R. 572 575 see J.”
Moore, A. J. W. 97
Moore, I. D. 644 646 see F.”
Moore, W. T. 497 see K.
Morgante, A. 494 see A. “Bottcher A.”
Mori, R. 498 see Y.”
Moriensen, K. 133 494 792 see P.” “Zegenhagen J.”
Morikawa, Y. 134 see K.”
Moritz, W. 134 135 495 496 498 499 501 502 646 792 “Dormsch D.” “Gierer M.” “Kleinle G.” “Meyerheim H. “Michalk G.” “Over H.” “Siampfl C.” “Zuschke R.”
Morse, P. M. 791
Mortensen, K. 499
Moruzzi, V. L. 646
Mosaic 41 289 290 291 674 676
Mosaic structure 675
Moser, H. R. 497 see D.”
Mossbauer spectroscopy 511 545
Motieler, FC 572
Mott — Littleton approach 156 159 175 176
Mott, N. F. 182
Mound structures 684
Mouritsen, O. G. 789 see H.
Mouritsen, OG 710
Mowforth, C. 572 see K.”
Mowforth, C. W. 572
Muellerova, I. 419
Muffin tin 631
Muffin tin spheres 613 614
Muffin-tin orbitals 106
Muirhead, R. J. 572
Mulhns, W. W. 97
Muller, E. W. 419
Muller, J. 499 646
Muller, K. 225 226 359 360 494 495 498 499 646 791 “Bickel N.” “Lang E.” “Rous P. “Besold G.” “Chubb S. “Eggeling von C.” “Gruzalski G. “Mendez M. “Oed W.” “Pendry J.
Mullicomponent systems 62
Mulliken (1934) electronegativity 587
Mullins 81
Mullins, W. W. 97 see E.
Multigirds 111
Multiple height steps 679
Multiple scattering 284 322 326 346 347 678 733 738
Multisite interactions 604
Mundenar, J. M. 499
Munoz, M. C. 500 see F.”
Muraia, Y. 181 see T.”
Murakami, S. 181 see T.”
Murata, Y. 494 see T.”
Murray, P. W. 227 498 499 see F.
Muryn, C. A. 227 see P.
Muscat, J. P. 499 647
Muschiol, U. 499
Muto, Y. 572 647
Mykura, H. 96 see J.
Myshlyavisev, A. V. 647
Na 111
NaCl 507 708
NaF(001) 354
Nagayoshi, H. 135 499 see S.”
Nagler, S. E. 572
Nahm, H. S. 569 see M.”
Nahr, H. 359 see H.
Najafabadi, R. 647
Nakagawa, K. 267 see P.
Nakaiani, S. 136 501 see T.”
Nakamatasu, H. 182
Nakamura, N. 134 see S.”
Nakayama, T. 501 see T.”
Napariovich, A. P. 642 see L.
Narasimhan, S. 135
Nardon, Y. 572
Narusawa, T. 647
Nasiasi, M. 420 see J.
Naumovets, A. G. 499 642 647 see L.
NBC 213
NbN 218
ne 518
nearest neighbors 189
Nearest-neighbor repulsion 581
Neddermeyer, H. 225 501 see M.” “Wilhelmi G.”
Needels, M. 133 267 see K.
Needs, R. J. 97
Negative surface excesses 62
Neilsen, M. 495 see D.”
Nelson, D. R. 570 573 790 see B. “Jose J.
Nelson, J. S. 267 see T.”
Nelson, R. C. 98
Nenow, D. 573
Neon 511
Neubert, M. 500 see E.”
Neugebauer, J. 494 499 500 648 see J.” “Schmalz A.”
Neutralization 397
Neutron scattering 535 566 717
Neutron scattering experiments 533
Neve, J. 498 see S.
| Newion, J. C. 575 see R.”
Newns, D. M. 499 see J. “Norskov J.
Newton, M. D. 181 see R.
Next nearest-neighbor attraction 581
Ng, Lily 501 see K.
Nham, H. S. 573
NI 105
Ni island nucleation 699
Ni(001) 316 317
Ni(001)-C 764
Ni(001)c(2x2)O 457
Ni(100) 457 686
Ni(100)-C 763
Ni(100)-K 470
Ni(100)-O 448 456
Ni(110) 449 762
Ni(110)(2xl)-O 453 455
Ni(110)(2xl)pmg 2CO 440
Ni(110)-CO 440
Ni(110)p(2xl)-O 450 453
Ni(110)p(3xl)-O 453
Ni(111)-K 468 469
Ni(111)-O 742
Ni(113) 667
Ni(115) 666 667
Ni(771) 453
Ni-CO 430
Nicholas, J. F. 98 135 499
Nicholls, J. M. 496 see T.
Nichus, H. 710 see K.”
Nicnhuis, B. 791
Nielsen, M. 134 266 496 568 569 571 572 573 789 792 see J.” “Dormsch D.” “Duna P.” “Feidenhans'l R.” “Grey F.” “Kjaer K.” “McTague J. “Siampfl C.”
Nielsen, M. M. 493 499 501 see S.” “Siampfl C.”
Nielson, M. 266 see R.”
Niessen, A. K. 498 see A.
Nightingale, M. P. 573 647
NiO 201 202
NiO(100) 202 222 457 686
NiO(111) 457
Niobium pentoxide 193
Niskanen, K. J. 573
Nitrides 143 218 222
Nitrogen 511 521
No load point 375
Noble metal adsorption on silicon and germanium surfaces 125
Noble metals 116 117 637 640
Noble metals on Si or Ge 127
Nodme, M. H. 225 see R.
Nofke, J. 570 see K.”
Nogami, J. 135 136 499 500 501 see S.” “Shioda R.” “Wan K.
Nogler, S. E. 574 see E.
Noimal mode 286
Nolden, I. 98 see H.”
Nolder, R. 227
Nomura, E. 497 see M.”
Non channeling 393
Non equilibrium structure factors 7903
Non mieiacting steps 302
Non unifoim strain 675
Non-bonded atoms 668
Non-bonding electronic states 246
Non-coniact imaging 376
Non-dnectional bonding 581
Non-registered binding 729
Non-rotated hexagonal phase 520
Non-stoichiometnc surfaces 142
Non-universal behavior 747 753
Non-wetting 562
Nonhrup, Jr, C. J. M. 182
Nonon, P. R. 419 497 see T.
Noonan, J. R. 226 see G.
Nordlander, P. 647
Normal vibrational modes 285
Norman, D. 498 see G.
Norris, C. 134 268 495 see K. “Howes P. “Van R.
Norskov, J. 648 see P.”
Norskov, J. K. 135 136 494 496 497 499 647 790 see F.” “Feidenhans'l R.” “Jacobsen K. “Siokbro K.”
Northrup, J. E. 135 266 267 494 499 501 792 see D. “Bnngans R. “Nicholls J. “Uhrberg R. “Zegenhagen J.”
Norton, P. R. 647
Notation 35
Notfke, J. 499
Novaco — McTague epitaxial rotalion 549
Novaco — McTague rotation 5 18 523 524
Novaco, A. D. 499 571 572 573 see J. “McTague J.
Novak, D. 227
Nowak, H. J. 135
Nowomy, J. 180 see L.
Nowotny, J. 182
Nozieres, P. 98
Nuclcation 473 478 688 766 775 776 778 788
Nuclcation and growth 775 785
Nucleated islands 688
Nucleation processes 689
Number ol the space group 19
Nunes, R. W. 135 see X.
Nussbaum, R. H. 573
Nyberg, G. L. 494 see S.
Nyholm, R. 493 494 see J.
O'Keefe, M. 182
O/Ru(001) 736
O/W(100) 693 694
O/W(110) 685 694
Object wavefunction 400
Ocal, C. 494 see M.”
Occupied density of stales 364
Ochab, J. 788 see P.”
Ocko, B. M. 135 792 see D.
Octahedial interstitial sites 192
Octahedral coordination 188
Octahedral intei slices 207
Octahedral sites 191
Oed, W. 498 499 791 see M. “Muschiol U.” “Pendry J.
Oen, O. S. 419
Ogletree, D. F. 268 499 642 647 649 see A.” “Van M.
Ohdoman, I. 226 see S.”
Ohia, H. 498 see T.”
Ohiani, H. 499 647
Ohmura, Y. 644 see F.”
Ohnesorge, F. 227
Ohta, M. 420 see H.”
Ohta, T. 791
Okamoto, N. 136 501 see T.”
Oles, A. M. 647
Olesen, L. 790 see C.”
Olmstead, M. A. 136 267 499 501 see R.
On-top position 484 485
On-top sites 20 434 469 471 475 476 580
One election electronic energy 148
One electron eigenvalues 151
One-dimensional defects 655
One-election eigenfunctions 152
One-electron density 151
One-electron energies 613 616
One-electron functions 151
One-electron kinetic energy and electron-ion (nuclear) attraction 149
one-electron wavefunctions 147 149 150
One-phonon scattering 287
Onega, A. 500 see H.”
Onentalional phase separation of vicinal Au(111) 79
Onentational order-disorder transition 525
Ong, P. J. 136 see D.
Onsager 719
Onufeiko, J. H. 791
Oppcnheimer, J. R. 180 see M.”
Optical lever 378 380
Optical tnterferometry 378
Optical transfer 400
Ordcjon, P. I. 35
Order parameters 719 721 723 732 733 746 747 804—806
Order(N) methods 111
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