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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure |
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Growth mode 708
Growth rate 705
Grozea, D. 418 see C.”
Gruber, E. E. 97
Grumbach, M. P. 135 see P.”
Grunze, M. 570 see M.”
Gruyters, M. 497 see K.”
Gruzalski, G. R. 226
Guan, J. 97 see T.
Guard, C. 570 572 see L.” “Meichel T.”
Guard, J. C. 98 see S.”
Guentherodt, H. -J 645
Guentherodt, H. -J. 227 see G.”
Guillermo, B. 136 see J.
Guinea, F. 648 see J.
Guiney, R. W. 496
Guinier, A. 359
Gumbs, G. 645
Gumbsch, P. 97
Gumhalter, B. 645
Gunnarsson, O. 134 181 see R.
Gunther, S. 710 see R.
Gunton, J. D. 643 648 710 791 see J. “Gawlinski G. “Rikvold P. “Saxena A.”
Guo, J. 181 226 see D.
Guo, Q. 499 see P.
Guo, T. 80 225 501 see D. “Wan K.
Guryan, C. A. 570
Gusiafsson, T. 133 134 227 228 495 790 see M.” “Copel M.” “Haberle P.” “Novak D.” “Zhou J.
Guthmann, C. 96 see S.”
GW approximation 115
Gwanmesia, G. D. 183 see S.”
Gygi, F. 181 see S.”
Haas, G. 420 see H.
Haase, J. 493 494 500 648 see S.” “Bader M.” “Becker L.” “Pangher N.” “Pedio M.” “Schmalz A.”
Haase, O. 496 498 see R.”
Haberen, K. W. 267 268 see M.
Haberland, H. 502 see B.”
Haberle, P. 228 see J.
Haberle, P. I. 34 790
Haensel, R. 569 see D.”
Haftel, M. I. 134 645
Haga, Y. 419
Haglund, J. 226 see M.”
Hagstrum, H. D. 419
Hahn, P. 710
Hakansson, K. L. 226 see M.”
Halet, J. F. 226
Halides 143
Hall, B. 570
Halpenn — Nelson model 525
Halperin, B. I. 568 570 573 790 see S. “Nelson D.
Halpin — Healy, T. 570
Hamaker constant 374
Hamann, D. 644 see P.
Hamann, D. R. 133 134 136 180 267 420 642 see J. “Applebaum J. “Biswas R.” “Lambert W. “Tersoff J.”
Hamers, R. J. 136 265 496 see O. “van E.
Hamicht, M. 569 570 575 see A. “Venables J.
Hamilton, J. J. 570
Hamiltonian 108 146
Hamiltonian matrix 106 107 146 153
Hammar, M. 226
Hammer, L. 495 498 499 see von C.” “Mendez M. “Oed W.”
Hammonds, E. M. 571 790 see P.
Hamson, W. A. 134 181 267
Han, W. K. 134
Hanada, T. 181 226 see T.”
Hanayama, M. 572 see K.”
Hanekamp, L. J. 568 see G.
Haneman, D. 134 181 267 359 790
Hanke, G. 359 see E.”
Hannaman, D. J. 496
Hansen, F. Y. 569 570 575 see J. “Trott G. “Wang R.”
Hansen, G. D. 648 see P.
Hansson, G. V. 135 265 268 499 see R. “Nicholls J. “Uhrberg R.
Hantree — Fock 162 587 600
Hantree — Fock approximation 505
Hara, S. 226
Harbison, J. P. 266 see H.
Hard hexagon lattice gas model 750
Hard wall approximation 345
Hard wall model 345
Hard-sphere radii 469 471 473
Hard-square model 631
Hardiman, M. 575 see J.
Harmonic approximation 518
Harmonic-oscillator approximation 471
Harp, G. R. 420 see J.”
Harpooning 462
Harris, J. 359 see A.”
Harten, U. 134
Harten, V. 710
Hartman, J. K. 496 see J.
Hartree (or Coulomb) interaction 150
Hartree and exchange interactions 153
Hartree and exchange-correlation poienlial 108
Hartree energy 152 153
Hartree interaction 148
Hartree — Fock bonding and antibonding resonances 599
Hartree — Fock calculations 107
Hartree — Fock computations 173
Hartree — Fock level 149
Hartree-type calculation 107
Hartung, V. 648 see K.”
Hasegawa, F. 498 see Y.”
Hasegawa, T. 496
Hasegawa, Y. 645
Haser, W. 570 see J.”
Hashizume, T. 134 500 501 790 see D.” “Park C.” “Taniguchi M.”
Hastings, J. B. 569 see J.”
Hastings, J. M. 572 see J.
Hathaway, K. B. 789 see L.
Hau, U. 643 see R.”
Hawkes, P. W. 419
Hayami, W. 227 see R.”
Hayden, B. E. 496 790
Haydock, R. 181 359 644 see J.” “Gibson A.” “Haneman D.
Hayes, F. H. 494 see D.”
Hayes, W. 226
Hazma A. V. 183 see M.
HE 116
He diffraction 165 456 659 707
He scattering 116 566 657 660 666 667 684
He, Y. L. 792 see J.
Headnck, R. L. 496
Heal and entropy of adsorption 533
heat capacity 511 59 522 535 806 807
Heats of adsoiption 431 549 551 552
Heats of cleavage and adsorption 64
Heavy domain walls 42
Hehre, W. J. 181
Heidbeig, J. 570
Heidemann, A. D. 571 see J.
Heieioepitaxial systems 687
Heieroepitaxial giowth 124 248
Height-height distribution functions 37
Heilman, P. 181 359 see E.” “Himpsel F.
Heimann — Mauguin notation 18
Heimitun matrix eigenvalue equation 109
Heine, V. 495 see M.
Heiney, P. A. 568 570 574 see R. “Guryan C. “Stephens P.
Heinz, K. 225 359 360 494 495 497 498 499 501 646 791 see G.” “Bickel N.” “Chubb S. “Eggeling von C.” “Lang E.” “Mendez M. “Muller K.” “Muschiol U.” “Oed W.” “Pendry J. “Rous P. “Wedler H.”
Heiringbone reconstructions 700
Heisenbeig model 749 753 754
Heisenbeig uncertainty principle 384
Held, G. 266 498 500 570 642 645 648 790 see A.” “Feenstra R. “Greiser N.” “Jurgens D.” “Keane D. “Lindroos M.” “Pfniir H.” “Schwennicke C.”
Helgesen, G. 135 see B.
Helium atom scattering 275
Helium atoms, wavelength of the 356
Hellmann — Feynman theorem 110
Hellmann, H. 134
| Helmholtz coils 308
Helmholtz fiee energy 56 63 69
Heme, V. 134 see M.
Hemey, P. 571 790 see P.
Hen ingbone pattern 122 521
Hen ingbone solid 521 525
Hen ingbone structures 699
Henderson, B. 181
Henderson, M. A. 226
Henel, T. 497
Hennig, D. 97 see M.”
Henrich, V. E. 181 183 184 225 226 227 see R. “Lad R. “Rohrer G. “Zhang Z.”
Henriot, M. 225 see F.”
Henry, C. R. 225 see C.”
Henzler, M. 359 574 710 789 see H.” “Hahn P.” “Horn M.” “Schimmelpfenning J.”
Hep 8 606
Hep crystals, lattice planes 8
Hep sites 447 448 480
Hep(0001) 446
Hering, S. V. 570
Herman, F. 645
Herman, G. S. 133 see E.
Hermann, K. 497 570 649 see P.
Hermanson, J. C. 501 see K.
Hermsmeier, B. D. 420 see J.”
Herrera Gomez, A. 502 see J.
Herring 55 68
Herring, C. 97
Herringbone packing 521
Hertel, T. 494 496 499 see H.” “Gierer M.” “Over H.”
Hertz, J. A. 644 see T.
Heshnga, D. R. 497
Heskett, D. 497 496 see H.
Hess, G. B. 569 570 573 575 see M.” “Nham H. “Youn H.
Heteiostruciures 605
Heterogeneous catalysis 428 459
Hexagonal aligned incommensurate phase 555
Hexagonal rotated incommensurate phase 555
Hexagonal rotated phase 557
Hexagonal wurtzite structure 215
Hexagonal-close packed see “hep”
Hexatic liquid ciystal 523
Hexatic orieniational order 525
Hexatic phases 559
Hexto interaction 619
Heydenreich J. 418 see H.”
Heyiaud, J. C. 96 97 134 see C.” “Metois J.
HFC 213 214
HfN 218
Hibma, T. 227 497 see D. “Peacor S.
Hickeinell, D. C. 568 see M.”
Higashiyama, K. 135 497 see S.”
High energy electron diffraction (HEED) 273
High lesolution electron energy loss spectroscopy see “HREELS”
High lesolution electron microscopy see “HREM”
High resolution LEED 313
High symmetry sites 448 465 471
High-density surfaces 446
High-oidei commensurate adlayer 515
High-temperature annealing 175
Highei ordei commensurabilities 517
Highesi occupied molecular orbitals see “HOMO”
Hikita, T. 181 226
Hildner, M. L. 133 789 790 see R.
Hill and valley structure 68
Hill, N. R. 359
Hill, R. J. 181
Hill, T. L. 97
Hilleil, B. 500 see M.”
Hillert, B. 494 see L.”
Himpsel, F. 495 see W.”
Himpsel, F. J. 181 267 498 571 see N. “McLean A.
Hinnen, C. 646 see S.
Hir, schom, E. S. 710 see A.”
Hirata, A. 226
Hirschfelder, J. O. 570 645
Hirsehorn, E. S. 267
Hirth, J. P. 648 see D.
Hiubayashi, K. 181
Hjalmarson, H. P. 183 see P.”
Hjelmberg, H. 497 645 see P.
Hnace, B. K. 227 see G.
Ho, K. M. 133 134 135 136 418 495 646 789 790 792 see K. “Chan C. “Ding Y. “Fu C. “Louie S. “Liu S. “Takeuchi N.” “Wang X. “Xu C. “Zhang B.
Ho, P. S. 98 647 see T.
Ho, W. 647 see L.
Hobson, J. P. 569 see T.”
Hoche, H. 710 see K.
Hochella, Jr, M. F. 181 226 see P.
Hoegen, V. 710 see M.”
Hoeven, A. J. 97 see D.”
Hofer, H. 501 see J.”
Hoffmann, F. M. 494 497 500 see A. “Heskett D.” “Pfnur H.”
Hoffmann, R. 181 226 497 645 650 “Halet J. “Jansen S. “Wong Y.
Hofmann, P. 494 497 see S. “Bradshaw A.
Hofmann, S. 226 see S.”
Hohage, M. 710 see T.”
Hohenberg, P. 134 181 497
Hohlfeld, A. 497 see K.”
Hoinkes, H. 359 see H.
Holding potential 507 641
Holland, B. W. 360 791 see J. “Zimmer R.
Hollins, P. 497 see K.”
Hollow sites 21 434 446 465 471 699
Holloway, P. H. 497 645
Holloway, S. 499 647 see J.
Holmstrom, S. 647 see P.”
Holub — Krappe, E. 496 see J.
HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital) 429 596
Homoepitaxial growth 684 688 690 692 697
Homoepitaxy 689
Homogeneous function 799
Homologous classes 235
Honeycomb structure 447
Honeycomb symmetry 83
Honeycomb-chained-trimers 125 126 492
Hong, H. 571 790
Hong, I. H. 497
Honon, L. L. 227 see Z.
Hopping 384
Hopping translations 542
Hopster, H. 497
Hopster, H. J. 789 see L.
Horn, K. 496 497 570 571 see J. “Hermann K.”
Horn, M. 710 see M.”
Horn, P. M. 569 570 571 572 574 790 see P.” “Greiser N.” “Hong H.” “Mochne S. “Nagler S. “Specht E. “Stephens P.
Horng, S. F. 267 see T.
Horsky, T. N. 180 267 see K.
Hosaka, S. 496 see T.”
Hoshino, T. 643 see P.
Hosokawa, Y. 419 see J.”
Hosoki, S. 496 see T.”
Hot adatoms 448
Hou, Y. 225 see M.”
Houmtfller, A. 499 see J.
Houston, J. E. 359 see
Howes, P. B. 134
Hrbek, J. 497
HREELS (high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy) 440 447 455 464 471 480 484
HREM (high resolution electron microscopy) 197 198
Hsu, C. H. 790
Hsu, T. 226 see Y.”
Hu, G. Y. 790
Hu, P. 494 498 see C. “Lmdroos M.”
Hu, W. Y. 268 see S.
Huang, H. 134 136 268 497 499 501 502 see H.” “Tong S. “Wei C. “Wu H.”
Huang, Y. 501 see J.
Huang, Z. 497
Hubbard, A. T. 419
Huber, D. L. 643 see W.
Huckel extended 594
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