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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure
Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure

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Íàçâàíèå: Physical Structure

Àâòîð: Unertl W.N.


The primary goal of this book is to summarize the current level of accumulated knowledge about the physical structure of solid surfaces with emphasis on well-defined surfaces at the gas-solid and vacuum-solid interfaces. The intention is not only to provide a standard reference for practitioners, but also to provide a good starting point for scientists who are just entering the field. The presentation in most of the chapters therefore assumes that the typical reader will have a good undergraduate background in chemistry, physics, or materials science. At the same time, coverage is comprehensive and at a high technical level with emphasis on fundamental physical principles. This first volume in a new series is appropriately devoted to the physical structure of surfaces, knowledge of which will be essential for a complete understanding of electronic properties and dynamical processes, the topics of the next two volumes in the series.

The volume is divided into four parts. Part I describes the equilibrium properties of surfaces with emphasis on clean surfaces of bulk materials. Part II provides an introduction to some of the primary experimental methods that are used to determine surface crystal structures. Part III gives an overview of the vast topic of the structure of adsorbed layers. The concluding Part IV deals with the topics of defects in surface structures and phase transitions.

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Dobrzynski, L.      643 see S.
Dobson, P. J.      267 see B.
Doering, D. L.      495
Dolle, P.      569 see D.”
Domain boundary      42
Domain boundary pinning      704
Domain degeneracy      695
Domain growth kinetics      693
Domain size      671 675 698 701 703 704
Domain size distribution      687 703 704 775
domain walls      42 520 523 545 554 567 656 672 688 693 695 696 701 709
domains      281 317 655 656 664 669 674 684—687 693 694 696 697 702 703
Domains on stepped surfaces      696
Domany, E.      569
Dong, C. -Z.      97 98 see T. “Song K.
Donor-acceptor mechanism      429
Dornisch, D.      134 495
Dose, V.      500 see H.”
Dotsch, B.      499 see W.”
Double alignment technique      391 392
Double-layer missing-row reconstruction      454
Dovesi, R.      180 183 see M.” “Pisani C.”
Dow, J. D.      183 see P.”
Doyen, G.      789
Drabold, D.      135 see P.”
Draper, C. F.      419 see S.
Drechsler, M.      97
Dresselhaus, G.      181 see V.
Dreysse, H.      643 648 see L.”
Drir, M.      573 see H.
Drittler, B.      643 see P.
Droste, Ch      500 648 see M.”
Dubois, L. H.      495
Ducros, P.      225 see D.”
Duffy, D. M.      227 see P.
Dufour, L. -C.      180 225 see A.”
Dufour, L. C.      182 see J.”
Duke, C. B.      180 181 182 227 266 267 418 see T. “Horsky T. “Kahn A.” “LaFemina J. “Lessor D. “Lubinsky A. “Mailhiot C.”
Dumas, M.      266 267 see W.” “Kahn A.”
Dumas, Ph      501 see F.”
Dunez, C.      225
Dunham, D.      420 see J.”
Dunlap, B. I.      181
Dunn, D.      418 419 see R.” “Marks L.
Dunn, D. N.      418
Dunphy, J.      642 see A.”
Dupont—Pavlovsky, N.      569 573 see A.” “Regnier J.”
Duraud, J. P.      225 see F.”
Dutheil, A.      570 see J.
Dutta, P.      569
Duval, X.      572 573 574 see M.” “Menaucourt J.” “Regnier J.” “Thorny A.”
Dynamic LEED      322
Dynamic linear dielectric function      507
Dynamic polarizability      507
Dynamical coupling      513
Dynamical mainx      605
Dynamical scattering      326
Dzioba, S.      225
Eades, J. A.      710 see A.”
Ealet, B.      225 see E.”
EAM (embedded atom method)      105 122 614 616 617 619 625 629 636 771
Earner transport      655
Eastman, D. E.      181 571 see F. “Lang N.
Eberhardt, W.      495 497 see D.”
Ebina, K.      643
Ecke, R. E.      569
Eckert, J.      569 570 573 see B. “Sanja S.
Edamoto, K.      225
Eden, V. L.      569
Edge dislocation      39
EDIM (embedded diatomics-in-molecules)      618
Edmonds, T.      569
Edwards, J. C.      225 see M.
EELS (electron energy loss spectroscopy)      143 211 615 634
Effective ladius      469
Effective medium      599
Effective medium theory      see “EMT”
Egdcll, R. G.      181
Eggeling, von, C.      495
Egglesion, C. M.      226 see P.
Eguiluz, A. G.      644
Ehrenreich, H.      644
Ehrhardt, J. J.      569 see D.”
Ehrlich, G.      501 644 649 789 see H. “Wang S. “Waianabe F.”
Eikonal approximation      345 346
Einstein mode      513
El-Batanouny, M.      134 790 see C.
Elastic constants      104 604
Elastic deformation      375
Elastic distortion      602
Elastic effects      601 604 635
Elastic incoherent structure factor (EISF)      541
Elastic interactions      88 90 606 698
Elastic mean free path      279
Elastic medium      636
Elastic moduli      635
Elastic repulsions      85
Elastic strain, release of      490
Elastic stress in the surface region      486
Elastic yield      307
Elasticity theory      93
Eleciron-ion energy      151
Elecnonic friction      448
Electionic charge density      108
Electionic structure      106 235 367 655
Electiostatic dipole layer      461
Electric dipole moments      582
Electric multipole      508
Electrical insulator      139
Electrochemical cells      641
Electrochemical methods      117 369
Electrochemistry      176
Electron bombardment      175
Electron charge density      351
Electron correlation      141 149 151 162
Electron correlation effects      149
Electron correlation energy      148
Electron counting      142
Electron density      151
Electron density gradient      342
Electron diffraction      733
Electron double counting terms      154
Electron energy loss spectroscopy      see “EELS”
Electron exchange coupling      610
Electron gas      109
Electron microscopy      91 363 398 766
Electron spin      146
Electron tunneling      364
Electron-electron interactions      146 148 151 152 153
Electron-gas model      156
Electron-stimulated desorptton (ESD)      194 205 310 555
Electron-stimulated reactions      199
Electronegative adsorbates      582
Electroneutrality      430
Electronic correlations      623
Electronic hopping      579
Electronic properties      21 273
Electronic wavefunctions      104 108
Electronic work function      461
Electropositive adsorbates      582
Electrostatic interaction      146 486 582
Elemental semiconductors      236
Elementary excitations      112
Elgin, R. L.      569
Ellenson, W.      573 see M.” “Satija S.
Ellenson, W. D.      569 see J.”
Ellipsometry      560 566
Ellis, D. E.      181 226 496 see J.”
Ellis, T. H.      569
Elsaesser, C.      134 see K.
Elswijk, H. B.      496
Elyakhloufi, M. H.      225 see B.”
Embedded atom method      see “EAM”
Embedded cluster model      613—616
Embedded cluster technique      600
Embedded diaiomics-in-molecules      see “EDIM”
Embedding functions      617—619
Emission electron microscopy      408
Emmeit, P. H.      496
Empirical classical potential models      144 159
Empirical quantum-mechanical methods      141
Empirical schemes      619
Empirical techniques      107
Empirical tight-binding methods      153 159
EMT      105 613 614 615 629 770
EMT conected      616
Eneigciics      234
Eneigetics ot surface defects      122
Energy bairier      684
Energy barriers      771
Energy expansion      721
Energy potential relief      471
Eng, P.      498 see H.
Eng, P. J.      792 see D.
Engel, T.      227 358 359 496 569 710 see E. “James R. “Kaufman R.” “Sander M.” “Szabo A.”
Engel, W.      418 420 419 496 497 500 see O. “Jakubiih S.” “Rose K. “Rotermund H.
Engelhaidt, H. A.      498 500 see T. “Pfnur H.”
Engelhard, M. H.      227 see L.
English, C. A.      575 see J.
Ennopic step repulsion      81
Enta, Y.      498 see T.”
Enthalpy      534 535
entropy      60 79 81 82 85 534 535 657 658 665
Epicier, T.      225
Epitaxial growth      210 224 242 684 699 702 773
Equilibrium crystal shape      53
Equilibrium faceted surfaces      68
Equilibrium surface atomic geometry      144
Equilibuum      53 767
Equivaleni-crystal-theory      105
Ercolessi, F.      96 134 136 644 649 790 see G.” “Garofalo M.” “Tosatti E.”
Ererdal, L.      495
Ergler, D. M.      643 see M.
Eriksen, S.      181 see R.
Erley, W.      642 see A.
Ernsi, H. J.      710
Ernst, K. H.      499 500 see H.” “Schwarz E.”
Ernstein, T. L.      96 97 98 99 134 642 644 645 647 648 649 788 789 791 see P.” “Barielt N. “Eisner D. “Joos B.” “Khare S. “Nelson R. “Pai W. “Roelofs L. “Taylor D. “Wang X. “Williams E.
Ersner, D. R.      97
Erswirth, M.      494 496 498 see M.” “Krischer K.”
Ertl, G.      133 43 359 418 420 494 496—502 572 642 643 645 646 648 649 709 788 789 791 see M.” “Barth J. “Behm B. “Bludau H.” “Bonzel H. “Bottcher A.” “Brune H.” “Christmann K.” “Coulman D. “Doyen G.” “Eiswirth M.” “Engel T.” “Gieier M.” “Grnsch T.” “Hertel T.” “Imbihl R.” “Jacobi K.” “Jakubith S.” “Kleinle G.” “Knscher K.” “Miranda R.” “Moriiz W.” “Over H.” “Roiermund H. “Schusler R.” “Shi H.” “Trost J.” “Van M. “Woraischek B.”
Erwin, S. C.      134
ESDIAD      436
Estrup, P. J.      133 135 496 788 789 790 791 see R. “Chung J. “Daley R. “Feller T. “Hildner M. “Robinson I. “Roelofs L.
ethane      510 514 521 524 525 525 542 543 550 553
Etonomou, E. N.      644
Evans — Lutterodt, K.      135 791 see I.
evaporation      451
Evens, H. -U.      648 see M.”
Ewald construction      278 279 281 309
Ewald sphere      279 315 320
Ewald term      108
Ewald, P. P.      181
Exchange constants      719
Exchange energies      151
exchange interaction      150
Exchange mechanisms      629
Exchange-correlation energy      107 109 152
Exchange-correlation functionals      107
Exchange-correlation potentials      153
Exchange-overlap forces      505
Exfoliated graphite      532
Extended defects      175 363
Extended Huckel model      594 640
Extended systems      112
Extensive variables      70
Extrinsic stacking fault      676
Eyring, L.      418 see P.
Fabre, F.      710 see H.
Face-centered cubic, see      “Fee”
Facet planes      197
Faceted TaC(110)      216
Faceting      55 68 69 74 122 199 224 242 681 682
Faceting transitions      73 581
Facets      30 67 197 201 221 655
Fadley, C. S.      133 see E.
Fahnle, M.      134 see K.
Fain, S. C.      358 568 569 573 574 575 792 see M. “Cui J.” “Diehl R. “Eden V. “Osen J. “Shaw C. “Taub H.” “Toney M. “You H.”
Faisal, A. Q. D.      569 570 575 see M.” “Venables J.
Falicov, L. M.      789
Falkenberg, G.      500 see L.”
Fallis, M. C.      644
Family of bulk lattice planes      35
Family, F.      710
Fan, F. R.      418 see A.
Fan, W. C.      499 see H.”
Far asymptotic region      609
Faraday cup      313
Fargues, D.      569
Farnsworth, H. E.      135 268 789 see R.
Farrell, H. H.      266
Fasolino, A.      136 792 see C.
Fassler, T. F.      643 see J.
Faul, J. W. O.      569
FCC      8 606 619
Fcc(111)      116 446
Fcc(1OO)      446
Fe(211)      449
Fedak, D .G.      134
Fedorus, A. G.      642 see L.
Fedyanin, V. K.      644 see G.
Feedback systems      371
Feenstra, R. M.      266 268 418 see M.
Fehlner, F .P.      181
Feibelman, P. J.      134 226 644 649 789 “Knotek M. “Williams A.
Feidenhans'l, R.      134 266 359 495 496 789 see J.” “Dornisch D.” “Grey F.”
Feile, R.      570
Fein, A. P.      418 see R.
Feldman, L. C.      136 418 496 see R. “Stensgaard I.”
Feller, D.      181
Felter, T. E.      133 644 789 790 see R. “Hildner M.
Felton, R. C.      183 227 see M.”
Feng, Y. P.      571 see H.
Fenter, P.      790 see P.”
Fermi energy      382 440 588 595 601 607 638
Fermi level      115 132 464 488
Fermi surface      106 580 592 610 636 640
Fermi surface domination      591
Fermi surface effects      105
Fernando, G. W.      134
Ferranle, J.      98 135 136 648 see A. “Rose J. “Smith J.
Ferreira, O.      574 792 see M.
Ferrer, S.      494 496 789 see H.
Ferret, P.      225 see T.”
Ferrimagnetic      206
Ferroelectrics      210
Ferromagnetic phase      720
Ferromagnetic system      719
Feulner, P.      500 see H.”
Feynman, R.      181
Feynman, R. P.      134
Fieimuth, H.      569 see J.”
Field desorption      386
Field emission      315
Field evaporation      386
Field ion microscopy      see “FIM”
Film growth      406
FIM      363 380 381 385 611 620 623 626 627 632 663 771
FIM tip      621 623
FIM, lesolution of      384
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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