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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure |
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Lindgren, S. A. 498
Lindhard, J. 419
Lindner, H. 499 see W.”
Lindner, Th 497 see K.”
Lindroos, M. 494 496 498 500 see C. “Fisher D.” see H.”
Lindsley, D. H. 227
Lindstrom, J. 227
Lindstrom, J. B. 227 see P.
Line tension 84
Linear bridge sites 21
Linear chains 482
Linear combination of local orbital see “LCAO”
Linear sites 580
Linear transformation 27
Linear-combination of atomic orbitals see “SCF LCAO”
Linke, U. 98 see D.”
Lippel, P. H. 136 180 see K. “Woll Ch.”
Lipson, H. 359
Liquid phase 726
Liquid-gas critical point 727
Liquid-like structures 469
Littleton, M. J. 182 see N.
Litzinger, J. A. 568 572 see D.
Liu, C. L. 97
Liu, F. C. 572 575 see J.” “Zeppenfeld P.”
Liu, H. 267 see F.
Liu, J. 419
Liu, L. -G. 182
Liu, S. H. 646
Liu, W. -K. 643 649 see X. “Sulston K.
Liu, W. K. 646
Llmemte 193 209
LMTO (linear muffin-tin orbitals) 108
Lnstiument resolution 303
Lo, W. J. 225 see Y.
Lo, W. K. 419
Local coordination 189
Local density approximation see “LDA”
Local density functional method 431
Local density of states 132 623
Local distortions 615
Local equilibration 53
Local functional 109
Local minimum 113
Local oibital based methods 111 113
Local relaxations 590
Local roughness 295
Localization of a state 115
Loewdin, P. O. 646
Loffler, U. 501 see H.”
Lohmeir, M. 710 see H.
Loientz factor 303 338
London dispersion forces 505
Long range correlations 699
Long-bridge sites 450 452 615
Long-range forces 565
Long-range interactions 637 697
Long-range order 289 325 343 469 479 508 632 655 697 701 718 719 732
Long-range translational order 523
Longitudinal mode 513
Longoni, V. 495 see P.”
Lonically bonded insulating systems 153
Lopez Vazquez-de-Parga, A. 647 see D.
Lopez, J. 646 see J.
Lorentzian function 542 739
Lorrain, P. 182
Louie, S. G. 133 134 135 183 268 494 649 see R. “Chelikowsky J. “Hybertsen M. “Tomdnek D.” “Vanderbilt D.” “Zhu X.”
Lovesey, S. W. 572 see W.”
Low coverage 112
Low eneigy electron diffi action see “LEED”
Low energy electron microscopy see “LEEM”
Low energy ion scattering see “LEIS”
Low energy positron diffraction see “LEPD”
Low index directions 31
Low index surfaces 8
Lowe, J. P. 182
Lowenstein, J. 642 see N.”
Lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals see “LUMO”
Lsing model 83 84 632 704 705 716 718—722 726 747 750 760 766 794 798 800
Lu, C. 572
Lu, H. C. 228 see J.
Lu, Ping 420 see D.
Lu, T. -M. 359 see M.”
Lu, T. M. 649 710 711 792 see G. “Lagally M. “Yang H. “Zuo J.
Lu, W. 227 see R.
Lu, W. C. 643 650 see X. “Zhang T.”
Lu, Y. -T. 99 see Z.”
Lubinsky, A. R. 227 267
Lucovsky, G. 182 see S.
Ludwig, A. W. W. 642 see I.”
Luedtke, W. D. 419 see U.”
LUMO (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) 429 596
Lundgren, E. 493 494 499 see J. “Nielsen M.
Lundqvist, B. I. 499 646 J.
Lundqvist, S. 135 646 see B.” “March N.
Lupis, C. H. P. 572
Luschka, M. 359 see H.
Luscombe, J. G. 710 see M.
Lutz, C. P. 643 see M.
Lutz, M. A. 266 see R.
Lyo, I. W. 135 498 709 see Ph.”
Lyo, S. W. 265 see P.”
M0ller, P. J. 227
Ma, J. 572
Maca, F. 500 see M.”
Macdonald, J. E. 360 359 268 495 see K. “Van R. “Pluis B.” “Vlieg E.”
MacDowell, A. A. 135 791 see I.
MacGillavry, C. H. 43
MacLachlan, A. D. 572
MacLane, S. 642 see G.”
MacLaren, J. M. 267 498 646
MacRae, A. U. 496 see L.
MacRury, T. B. 646
Madden, H. H. 43 573 see R.
Madelung sum 155
Madelung, E. 182
Madey, T .E. 97 98 183 498 227 see B. “Song K. “Thiel P.
Madhavan, P. 646
Madih, K. 572
Maglietta, M. 498
Magnanelli, S. 568 see U.”
Magnetic fields 325
Magnetic forces 374
Magnetic ordering 587
Magnetic sandwiches 641
Magnetic shielding 308
magnetite 206
magnetization 719 720 726 795 797 800 801
Magnification 381
Mahanty, J. 646
Maik, P. 227 266 267 see C. “Lubinsky A.
Mailhiot, C. 267 see J.
Main, C. leeCroset, B. 569
Mainnez, V. 500 see F.”
Maitensson, P. 135 498 see T.
Maitin, A. J. 182
Maitin, J. A. 359 see M.
Maitinez, R. E. 97
Maitini, K. M. 134 see M.”
Mak, A. 571 574 790 see H.” “Spechi E.
Maksym, P. A. 182
Malic, R. A. 267 see E.
Mam, O. 420 see J.
Manassidis, I. 227
Mancnsson, P. 135 499 see J.
Manera, L. 358 see G.”
Mangat, P. 136 see P.”
Manin — Rodero, A. 645 see K.”
Manir, E. I. 648 see L.
Mansfield, M. 97 see R.
| Manzke, R. 225 see R.”
Mao, D. 266 see W.”
Maradudin, A. A. 359 643 644 646 647 see S. “Dobrzynski L.” “Eguiluz A. “Portz K.”
March, N. H. 135 644 645 646 see F.” “Joyce K.” “Lundqvist S.” “Mahanty J.”
Marchenko, V. I. 97 646
Marcus, P. M. 135 267 495 498 500 502 see J. “Himpsel F. “Quinn J.” “Sokolov J.” “Chubb S. “Yang W.
Maree, P. M. J. 267
Marginal fields 801
Marks, L. D. 418 419 225 see R.” “Bonevich J. “Buckett M. “Collazo C.” “Dunn D.
Marli, C. rceThorel, P. 574
Marlins, J. L. 136 see N.”
Marshall, W. 572
Marti, C. 568 569 572 see T.” “Coulomb J.
Martin, J. A. 710 see D.”
Martin, J. I. 791 see L.
Martin, R. M. 133 135 see P.” “Cheity N.”
Maschhoff, B. L. 227
Mashkova, ES 419
Masn, P. 568 see J.
Mason, B. F. 572
Mason, M. G. 498 see S.
Mason, R. 498
Mass flow 53
Mass transport 53 450
Matecki, M. 569 572 see J. “Dolle P.”
Materer, N. 642 see A.”
Materlik, G. 789 see B.
Mathias, H. 227 see D.
Mathiez, Ph 501 see F.”
Matrix method 317
Matrix notation 25 27
Matsumoto, T. 182 227 see H.”
Matsunami, N. 419 see J.”
Matsushima, T. 645 645 see R.” “Moritz W.”
Mauck, M. S. 419 see G.
Maxwell relationship 58 64
Mayer, J. E. 180 see M.”
MBE (Molecular beam epitaxy) 235 249 258 259 260 261 262 706
MBE (molecular beam epitaxy) template 239
McAlpine, N. 267 see D.”
McCartney, M. R. 225 420 see “Smith D.
McColm, I. J. 227
McCormick, W. D. 570 see D.
McCoy, B. M. 792 see C.
McGrath, R. 495 see R.
McKay, S. R. 360 see W.
McKee, R. A. 227 see Z.
McKinney, J. T. 359
McLachlan modification 583
McLachlan, A. D. 646
McLean, A. B. 498
McLean, E. O. 568 see M.”
McMillan, W. L. 642 see P.
McMurry, H. L. 574 see H.”
McRae, E. G. 267 791
McTague, J. P. 499 571 572 573 574 see K.” “Nielsen M.” “Novaco A. “Taub H.”
Mctois, J. E. 97
Mdca, F. 648 see M.”
Meade, R. D. 96 97 133 268 494 498 710 788 see O. “Bedrossian P.” “Vanderbill D.”
mean field 107 631
Mean field theory 587 747 795 796
Mean squaied vibrational amplitude 286
Mean squaief height fluctuations 299 300 678
Mean square displacement 511
Mean square displacements of steps 91
Mean square fluctuation 663
Medium energy ion scattering see “MEIS”
Mednick, K. 495 see D.
Medvedev, V. K. 643 see O.
Meehan, P. 572
Mehl, M. J. 135 643 see R. “Langreih D.
Mei, M. N. 268 see S.
Meichel, T. 570 572 see J.
Meier, F. 500 see D.
MEIS (medium energy ion scattering) 126 162 194 392 457 770
Meizbacher, E. 419
Melle, H. 135
Melmed, A. 419
Melting 231 514 523 524 525 546
Melting point 565
Melting transition 342 469
Men, F. K. 268 791 “Tong S. “Webb M.
Menaucourt, J. 568 572 573 see C.” “Bouchdoug M.” “Regnier J.”
Mendez, M. A. 498 501 see H.”
Menu, H. 99 see Z.”
Menzel, and E. 135 see H.”
Menzel, D. 496 497 498 500 501 see J. “Hofmann P.” “Lindroos M.” “Madey T. “Michalk G.” “Pfniir H.” “Steinkilberg M.”
Merrill, R. P. 225 see D.
Meso-scale structures 376
Mesoscopic ordered domains 122
Metal carbonyls 428 429 430 434 435
Metal dimers 128
Metal overlayers on semiconductors 123
Metal surfaces 104 116 427 660
Metal tnmer overlayer 489
Metal-carbonyl complexes, vibrational spectra of 430
Metal-metal bonds 127 489 491
Metal-semiconductor bonds 127 489 491
Metal-semiconductor interfaces 104 123 486
Metal-semiconductor transition 242
Metallic bonding 188 464 469
Metallic contacts 124
Metallization 473
Metals 115
Metastable (1x2) structure 455
Metastable phases 113 124 476 796
methane 511 542
Methfessel, M. 97 134 135 see V.”
Metois, J. J. 96 97 134 see C.” “Heyraud J.
Meyer, G. 135 498 see P.”
Meyer, J. A. 646 see Y.”
Meyer, R. J. 266 see C.
Meyerheim, H. L. 498
MG 111
MgO 163 177 201 406 507 513 533 539 559 566
MgO(001) 164 165 176
MgO(100) 187 195 201 223 513 514 542
MgO(111) 224
MICA 676
Michalk, G. 498
Michely, T. 418 710 see M.”
MicroChannel plate 386
Microelectronics 174 239
Microfacets 205
Microscopy 656
Miedema, A. R. 498
Migone, A. D. 568 572 575 see M. “Zhang S.”
Miller indices 6 22 33 35
Miller, J. S. 500 see E.
Miller, M. 360 see E.”
Miller, T. 710 see A.”
Miller, W. A. 98 see W.
Millis, A. J. 645 see B.
Mills, D. L. 500 570 B.” “Rahman T.
Mills, Jr , A. P. 180 267 see K. “Horsky T.
Milne, R. H. 497 see K.
Mimata, K. 572 see K.”
Miner, K. D. 568 see M.
Mintmire, J. W. 181 see B.
Mioss, W. 499
Miranda, R. 499 572
Mirror electron microscopy 408
Mirror plane 17
Mirror reflection planes 17
Misawa, S. 226 see S.”
Miscut angle 242
Mismatch 516
Mismatch critical 516
Mismatch lattice 516
Missing row 441
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