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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure |
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Van Silfhout, R. G. 268
Vanadates 193 212
Vanderbilt, D. 96 97 98 133 135 136 183 227 265 268 494 498 710 788 see O. “Bedrossian P.” “Li X. “Meade R. “Narasimhan S.” “Ramamoonhy M.”
Vandervoort, K. G. 711 see H.”
Vannerberg, N. -G. 501
Vapoiuation 534
Variance 508
Vaughn, P. A. 183 see J.”
VC 195 213
Vedula, Yu S. 499 647 see A.
Venables, J. A. 568 569 570 573 574 575 see S.” “Faisal A. “Hamichi M.” “Price G. “Schabes P. “Seguin J.
Veneklasen, L. 420
Verheij, L. K. 501 573 710 see R.” “Poelsema B.”
Vernitron Corp 421
Verway, E. J. W. 183
Verwoerd, W. S. 227 265 see P.” “Osuch K.”
Very low energy electron diffraction see “VLEED”
Vibiation 511
Vibiation isolation 371 378
Vibiational motion 39 709
Vibration properties 21
Vibrational amplitudes 286 325
Vibrational fiequencies 583
Vibrational force constants 257
Vibrational mode 511 540
Vibrational partition function 65
Vibrational spectra of metal carbonyl complexes 430
Vibrational spectroscopy 436
Vibrational states 634
Vibrations 547
Vicinal 231
Vicinal Ag(110) 681
Vicinal plane 663
Vicinal Si(111) 681
Vicinal surfaces 30 33 74 79 205 239 242 606 635 636 665 681 696 717
Vicinal ZnO surfaces 223
Vickers, J. S. 265 267 494 see R. “Kubby J.
Vicmahty 669 705
Victora, R. H. 789 see L.
Vidali, G. 575 649
Vidicon 310
Viena, S. 418 see N.”
Vilches, O. E. 568 569 570 572 574 575 792 see M.” “Coulomb J. “Ecke R. “Hering S. “Ma J.” “Stoltenberg J.” “Tejwani M. “Van S. “Zeppenfeld P.”
Vilfan, I. 792 see J.”
Villain, J. 360 650 792 see DE.”
Vinal coefficient 507
Vissar, R. J. 225 see E.”
VLEED (very low energy electron diffraction) 409
Vlieg, E. 136 360 495 496 710 see K. “Headnck R. “van H.
VN 192 218
Vogl, P. 183
Void channels 220
Voigtlandcr, B. 649
Volin, K. J. 183 see S.”
Volkmann, U. G. 569 575 “Faul JWO”
Vollmer, R. 574 575 see D.” “Toennies J.
Volokmn, A. I. 649
Volumetry 533
Von Oerizen, A. 496 497 500 see W.” “Jakubith S.” “Rotermund H.
Vora, P. 569 see P.”
Voronkov, V. V. 98 649
Vortex 751
Vosko, S. H. 647 see J.
Voter, A. F. 97 649 see C.
Vu Grimsby, D. T. 496 649
Vvedensky, D. D. 267 498 646 see J.
w 53 132
W(001) 106 328 329 768
W(001) reconstiuction 697 757 758
W(001)c(2x2) reconstruction of 118
W(100) reconstructions 717
W(110) 693
W(110)-H 762
W(111) 54
W/W(100) 692 693
Wachutka, G. 500 648 see M.”
Wagner, R. 421
Walker, J. A. 183 227 see M.”
Walker, J. S. 569 see E.”
Walker, S. M. 645 see T.
Wallden, L. 498 see S.
Wallis, R. F. 644 646 see A. “Maradudin A.
Walters, A. B. 180 see M.”
Wan, K. J. 136 501
Wandell, K. 572 see R.”
Wang, C. 575
Wang, C. P. 499 see H.”
Wang, C. Z. 136 792 see C.
Wang, G. C. 98 643 649 710 711 791 792 see W. “Lagally M. “Liew Y. “Wendelken J. “Yang H. “Zuo J.
Wang, J. 135 see B.
Wang, L. Q. 227
Wang, M. 643 see X.
Wang, N. 421
Wang, R. 570 571 575 see J. “Knm J.”
Wang, S. C. 501
Wang, S. K. 575 see R.”
Wang, S. W. 268 649 see M.
Wang, W. D. 711
Wang, X. -S 98
Wang, X. -S. 99 see J.”
Wang, X. W. 136 792
Wang, Y. 135 183 see J. “Susman S.”
Wang, Y. C. 225 see C.
Wang, Y. R. 266 267 see C. “Kahn A.”
Wang, Z. L. 184 227 421 see N.”
Ward, J. 421 see R.”
Warmack, R. J. 228 711 see J.
Warren approximation 277
Warren, B. E. 360 575
Washkiewicz, W. K. see “Robinson I.
Wasterbeck, E. 500 see A.”
Watanabe, F. 644 649 see G.”
Watanabe, S. 501
Watson, P. R. 649
Watt, l, M. 420
Wave vectors 274
Wavelength of the helium atoms 356
Wavelets 111
wc 192 213
Wcitenng, H. H. 136
Weak chemisorption 596
Weak coupling 591
Weakliem, PC 268
Weaver, J. H. 99 see Y.
Webb, M. B. 98 267 268 358 359 360 568 572 575 710 711 788 791 792 see R. “Bennett P. “Cohen P. “Lagally M. “McKinney J. “Men F. “Mo Y. “Moog E. “Phaneuf R. “Swartzeniruber B. “Tong S. “Unguns J.”
Webber, P. R. 494 see D.
Weber, T. 136 648 see F.”
Weber, W. 136 792 see X.
Wedler, H. 501
Weeks, J. D. 98 711
Wegner, F. J. 792
Wei, C. M. 136 268 497 501 see I. “Tong S.
Wei, D. H. 648 649 see D.
Wei, J. 99 see E.
Wei, S. H. 136 see D.”
Weibel, E. 266 789 see G.”
Weil, C. A. 43
Weimer, W. 575
Weinberg, W. H. 183 360 495 500 501 645 649 650 see C. “Christmann K.” “Comne C. “Kang H. “Rahman T. “Thomas G. “Van M. “Williams E.
Weinen, M. 136 650 see E.”
Weinert, B. 499 see J.”
Weinert, M. 134 710 see C.
Weiss, A. H. 358 see A.”
Weiss, G. H. 359 see A.
Weiss, H. 496 574 see G.” “Schmicker D.”
Weiss, W. 225 see A.”
Weiterling, H. H. 49 “see D.
Weithcim, G. K. 500 see D.
Welkie, D. G. 711
Welton Cook, M. R. 83 183 227 see M.
| Wendeken, J. F. 711 see J.
Wendelken, J. F. 228 792 see J.
Wengelnik, H. 501 see G.”
Wern, H. 643 see R.”
Wesner, D. A. 501
Westrin, P. 498 see S.
Wetting 562 564—567
Wetting complete 562
Wetting incomplete 562
Wetting triple point 567
Wetzl, K. 496 see M.”
Wheeler, J. C. 790 see R.
Whetten, R. L. 420 see E.
While, J. M. 500 see L.”
While, J. W. 572 574 see P.” “Tabony T.”
White graphite 219
White, A. F. 181 see Jr M.
White, G. K. 575
White, J. D. 495 see J.”
White, J. M. 227 see G.
White, J. W. 575
Whitten, J. L. 643 646 649 “Ciemaschi P. “Madhavan P.”
Wicksted, J. P. 571 see J.
Widom, M. 790 see G.
Wiechen, H. 575 see C.” “Weimer W.”
Wiechers, J. 495 see H.”
Wiechert, H. 569—571 575 see J.” “Feile R.” “Freimuth H.” “Knorr K.” “Koort H.
Wieckowski, A. 647 see P.
Wiesendanger, R. 227 645 see H. “Tarrach G.”
Wigner — Seitz cells 23 117
Wilhelmi, G. 225 501 see M.”
Willenborg, K. 643 see P.
Williams, A. A. 359 see B.”
Williams, A. R. 498 571 646 649 see N. “Moruzzi V.
Williams, B. R. 572 see B.
Williams, E. D. 96 97 98 99 268 360 501 645 649 650 see N. “Hwang R. “Kodiyalam S.” “Phaneuf R. “Taylor D. “Wang X. “Wei J.”
Williams, R. S. 420 497 see M.” “Snyder E.
Williams, W. S. 228
Willis, C. R. 790 see C.
Willis, R. F. 134 789 790 see D.” “Campuzano J.
Wilsoh, H. 359 see H.
Wilson, E. B. 573 see L.”
Wilson, K. G. 650 792
Wilson, R. J. 133 136 710 see D. “Johnson K. “Woll Ch.”
Wimmer, E. 134 136 501 650 710 see C.
Winkelmann, K. 360 see J.
Winkler, R. G. 420 see J.
Wintterlin, J. 494 495 498 501 789 see R. “Brune H.” “Coulman D. “Kleinle G.” “Trost J.”
Witzel, St. 500 see P.”
WKB approximation 366
Woell, Ch. 498 see A.
Wohlgemuth, H. 496 499 500 502 see M.” “Over H.” “Schwarz E.”
Woiatschek, B. 502
Woicik, J. 182 see B.
Woicik, J. C. 502
Wojciechowski, K. F. 648 see J.
Wold, A. 183
Wolf, D. 99 135 502 650 see W.” “Zuschke R.”
Wolf, D. E. 650
Wolf, E. 358 see M.”
Wolf, J. F. 97 98 644 see J.” “Poensgen M.”
Wolff, P. A. 648 see J.
Wolken, G. Jr. 360
Wolkow, R. 711 792
Woll, Ch. 134 136 710 see V.”
Wong, C. W. 792
Wong, P. C. 502
Wong, Y. -T 650
Wonka, U. 359 see H.
Wood notation 25
Wood, E. A. 43
Woodruff, D. P. 183 421 497 791 see M.” “Onuferko J. “Robinson A.
work function 115 262 365 382 442 449 462 466 470 478 633
Work function change 114
Work-function lowering 461
Wortis, M. 98 99 573 see R.” “Roitman C.”
Wright, A. F. 182 184 650 see A.
Wright, C. J. 644 see F.”
Wu, F. Y. 792
Wu, H. 502
Wu, J. 182 see B.
Wu, N. J. 711 see W.
Wu, P. K. 711
Wu, Y. 420 see J.”
Wu, Y. K. 496 649 see D.
Wulff plots 69 224
Wurtzite 193 202 231 239 241 246
Wurtzite cleavage faces 262
Wurtzite structuie 220
Wyckoff, R. G. W. 228
Wyckoff, W. G. 268
Wycoff, RWG 184
Wyrobisch, W. 494 497 see A. “Hofmann P.”
X lay diffi action 204 453 557 729 733 742 757 758 760
X lay diftiaction 37
X lay phoioelection diffraction see “XPD”
X lay photocmission spectroscopy see “XPS”
X lay reflectivity 330 342
X lays, cntical angle for 330
X-iay scattering 321 358 511 543 708 755
X-ray resolution function 339
Xe 511 516 518 520 524 525 557 566
Xie, J. 649 see Q.”
Xiong, F. 790 see E.”
Xong, F. 496 see E.”
XPD (X ray photoelectron diffraction) 143
XPS (X lay phoioemission spectroscopy) 143 448 456 457
Xu, C. H. 136
Xu, G. 268 see S.
Xu, J. 573 see P.” “Ruiz J.
Xu, P. 418 see D.
Xu, W. 650
XY model 750 751 753 801
XY model with cubic anisotropy 747 751 758
Yadavalh, S. 228
Yaegashi, Y. 498 see T.”
Yagi, K. 98 136 421 791 792 see N.” “Sato H.” “Takayanagi K.” “Yamazaki K.”
Yahsove, S. 495 see M.”
Yalabik, M. C. 648 see P.
Yamada, M. 133 see E.
Yamazaki, K. 792
Yang, C. N. 791 see T.
Yang, H. N. 228 711 see J.
Yang, M. H. 228 see S.”
Yang, W. 182 see R.
Yang, W. S. 497 502 see H.”
Yang, X. 495 see R.”
Yang, Y. -N. 99
Yaniv, A. 650
Yao, N. 184 228
Yates, Jr. J. T. 495 501 see J. “Uram K.
Ye, L. 136
Ying, S. C. 134 649 789 791 792 see J. “Han W. “Hu G. “Roelofs L. “Tiersten S.
Yip, S. 98 647 see T.
Yoon, M. 99
Yoshida, S. 226 see S.”
Yoshtkawa, S. 499 see J.”
You, H. 575 711
Youn, H. S. 575
Young's modulus 94 635
Young, R. 421
Yu, R. 136
Zaima, S. 227 see C.”
Zanazzi, E. 225 360 see M.”
Zangwill, A. 98 184 650 792 647 see A.
Zaremba, E. 648 see M.”
Zartner, A. 497 see P.”
Zegenhagen, J. 502 792
Zeglinski, D. M. 647 see D.
Zehner, D. M. 99 226 228 499 711 792 see G. “Mundenar J. see M.” “Zuo J.
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