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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure |
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Huckel model 594
Hudson, J. B. 497 645 see P.
Hueita — Gainica, M. 98 see S.”
Hues, S. M. 419
Huff, G. B. 571
Huff, W. T. 497 see Z.”
Hufner, S. 643 see R.”
Hul, K. C. 497 502 see P.
Hulburt, S. B. 571
Humbert, A. 501 see F.”
Hurst, J. 419 see H.”
Hurych, Z. 136 494 see G.” “Soukiassian P.”
Huse, D. A. 571 790
Hussain, M. 497 see K.”
Hussain, Z. 497 see Z.”
Hwang, I. -S. 496 497 790 see E.”
Hwang, J. 182 see B.
Hwang, R. Q. 360 645 647 710 see D. “Williams E.
Hybertsen, M. S. 134 494 502 see R. “Zegenhagen J.”
hybridization 429 464 465 486 490 612 641
Hyde, B. G. 182 see M.”
Hydrogen 160
Hypcroxide ions 478
Hysteresis 370 723 724 796
Iannotta, S. 569 see T.
Iarlon, S. 181
Ibach, H. 97 98 498 500 644 649 791 see J.” “Giesen M.” “Lehwald S.” “Poensgen M.” “Rahman T. “Sander D.” “Voigilander B.”
Ichimura, S. 226
Ichinokawa, T. 226 419 see H.” “Kirschner J.”
Ichinose, T. 226 see H.”
Ichninokawa, T. 710
Ideal crystal 8
Ideal gas 64
Ideal substrate lattice 25
Ideal surface 8
Identity transformation 16
Ignatiev, A. 499 571 see H.”
Ihm, G. 571 575 649 see G.” “Jung D.
Ihm, J. 134 267 265 see D.
Ikeda, N. 419 see J.”
Il'chenko, L. G. 643 see O.
Illas, F. 494 see P.
Illuminated area 332
Image charge 465
Image formation 400
Image intensifiers 386
Image plane 584
Image shift 462
Imbeck, R. 420 494 496 497 645 646 see A.” “Eiswirlh M.” “Moritz W.” “Rose K.
Imperfections 35
Improper rotations 16
Impurities 42 202 586 655 704 708 725 784 803 805
Impurity atoms 39
IN 128
In adsorption 124
In phase scattering 295
In-phase condition 302 667 679 692 693
InAs 249
Incoherent lattices 30
Incoherent scattering 540
incommensurability 516 517 557
Incommensurate adlayer 515
Incommensurate chains 517
Incommensurate close-packed surface atomic layer 120
Incommensurate lattices 30
Incommensurate layer 490
Incommensurate overlayers 358
Incommensurate phase 490 521 545 559 560 561 724
Incommensurate reconstruction 759
Incommensurate solids 510 513 523 545 567
Incommensurate structures 515 518 686
Incommensurate superstructure 479
Incommensurate with a hexagonal network of walls 520
Incommensurate-commensurate transition 547
Incomplete wetting 562
Independent particle partition function 84
Index ol refraction 330
Indirect interactions 579 585 607 611 612 637
Indovina, V. 180 see M.”
Inelastic mean free path 279
Inelastic mean free path length 306
Inelastic neution scattering 540
Inelastic scattering 306 659
Inglesfield, J. E. 790
Inn 219 220
Inner potential 319 320 322
Ino, S. 133 710 see H.” “Gotoh Y.”
InP 249
InSb 249
InSb(111)-(2x2) 258
Instantaneous atomic positions 37
Instiument lesponse function 304 743
Insulatois 115
Integrated intensities 335
Intensive variables 70
Interaction energies 82 640
Interaction potentials 505 507
Interatomic interactions 104
Interface thickness 680
Interface width 683
Interfaces 55 159
Interference fringes 405
Interference function 276 290
Interferometry 380
Interlayer diffusion 707
Internal energy 55 56 63 658
Internal polarization 464
International notation 18
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 5
Interplanar distances 113
Interplanar spacings 62
Interstitial atoms 189
Interstitials 39 655
Intrinsic stacking fault 676
Intrinsic step anisotropy 665
Inverse photoemission 115 129 440 465 638
Inverse spinel structure 191
Inversions 16
Ion backscattering techniques 363 387
Ion backseat ten ng spectra 390
Ion beam induced damage 197
Ion bombardment 175 239 241 244 249 258
Ion neutralization spectroscopy 601
Ion scattering 113 125 143 717 758
Ion scattering spectrometry 213 233 396 see
Ionic bonding 188 231 464 470
Ionic bonding framework 163
Ionic insulator surface 154
Ionic insulators 144
Ionic interaction 428
Ionic materials 169 178
Ionic potential 108
Ionic radius 189
Ionicity 233 254 471
Ionization 587
Ionization cross section 551
Ionization gauge 551
Ionization level 383
Ionization probability 381
Ipatova, I. P. 359 see A.
IPES 457
IR 122 755
Ir(00l) 403
Ir(111) 447
Iron oxide 206
Irrelevant fields 795 801
Ishida, H. 497
Ishikawa, T. 136 501 see T.”
Ishikawa, Y. 419 see J.”
| Ishimoto, K. 498 see Y.”
Ishizawa, Y. 225 227 420 see M.” “Otani S.” “Souda R.”
Ising annferromagnet 730
Ising behavior 522
Ising transition 524
Island foimation 448 476
Island growth 486
Island nucleation 706
Island phase 730
Island separation distribution 687
Island shape 690
Islands 440 458 627 687 688 689 705
Isosteric heal of adsorption 507 533 534 535 633
Isothermal calonmetry 535
Isothermal process 57
Isotherms 509 550 553 555 564 566
Israelachvih, J. N. 419
ISS (ion scattering spectrometry) 203 213 233 396
Itchkawitz, B. S. 790
Iteteiolytic dissociation 177
Itoh, H. 226
Iwo dimensional phase transitions 358 508
Jackman, T. E. 647 see P.
Jackman, TE 419 497
Jackson, A. G. 43 226 359
Jackson, D. P. 497 see T.
Jackson, K. 134
Jackson, K. A. 43 647 see H. “Perdew J.
Jacobi, K. 268 497 500 see W.” “Shi H.”
Jacobsen, K. W. 136 496 497 790 see R.” “Siokbro K.”
Jacoby, M. 419 see L.
Jaehnig, M. 226 see W.”
Jaftee, H. 419
Jager, R. 501 see J.”
Jahn — Teller transition 697
Jahns, V. 498 see H.
Jakubith, S. 497 500 see H.
Jaloviar, S. G. 87 see J.
James, R. 359 see R.”
James, R. W. 359
Jamison, K. D. 133 see B.
Janak, J. L. 646 see V.
Janata, J. 181
Jansen, S. A. 226
Jardin, J. P. 643 see M.
Jasnow, D. 791 see T.”
Jasperson, S. N. 571
Jaszczak, J. A. 99 650 see D.”
Jaubert, M. 570 see A.”
Jayaprakash, C. 97 645
Jayaram, G. 418 see C.”
Jefferson, D. A. 227 228 see D. “Zhou W.”
Jellium 119 507 582 583 585 586 590 601 607 608 609 611 612 613 616 631
Jellium model 461
Jeng, S. -P. 184 see Z.”
Jennings, G. 789 see J.
Jennison, D. R. 645
Jensen, F. 496 497 499 790 “Feidenhans'l R.” “Mortensen K.”
Jensen, L. H. 360 see G.
Jentjens, R. 644 see M.”
Jentz, D. 642 see A.”
Jeon, D. 134 790
Jepsen, D. W. 495 498 see J. “Marcus P.
Jin, A. J. 571
Joannopoulos, J. D. 96 133 135 265 267 268 710 788 see O. “Brommer K. “Kaxiras E.” “Needels M.” “Rappe A. “Vanderbilt D.”
Johansson, L. I. 226 227 see M.” “Lindberg P. “Lindstrom J.” “Rundgren J.”
Johansson, P. K. 499 645 see J.
Johnson, D. D. 645
Johnson, E. D. 225 see D.
Johnson, K. E. 710
Johnson, K. L. 419
Johnson, R. J. 496 see R.”
Johnson, R. L. 134 266 495 496 500 789 see J.” “Dev B. “Dornisch D.” “Feidenhans'l R.” “Grey F.” “Seehofer L.”
Johnsson, P. A. 226
Joly, Y. 227 see J.”
Jona, F. 135 267 497 498 499 500 502 see F. “Huang H.” “Kleinle G.” “Over H.” “Quinn J.” “Sokolov J.” “Yang W. “Zanazzi E.”
Jones, A. V. 571 see A.”
Jones, B. A. 645
Jones, E. R. 359 see J.
Jones, R. G. 497 see M.”
Jones, R. O. 134 181
Joos, B. 97
Jordan Sweet, J. L. 790 see D.
Jose, J. V. 790
Josell, D. 97
Joyce, B. A. 267
Joyce, K. 645
Joyner, R. W. 646 see J.
Jump to contact 375
Jung, D. R. 571
Jupille, J. 790
Jurgens, D. 645 648 see C.” “Sklarek W.”
K 111 120
K(110) 759
Kaburagi, M. 183 643 645 see K.” “Urano T.”
Kadanoff, L. P. 790 see J.
Kahn, A. 266 267 see W.” “Duke C. “Horsky T. “Lessor D.
Kaia, A. 568 see S.”
Kalkstem, D. 645
Kampshoff, E. 570 see J.”
Kanaji, T. 183 see T.”
Kanamori, J. 645 see M.”
Kang, H. C. 645
Kang, J. M. 570 see J.
Kang, M. C. 650 see T.”
Kang, W. M. 501 see J. “Tong S.
Kao, C. -T. 647 see H.”
Kaplan, R. 226
Kappus, W. 645
Kardar, M. 568 570 see R. “Halpin T.”
Kariotis, R. 87 97 98 265 267 268 570 575 710 see C. “de J. “Hamichi M.” “Lagally M. “Swarlzentruber B. “Venables J.
Karlin, B. A. 502 see J.
Karlsson, C. J. 135 see J.
Kaski, K. 648 710 see G. “Rikvold P.
Kasper, E. 419 see P.
Katayama, M. 497
Kato, H. 225 see K.”
Kato, M. 497 see M.”
Kaufman, R. 359 see R.
Kaukasoina, P. 496 see D.”
Kawai, M. 181 226 see T.”
Kawai, S. 182 227 see T.” “Nakamatasu H.” “Oshima C.” “Tanaka H.”
Kawai, T. 182 227 see T.” “Tanaka H.”
Kawasaki, K. 791 see T.”
Kawazu, A. 136 268 497 500 see H.” “Shioda R.”
Kaxiras, E. 135 267 498 see I. “Manensson P.” “Rappe A.
Keai, P. P. 183 see J.”
Keane, D. T. 790
Keating, P. N. 134
Keatne 174
Keeffe, M. E. 97
Kehr, K. W. 790
Keller, D. 418 see C.”
Keller, K. W. 710
Kellogg, G. 790 648 see P.
Kelly, A. 226
Kemk, E. A. 227 see Z.
Kemmochi, M. 419 see J.”
Kendall, K. 419 see K.
Kendelewicz, T. 136 501 502 see P.” “Stohr J.” “Woicik J.
Kerkar, M. 497
Kern, K. 569 571 575 710 see R.” “Zeppenfeld P.”
Kern, R. 97 573 see G.”
Kersten, H. H. 420 see W.
Kesmodel, L. L. 136 see M.
Kevan, S. D. 267 498 648 649 see D. “Wei D.
Khanr, Y. 571
Khare, S. V. 97 98 134 645 see T. “Nelson R.
Khokonov, K. B. 97 see V.
Khor, K. E. 97 see S.”
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