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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure |
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Atoms, rows of 389
Atoms, strings of 389
Atop sites 21 580 587 639 640 768
Attenuation coefficient 279 284 325
Attenuation length 281
AU 91 105 127 755
Au adsorption 124
Au(100) 120 122 755
Au(110) 120 449 619 760 771
Au(110)(1x2) 116
Au(111) 120 122 405 700
Audibcrt, P. 568
Auger de excitation 478
Auger electron spectroscopy see “AES”
Auger electrons 307
Augusiyniak, W. M. 97 see R.
Auiocompensation 142 164 167 171 172 174 177 247 250 256 259 265
Auiocompensation principle 248
Aumann, C. E. 87 265 710 see J. “Saloner D.”
Auto-correlation function 37 299
Autocatalytic process 441
Autocatalytic reaction process 483
Autocorrelation function 508 686 687
Avenll, F. W. 496 see D.
Average T matrix approximation (ATA) 599
Avery, N. R. 500 see T.
Avion, J. E. 96
Avouris, P. 135 265 498 645 709 see Y.” “Lyo I.
Axiliod, B. M. 568 642
Axilrod and Teller 507
Azimuthal ordering 468 482
B, Al, Ga, In on Si(100) and Si(111) 128
Baberschke, K. 495 see U.”
Baca, A. G. 501 see J.
Bacheher, V. 643 see R.”
Bachrach, R. Z. 265 266 494 499 501 see R. “Olmsiead M. “Uhiberg R.
Back donation 430 431 468 485
Back focal plane 400
Back-bonding 431 432 483
Background intensity 658
Backscattering spectra 393
Baddorf, A. P. 499 790 see B. “Mundenar J.
Bader, M. 494
Bader, S. D. 789 see L.
Badt, D. 501 see G.”
Badziag, P. 225 265
Baer, D. R. 180 225 227 see D. “Wang L.
Baerends, E. J. 496 see D.
Baetzold, R. C. 180
Bagus, P. S. 494 497 647 see C. “Hermann K.” “Pacchioni G.”
Baith, J. V. 133 500 648 709 791 see R.”
Bak, P. 568 788
Bak, W. 495 see E.
Baker, J. A. 359 see N.”
Bakhuzin, R. Z. 500 see C.”
Balibar, S. 96
Ballistic surface erosion 199
Bancel, P. A. 574 790 see D. “Stephens P.
Band gap 115
Band structuie effects 105
Band structure 106 154 626
Bandwidth 609
Banerjea, A. 98 136 648 see J.
Bar, M. 494
Bar-Yam, Y. 267 see E.”
Baratoff, A. 500 see F.”
Barber, M. N. 788 789 see M.
Barbien, A. 225 642 494 see J.
Bard, A. J. 418
Bardi, U. 225 568 see M.”
Bare interaction 634
Bare, S. R. 494 497 see P.”
Barker, J. A. 642
Barker, R. A. 133 788 789 see T.
Barnes, C. J. 494 498 see M.”
Barnes, R. F. 358
Barnett, M. E. 359 see O.”
Baro, A. M. 642
Baroni, S. 133
Barrett, J. H. 418
Barrett, R. C. 420 see M.”
Barrie, A. 494
Bart, F. 225
Bartelt, N. C. 96 97 98 99 642 645 648 649 788 see P.” “Hwang R. “Joos B.” “Kodiyalam S.” “Ozcomert J. “Pai W. “Phaneuf R. “Roelofs L. “Taylor D. “Wang X. “Wei J.” “Williams E.
Bartos, I. 136 see M.
Barzel, G. 500 648 see M.”
Basal planes 532
Basis functions 109
Basis scis 110 148
Basis vectors 22
Basis vectors of the reciprocal lamce 22
Baskes, M. I. 134 643 644 648 791 see M. “Foiles S. “Roelofs L.
Baski, A. A. 136 499 see J.” “Shioda R.”
Basseit, W. A. 182 see L.
Bassett, D. W. 494 642
Batchelor, D. R. 493 648 “Aminpirooz S.” “Schmalz A.”
Batra I. M. 359 see N.”
Batra, I. P. 133 267 494 see F.
Baudoing Savois, R. 227 see J.”
Bauer, E. 96 99 418 419 569 642 709 770 788 792 “Engel T.” “Kolaczkiewicz J.” “Pinkvos H.” “Teheps W.” “Williams E.
Bauer, H. E. 226 see S.”
Bauer, R. S. 265 see R.
Baumbciger, M. 791 see K.
Baumbeiger, M. 788
Baumer, M. 225
Bauschlichcr, C. W. 494
Bauschlichcr, J. C. W. 495 see B.
Baxter, R. J. 788
Bayei, P. 501 see H.”
Bayer, P. 499 see U.”
BCC 8 604 611 615 620 621 623—625
Bcc substrates 624
Be 111
Beaumc, R. 568
Becher, U. 575 see P.”
Becke, A. D. 642
Becker, L. 493 494 500 648 see S.” “Pedio M.” “Schmalz A.”
Becker, R. S. 265 494 267 see J.
Beckschulte, M. 418
Bedrossian, P. 133 494 792 see J.”
Bee, M. 568
Beeby approximation 349
Beeby matrix inversion 323
Beeby, J. 358
Behm, B. J. 133 494 642 788
Behm, R. J. 133 495 709 495 789 496 710 643 645 498 646 500 648 791 649 501 see J. “Brune H.” “Chnstmann K.”“Coulman D. “Gritsch T.” “Hwang R. “Imbihl R.” “Kleinle G.” “Mornz W.” “Schuster R.” “Van M. “Winlierlin J.”
Belin, M. 98 see S.”
Bellman, A. F. 494
Bellon, R. J. 648 791 see L.
Belts, D. D. 788
Benbow, R. 494 see G.”
Bending-vibrational modes 435
Bendt, P. 133
Benel, E. 642 see U.”
Bennell, P. A. 788
Bennemann, K. H. 643 see H.”
Bennett, P. A. 43 see I.
Bent bonding 435
Bentley, J. 227 421 see Z.
Benzoate 365
BeO 202
Berker, A. N. 265 568 789 see O. “Caflisch R. “Fisher M.
Berlmcourt, D. A. 419 see H.”
Bermond, J. M. 96 97 see C.” “Heyraud J.
Bermudez V. M. 180
Bernasek, S. L. 226 see M.
Berndi, W. 183 see M.
Berry, F. J. 180
Berry, S. D. 227 see D.
Besenbacher, F. 494 495 496 497 499 790 see L.” “Feidenhans'l R.” “Jensen F.” “Klink C.” “Mortensen K.”
| Besold, G. 494 495 646 see von C.” “Mueller K.”
Bethge, H. 418
Bevendge, D. L. 183 see J.
Bi 233
Bi atoms on Si 403
Bi/Si(111) 129
Biadshaw, A. M. 420 494 496 497 500 571 647 791 see H. “Hayden B. “Hofmann P.” “Horn K.” “Persson B. “Pfnur H.” “Robinson A. “Rose K.
Biberian, J. P. 135 136 569 574 see J. “Perdereau J.” “Suzanne J.” “Van M.
Bickel, N. 225 360 see P.
Biegelsen, D. K. 266
Bienfait, M. 568 569 570 574 see U.” “Coulomb J. “Gay J. “Glachanl A.” “Seguin J. “Suzanne J.” “Vcnables J. “Zcppenfeld P.”
Biersack, J. P. 418
Bilalbegovic, G. 96
Bilz H. 182 see A.
Binary collisions 387 388
Binder K. 646 648 see W.” “Selke W.”
Binder, K. 642 788 789 790 see K.
Binding energy 65 547 548 580
Binding sites 684 695 768
Binding states 613
Binnig B. 96
Binnig G. 227 266 418 see F.”
Binnig G. K. 789
Binning, G. 500 see F.”
Binning, G. K. 133
Bioughton, J. Q. 494 see C.
Bird R. B. 570 645 see J.
Birgeneau, R. J. 135 568 569 571 572 574 790 791 see P.” “Hong H.” “Horn P. “Mochne S. “Naglei S. “Robinson I. “Specht E. “Stephens P.
Birkhoff, G. 642
Bischler, U. 642 see E.”
Bisson, C. M. 648 see P.
Biswas, R. 133
Bjurstrom, M. R. 571 see A.
Black, J. E. 500 570 see B.” “Rahman T.
Blakely, J. M. 96 97 see M.
Blanchard, D .L. 180 225 358 see E.
Blanchin, M. G. 225 see T.”
Blank, H. 568 see M.”
Bliznakov, G. 501 see L.”
Block renormalization 800
Block, J. D. 135 see I.
Blocking 195
Blocking dips 392
Bludau, H. 494 496 497 499 500 see M.” “Hertel T.” “Over H.”
Blugel, S. 134 see K.”
Blyholder model 429 431
Blyholder, G. 494
BN 219 532
Bnllouinzone 23 288 667 676 686
Bnlloum zone boundary 23
Boato, G. 358 570 see A.”
Bobonus, M. 496 see O.”
Bockel, C. 568 569 572 573 see N.” “Menaucourt J.” “Regnier J.”
Body-centered-cubic see “Bcc”
Bogh, E. 493 648 see S.” “Schmalz A.”
Bohnen, K. P. 133 134 418 790 see C. “Ho K.
Bohr, J. 266 358 360 496 568 569 571 572 see A.” “D'Amico K. “Feidenhans'l R.” “Kjaer K.” “McTague J. “Robinson I.
Boin, M. 180
Bol'shov, L. A. 642
Boltzmann factor 35
Bom, M. 358
Bomchil, G. 572 568 574 see R.” “Meehan P.” “Thorel P.”
Bond angles 104 105 142 590
Bond distortions 490
Bond lengths 104 107 113 142 162 169 171 172 175 178 253 447 460 469—471 474 481 590 606 626 630
Bond onentational order 521
Bond strength 456
Bond-lenglh-conserving rotations 255 263 265
Bond-saturation model (BSM) 618
Bonded atoms 668
Bonding 245 430 587 639 690 697
Bonding in ceramics 189
Bonding orbnal 582
Bonevich, J. E. 418 419 see L.
Bonnell, D. A. 182 183 225 225 226 227 see Y.” “Rohrer G.
Bonnetain, L. 569 571 see J. “Khatir Y.”
Bonzel, H. P. 96 494 496 500 501 789 see U.” “Ferrer S.” “Pirug G.” “Wesner D.
Bootsma, G. A. 568
Borbonus, M. 498 569 see R.”
Bormei, J. 494
Born approximation 274 344
Born — Mayer repulsive term 155
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 145
Bornemann, P. see “Engel T.”
Bothe, F. 497 791 see K.” “Oed W.”
Botleher, A. 494
Bott, M. 418 710 see T.”
Bouchdoug, M. 568
Bouched, G. 225 see D.”
Boudart, M. 180
Boudriss, A. 225
Bouidin, J .P. 642
Bouldin, C. 568
Bouldin, C. E. 502 see J.
Bouncing mode 512
Bound stale resonances 348
Bound state 584
Bouzidi, J. 571 see J.”
Bowker, M. 498 499 642 see F. “Muiray P.
Bozzolo, G. 98 135 648 see A. “Smith J.
Bragg angle 338
Bragg peak 659
Bragg points 293 295
Brand, J. L. 643
Brandes, G. R. 180 267 see K. “Horsky T.
Braslau, A. 358
Braun, O. M. 643
Bravars lattices 5 19 193 233
Bravars points 5
Bravars unn cell vectors 5
Brener, R. 568 574 575 see H.” “Wang R.”
Brenig, W. 643 645 648 see B.” “Schdnhammer K.”
Brennan, D. 494
Bretz, M. 568 569 573 789 “Campbell J. “Dutta P.” “Quateman J.
Breuer, U. 96
Bridge bonds 604
Bridge sues 434 587 593 640 769
Bridge, M. E. 494
Briggs, G. A. D. 418 see N.
Bright and dark field imaging 401 405
Bringans, R. D. 136 266 494 499 501 see D. “Olmstead M. “Uhrberg R.
Brinkman, F. 568 see S.
Brock, J. D. 791 see I.
Brodde, A. 225 501 see M.” “Wilhelmi G.”
Broden, G. 494
Brodskii, A. M. 643
Brodskii, M. I. 649 see A.
Broken symmetry 793
Brommer, K. D. 133
Brook, R. J. 225
Brooks, R. S. 498 see G.
Brout, R. H. 789
Browman mobility 542
Brown, G. S. 574 see P.
Brownian motion 513
Bruch, L. W. 568 575 643 645 646 “Gonlieb J. “Klein J. “Unguris J.”
Brucker, C. 494 see G.”
Brugger, R. M. 574 see H.”
Brundle, C. R. 494 497 see P. “Hopster H.”
Brune, H. 133 495 501 709 see J. “Wintterlin J.”
Brush 719
Brush, S. G. 789
Btteas, J. D. 494
Buckett, M. I. 225 358 418 419 see R.” “Marks L.
Buckingham potential 155
Buckled dimers 662
Buckled surface 475
Buckling 178 485 606
Buerger, M. J. 358
Buergler, D. 227 see G.”
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