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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure |
Предметный указатель |
Teisoff, J. 136 418 420 792 see R.
Teissier, C. 574
Teitel, S. 97 see C.”
Tejwani, M. J. 574 792
Tel lei, E. 568 642 see B.
Telieps, W. 418 709 see E.”
TEM (transmission electron microscopy) 214 273 401 755
TEM (transmission electron microscopy) resolution in 402
Temperature 53 68
Ten ace size 663 678 702
Tensor LEED 324
Teplov, S. V. 420
Terakura, K. 497 see H.”
Terlain, A. 574
Terminello, L. J. 498 see A.
Terrace size distnbution 665 678
Terrace step kink 86
Terrace width distribution 91 93 636
Terrace-ledge-kink model 33
Terrace-step-kink model 637
Terraces 33 79 81 198 239 297 679 689 703
Tesiardi, L. R. 227 see D.
Tesmer, J. R. 420
Tetei M. 136
Tetrahedially coordinated compound semrconductors 235 236 248
Tetrahedral bond 487
Tetrahedral coordination 188
Tetrahedral sites 191
Tetrahedral sliucture 264
THEED (tiansmission high eneigy election diffraction) 554
Theiss, S. K. 496 790 see E.”
Theodorou, G. 649 see C.”
Thermal accommodation 381
Thermal average 285
Thermal cxcitalion of kinks 85
Thermal desoiption 580
Thermal desorption spectra 467
Thermal diffuse scan 319
Thermal diffuse scattering 330
Thermal disoidei 675
Thermal equilibrium 53
Thermal expansion coefficienis 326
Thermal vibiational amplitudes 326 393
thermal vibration 341 351
Thermal vibrations 39 322
Thermodynamic densities 793
Thermodynamic faceting 53
Thermodynamic fields 793
Thermodynamic phase separation 68
Thermodynamics 53 55
Thibaudau, F. 501
Thiee body lerms 105
Thiel, P. A. 133 183 711 see B. “Wang W.
Thin film piocessing 567
Thomas, G. 790 see K.”
Thomas, G. E. 501
Thomas, R. K. 572 see P.” “Monshige K.” “Mowforlh C.
Thomlinson, W. 568 see K.”
Thomson scattering formula 326
Thomson, R. M. 43 see C.
Thorel, P. 568 569 574 see J. “Croset B.”
Thornton, G. 227 498 499 see F. “Murray P.
Thornton, J. M. C. 710 see H.
Thorny, A. 568 569 572 573 574 see C.” “Bouchdoug M.” “Coulomb J. “Dollc P.” “Dupont N.” “Marti C.” “Matecki M.” “Menaucourt J.” “Razatitianamaharavo A.” “Regnier J.”
Thouless, D. J. 359 571 790 see J.
Three-dimensional metals 111
Three-phase coexistence 563
Three-way automotive exhaust catalyst 454
Threefold adatom site 487
Threefold coordinated site 455
Threefold hollow 488
Threefold hollow position 476
Threefold site 487
Threefold-coordinated hep site 485
Threefold-fcc hollow sites 449
Threefold-hollow site 481
Through bond 579
Tiby, C. 574 575
tic 192 195 213
TiC(100) 195 213
TiC(111) 214
Tie bar 72 76 78
Tiersten, S. C. 649
Tight binding chain 595
Tight binding models 179 586 609 617 636 640 670
Tight binding substrate 610
Tight-binding 144 611 612 618 619 620 624 634
Tight-binding calculations 110 118 623
Tight-binding methods 104 106 141 144 145 148 149 153 154 162 599
Tight-binding total energy calculations 258
Tilt angle 253
Tilted dimer model 244
Tilted dimers 239 240 241 242 246
Time of flight methods 397
Tin 218 219
Tiniie-size rounding 743
Tinite-size limitations 702
TIP 378 379 380 386
Tip-substrate interactions 374
Tobin, J. G. 498 501 see S. “Tong S.
Tobochnik, J. 792
Toennies, J. P. 360 498 575 710 see V.” “Lahee A. “Schmicker D.”
Toernevik, C. 226 see M.”
Toih, L. E. 227
Tomanek, D. 643 649 see H.”
Tommasini, F. 494 see A.
Tommei, G. E. 359 see V.”
Tompa, H. 573 see W.”
Toney, M. 266 see J.”
Toney, M. F. 574 575 see C.
Tong, S. Y. 134 136 268 360 497 498 499 500 501 502 see I. “Huang H.” “Kevan S. “Over H.” “Tobin J. “Van M. “Wei C. “Wu H.”
Tong, W. M. 420 see E.
Tong, X. 98 see O.”
Tonner, B. D. 420 see J.”
Tonner, B. P. 420
Tononese, M. 420
Topological reconstruction 178
topology 142 171 175 176
Toppe, W. 500 see S.”
Tornni, M. 225 see M.”
Tornqvist, E. 647 see T.”
Torrini, M. 645 see T.
Torsions 512
Torzo, G. 792 see H.”
Tosatti, E. 96 133 134 136 181 268 575 644 649 790 792 see F.” “Bilalbegovic G.” “Ercolessi F.” “Garofalo M.” “Larlon S.” “Takeuchi N.” “Trayanov A.” “Wang C.
Total energy 104 108 111 113 114 144
Total energy calculations 125
Total energy functional 144
Toyoshima, I. 649
Trabelsi, M. 575
Tracy, C. A. 792
Tracy, J. C. 501
Trafas, B. M. 99 see Y.
Tran, T. T. 227
Transfer function 304
Transfer matrices 633 634 803 805
Transfer matrix techniques 632 635
Transfer width 304 339
Transformations 29
Transition metal carbides 213
Transition metal carbonyl complexes 430
Transition metal nitrides 218
Transition metal substrate 630
Transition metal surfaces 111 474
Transition metals 105 106 III 116 117 579 592 616 618 623 625 640
Transition temperature 759 805 806
Translanon opeiation I. 1
Translation 5 I. I
Translation vector 5 42
Translational and lotational motions 513
| Translational and onentational order 525
Translational diffusion 542
Translational diffusion coefficient 514 515 542
Translational motions 514
Transmission electron diffraction see “TED”
transmission electron microscopy see “TEM”
Transmission high energy electron diffractionw see “THEED”
Transverse mode 513
Transverse scan 339
Trayanov, A. 573 575 see D.”
Treglia, G. 647 see A.
Trevor, P. R. 267 see W.
Trial wavefunclions 109
Triangulation methods 387
Trieritical point 733
Trigonal prism 192
Trimers 247 489 491 492 618 621 623 624 685
Tringides, M. C. 649 710 711 see D.” “Wang W. “Wu P.
Trio energies 598 624 632
Trio interaction energy 586
Trio interactions 597 607 618 620 621 624 632
Trios 619
Triple dipole 507 583
Triple point 509 531 533
Triple point welting 562 567
Triple point wetting transition 562
Tripod scannei 369
Tromp, R. 267 see F.
Tromp, R. M. 98 136 267 420 500 501 792 see P. “Roiermund H. “Schnell A. “Smeenk R. “van E. “van J.
Trost, J. 495 501 see H.”
Trott, G. J. 569 575 see J.
Troulher, N. 136
True atomic lesolution 372 376
Truhlar, D. G. 649 see T.
Truong, T. N. 649
Tscrbak, C. 649
Tsen, S. C Y. 420 see D.
Tsong, I. S. T. 225 see C.
Tsong, T. T. 419 420 643 649 792 see R.” “Chen C. “Cowan P. “Muller E.
Tsukada, M. 183 501 see S.”
Tsuno, K. 420
Tube scanner 369
Tucker, Jr. C. W. 501
Tueshaus, M. 647 see B.
Tung, R. T. 99 360 see I. “Wet J.”
Tungsten bronzes 211
Tungsten carbide 193
Tungsten carbide structure 192
Tunneling 380
Tunneling current 363 364
Tunneling probability 366 382
Tunneling tip 378
Tunneling transmission probability 366
Tuple bond scission 161
Turkenburg, W. C. 420
Twin boundaries 41 386 677
Twinning axis 41
Twins 674
Two dimensional Cs oxides 482
Two dimensional defects 655
Two dimensional melting transitions 567
Two dimensional space groups 18 43
Two electron Hartree screening (or Coulomb) interaction 149
Two-dimensional Bravais lattice 11
Two-dimensional melting 751
Two-dimensional point groups 18
Two-electron exchange interaction 149
Type I termination 169
Type II termination 170
Tyson, W. R. 98
Uchida, Y. 421 419 see G.” “Wang N.”
Ude, M. 501 see T.”
Ueba, H. 649
Uebing, C. 649
Ueda, K. 268 see H.”
Ueyama, H. 420
Uhrberg, R. I. G. 135 136 267 268 494 499 501 see R. “Landemark E.” “Northrup J. “Olmstead M.
Ultiahigh vacuum (UHV) 123 241
Ultiaviolet phoioelectron speclroscopy see “UPS”
Umbach, C. C. 97 see M.
Umbach, E. 501 see J.
Uncertainly pi inciple 478
Unertl, W. 570 see M.”
Unertl, W. N. 360 420 487 788 789 see P.” “Clark D. “Jackman T.
Unguris, J. 568 575 see P.
Uniaxial rotation 5 15
Uniform stepped surface model 295
Uniform strain 676
Uniformly stepped surface 78
Unit basis of 8
Unit cells 5 8
Unit centered rectangular 13
Unit hexagonal 13
Unit matrix 28
Unit mesh translormanon 25
Unit mesh vectors 11
Unit meshes 11 13 684 685 696
Unit oblique 13
Unit positions 8
Unit rectangular 13
Unit square 13
Unit vectors 684
Universal binding curve 616
Universality 716 744 746 801
Universality classes 448 508 522 716 736 746 747
Unoccupied density of states 364
Unpaired bonds 486 489
Unpaired electrons 428 491
Unpaired orbiials 487
Untilted dimeis 242
Up quenching 718 780
UPS (ultiaviolet photoemission spectroscopy) 143 430 436 456 457 464 465
Uram, K. J. 501
Urano, T. 183
Urbakh, A. M. 649
Urbakh, M. I. 643 see A.
Uzunov, D. I. 792
Vacancies 38 42 79 208 213 214 217 218 219 221 222 247 289 290 474 475 629 655 661 662 665 705
Vacancy defects 211
Vacancy form factor 290
Vacancy-vacancy interactions 630
Vacuum level 115
Vacuum-solid interface potentials 325
Vainshtein, B. K. 43
Valbusa, U. 569 see T.
Valence band tiansitions 307
valence electrons 106 116
Van Acker, J. F. 493 see J.
van Beijeren, H. 96 98 see J.
Van dei Merwe, J. H. 570 see F.
Van den Berg, J. A. 501 see L.
Van der Veen, J. F. 180 181 183 226 266 267 268 359 360 420 495 496 500 501 792 see K. “Denier “Derry T. “Frenken J. “Hara S.” “Himpsel F. “Maree PMJ.” “Pluis B.” “Smeenk R. “Tromp R. “Van R. “Vlieg E.”
Van der Vegt, H. A. 710
van der Waals 344 377 507 579
van der Waals am active term 155
van der Waals diameters 516
van der Waals dispersion force 374
Van der Waals interaction 445 505 506 583
van der Waals ladius 516 548
van der Waals potential 275 583 584
van der Waals systems 563
Van der Weif, D. P. 497 see D.
Van Hove, M. A. 83 98 136 183 225 267 268 360 494 498 499 501 642 643 647 649 789 792 see A.” “Batteas J. “Christmann K.” “Koesmer R. “MacLaren J. “Ogletree D. “Ohiani H.” “Somorjai G. “Sowa E. “Van J. “Walson P.
Van Huong, C. N. 646 see S.
Van Loenen, E. J. 97 136 496 see D.” “Elswijk H.
Van Pinxieren, H. M. 98
Van Pinxiesen, H. M. 710 see H.
Van Schilfgaarde, M. 135 see M.”
Van Sciver, S. W. 575 570 see S.
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