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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure |
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Finite size effects 343 701 702 743 749 767 783
Finite size scaling analysis 702
Finite-size scaling 803 804 805
Fink, H. W. 418 644
Fink, J. 225 see R.”
Finney, M. S. 134 see P.
Finnis — Sinclair models 105
Finnis, M. W. 134 644
Finzel, H. U. 359
Fiolhais, C. 647 see J.
Fiorentini, V. I. 34
Firment, L. E. 225
First ionization potential 462
First older condensation 563
First order tunsition 550 561 672 720 723 724 749 750 765 766
First-oider phase transition 243 718
First-order discontinuity 727
First-order melting 525
First-principles methods 104 107 141 144
Fischer — Tropsch reaction 428
Fisher, A. J. 181
Fisher, D. 496 497 see M.”
Fisher, D. S. 97 568 see S. “Fisher M.
Fisher, G. B. 500 see T.
Fisher, H. J. 227 see P.
Fisher, M. E. 97 571 789 see D.
Five dimensional transition and noble metal surfaces 120
Flagg, R. 790 see P.”
FLAPW (full potential linear augmented plane wave) 108
Flavell, W. R. 181 see R.
Fleming, R. M. 359
Fleszar, A. 500 648 see M.”
Flipse, C. F. J. 227 see P.
Flodstroem, S. A. 226 see M.”
Flood electron gun 307
Flores F. 645 see K.”
Flores, F. 134 see F.”
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 740
Fluctuations 681 722 723 738 742 748 778 784 798 799 804
Fluid phase 726 727
Fluorite 193 202
Flynn, C. P. 228 570 see S.”
Flynn, D. K. 133 see B.
Flytzani Stephanopoulos, M. 97
Fnedel (1958) sum rule 599
Fnedel sum rule 638
Fntsche, L. 499 see J.”
Focal length 402
Fock operator 150
Fock, V. A. 181
Fogedby, H. C. 789
Foiles, S. M. 134 643 644 648 791 see M. “Einsietn T. “Felter T. “Roelofs L. “Schwoebel P.
Folkets, R. 710 see H.
Folman, M. 501 574 see H.” “Uram K.
Folsch, S. 574 see J.”
Fong, C. Y. 644 650 see M. “Wright A.
Fontes, E. 570 see C.
Force sensor 372
Force sensor, cantilever beam 373
Forces 110
Forces on each atom 158
Ford, W. K. 180 225 267 501 see D. “Lessor D. “Wan K.
Foreshortening 405
Form factor 274
Four-circle geometry 331
Fourfold hollow site 684
Fourfold sites 455
Fourfold-coordinated hollow sites 448
Fourier transform 738—740
Fractal 691 708
Fractal dimensionality 691
Fracture 178
Frahm, R. 570 see N.”
Francis, S. M. 498 see F.
Frank and Van der Merwe theory 516 519
Frank, F. C. 570
Frank, H. 359 see H.
Frank, H. H. 496
Frank, K. H. 496 see S.”
Frankel, D. 226 see W.”
Frankl, D. R. 568 571 see S.” “Jung D.
Franz, R. U. 420 see H.
Frauenfelder, H. 570
Fraunhofer diffraction 400
Frederiske, H. P. R. 97
Fredholm determinant 589
Free eneigy 53 76 658 675 723 736 740 746 776 777 799 800 804
Free energy barrier 723
Free energy expansion 747
Free-electron gas 591 614
Free-electron models 116
Free-fermion approximation 92
Freeland, P. E. 502 792 see J.”
Freeman, A. J. 134 136 136 501 650 710 789 see C. “Spiess L.” “Wimmer E.” “Ye L.”
Freeman, D. L. 644
Freezing 565
Freimuth, H. 570
French, T. M. 225
Frenken, F. W. M. 97 see L.”
Frenken, J. W. M. 98 266 359 496 500 see A. “Pluis B.” “Smeenk R. “Van H.
Fresnel reflectivity 342
Fresnel theory 561
Freund, H. J. 225 see M.”
Fricke, A. 498 see M.
Friedel oscillations 608 617
Friedel, J. 642 644 see J.
Friedel, P. 182 see M.”
Friedman, D. J. 133 see E.
Frilzsche, V. 501 see H.”
Frohn, J. 97 98 644 see M.”
Frontier orbnals 581 596
Fryberger, T. B. 180 225 see D.
Fu, C. L. 134 501 710 789 790 see E.”
Fuchs, G. 225 see T.”
Fuchs, H. 500 see F.”
Fuggle, J. C. 496 501 see M.”
Fujiwara, T. 135 see H.
Fukushi, D. 501 see T.”
Full potential linear augmented plane wave see “FLAPW”
Fullerene 375
Fuoss, P. H. 43 359 see I.
Furuya, K. 642 see N.”
Fuseher, C. R. 570
Fust principles calculations 618
GA 128
Ga adsorption 124
Ga vacancy 258
GaAS 124 130 231 249 254 367
GaAs(-1—1—1) 259
GaAs(100) 260
GaAs(100)-c(2x8) 235
GaAs(110) 123
GaAs(111) and (-1—1—1) 258
GaAs(111)-(2x2) 258
Gadzuk, J. W. 496
Gaicia, A. 418
Gajdardziska Josifovska, M. 225 418 see P.
Galatry, L. 570
Galeoni, M. 225
Galh, G. 181 see S.”
Gallagher, J. 644
Gamcson, I. 570
GaN 218—220
Ganachaud, J. P. 642 see J.
Ganz, E. 496 790
Gao, G. B. 227 see H.”
Gao, Y. 225 see S.
Gap 249
GaP(111)-(2x2) 258
Garcia Moliner, F. 134
| Garcia, N. 359 see K.
Garfunkel, E. we Song, K. J. 98
Garibaldi, V. 359
Garlunkel, E. 227 see D.”
Garofalini, S. H. 181
Garofalo, M. 790
Garretl, B. C. 649 see T.
Gas phase 726
GaSb 249
Gatnmer 259
Gaussian approximation 277 278
Gaussian functions 147
Gauthier, S. 98 see S.”
Gauthier, Y. 226 227 see M.” “Rundgren J.”
Gautier, M. 225 see F.”
Gavrilenko, G. M. 644
Gawlinski, E. T. 791 see A.”
Gawlinski, G. T. 710
Gay, J. G. 135 see R.”
Gay, J. M. 266 359 568 570 571 572 see M.” “Denier A. “Knm J.” “Meichel T.” “Pluis B.”
Gay, R. R. 225
ge 111 160 231 233 236 246
Ge(100) 244
Ge(111) 487 765
Ge(111)(2x1) 247
Ge(111)-(2xl) 162 163
Ge(111)-c(2x8) 247
Geisinger, K. L. 181
Gennanium 243
George, J. 710 see K.”
George, S. M. 643 see J.
Gerber, C. 266 418 see G.”
Gerber, Ch. 133 789 see G. “Binning G.
Gerlach, R. L. 496
Germer, L. H. 359 496 see C.
Giannozzi, P. 133 see S.”
Gibbs 55 60 68
Gibbs adsoiption equation 64 66
Gibbs dividing surface 60 64
Gibbs free energy 719 726 795
Gibbs, D. 569 792 see K. “Zehner D.
Gibbs, G. V. 181 see K. “Hill R.
Gibbs, J. W. 97
Gibson, A. 181
Gibson, J. M. 98 see O.”
Gibson, K. D. 570
Gibson, W. M. 647 see T.”
Gieen's function 111 112 156 157 158 588 589 592 596 604 605 609 610 611 612 624 628 635 639 640
Gieen's function advanced 589
Gieen's function matching techniques 112
Gieen's function techniques 144
Gierer, M. 494 496 497 499 500 see H.” “Over H.” “Heriel T.”
Gierlotka, S. 359 see B.”
Giesen Seiben, M. 644
Giesen, M. 97 98 644 see J.” “Poensgen M.”
Gijzeman, O. L. J. 568 see G.
Gillan, M. J. 227 see I.”
Gilles, J. M. 180 see E.”
Gilles, N. S. 570 see C.
Gillet, E. 225 see B.”
Gilmer, G. H. 43 711 see H. “Weeks J.
Gilquin, B. 572 see Y.”
Gilqum, B. 57 see F.”
Giraidet, C. 570 571 572 644 see C.” “Lakhlifi A.” “Meichel T.”
Girard, C. 570 644 see C.”
Gittes, F. T. 570
Gjostein, N. A. 134 see D.
Glachant, A. 568 570 see U.” “Beaume R.”
Glander, G. 268 see S.
Glander, G. S. 136 see C.
Glanz, G. 497 see P.”
Glass toimation 139
Glasser, M. L. 645 see G.”
Glassy phases 224
Glide lines 16 18
Glide plane 455
Glide plane symmetry 481
Global minimum 114
Globl, M. 500 see H.”
Glue model 105 122 617
Glueckstein, J. C. 499 see J.”
Gobeli, G. W. 135 see J.
Godfrey, M. J. 97 see R.
Godin, T. J. 181 266
Goidon, RG 645
Gold 338
Goldberg, J. L. 98 see X.
Goldenfeld, N. 790
Goldman, A. I. 570 574 see C. “Stephens P.
Goldmann, M. 568 see T.”
Gollisch, H. 645
Golovchcnko, J. A. 97 133 494 497 792 see P.” “Hwang I. “Martinez R. “Zegenhagen J.”
Golovchenko, J. 496 790 see E.”
Golze, M. 570
Gomer, R. 418 575 645 649 see M.” “Uebmg C.” “Wang C.”
Gonser — Buntiock, C. 500 see E.”
Goodstein, D. L. 569 570 see R. “Hamilton J.
Goodwin, L. 134
Gopel, W. 226 see C.”
Gossler, J. 497 see P.”
Gotoh, T. 181
Gotoh, Y. 710
Gotter, U. 710 see M.”
Gottfried, K. 645
Gottlieb, J. M. 645
Gradient coirections 619
Gradient corrections 107
Graham, W. R. 495 see M.”
Grain boundaries 35 159 174 219 291 363 387
Gram — Schmidt 587
Grand canonical partition functions 726
Grand partition function 726
Grand potentials 63 69 726
Grand theimodynamic potential 57
Grant, M. 710 see G.
graphite 377 509—514 516—518 520 521 524 525 532 540 542 543 545 546 550 560 563 564 566
Graphitic (2x2) 615
Graphitic(2x2)or(2x2)-2H 618
Gray, H. B. 266
Greber, T. 494 see A.”
Greene, R. L. 570 see N.”
Greenler, R. G. 495 see J.
Greg, F. 266 see R.”
Grehk, T. M. 496
Greiser, N. 570
Gremaud, G. 418 see N.
Grempel, D. R. 360 see J.”
Grest, G. S. 790
Grey, F. 134 266 495 496 789 see B. “Dornisch D.” “Feidenhans'l R.”
Grier, B. H. 570
Griffith, J. E. 267 see J.
Griffith, O. H. 419 420 see G. “Skoczylas W.
Griffiths, K. 419 494 790 see S. “Jackman T.
Griffiths, R. B. 97 568 569 573 790 “Butler D. “Domany E.” “Niskanen K.
Grimley 584
Grimley, T. B. 645
Grimsby, D. 496
Gritsch, T. 496
Grobecker, R. 494 see A.”
Gronsky, R. 789 see L.
Gronwald, K. D. 359
Ground state 114 581
Ground state energy 109
Groundwater transport of contaminants 139
Group III elements Al, Ga, In on Si(100) 128
groups 16 724
Grout, P. J. 645 see K.”
Groves, G. W. 226 see A.”
Growth exponent 703
Growth kinetics 703
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