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Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure |
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Pull off force 376
Purcell, K. G. 790 see J.”
Pureell, K. G. 792 see I.”
Puschmann, A. 494 see M.”
Q resolution 312
Qian, G-X 268
Quantum chemistry 592
Quantum chemistry codes 112
Quantum gases 531
Quantum mechanical calculations 233
Quantum mechanical methods 144
Quantum mechanical models 179
Quantum mechanical potentials 144
quantum size effect 478
Quarto interaction energy 586
Quartos 619
Quartz 194
Quartz microbalance 566
Quasi-atom approach 616
Quasi-chemical methods 631 634
Quasi-one-dimensional states 610 637 641
Quasielastic incoherent neutron scattering (QENS) 541
Quate, C. F. 136 418 419 420 499 500 see T. “Binnig G.” “Nogami J.” “Shioda R.” “Tortonese M.”
Quateman, J. H. 573
Quench 780 805
Quentel, G. 573
Quinn, J. 135 359 497 500 see H.” “Over H.”
Qvarford, M. 493 494 see J.
Rabe, K. M. 135 see A.
Rablais, J. W. 420 see S.
Radial scan mode 339
Radom, L. 181 see W.
Rae, A. I. M. 498 see R.”
Raeker, T. J. 136 647 see M.
Rahman, T. S. 500 791 see S.”
Raich, J. C. 570 see C.
Rainbow angles 351
Rainbow scattering 351
Rakova, E. V. 227
Ramamoonhy, M. 227
Ramana, M. V. 134 see G.
Ramsey, J. A. 183 227 see M.”
Ramseyer, T. 135 791 see L.
Random direction 393
Random field lsing model (RFIM) 704
Random phase approximation 687 693
Random steps 300
Rangelov, G. 498 500 501 see M.” “Surnev L.”
Ranke, W. 268
Rapp, R. E. 573
Rappe, A. M. 135
Rare gas adsoipnon 583
Rare gases 509
Rasiomjee, C. S. 420 see K.
Rausenberger, B. 419 420 see K.
Ravikumar, V. D. see “Wolf V.
Rayleigh ansatz 347
Rayment, T. 570 572 see I.” “Meehan P.” “Mowfonh C.
Raynerd, G. 575 see J.
Razafitianamaharavo, A. 573
Rccknagel formula 409
Reaction kinetics 773
Real and reciprocal space lattices, transformations between 29
Real space images 363
Real space lattice 21 555
Rebonding 127 132 591
Reciprocal lattice 21
Reciprocal lattice rods 537 553 669 682 683 692
Reciprocal lattice vectors 22 278 315 347
Reciprocal lattice, basis vectors of the 22
Reciprocal mesh vectors 22
Reciprocal space 273 291
Reconsiructed Si(100) 364
Reconstiuclionc 68 112 122 131 132 194 208 214 220 233 241 243 247 248 253 281 447 453 455 619 661 669 718 725 730 741 787
Reconstiuclionc (7x7) 764 765 770
Reconstiuclionc contractive type 120
Reconstiuclionc effects on adsorption on 768
Reconstrucied phases 209
Reconstructed (110) fee metals 637
Reconstructed surfaces 141 281
Recursion method 107
Redfield, A. C. 98 647
Reduccd surface free eneigy 72
Reduced coirelation function 737
Reduced surface tension 74 76 78 81
Reduced temperature 736 737 776 806
Reduced tiee energy 71
Reed, D. S. 360 see I.
Reeder, R. J. 183
Reentiani aligned incommensurate solid phase 559
Reentiant fluid 523
Reentrant 563
Reflection amsotropy microscopy 416
Reflection electron microscopy see “REM”
Reflection high-energy electron diffraction see “RHEED”
Reflections 16
Refractory metals 675
Registry 730
Regnier, J. 573 574 see A.”
Regular point system 18
Rehybndization 235 243 248 251 616 630 639
Rehybndization of the dangling bonds 234
Reichl, L. E. 791
Reider, K. H. 183
Reif, F. 791
Reiger, R. 183
Reihl, B. 135 496 571 see S.” “Lang N. “Nicholls J.
Reinecke, T. L. 649 see S.
Reineker, P. 420 see J.
Relativistic effects 118
Relaxation 62 112 116 122 131 132 200 206 208 223 233 246 281 327 447 569 476 606 629 641 664
Relevant operators 750
Reliability (R) factors 323
ReLonstiucied Au(l 11) 405 406
REM (leflection electron microscopy) 93 198 200 209 404 636
REM (leflection electron microscopy) holography 405
REM (leflection electron microscopy) resolution 405
Rempfer, G. F. 419 420 see W.
Rennei, C. T. 642 see J.
Renormahzation 738 799
Renormahzation fixed point 749
Renormalization eigenvalues 747
Renormalization group 638
Renormalized forward scattering (RFS) 323
Repulsive dipole-dipole interaction 472
Resistive anode 312
Resolution 544
Resolution FIM 384
Resolution function 305
Resolution LEEM 409
Resolution REM 405
Resolution SFM 366 376
Resolution TEM 402
Resonance 353
Resonance energies 610
Resonant bond 488
Resonant bonding 487
Resonant scattering 352 557
Rest atoms 239 243
Retarded Green's function 589
Reuier, M. C. 420 792 see R.
Reuit — Robey, J. E. 98 see J.
Reull — Robey, J. E. 98 647 see W.
Reverse scattering perturbation (RSP) 323
Rh 122
Rh(100)-Cs 469
Rhead, G. E. 135 see J.”
RHEED (reflection high energy electron diffraction) 125 165 170 194 209 234 456 553 566
Rhodin, T. N. 494 496 571 643 see G.” “Demuih J. “Gadzuk J. “Gerlach R. “Ignaiiev A.”
| Richardson, N. V. 494 see S.
Richi, M. 225 see B.”
Richier, D. 570 571 see B. “Larese J.
Richier, L. J. 647
Rickaid, J. M. 225 573 see C.” “Quentel G.”
Ricken, D. E. 791 see A.
Rickman, J. M. 647
Ricter, R. 135
Ridge-and-valley morphology 681
Riedel, E. K. 791 see B.”
Rieder, K. H. 359 360 496 498 788 791 see M.” “Engel T.” “Haase O.” “Koch R.” “Swendsen R.
Riedinger, R. 643 648 see H.” “Siauffer L.”
Riffe, D. M. 500
Rikvold, P. A. 643 647 648 see J.
Riley, F. L. 227
Ring structuie 693
Rippling 215
RKKY inteiacnon energy 591
Robeits, R. H. 573
Roberts, A. D. 419 see K.
Robinson, A. W. 791
Robinson, I. K. 43 135 136 266 359 360 496 498 791 792 “Bohr J.” “Fuoss P. “Headnck R. “Meyerheim H. “Smilgies D.
Robinson, M. T. 420
Rocca, M. 791 see S.”
Rocker, G. 226 see W.”
Rocking surface mode 512
Rocksalt 163 175 178 179 193 214
Rocksalt structure 190 192 201 213 218
Rocksalt structure alkali halides 142
Rod scans 331
Rodge, W. E. 567 see F.
Rodriguez, A. M. 135 648
Roelofs, L. D. 135 642 647 648 788 791 see N. “Payne S.
Roetti, C. 180 183 see M.” “Pisani C.”
Rogowska, J. M. 648
Rohrer, G. 420
Rohrer, G. S. 183 227 see R.
Rohrer, H. 96 133 266 418 789 see B.” “Binnig G. “Binning G.
Roiated structures 469
Rojo, J. M. 499 see R.”
Rollefson, R. J. 570 see B.
Rolley, E. 96 see S.”
Root, T. W. 500
Root-mean-square displacement 39
Rose, H. 420
Rose, J. H. 648
Rose, K. C. 420
Rosei, R. 494 495 499 see A. “Cautero G.” “Comelli G.” “Comicioli C.” “Dhanak V. “Murray P.
Rosenbaum, T. F. 572 see S.
Rosenblatt, D. H. 498 501 see S. “Tobin J. “Tong S.
Rotalional diffusion coefficient 515
Rotated hexagonal phase 520
Rotated incommensurate solid phase 559
Rotation 16 511 514 542
Rotational axes 17
Rotational diffusion 522 542 543
Rotational epitaxy 469
Rotational motions 514
Rotational scattering 541
Rotermund, H. H. 420 494 496 497 500 see M.” “Engel W.” “Jakubith S.”
Rottman, C. 96 97 98 645 see N. “Jayaprakash C.”
Rough steps 668
Roughened surfaces 705
roughening 231
Roughening temperature 81 301 565 706
Roughening tiansition 665—678 705
Roughness 219 669 674 679
Roughness paiameter 301
Rouquerol, J. 573 see J.”
Rous, P. J. 98 267 360 498 see J. “Nelson R.
Rousina, R. 225 see S.”
Rousseau Violet, J. 646 see J.
Rousset, S. 98
Rovida, G. 225 568 see U.” “Galeoiti M.”
Row painng leconstruction 761
Rownd, J. J. 267 see D.”
Rowniree, P. A. 573 see J.
Rowntree, P. 573
Ru relaxation 606
Ru(0001) 447 460 461 476 477
Ru(0001)(2x2)-Cs 472
Ru(0001)-CO 435 436 437
Ru(0001)-Cs 468 470 470 472
Ru(0001)-K 470 472 473
Ru(0001)-Li 473
Ru(0001)-Na 470 473
Ru(0001)-O 447
Ru(0001)-Rb 473
Ru(0001)p(2x2)-Cs system 472
Ru(001) 691 743
Rubin, Y. 420 see E.
Rubio, G. 418 see N.”
Rudberg, E. 360
Rudeiman, M. A. 648
Rudge, W. E. 571 see S.
Rudnick, J. 648
Rudolf, P. 494 495 see C.” “Cauiero G.”
Ruiz Suarez, J. C. 573
Ruland, W. 573
Rumplmg 195 201 219 486
Rundgren, J. 226 227 498 see M.” “Lindgien S.
Ruska, E. 420
Russo, J. 359 see K.
Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) 392
Rutherford scattering cross section 392
Rutile 179 193 203
Rutile (110) surface 166
Rutile surface 175
Rybeig, R. 647 see B.
S,p elections I. 16
Saam, W. F. 97 573 645 see C.” “Nightingale M.
Sacedon, J. L. 500 see F.”
Sacks, W. 98 see S.”
Sagawa, S. 497 see K.”
Sagawa, T. 135 see S.”
Sagnci, H. -J. 496 see H.
Saiki, K. 226 see A.”
Sakai, A. 267 see W.
Sakama, H. 268
Sakawa, H. 497 see A.”
Sakuma, E. 226 see S.”
Sakurai, T. 134 500 501 790 see D.” “Park C.” “Taniguchi M.”
Salahub, D. R. 183
Salaneck, W. R. 500 see E.
Salanon, B. 790 see J.”
Salanon, M. 789 see L.
Saldin, D. K. 267 360 498 499 see J. “Oed W.” “Rous P.
Salmeron, M. 499 642 647 see A.” “Miranda R.” “Ogletree D.
Saloner, D. 710
Salvan, F. 135 500 501 see J. “Thibaudau F.”
Samani, M. G. 420 see J.”
Samsavar, A. 267 710 see E.
Sand, D. 420
Sander, D. 98
Sander, M. 227
Sanders, D. E. 136 see M.
Sandhoff, M. 648
Sanja, S. K. 573
Sankaya, M. 420
Sanlucci, A. 225 see M.”
Sano, Y. 573
SAPpHiRe 194 207 209
Saris, F. W. 420 500 501 see R. “Turkenburg W. “Van J.
Satija, S. 575 see H.”
Satija, S. K. 573 see L.”
Sato, H. 98
Satoko, C. 183 see M.”
Satti, D. 501 see F.”
Saturation of the dangling bonds 241
Sauamento, P. 643 see J.
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