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Greenwood N.N., Earnshaw A. — Chemistry of the Elements
Greenwood N.N., Earnshaw A. — Chemistry of the Elements

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Íàçâàíèå: Chemistry of the Elements

Àâòîðû: Greenwood N.N., Earnshaw A.


When this innovative textbook first appeared in 1984 it rapidly became a great success throughout the world and has already been translated into several European and Asian languages. Now the authors have completely revised and updated the text, including more than 2000 new literature references to work published since the first edition. No page has been left unaltered but the novel features which proved so attractive have been retained. The book presents a balanced, coherent and comprehensive account of the chemistry of the elements for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. This crucial central area of chemistry is full of ingenious experiments, intriguing compounds and exciting new discoveries. The authors specifically avoid the term `inorganic chemistry' since this evokes an outmoded view of chemistry which is no longer appropriate in the final decade of the 20th century.

Accordingly, the book covers not only the 'inorganic' chemistry of the elements, but also analytical, theoretical, industrial, organometallic, bio-inorganic and other cognate areas of chemistry. The authors have broken with recent tradition in the teaching of their subject and adopted a new and highly successful approach based on descriptive chemistry. The chemistry of the elements is still discussed within the context of an underlying theoretical framework, giving cohesion and structure to the text, but at all times the chemical facts are emphasized. Students are invited to enter the exciting world of chemical phenomena with a sound knowledge and understanding of the subject, to approach experimentation with an open mind, and to assess observations reliably. This is a book that students will notonly value during their formal education, but will keep and refer to throughout their careers as chemists.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Õèìèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: second edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1997

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1340

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.02.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Phosphoric triamide      532
Phosphorus acid, $H_{3}PO_{3}$      512 514
Phosphorus oxoacids      510—531 (see also “Phosphoric acid” “Phosphates”)
Phosphorus oxoacids, lower oxoacids      516—517
Phosphorus oxoacids, nomenclature      511—512 517
Phosphorus oxoacids, standard reduction potentials      513
Phosphorus oxoacids, structural principles      510—512 517
Phosphorus oxoacids, volt-equivalent diagram      513
Phosphorus pentahalides      495 498—501
Phosphorus pentahalides, ammonolysis of $PCl_{5}$ with liquid $NH_{3}$      535
Phosphorus pentahalides, fluxionality of $PF_{5}$      498
Phosphorus pentahalides, industrial production of $PCl_{5}$      500
Phosphorus pentahalides, ionic and covalent forms      498—501 537
Phosphorus pentahalides, mixed pentahalides      499
Phosphorus pentahalides, organo derivatives      499—501
Phosphorus pentahalides, reactions of $PCl_{5}$ with $NH_{4}Cl$-diphosphazenes      535
Phosphorus pentahalides, structural isomerism      499 500
Phosphorus tribromide      496 497 500
Phosphorus trichloride, chemical reactions      497
Phosphorus trichloride, hydrolysis to phosphates      514
Phosphorus trichloride, industrial production      496
Phosphorus trichloride, organophosphorus derivatives      496 497 514
Phosphorus trifluoride      495 496
Phosphorus trifluoride as a poison      1101
Phosphorus trifluoride, similarity to CO as ligand      496
Phosphorus triiodide      495 497
Phosphorus, abundance and distribution      475
Phosphorus, allotropes      473 474 479—483
Phosphorus, alloys      492
Phosphorus, atomic propertie      482—483
Phosphorus, black allotropes      481—483 551
Phosphorus, bond energies      483
Phosphorus, catenation      473 483 485
Phosphorus, chemical reactivity      483 578
Phosphorus, cluster anions      491 588
Phosphorus, coordination geometries      483
Phosphorus, disproportionation in aqueous solutions      511—513
Phosphorus, encapsulated      554
Phosphorus, fertilizers      474 477—479 520 604
Phosphorus, halides      495
Phosphorus, history      473 474
Phosphorus, Hittorf's violet allotrope      481
Phosphorus, hydrides      492—495 (see also “Phosphine”)
Phosphorus, mixed halides      495
Phosphorus, multiple bond formation      473
Phosphorus, organic compounds      542—546
Phosphorus, oxides      503—506 (see also “Phosphorus trioxide” “Phosphorus
Phosphorus, oxohalides      501 502
Phosphorus, oxosulfides      507
Phosphorus, pentaphenyl      545
Phosphorus, peroxide, $P_{2}O_{6}$      506
Phosphorus, production and uses      479 480 520 525
Phosphorus, pseudohalides      495 501
Phosphorus, radioactive $^{32}P$      482
Phosphorus, red, amorphous      481 482 483
Phosphorus, stereochemistry      485—486
Phosphorus, sulfides      506—509
Phosphorus, sulfides, industrial uses of      509
Phosphorus, sulfides, organic derivatives      509
Phosphorus, sulfides, physical properties      507
Phosphorus, sulfides, stoichiometry      506
Phosphorus, sulfides, structures      507
Phosphorus, sulfides, synthesis      506 508
Phosphorus, thiohalides      498 501—503 508
Phosphorus, triangulo-${\mu}_{3}$-$P_{3}$ species      587 588
Phosphorus, white, $\alpha$-$P_{4}$      480—481 483 551
Phosphorus, ylides      545
Phosphoryl, halides, $POX_{3}$      502
Phosphoryl, pseudohalides      501
Photographic image intensification with $^{35}S$      662
Photographic process      790 1185—1187
Photosynthesis      see also “Chlorophylls”
Photosynthesis as origin of atmospheric $O_{2}$      602
Photosynthesis, $^{18}O$ tracer experiments      601 602
Photosynthesis, manganese in      1061
Photosynthesis, NADP in      125
Photosystem II      1056 1061
Phyllo-silicates      347 349—354
Physical properties, periodic trends in      23
Piezoelectricity      58 345
Pig-iron      1072
Pitchblende      1250 1255
Plagioclase      see “Feldspars”
Plaster of Paris      122
Platinum metals, definition      1070
Platinum, $\beta$-elimination in alkyls and aryls      926
Platinum, $\pi$-allylic complexes      934 1172
Platinum, abundance      1145
Platinum, alkene and alkyne complexes      1170—1172
Platinum, alkyls and aryls      1167—1168
Platinum, anti-tumour compounds      1163
Platinum, atomic and physical properties      1148—1149
Platinum, black      1148
Platinum, blues      1165
Platinum, carbonylate anions      1169
Platinum, catalytic uses      466 467 1145
Platinum, chalcogenides      1152
Platinum, complexes, +2 oxidation state      1156—1166
Platinum, complexes, +3 oxidation state      1155—1156
Platinum, complexes, +4 oxidation state      1154—1155
Platinum, complexes, +6 and +5 oxidation states      1154
Platinum, complexes, with $SO_{2}$      702
Platinum, complexes, with S      666
Platinum, complexes, zero oxidation state      1166—1167
Platinum, coordination numbers and stereochemistries      1150
Platinum, halides      1152—1154
Platinum, optical resolution of $[Pt(S_{5})_{3}]^{2—}$      670
Platinum, organometallic compounds      931 932 1167—1172
Platinum, oxidation states      1150
Platinum, oxides      1151 1152
Platinum, production and uses      1146 1147
Platinum, reactivity of element      1149
Platinum, sulfide, structure      679
Plutonium      see also “Actinide elements”
Plutonium economy      1259
Plutonium, bis(cyclooctatetraene)      942
Plutonium, critical mass      1261
Plutonium, discovery      1252
Plutonium, extraction from irradiated nuclear fuel      1260 1261
Plutonium, natural abundance      1253
Plutonium, redox behaviour      1265—1267
Plutonium, self-heating      1264
Plutonium, “breeding”      1259
Point groups      1290—1292
Pollution, atmospheric by $SO_{2}$      646 698—699 710 “Water”)
Polonium, abundance      747
Polonium, allotropy      751
Polonium, atomic and physical properties      753 754 890
Polonium, chemical reactivity      754—759
Polonium, coordination geometries      756
Polonium, dioxide      780
Polonium, discovery      747
Polonium, halides      767 768 769 770
Polonium, hydride, $H_{2}Po$      766 767
Polonium, hydroxide      781
Polonium, nitrate      786
Polonium, oxides      779—780
Polonium, polonides      765 766
Polonium, production and uses      750
Polonium, radioactivity      748 750
Polonium, redox properties      755
Polonium, selenate      786
Polonium, sulfate      786
Polonium, toxicity      757—759
Polyethene (polythene)      261 262 972
Polyhalide anions      827 829—831 834—839
Polyhalide anions, bonding      838 839
Polyhalide anions, containing astatine      887
Polyhalide anions, structural data      836—839
Polyhalonium cations      827 829—831 833—835
Polyhalonium cations, stoichiometries      839
Polyhalonium cations, structures      840
Polyiodides      806 835—839
Polymetaphosphoric acid      512
Polypeptide chains      61 62
Polyphosphates, factors affecting rate of degradation      523 (see also “Chain polyphosphates” “Cyclo-polyphosphates”)
Polyphosphazenes      536
Polyphosphazenes, analogy with silicones      536
Polyphosphazenes, applications      542—543
Polyphosphazenes, basicities      540
Polyphosphazenes, bonding in      537—540
Polyphosphazenes, hydrolysis      541
Polyphosphazenes, melting points of $(NPX_{2})_{n}$      538
Polyphosphazenes, pentameric $(NPCl_{2})_{5}$      538
Polyphosphazenes, preparation      536 537
Polyphosphazenes, reactions      540—542
Polyphosphazenes, structure      536—538
Polyphosphazenes, tetrameric $(NPCl_{2})_{4}$      537 538
Polyphosphazenes, trimeric $(NPX_{2})_{3}$      537
Polyphosphoric acid      511
Polyphosphoric acid, catalyst for petrochemical processes      52
Polysulfanes      see “Sulfanes”
Polysulfates, $S_{n}O_{3n+1}^{2—}$      712
Polysulfides of chlorine      see “Sulfur chlorides”
Polysulfides of hydrogen      see “Sulfanes”
Polysulfides, use in Na/S batteries      678
Polythiazyl      see $(SN)_{X}$
Polythionates, $S_{n}O_{6}^{2—}$      705 714 716—718
Polythionates, $S_{n}O_{6}^{2—}$, seleno- and telluro- derivatives      717 782
Polythionic acids, $H_{2}S_{n}O_{6}$      705 716
Polyurethane      305 422
Polywater      632 633
Porphin      126
Porphyrin complexes of Mg      see “Chlorophylls”
Portland cement      see also “High-alumina cement”
Portland cement, constitution of      252
Portland cement, manufacture of      252
Potassium      see also “Alkali metals”
Potassium chlorate, thermal decomposition to give $O_{2}$      603
Potassium compounds as fertilizers      73
Potassium compounds, production and uses of      73 74
Potassium permanganate, thermal decomposition to give $O_{2}$      603
Potassium, abundance      69
Potassium, compounds with oxygen      84—85
Potassium, discovery      68
Potassium, graphite intercalates      293—295
Potassium, nitrate, thermolysis of      468 469 541
Potassium, orthonitrate      474
Potassium, phosphates      524
Potassium, polysulfides      681 682
Potassium, polythionates, preparation and structure      717
Potassium, production of metal      73 74
Potassium, silyl      339 340
Potassium, terrestrial distribution of      70
Powder metallurgy      1005 1144
Praseodymium      1229 (see also “Lanthanide elements”)
Praseodymium, +4 oxidation state      1237 1239 1244
Praseodymium, diiodide      1441
Praseodymium-oxygen system, ordered defects and nonstoichiometry in      643—644
Principal quantum number n      22
Promethium      1228 (see also “Lanthanide elements”)
Protactinium      see also “Actinide elements”
Protactinium, abundance      1253
Protactinium, bis(cyclooctatetraene)      942
Protactinium, discovery      1250
Protactinium, redox behaviour      1265—1267
Proton, hydration of      951 952 ionized and
Proton-switch conduction in $H_{2}O$      623
Proton-switch conduction in $H_{2}SO_{4}$      843
Proton-switch conduction in $H_{3}PO_{4}$      518
Protoporphyrin IX (PIX)      1099
Prout's hypothesis      888
Prussian blue      1094
Pseudohalogen concept      319 324
PTFE      see “Teflon”
Purex process      1261
Purple of Cassium      1177
PVC plastics, organotin stabilizers for      409
Pyrite structure      555 557 680
Pyrochlore      977
Pyrophosphoric acid      see “Diphosphoric acid”
Pyrophosphoryl halides      502 503 506
Pyrophyllite      352—355 413
Pyrrhotite $Fe_{1-{\chi}}S$      649
Quadruple metal-metal bonds      1031—1035
Quantum numbers      22
Quartz      342—344
Quartz, enantiomorphism      342
Quartz, uses      346
Quaternary arsonium compounds      594
Quaternary bismuth cations, $BiR_{4}^{+}$      599
Quaternary phosphonium cations      485 495 498—501 545 546
r-process in stars      12
Racah parameter      see “Interelectronic repulsion parameter”
Radial functions      1285—1287
Radioactive decay series      1254
Radioactive elements, discovery      21
Radioactive elements, varying atomic weights of      18
Radiocarbon dating      277
Radium, history of      108 (see also “Alkaline earth elements”)
Radius ratio rules      80
Radon      see also “Noble gases”
Radon, atomic and physical properties      890 891
Radon, difluoride      903
Radon, discovery      889
Radon, fluoro complexes      903
Rare earths      see “Lanthanide elements”
Raschig synthesis of hydrazine      427 428
Rayon      317 422 653
Realgar      see “Arsenic sulfide”
Red cake      
Red lead, $Pb_{3}O_{4}$      385 388
Reduction potentials      see “Standard reduction potentials”
Reinecke's salt      1028
Relativistic effects      599 1180
Reppe synthesis      309 1167 1172
Rhenates      1051
Rhenium, abundance      1041
Rhenium, alkyls      1062 1068—1069
Rhenium, carbidocarbonyls      1065—1066
Rhenium, carbonyls      928 1062—1064
Rhenium, chalcogenides      1049
Rhenium, complexes, +2 oxidation state      1058
Rhenium, complexes, +3 oxidation state      1057—1058
Rhenium, complexes, +4 oxidation state      1056
Rhenium, complexes, +5 oxidation state      1055
Rhenium, complexes, +6 oxidation state      1055
Rhenium, complexes, +7 oxidation state      1054
Rhenium, complexes, lower oxidation states      1061
Rhenium, compounds with metal-metal multiple bonds      1057 1058 1230
Rhenium, cyclopentadienyls      1067—1068
Rhenium, discovery      1040
Rhenium, halides and oxohalides      1051—1054
Rhenium, nine-coordinate hydrido complex      1046 1054
Rhenium, organometallic compounds      1062—1068
Rhenium, oxides      1045—1049
Rhenium, production and uses      1041
Rhenium, trioxide      1047
Rhenium, trioxide, structure of      1047
Rhodium, abundance      1113
Rhodium, atomic and physical properties      1114—1115
Rhodium, carbidocarbonyls      1141—1142
Rhodium, carbonyls      928 1140—1143
Rhodium, complexes, +1 oxidation state      1133—1136
Rhodium, complexes, +2 oxidation state      1129
Rhodium, complexes, +3 oxidation state      1122—1129
Rhodium, complexes, +4 oxidation state      1121
Rhodium, complexes, lower oxidation states      1137
Rhodium, complexes, with $SO_{2}$      702
Rhodium, coordination numbers and stereochemistries      1117
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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