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Поиск книг, содержащих: Ritchie, Dennis
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Лафоре Р. — Объектно-ориентированное программирование в C++ | 901 | МакКузик М.К., Невилл-Нил Дж.В. — FreeBSD: архитектура и реализация | 17—18, 21—22 | Sobell M.G. — A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux | | Sobell M.G., Seebach P. — A Practical Guide to UNIX® for Mac OS® X Users | | McCarty B. — Learning Red Hat Linux | | McCarty B. — Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora | | Glass G., Ables K. — Linux for Programmers and Users | 2nd | Deitel H.M. — Visual C# How to Program | | Лафоре Р. — Объектно-ориентированное программирование в С++ | 901 | Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface | CD2.19:7, CD7.9:8, 11 | Bach M.J. — The design of the UNIX operating system | 2—4, 103, 142, 201, 209, 226, 330, 344, 350 | Brookshear J.G. — Computer Science: An Overview | 551 | Plauger P.J. — The Standard C Library | 3, 15, 205, 226 — 227 | Hubbard J.R. — Theory and Problems of Fundamentals of Computing with C++ | 10 | Plauger P.J. — Programming on purpose: essays on software design | 60, 153 | Plauger P.J. — The standard C library | 3, 15, 205, 226—227 | Sebesta R.W. — Concepts of programming languages | 80, 349 | Plauger P.J. — Programming on purpose III: essays on software technology | 2, 6—7, 31, 54, 87, 133, 163, 169 | Garfinkel S., Weise D., Strassmann S. (eds.) — The UNIX-HATERS Handbook | xxx, xxxv, 5, 280, 307 | Love R. — Linux kernel development | 1—2 | Brookshear J. — Computer Science | 551 | Bryant R., O'Hallaron D.R. — Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective | 2, 3, 14, 798 | Waite M., Prata S., Martin D. — C Primer Plus. User Friendly Guide to the C Programming Language | 3 | Charles Wright C. — 1002 Visual C++ Programming Tips | 7, 160, 184 |