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Sebesta R.W. — Concepts of programming languages
Sebesta R.W. — Concepts of programming languages

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Íàçâàíèå: Concepts of programming languages

Àâòîð: Sebesta R.W.


The fifth edition of Concepts of Programming Languages by Robert Sebesta continues the approach that has made it the undisputed market leader. It describes fundamental concepts of programming languages by presenting design issues of the various language constructs, examining the design choices for these constructs in a few common languages, and critically comparing the design alternatives. This book allows those with the ability to program to learn how to choose appropriate languages for certain tasks, increase their abilities to learn new languages, and understand the significance of implementation. It illustrates various language constructs and design alternatives through Java, JavaScript, C++, C, Ada, and Fortran, and intertwines discussions of object-oriented programming material with the discussions of the non-OO imperative languages. It also provides extensive material on semantics. This new edition is updated to include a new chapter covering parsing, new material on JavaScript, and updated material on Java 1.3. This book is suitable for programmers who want to get into the theory behind programming-language development and utilization.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/ßçûêè ïðîãðàììèðîâàíèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 5th edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 698

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 22.11.2005

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A Programming Language (APL)      73—74
Abstract classes      494
Abstract datatype      436—437
Abstract datatype, Ada      442—445
Abstract datatype, advantages of      438
Abstract datatype, C++      445—449
Abstract datatype, definition      437—438
Abstract datatype, design issues      439—440
Abstract datatype, floating-point types      437
Abstract datatype, Java      449—450
Abstract datatype, language support      440—450
Abstract datatype, parameterized      450—453
Abstract datatype, SIMULA 67      74—75 440—441
Abstract datatype, user-defined      437—438
Abstraction      16 434—437
accept clauses (Ada)      527 535
Access to nonlocal variables      388
Access, deep      422—425
Access, function for arrays      243
Access, shallow      425—426
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)      55
Activation records      401
Activation records instances      402
Active subprograms      209 351
Actor tasks      536
Actual parameters      353 (see also “Parameters”)
Ad hoc binding      378
Ad hoc polymorphism      381
Ada 95      89—91
Ada 95, asynchronous communication      545—546
Ada 95, concurrency      543—546
Ada 95, design      91—92
Ada 95, evaluation      93—94
Ada 95, historical background      89—90
Ada 95, language overview      92—93
Ada 95, object-oriented programming support      498—502
Ada 95, tagged types      499
Ada for statement      329—330
Ada, abstract data types      442—445
Ada, access types      260 264—265
Ada, asynchronous messages      545—546
Ada, case statements      322
Ada, default parameters      353—354
Ada, derived types      197—198
Ada, design process      86—87
Ada, discrete range      329
Ada, enumeration types      230—231
Ada, erroneous programs      370
Ada, evaluation      88—89
Ada, exception handling      17—18 569—575
Ada, generic packages      451
Ada, generic subprograms      381—383
Ada, guarded commands      339—341
Ada, historical background      86
Ada, infinite loops      334—336
Ada, label form      338
Ada, language overview      88
Ada, limited private types      443
Ada, message passing      534—539
Ada, parameter-passing methods      365—366
Ada, parameterized abstract data types      450—453
Ada, pointer types      264—265
Ada, pragma priority      542
Ada, private types      443
Ada, selector constructs      322—323
Ada, slices      241
Ada, strong typing      195
Ada, tasks      534—539
Ada, union types      255—257
Addresses, variables      184—185
Aggregate values      239
Aho, Al      7
AI (artificial intelligence)      6 49—50
AIMACO      61—62
ALGOL 58      56—58
Algol 60      55—56
ALGOL 60 for Statement      327—329
ALGOL 60, block structure      58
ALGOL 60, compound statements      313
ALGOL 60, design      58—59
ALGOL 60, evaluation      59—61
ALGOL 60, historical background      55—56
ALGOL 60, parameter-passing methods      365—366
ALGOL 68      12 75
ALGOL 68, design      75
ALGOL 68, dynamic arrays      76
ALGOL 68, evaluation      76—77
ALGOL 68, language overview      76
ALGOL 68, parameter-passing methods      365—366
ALGOL Bulletin      58
ALGOL W      366
Algorithms, marking      273
Algorithms, parsing      161—162
Algorithms, shift-reduce      169—170
Aliasing, reliability      18
Aliasing, subprogram parameters      362—363
Aliasing, variables      184—185
ALIGN statement (HPF)      553
allocation      190 467
Ambiguity of grammars      114—115
American National Standard Institute (ANSI)      14 63
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)      224
Analysis, lexical analysis      155—159
AND operation      260
Anonymous variables      260
ANSI (American National Standard Institute)      14 63
Antecedent      633
APL (A Programming Language)      16 73—74
append function, Prolog      649
append function, Scheme      611
Applications, business      6
Applications, functional programming languages      623—624
Applications, logic programming languages      658—660
Applications, scientific      5—6
Apply-to-all functional form      595 613—614
APT language      8
Architecture      20—22 517—518
Arithmetic expressions, operand evaluation order      289—291
Arithmetic expressions, operator evaluation order      284—289
Arrays, access functions      243
arrays, associative      see “Associative arrays”
Arrays, Char      226 259
Arrays, design issues      234
Arrays, evaluation      242
Arrays, fixed stack-dynamic      236
Arrays, heap-dynamic      236—237
Arrays, implementation      242—246
Arrays, indexes      234—235
Arrays, initialization      238—239
Arrays, number of subscripts      238
Arrays, operations      239—241
Arrays, slices      241—242
Arrays, stack-dynamic      236
Arrays, static      236
Arrays, subscript bindings      236—238
Artificial intelligence (AI)      6 49—50 623—624
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)      224
assertions      132
assignment statements      40—41 300—304
Assignment statements as expressions      303—304
Assignment statements, axiomatic semantics      133—135
Assignment statements, denotational semantics      146
Assignment statements, mixed-mode      304—305
Assignment statements, multiple targets      301
Assignment statements, Smalltalk      473—474
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)      55
associative arrays      246
Associative arrays, implementation      248
Associative arrays, operations      247
Associativity      117—118 285—288
Asynchronous messages      545—546
Asynchronous select      545
Atomic propositions      631
Attribute grammars      123
Attribute grammars, computing values      127—128
Attribute grammars, concepts      124
Attribute grammars, defining      124—125
Attribute grammars, evaluation      128—129
Attribute grammars, intrinsic attributes      125
Attribute grammars, static semantics      123
Attributes, binding to variables      187
Attributes, Eiffel      503
Attributes, inherited      124
Attributes, intrinsic      125
Attributes, synthesized      124
awk language      7
Axiom      133
Axiomatic semantics, assertions      132
Axiomatic semantics, assignment statements      133—135
Axiomatic semantics, evaluation      142
Axiomatic semantics, logic pretest loops      136—142
Axiomatic semantics, loop invariants      137—139
Axiomatic semantics, selection      136
Axiomatic semantics, sequences      135—136
Axiomatic semantics, weakest preconditions      132—133
B language      80
Babbage, Charles      87
Backtracking      644
Backus — Naur form      see “BNF”
Backus, John      37 43—44 109
Backward chaining      643
BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)      20
BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), design      66—68
BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), language overview      67
BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), strings      226
Bauer, Friedrich (Fritz) L.      56 281
BCPL      80
Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code      see “BASIC”
BINAC computer      42
binary operators      283
Binary semaphores      527 542—543
Binding      186—187 (see also “Exception handling”)
Binding, ad hoc      378
Binding, attributes to variables      187
Binding, concept of      186
Binding, deep      378
binding, dynamic      187
Binding, inference      190
Binding, object-oriented programming      461—462
Binding, shallow      378
Binding, static      187
Binding, storage bindings and lifetime      190—193
Binding, type      187—190
Bits, active      425
BLISS      7
Block-structured languages      202
BLOCKS      201—202 311
Blocks, COMMON (FORTRAN)      389
Blocks, declare      237
Blocks, Smalltalk      474—475
Blocks, subprograms      421—422
BNF (Backus — Naur form) grammars      109—110 (see also “Extended BNF” “Grammars”)
Body packages      442
boolean data types      224
Boolean expressions      286—298 331
Bottlenecks, von Neumann      29
Bottom-up parsers      161 167—174
Bottom-up resolution      643
Bound variables      604
Branching      337—339
break statement      321
Brinch Hansen, Per      528
Business applications      6
Byron, Augusta Ada      87
C language      7 79—80
C language for statement      330—332
C language, conditional expressions      288—289
C language, historical background      80—81
C language, parameter-passing methods      365—366
C language, pointer types      265—267
C language, switch construct      322
C language, void * pointers      226—267
C++language      94
C++language for statement      330—332
C++language, abstract data types      445—449
C++language, constructs      508
C++language, design      94—95
C++language, evaluation      96
C++language, exception handling      17—18 575—579
C++language, friend      491
C++language, generic subprograms      383—385
C++language, language overview      95—96
C++language, logically controlled loops      333
C++language, object-oriented programming support      488—496
C++language, parameter-passing methods      365—366
C++language, parameterized abstract data types      452—453
C++language, pointer types      265—267
Calculus, predicate      630—636
Calls, chains      407
Calls, graphs      203
Calls, subprograms      351 400
Case constructs      319—323
case selector expressions      230
Case statement      78
casts      295
Categories, arrays      236—238
Categories, concurrency      518—519
Categories, programming languages      23—24
Catenation      225—226
CBL      62
CDE (Common Desktop Environment)      32
Cells, single-sized      271
Cells, variable-size      274—275
central processing unit (CPU)      20
Cfront      95
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)      8
character data types      224—225
character strings      225
Character strings, catenation      225—226
Character strings, char arrays      226 259
Character strings, design issues      225
Character strings, evaluation      228
Character strings, implementation      228—229
Character strings, operations      225—226
Checked exceptions (Java)      582
Chomsky, Noam      109
Church, Alonzo      594
CIR (class instance record)      508
Class instance record (CIR)      508
Classes      460
classes, abstract      494
classes, methods      461
Classes, Simula 67      440—441
Classes, Smalltalk      478
Classes, subtypes      464
Classes, templated      452
classes, variables      461
Clausal forms      633—634
Clauses, creation      503
Clauses, else      136
Clauses, elsif      323
Clauses, export      504
clauses, finally      584—585
Clauses, horn      636
Clauses, inherit      503
Clauses, private      446
Clauses, public      446
Clauses, redefine      504
Clauses, rename      504
Clauses, select      545
1 2 3 4 5 6
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