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Sebesta R.W. — Concepts of programming languages
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Íàçâàíèå: Concepts of programming languages
Àâòîð: Sebesta R.W.
Àííîòàöèÿ: The fifth edition of Concepts of Programming Languages by Robert Sebesta continues the approach that has made it the undisputed market leader. It describes fundamental concepts of programming languages by presenting design issues of the various language constructs, examining the design choices for these constructs in a few common languages, and critically comparing the design alternatives. This book allows those with the ability to program to learn how to choose appropriate languages for certain tasks, increase their abilities to learn new languages, and understand the significance of implementation. It illustrates various language constructs and design alternatives through Java, JavaScript, C++, C, Ada, and Fortran, and intertwines discussions of object-oriented programming material with the discussions of the non-OO imperative languages. It also provides extensive material on semantics. This new edition is updated to include a new chapter covering parsing, new material on JavaScript, and updated material on Java 1.3. This book is suitable for programmers who want to get into the theory behind programming-language development and utilization.
Ðóáðèêà: Computer science /ßçûêè ïðîãðàììèðîâàíèÿ /
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 5th edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 698
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 22.11.2005
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Programming languages, regular 157
Programming languages, scientific applications 5—6
Programming languages, scripting languages 7—8
Programming languages, special-purpose languages 8
Programming methodologies 22—23
Programs see “Subprograms”
Programs, call graphs 203
Programs, erroneous 370
Programs, liveness 522
Programs, structures 203
Prolog, deficiencies of 652—658
Prolog, design 84
Prolog, elements of 638—652
PROLOG, evaluation 85
Prolog, language overview 84—85
Propositions 631
Protected objects, concurrency in Ada 544—545
Protocols 352 460
prototypes 352
Proving theorems 634—636
Pseudocodes 41—43
public clause 446
Pure interpretation 30
pure virtual functions 494
Quasi-concurrent 519
queue type 530
Queues 522
Quicksorts 622
range attribute 372
Range sets 593
RDBMSs (Relational Database Management Systems) 658—659
readability 8—9
Readability, control statements 12—13
Readability, data structures/types 13
Readability, orthogonality 10—12
Readability, reliability 18
Readability, simplicity of 9—10
Readability, syntax 14—15
Recognition 108
Recognizers 122—123
Record variants 253
Records, activation 401
Records, CIR (class instance Tecord) 508
Records, definitions of 248—249
Records, evaluation criteria 251—252
Records, implementation 252
Records, operations 251
Records, references to fields 249—250
Recursion 111 405—409
Recursive-descent parsing 162—167
redefine clause 504
References, counters 272
References, dangling 263
References, nonlocal implementation 409—421
References, pass-by-reference 361—363
References, pointer types 267—269
References, record fields 249—250
References, representations of 269
References, subprogram linkage without 405—408
References, substring 241
References, type 267
Referencing environments 207—209 427
Referential transparency 596
Regular expressions, grammars and languages 157
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs) 658—659
relational expressions 296
Relational operators 296
Reliability, aliasing 18
Reliability, cost of 18—20
Reliability, exception handling 17—18
Reliability, readability 18
Reliability, type checking 17
Reliability, writability 18
rename clause 504
Rendezvous 534
repeat-until 333
Reports, ALGOL 58 57—58
Reports, COBOL 61—66
Representations of pointers 269
Reserved words 182
Resolution 634
Resolution order control, Prolog 652—655
Resuming coroutines 392
Return statement 447
Returns, subprograms 400
RHS (right-hand side) 1X0
Richards, Martin 80
Right recursive rules 119
Ritchie, Dennis 80 349
Robinson, Alan 634
Roussel, Phillippe 638
Routines, Eiffel 503
Row major order arrays 243—244
RPG language 8
Rules 110
Rules, BNF 110
Rules, Prolog 641
Rules, recursive 111
Rules, rule of consequence 134
Rules, statements 640—641
Run-time, descriptors 229
Run-time, error messages 30
Run-time, stacks 405
Russel, Stephen B. 599
Rutishauser, H. 60
S-expression 599
Sammet, Jean 102
Satisfying subgoals 642
Schai, A. 148
schedulers 522
Scheme 6 53—54
Scheme, building code 614—615
Scheme, functional forms 613—614
Scheme, functions 604—613
Scheme, imperative features of 615—616
Scheme, origins of 600
Scheme, predicate functions 605—607
Scheme, primitive functions 600—604
Schwartz, Jules, I. 517
Scientific applications 5—6
Scope 199
Scope, blocks 201—202
Scope, dynamic scope 205—206
Scope, evaluation 202—205
Scope, lifetimes 207
Scope, package 449 498
Scope, static scope 199—201
Scope, static scope pointers 404
Scripting languages 7—8
SELECT clause 545
Selection 136 477—478
selection statements 312
Selection statements, closure 315—316
Selection statements, design 312—313
Selection statements, nesting selectors 314—315
Selection statements, special words 315—316
Selection statements, two-ways selectors 313—314
selectors 471
Semantics 106
Semantics, attribute grammars 123
Semantics, calls/returns for subprograms 400
Semantics, dynamic semantics see “Dynamic semantics”
Semantics, logic programming languages 636—638
Semantics, parameter-passing methods 359
Semaphores, competition synchronization 526—528
Semaphores, cooperation synchronization 524—526
Semaphores, evaluation 528
Sentence 112
Sentential forms 112
Separate compilation 386
Sequences 135—136
Server tasks 537
Set types 258—260
sh language 7
SHAKE 55 69—70
Shallow access 425—426
Shallow binding 378
Shaw, J. C. 50
Shell commands, UNIX 15
Shift-reduce algorithms 169—170
Short Code 42
short-circuit evaluation 298—300
Side effects, operand evaluation order 289—291
SigPlan Notices 87
SIMD (Single-Instruction Multiple-Data) 517
Simon, Herbert 50
Simple assignment statements 300—301
simplicity 15—16
SIMULA 67 91—93
SIMULA 67, abstraction support 440—441
SIMULA 67, concurrency 529
SIMULA 67, coroutines 391
SIMULA 67, parameter-passing methods 365—366
SIMULA, design 74
SIMULA, language overview 74—75
single inheritance 461 466—467
Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) 517
Single-sized cells 271
Single-way selectors 313—314
Sleep method 547
Slices of arrays 241—242
Smalltalk 91
Smalltalk, assignment statements 473—474
Smalltalk, blocks 474—475
Smalltalk, characteristics 468
Smalltalk, classes 478
Smalltalk, environment 468
Smalltalk, evaluation 487—488
Smalltalk, expressions 469—472
Smalltalk, inheritance 487
Smalltalk, iteration 475—477
Smalltalk, LOGO-style graphics 482—485
Smalltalk, methods 472—473 478—480
Smalltalk, polymorphism 485—487
Smalltalk, selection 477—478
Smalltalk, table handler 480—482
Smalltalk, type checking 485—487
Snobol 73—74 426
Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) 55
special variables 54
Special words 14 315—316
Special-purpose languages 8
Speed, bottlenecks 29
Speedcoding 43
Stack-dynamic arrays 236
Stack-dynamic variables 191—192
Stacks, abstract data types 438—439
Stacks, Ada abstraction 443—445
Stacks, C++ abstraction 447—448
Stacks, runtime 405
Start symbols 111
State diagrams 158
Statement-level concurrency 551—553
Statements, ALIGN 553
statements, assignment 40—41 113 300—304
statements, break 321
statements, compound 311—312
statements, control 310—311
Statements, DISTRIBUTE 552
Statements, DO 326—327
Statements, EQUIVALENCE 184
Statements, extern 390
Statements, fact 639—640
statements, for 327—332
Statements, goal 641—642
statements, GoTo 48
statements, if 48 313
statements, if-then-else 119—120
Statements, init 530
statements, iterative 324—337
statements, loops see “Loops”
Statements, mixed-mode assignment statements 304—305
Statements, operational semantics 130—131
Statements, procedure 530
statements, return 447
Statements, rule 640—641
statements, selection 312—323
Statements, Smalltalk 473—474
Statements, unconditional branch statements 337—339
Statements, val 618
Statements, wait 526
statements, while 140
statements, With 183
Static ancestors 200
Static arrays 236
Static binding 187 467
Static chains 411—416 426—427
Static links 404
Static parents 200
Static scope 199—201
Static scope pointers 404
Static semantics, attribute grammars 123
static variables 191
Static_depth 412
Step-size, loops 325
Storage bindings 190—193 (see also “Binding”)
Strawman document 86
StringBuffer variables 226
Strings, design 225
Strings, evaluation 228
Strings, implementation 228—230
Strings, length options 228
Strings, operations 225—227
strong typing 194—196
Stroustrup, Bjarne 94 179
Structures, associative arrays 247
Structures, control 311
Structures, list 648—652
Structures, programs 203
Structures, Smalltalk 474—478
Structures, type compatibility 196—199
subclasses 460 464
Subgoals 642
Subprograms 349—350
Subprograms, active 209
Subprograms, ALGOL-like languages 403—421
Subprograms, blocks 421—422
Subprograms, calls/returns 400
Subprograms, characteristics 350—351
Subprograms, compiling 385—387
Subprograms, concurrency 519—523
Subprograms, coroutines 391 —393
Subprograms, definitions 351—352
Subprograms, design 356—357
Subprograms, dynamic scoping 422—426
Subprograms, encapsulation 435—436
Subprograms, FORTRAN 77 401—403
Subprograms, functions 354—355
Subprograms, generic subprograms 381—383
Subprograms, history sensitive 191
Subprograms, linkage 400
Subprograms, local referencing environments 357—358
Subprograms, nonlocal environments 388—390
Subprograms, overloaded 389
Subprograms, parameter-passing methods 358—377
Subprograms, parameters 352—354 377—379 426—428
Subprograms, referencing environments 427
Subrange types 232—233