Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Plauger P.J. — The Standard C Library |
Предметный указатель |
"LOCALE" 101 108
"TIMEZONE" 111 434
"TZ" 82 101 111 434
"xalloc.h" 371 — 372 374 459
"xlocaie.h" 98 — 100 102 104 115 122 459
"xmath.h" 139 — 144 146 153 165 168 170 174 179 310 363 459
"xstate.h" 99 — 100 113 118 124 367 370 407 459 461
"xstdio.h" 275 279 283 306 308 310 315 318 326 328 460
"xstrxfrm.h" 407 — 410 462
"xtime.h" 426 — 428 431 439 460 462
"xtinfo.h" 100 124 426 462
"yfune.h" 54 280 287 295 297 374 378 445
#define 468
#error 40
#if 5 19 50 60 74 77 79
#inciude 1 4 — 12 467 473
#undef 5 — 6 20 54
/usr/group 73 — 74
<assert.h> 4 9 14 17 455 459 462
<ctype.h> 4 25 87 98 102 106 108 112 116 119 122 265 269 304 320 324 328 360 362 364 432 435 445 456 459
<errno.h> 4 47 135 175 272 330 347 373 395 406 412 445 447 452 455 460
<float.h> 4 57 74 77 127 135 151 174 176 178 180 215 312 330 333 364 445 448 453 459
<limits.h> 4 40 44 59 73 90 92 97 106 110 122 124 159 215 218 224 289 320 324 346 352 360 362 364 367 369 382 409 436 446 448 453 460
<locale.h> 4 81 216 265 316 328 333 364 386 446 454 457 461
<math.h> 4 48 51 54 70 127 311 330 446 454
<setjmp.h> 4 24 181 194 201 446 449 457 461
<signal.h> 4 22 24 49 189 193 346 379 446 449 452 454 457 461
<stdarg.h> 4 12 205 258 322 330 371 446 448 459 461
<stddef.h> 4 11 91 116 175 215 333 345 353 360 362 371 398 425 446 454 457 461
<stdio.h> x-xii 1 4 20 23 27 30 34 40 44 49 54 70 78 87 91 94 104 112 115 119 124 176 178 180 190 202 204 209 212 219 224 345 351 373 379 382 395 399 406 412 420 442 446 448 453
<stdlib.h> 4 6 21 23 49 77 82 87 99 104 112 119 124 194 198 201 204 215 220 260 266 279 287 289 295 297 301 303 310 312 318 320 323 326 328 333 397 413 430 438 446 453 461
<string.h> 2 4 — 91 94 99 102 104 115 120 122 125 188 210 272 284 287 292 298 302 308 310 312 316 320 324 326 328 330 332 347 350 357 360 369 375 377 380 382 387 432 434 439 446 454 457 461
<time.h> 4 87 100 110 333 345 350 415 446 453 461
<varargs.h> 205 — 206 212
<yvals.h> 53 — 54 65 72 76 95 139 175 177 187 199 211 222 274 276 282 353 371 398 424 445 448 459
abe.c 353 355 455
abort 18 21 24 194 201 234 333 339 346 354 378 381 383 452 455
abort.c 378 — 379 455
abs 6 333 341 346 349 353 382 386 455
acos 130 135 138 151 155 178 455
acos.c 152 155 455
Ada 381
address constant expression 217 463
alert 31 33
ALLOCATED see Storage
Alphabetic see Character
alphanumeric see Character
AM/PM 110 — 111 419 421
ANSI 3 463
arbitrary 463; see Base Argument
Argument, array 5 186
Argument, function 220 467 473
Argument, jmp_buf 186
Argument, null pointer 216
Argument, reduction 149 151 161 164
Argument, variable list 5 12 205 214 220 222 258 264 267 296 307 315 321 420 473
Argument, va_list 210
Argument-level see Declaration
Arithmetic see Floating-point Type
Arithmetic complex 179
Arithmetic, one’s-complement 77 448 469
Arithmetic, pointer 217 — 219 222 224 362
Arithmetic, signed-magnitude 77 448 471
Arithmetic, subscript 219
Arithmetic, translation-time 76 — 78
Arithmetic, two’s-complement 35 77 218 309 343 346 448 473
Arithmetic, unsigned-integer 219
Array see Argument Type
ASCII 422; see Character set
asctime 418 420 422 436 442 455
asctime.c 101 426 430 437 455 462
ASIN 130 135 138 152 154 178 455
asin.c 152 155 455
Assembly language 2 — 3 47 187 191 201 230 283 329 386 414 446 463
Assert 11 17 20 44 54 70 125 176 190 204 213 224 330 382 412 442 455
assertion 17 — 19 22 463
ASSIGN 463; see Operator
Assignment suppression 241 — 242 266 315
Assignment-compatible see Type
Asterisk 238 — 239 241 260 266
Asynchronous see Signal
AT&T Bell Laboratories iii-iv 73 81 473
atan 130 135 138 152 155 178 455
atan.c 152 156 455
atan2 131 135 138 152 155 178 455
atan2.c 152 157 455
atexit 333 339 344 346 354 378 381 455
atexit.c 378 — 379 455
atof 5 87 333 347 354 362 383 455
atof.c 362 — 363 455
atoi 5 333 347 354 361 363 383 455
atoi.c 361 363 455
atol 333 335 347 354 361 363 383 455
atol.c 361 455
atomic 46 194 198 464
Attention key 193 195 197 464
auto 46 183 466
backslash 111 115
BACKSPACE 31 33 46
Base 381 464
Base, arbitrary 136 267 336 359
Base, binary 129 164
Base, decimal 113 119 129 136 164 238 241 260 267 311 419 438 446 464
Base, e 136 164
Base, hexadecimal 113 119 129 239 241 262 268 310 467
Base, octal 113 119 239 241 262 267 464 469
Basic C see Character set
beearch 333 340 347 350 358 382 455
Beginning-of-file see File
Benign, redefinition 12 19 464
Benign, undefinition 20
Berkeley see UNIX
Bias see Floating-point
BINARY see Base File Stream
Binary search 358
Block 255 464;
block-level see Declaration
Borland see Turbo C++
Boundary see Storage
Bracket 209 242 268
Brender, Ronald F. 381
Brodie, Jim xiii 15
Broken-down see time
bsearch.c 358 455
Btrcepn 104 388 391 395 398 403 412 458
Buffer, file 231 474
BUFSIZ 233 — 234 238 269 273 276 288 295 297 325 331 453
C Standard, ANSI ix xi xiii 3 15 81 228 451 473
C Standard, ISO iii-iv ix xi xiii 6 15 81 474
C Users Group xii
C Users Journal iv xiii 223
calendar see Time
Call tree 94 464
Calling environment 201
calloc 333 338 344 348 351 354 373 375 382 455
calloc.c 373 375 455
Carriage see Control
Carriage return 26 29 31 33 46 226 228 286 329 452
Category see Locale
Ceil 134 — 135 138 141 143 176 455
ceil.c 141 455
CELL_OFF 371 — 372
CHARACTER 464; see Graphic Type
Character set, ASCII 25 — 26 30 34 43 112 445 463
Character set, basic C 30 32 217 229 303 306 345 464
Character set, EBCDIC 25 34 36 466
Character set, execution 26 32 34 43 464 466
Character set, ISO 646 35 43 463
| Character set, Kanji ix 260 345 384 421
Character set, large ix 344 381 421 469
Character set, multibyte x 114 334 345 384
Character set, wide x 217 219
Character, alphabetic 32 113 253 463
Character, alphanumeric 28 31 463
Character, class 25 — 27 30 34 43 108 112 116 123 464
character, constant 36 108 112 217 219 464
Character, control 28 30 108 113 465
Character, conversion 306
Character, motion-control 113
Character, multibyte 74 77 112 238 240 251 260 266 303 318 333 341 345 349 366 368 384 419 421 469
Character, padding 230 234 237 260 269 306 401
Character, printing 28 — 29 31 33 42 46 229 234 240 467 470
Character, punctuation 31 — 33 35 113 411 464 471
Character, push-back 248 254 264 273 288 315 471
Character, wide 112 219 303 318 333 342 345 349 366 368 384 408 474
Characteristic see Floating-point Cheney E.W.
CHAR_BIT 74 76 78 367 370 409 453
CHAR_MAX 74 — 76 78 85 90 93 97 110 113 122 125 453
CHAR_MIN 74 — 76 78 453
ciearerr 250 270 272 276 287 332 455
ciock_t 416 420 422 424 455
circumflex 242
class see Character
clearerr.c 287 455
Clinger, William D. 327
clock 350 416 420 422 442 455
clock.c 425 — 426 447 455
CLOCKS_PER_SEC 416 422 448 453
CLOSE see File
Code 464
Code, inline 6 9 24 52 119 179 346 348 353 386 388 396 399 403 414 450
Code, parametric 53 — 54 65 77 137 139 187 199 211 222 445
Code, size ix 20 35 101 179 183 232 256 344
Cody and Waite iv 129 149 151 156 161 164 177
Cody, William J. 177
coeh 131 136 138 161 164 180 455
collation 42 99 108 112 114 390 394 407 411 413 446 464
colon 98 110 251
comma 83 87
comment 10
Compatible see Type
Compiler 1 — 2 11 464
Compiler, cross 76 452 465
Compiler, wide-character 303
COMPLEX see Arithmetic
Computer architecture 1 — 3 57 73 137 141 149 257 309 323 348 353 371 399 452 463 465 468 470
Concatenation see String
Constant see Floating-point Integer Null
Constant, character 303
Control see Character Multithread
Control, block 230 — 232
Control, carriage 226
control, flow of 18 181 472
Conversion, specification 238 240 260 265 268 307 311 314 321 465 474
Conversion, specifier 239 — 242 260 266 306 310 314 318 321 419 465 471
Converting see Type
Copyleft xii
Copyright ii xii
cos 131 135 138 149 151 178 455
cos.c 151 — 152 455
cosh.c 161 — 162 455
Cray, Seymour 59
create see File
creation see String
Cross compiler see Compiler
ctime 418 420 423 436 442 455
ctime.c 436 438 455
ctype 123
Currency 468 — 469
currency symbol 84 — 87 89 108 465
Currency symbol, international 84 — 85 87 89 109 114
Currency symbol, ISO 4217 85 89 123 468
Dahl, O.J. 22
Data-object see Type
Daylight Savings see Time
DBIAS 67 — 69 139 142 144 173 448 459
DBL_DIG 60 62 66 70 453
DBL_EPSILON 61 — 62 64 70 139 151 176 178 180 331 453
DBL_MANT_DIG 60 — 61 66 70 453
DBL_MAX 61 — 62 65 70 135 178 453
DBL_MAX_10_EXP 61 — 62 66 70 453
DBL_MAX_EXP 60 62 66 70 453
DBL_MIN 61 — 63 65 70 453
DBL_MIN_ 10_EXP 60 62 66 70 453
DBL_MIN_EXP 62 66 70 453
DD 227
Debugging 17 19 22 24 182 191 210 377
decimal see Base
decimal point 4 — 5 83 108 110 114 126 238 261 266 314 335 351 465 473
declaration 465; see Function
Declaration, argument-level 463
Declaration, block-level 464
Declaration, file-level 4 — 5 7 466
default 465
Definition 465; see Macro Type
Device see Handler
Diagnostic 17 — 18 21 27 465
difftime 416 — 417 420 423 426 442 455
difftime.c 426 455
digit 7 25 28 31 43 85 89 113 239 261 268 311 314 335 359 363 463
Digit, hexadecimal 29 31 33 113 268
Dijkstra, E.W. 22
div 333 — 334 341 346 348 353 383 386 452 455
div.c 353 355 455
Divide see Zero
div_t 334 341 346 348 353 455
Dollar sign 112 — 114 119
Domain see Error Dongarra Jack
Dot 9 83 88 238 253 260 335 465 470
DSIGN 155 310
DST see Time
Dynamic see Storage
EBCDIC see Character set
EDOM 49 — 55 130 140 142 148 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 332 406 412 448 453
Efficiency 2 20 26 74
EFPOS 49 53 285 406 448 453
Electronic mail 71 177
elefunt 129 171 177
Element 466
Empty see File Line
end-of-file see File Indicator
enquire 64 71 80
Environment 466
Environment, calling 182 184 464
Environment, freestanding 215 — 216 452
Environment, hosted 215 452
Environment, list 340
Environment, variable 82 101 108 340 349 378 434 466
eof 27 — 28 30 34 40 112 119 219 233 244 264 269 276 280 282 285 288 290 296 298 300 315 319 321 332 453
Equal sign 378
ERANGE 49 — 51 53 130 135 140 144 159 162 166 168 175 335 347 361 406 448 453
errno 5 47 130 135 140 142 148 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 174 196 249 272 285 298 332 334 347 360 373 395 445 447 452 455
errno.c 54 445 455
Error see Indicator Stream
Error, domain 49 55 128 130 133 152 327 465
Error, file-positioning 466
Error, range 49 55 128 130 161 347 471
Error, read 233 245 251 254 263 282 291 329
Error, write 233 240 243 252 254 272 282 292 296
Escape 113 260 265 303
euc 384
exception 192 466
Executable file 468 474
execution see Character set
exit 23 194 196 201 204 234 333 339 344 346 353 378 381 385 447 449 455
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