Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Plauger P.J. — The Standard C Library |
Предметный указатель |
EXIT SUCCESS 23 204 334 339 346 348 353 381 453
exit.c 378 — 379 455
EXIT_FAILURE 22 — 23 202 204 334 339 346 348 353 379 382 453
EXP 48 62 132 136 161 164 180 455
exp.c 161 — 162 455
EXPONENT see Floating-point
Expression 466
Extended precision see Floating-point
external linkage 2 5 9 12 48 50 184 186 207 363 368 447 453 468
fabs 51 134 136 138 140 176 178 180 331 455
fabs.c 140 455
Failure, input 241 — 242 244 263 329
Failure, matching 241 — 242 244 264 266 268 329
Fair use xii
fclose 105 232 236 252 270 276 278 280 331 379 455
fclose.c 278 280 455
feof 243 250 270 276 287 332 455
feof.c 287 — 288 455
ferror 243 250 270 276 287 332 455
ferror.c 287 — 288 455
fflush 236 — 237 256 270 276 280 286 292 296 332 455
fflush.c 292 298 455
fgetc 27 30 232 234 245 253 271 276 288 290 318 332 455
fgetc.c 288 290 455
fgetpos 232 249 254 256 270 276 285 289 331 455
fgetpos.c 288 — 289 455
fgets 115 245 271 276 291 293 332 455
fgets.c 291 293 456
Field 110 466
Field, truncation 240
Field, width 238 — 242 251 260 266 306 321
FILE 466; see Name Record
File, append 234
File, batch 108
File, beginning 255
File, beginning-of 234 249 269 273 464
File, binary 25 228 230 235 237 253 255 258 269 285 464
File, buffer 464
File, close 182 229 234 270 273 278 282 339 346 464
File, create 229 234 237 251 253 272 275
File, descriptor 227 231 274 466
File, empty 229 234
File, end-of 114 226 229 233 237 242 244 249 251 269 275 282 291 466
File, executable xii 1 88 464
File, handle 227 274 467
File, header 7 91 98 201 253 467
File, include 467
File, interactive 232 235 237 255 270
File, length 227 229
File, locale 95 101 108 112 118 126 384 411 413 438 443
File, long 230
File, open 114 228 230 233 251 256 269 277 282 285 329 339 449 466 469 472
File, remove 235 272 278 329 339 346
File, rename 235 272 278 329
File, reopen 237
File, source xii 1 7 9 16 19 32 94 98 101 113 181 201 325 464 467 470 473
File, temporary 227 233 235 269 272 278 284 339 346
File, text 1 108 228 237 253 255 258 265 269 285 329 452 472
File, truncate 234 237 275
File, update 237
File-level see Declaration
File-position see Indicator
File-positioning see Error Function
FILENAME_MAX 233 251 253 269 276 325 331 448 453
Finite-state machine 366 368 467 472;
fixed-length see Record
floating-point see Type
Floating-point, arithmetic 57
Floating-point, base 60 129
Floating-point, bias 464
Floating-point, characteristic 67 139 141 145 448 464
Floating-point, constant 64 335
Floating-point, conversion 108
Floating-point, exception 198
Floating-point, exponent 60 67 129 136 143 145 157 164 170 240 261 311 314 335 363 448 464 466
Floating-point, extended precision 149 161 164 170
Floating-point, fraction 67 129 132 363 466
Floating-point, gradual underflow 63 127 141 145
Floating-point, hidden bit 67
Floating-point, IEEE 754 55 61 63 67 69 71 127 137 141 171 311 363 445 448 468
Floating-point, Inf 52 128 135 139 167 179 310 386 449
Floating-point, infinity 52 127 134 311 4
Floating-point, NaN 52 128 139 167 179 310 386 449
Floating-point, not-a-number 52 127 311 386 469
Floating-point, overflow 49 58 62 72 127 130 145 161 164 170 195 198 363 470
Floating-point, precision ix 58 60 64 77 127 135 145 149 164 171 323 363 446
Floating-point, representation 464
Floating-point, rounding 59 — 60 72 239 314 471 473
Floating-point, significance loss 49 58 62 64 127 136 152 161 363 471
Floating-point, truncation 59 — 60 473
Floating-point, underflow 49 58 62 128 130 145 151 161 170 198 335 363 466 473
Floating-point, wobbling precision 129
Floating-point, zero fixup 58 63 128 130 335 474
FLOOR 134 — 136 138 141 143 176 456
floor.c 141 456
Flow see Control
FLT MANT DIG 60 — 61 66 70 453
FLTJIAX 61 66 70 453
FLT_DIG 60 — 61 66 70 453
FLT_EPSILON 61 66 70 331 453
FLT_MAX_10_EXP 61 63 66 70 453
FLT_MAX_EXP 60 — 61 66 70 453
FLT_MIN 61 66 70 453
FLT_MIN_10_EXP 60 — 61 63 66 70 453
FLT_MIN_EXP 61 63 66 70 454
FLT_RADIX 60 — 61 63 70 454
FLT_ROUNDS 60 64 66 71 448 454
flush see Stream
fmod 134 136 138 145 148 176 456
fmod.c 145 148 456
fopen 105 228 232 236 251 270 276 278 287 331 456
fopen.c 278 — 279 456
FOPEN_MAX 233 235 269 276 298 325 331 379 448 454
form feed 26 29 31 33 229
FORMAT 91 94 259 264 296 303 306 315 419 422 437 465 474
FORTRAN 127 177 206 225
fpos_t 233 256 270 276 285 456
fprint f.c 296 301 456
fprintf 5 20 238 240 242 258 271 276 296 301 329 331 456
fputc 27 44 232 234 246 254 271 276 291 296 300 332 456
fputc.c 291 296 456
fputs 21 23 44 105 202 209 246 271 276 296 298 300 332 442 456
fputs.c 296 300 456
FRACTION see Floating-point
Fragmentation storage 345
Frame see Stack
fread 248 271 276 291 332 456
fread.c 291 — 292 456
free 467
Free Software Foundation see GNU
free.c 373 376 456
Freeloc 105 116 124 460
Freestanding see Environment
freopen 237 251 270 276 278 280 331 456
freopen.c 278 280 456
frexp 132 136 138 143 145 176 456
frexp.c 143 456
fscanf 5 240 263 271 276 315 318 331 456
fscanf.c 315 318 456
fseek 233 237 248 254 269 277 289 331 456
fseek.c 288 — 289 456
fsetpos 232 237 248 254 256 270 272 277 285 290 331 456
fsetpos.c 288 290 456
ftell 249 — 250 254 269 277 290 331 456
ftell.c 288 290 456
Function 467
Function, argument 224
Function, date 82
Function, declaration 1 — 2 4 10
| Function, file-positioning 230 237 248 254 270 273 275 285 288 452
Function, multibyte 77 87 341 344 363 446
Function, nesting 181
Function, numeric conversion 87
Function, parameter 220 224
Function, Print 84 87 94 171 212 225 238 257 263 271 296 301 309 314 323 325 345 420 467 470
Function, prototype 206 208 216 220 259 463 467
Function, read 253 273 275 471
Function, scan 87 171 212 225 255 263 268 271 273 296 314 318 323 325 329 345 351 467 471
Function, storage allocation 344
Function, time 100 420 437 467
Function, write 253 474
fwrite 248 — 249 272 277 296 299 301 332 446 456
fwrite.c 296 299 456
get 318
getc 26 — 27 30 246 254 271 274 277 288 290 332 456
getc.c 288 290 456
getchar, x 27 30 246 272 274 277 288 291 332 456
getchar.c 288 291 456
getenv 82 104 333 339 349 354 378 380 386 434 456
getenv.c 378 380 446 456
GETN 321
gets 247 271 277 291 294 332 456
gets.c 291 294 456
GMT 415 423 467 473
gmtime 418 420 423 427 430 442 456
gmtime.c 427 456
GNU C xii 212 449 451 467
GNU Project xii goto 181 — 182
Goto, nonlocal 181 184 192
Gradual underflow see Floating-point
Graphic 31 33 467
Griswold, R.E. 411
Grosse, Eric 71
GROUPING 84 — 87 89 110 114 126
guard see Macro
Handle see File
Handler, device 226 228 465
Handler, signal 193 — 197 199 471
Hart, John F. 177
Header 1 — 2 5 see Name
Header, idempotence 4 7 19
Header, independence 4 7 11
Header, internal 53 98 275 281 445 448
Header, standard xi 4 7 9 16 53 95 98 116 123 216 333 425 453 472
Heap 89 116 344 467;
Hexadecimal see Base Digit
Hidden bit see Floating-point
hiding see Name
Hoare, C.A.R. 22 358
hole see Storage
Horner’s rule 151
Hosted see Environment
HUGE_VAL 130 134 137 171 176 335 454
I/O 468
IBM see PC System/370
Idempotence see Header
Identifier 467
idiv.c 353 356 457
idiv_t 334 341 346 354 457
IEEE 467
IEEE 1003 see POSIX
IEEE 754 see Floating-point
Ignoring see Signal
implementation 467
INCLUDE see File
Independence see Header
Indicator, end-of-file 233 237 245 247 252 254 256 263 270 275 466
Indicator, error 233 237 245 250 254 263 270 272 275 466
Indicator, file-position 49 230 233 237 245 248 269 282 285 466 471
inf see Floating-point
infinity see Floating-point
inline see Code
Input see Failure Stream
Input/output model 225 227 231 452
INTEGER 467; see Type
Integer, constant 336
Integer, constant expression 221 — 222 224 468
Integer, overflow 33 — 34 195 198 306 346 352 359 362 401 429 434 437 470
Intel 80X86 372 468
Intel 80X87 52 64 67 69 140 468
Interactive see File
INTERFACE 47 468 470
Internal see Header
International see Currency symbol
International Date Line 430
Interpreter 1 468
INT_MAX 74 76 78 218 224 289 324 436 454
INT_MIN 74 76 436 454
Invalid 465 468
IOCtl 226 228
isainum 28 — 29 32 37 43 456
isalnum.c 37 456
isalpha 26 28 32 35 37 44 88 116 435 456
isalpha.c 38 456
iscntrl 28 — 29 33 35 37 44 456
iscntrl.c 38 456
isdigit 26 28 32 37 44 122 305 321 328 364 432 435 456
isdigit.c 38 456
isgraph 28 33 37 45 456
isgraph.c 38 456
islower 28 — 30 32 35 37 44 88 456
islower.c 38 456
ISO 3 468
ISO 4217 see Currency symbol
ISO 646 see Character set
ISO C Standard see C Standard
isprint 27 29 33 35 37 44 456
isprint.c 38 456
ispunct 28 — 29 33 37 39 44 456
ispunct.c 39 456
isspace 26 28 33 35 37 39 44 101 241 265 318 320 324 335 351 360 362 364 456
isspace.c 39 456
isupper 28 — 30 33 35 37 39 44 456
isupper.c 39 456
isxdigit 29 32 37 39 44 457
isxdigit.c 39 457
JIS 384
jmp_buf 182 — 188 191 449 457;
Justify 238 — 239 260
Kahan, W.M. 72
Kanji see Character set
Kernighan and Ritchie 15 73
Kernighan, Brian W. 15 327
Keyword 4 7 9 109 114 119 224 347
Knock out 95 232 468
Knuth, Donald 381
Koenig, Andy 205
Label see Variable
labs 333 341 349 353 356 382 386 457
labs.c 353 356 457
Large see Character set Lawson Charles
LCCTYPE 83 — 84 87 96 106 110 125 334 341 343 353 366 368 454
lconv 84 — 85 89 95 98 101 109 114 126
LC_ALL 84 86 96 102 108 125 454
LC_COLLATE 83 — 84 87 96 106 125 390 395 397 407 454
LC_MONETARY 83 — 84 86 89 96 98 106 109 125 454
LC_NUMERIC 83 — 84 86 89 96 106 110 125 454
LC_TIME 83 — 84 87 96 106 110 125 419 424 426 437 454
Ldbl 65 — 66 68 461
LDBL_DIG 60 66 70 313 454
LDBL_EPSILON 61 66 70 331 454
LDBL_MANT_DIG 60 66 70 454
LDBL_MAX 61 66 70 454
LDBL_MAX_10_EXP 61 66 70 454
LDBL_MAX_EXP 60 66 70 454
LDBL_MIN 61 66 70 454
Реклама |