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Plauger P.J. — Programming on purpose: essays on software design |
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"Programming on Purpose” 7 162—163 211 213 223 227
Abstraction 97—99 156 177—209
Ada (see Language)
Aho, A 1 43 161—162 227
Alexander, Christopher 165—166 227
Algol 68 (see Language)
Alternation (see Structure)
Analysis, data-flow 2 96—101 171
Analysis, lexical 44 50
Analysis, semantic 47—50 59 73 140 185—187
Analysis, syntactic 48—50
APL (see Language)
Arithmetic (see Floating-point)
assembly (see Language)
ASSIGNMENT (see Operator)
Backtracking 26 53 83
batch (see System)
Bell Laboratories 19 49
Bentley, Jon 54 227
Bohm, C. 25 154—155 227
Boolean 9 11—14 22 25 35 199
Bottom-up (see Design)
Brooks, Fred 164 209—210 227
Buffer futures 140
Bulman, Dave 60
C (see Language)
C++ (see Language)
Chaos-to-order (see Design)
Chinese Duck algorithm 194
Clash (see Structure)
COBOL (see Language)
Cohesion 148—150 178 194—196 201 220
Computer language 159 162—163 169 211 213 218 223
Computing Reviews 167
Constantine, Larry 5 105 108 148—156 194—195 218 229
constructor 196 202
Coordinator (see Data-flow)
coroutines 114—115
Coupling 55 102 117 148—149 179 182 191 193—194 196 201 220
Cricket, Jiminy 180—181
Critical region 132—134 138
Current logical/physical 93
Dahl, O. 227
Data-flow (see Analysis)
Data-structured (see Design)
Debugging (see Software)
design, bottom-up 2 4 29—37 63 79 97 111 181
Design, chaos-to-order 71 73 85 182
Design, data-structured 7 79 88 96 116 181
Design, easy-to-hard 54—55 62—63 181
Design, fast-to-stable 183
Design, hard-to-easy 127 129 173 182
Design, inside-out 9 17 20 22 33 63 68 181
Design, left-to-right 39—56 63 68 80—85 90 109 114 182
design, object-oriented 151 179—206 217 220
Design, order-to-chaos 117
Design, outside-in 19 39 79—114
Design, right-to-left 19 25 39 42 54 63 79—80 83 90 95 109 114
Design, stable-to-fast 183
Design, top-down 1—5 7 31 37 66 79 86 95—107 115—116 179 182
Desired logical/physical (see Data-flow)
destructor 196 202
Device handler 33 140
Diagram 19 80 93—115 147 156 172 182 215 219—220
Diagram, Dijkstra, Edsger 25 31 77 154—155 158 166 178 195 227
Diagram, divide and conquer 30 148
documenting (see Software)
Easy-to-hard (see Design)
Eiffel (see Language)
Elements of Programming Style 157 228
Embedded (see System)
Embedded Systems Programming 159 169 171 186
Encapsulation 191—205
end-of-file 21 26 32 35 40—44 56 60—61 87 123 128 187
End-of-line 32 43—44
Engineering (see Software)
eof 32—34 36 60 187
escape sequence 41 57
Events 138—139
exception (see Floating-point Program)
Fan-in 195—196 204—205
Fan-out 5
Fast-to-stable (see Design)
Finite-state machine 29 31 35 53 97 111 115 181 189 220
Fixup (see Floating-point)
Floating-point, arithmetic 12 58 162—163 199
Floating-point, exception 61
Floating-point, fixup 58
Floating-point, overflow 12 20 51 58 60 185 189
Floating-point, rounding 58
Floating-point, significance loss 58
Floating-point, underflow 58 60
Flow chart 6 19 29 34 39
FORTRAN (see Language)
Frederic the Great 3
Function, getchar 32 34—36 60—61 187
Function, longjmp 61
Function, putchar 32 34
Function, qsort 74
Function, rquick 74—75
Function, setjmp 61
Function, ungetc 51
Gane, Chris 96 156 227
Garbage in, garbage out 40 51
Gates 14 31 133 138
getchar (see Function)
GOTO statement 12 25 27 33—35 55 61—62 112 144 155 178
Grammar 6—7 34 39 42—59 72 182
Grammar, left-recursive 45 47
Grammar, lookahead 50—51
Grammar, right-recursive 47
grep (see Program)
Guarded commands 158
Hall, Joan 157 159
Hard-to-easy (see Design)
Hart, J. 163 228
Hatley, Derek 171—172 217 228
Heap 35 77 104 121 123—124 136
Heinlein, Robert 175
HIPO chart 3—5 97—99
Hoare, C.A.R. 31 62 227—228
Holmes, Sherlock 119
Hopcroft, John 161—162 227
Huff, D. 164 228
Humphrey, Watts 228 3
Idris (see Operating system)
Information hiding 61 92—95 122 149 193
inheritance 199—205
Inside-out (see Design)
Interactive (see System)
Interrupts 30 55 59 61 65 127 131—137
inversion (see Program)
Jackson, Michael 27 43 88 96 114 156 228
Jacopini, G. 25 154—155 227
Johnson, Steve 43
Kasse, Tim 228
Kemighan, Brian 74 76 123 151 157—158 211 228
Kitson, David 228
Knuth, Don 73 162 228
Language, Ada 59 62 115 178
Language, Algol 68 52
Language, APL 30
Language, assembly 2 19 25 59 178 185—186 195 2 5—7 13 15 19 25—26 32 35 41 51—52 59—61 72 74 95 157—158 166 178 187—188 192—193 195 200 202 218—219
Language, C 62 178 193 197 202 220
Language, COBOL 5 30 40 62 87 148 156 178 204
Language, Eiffel 178 197
| Language, FORTRAN 19 30 40 51 77 128 146 157 178 199 204
Language, left-recursive (see Grammar)
Language, little 54
Language, PASCAL 2 11 14 19 26 30 42 44 48 51 59 61 73—74 78 123 158 162 178 187—188 195 228
Language, PL/I 30 32 34—35 40 44 51 61 128 157 195
Left-to-righ (see Design)
Lexical (see Analysis)
Little (see Language)
longjmp (see Function)
Lookahead 19 50—54 56—57 80 83 85 88 104
Lookahead-0 (see Grammar)
Lookahead-1 (see Grammar)
maintaining (see Software)
Master-file update (see Program)
Mellor, Stephen 171—172 217 229
Memory (see State)
Messages 41 59—61 138 153
Miller Freeman 159 169 207
Monitors 133 177
Mosque shape (see Structure chart)
MS-DOS (see Operating system)
MTOS (see Operating system)
Myers, Glenford 155 228
Nevison, Jack 157 228
Object-oriented (see Design)
One right place 24 192
Operating system, Idris 33 74 77 121—122 140
Operating system, MS — DOS 74 76 115 121—122 171 185—186 208
Operating system, MTOS 137
Operating system, POSIX 138
Operating system, pSOS 137
Operating system, UNIX 2 35 43 46 60 74 76—78 85 91 94—95 104 115 121 138 140 153 158 170—171 174 208
Operating system, VRTX 137
Operator, assignment 51 58—59 200 215
Operator, type cast 6 58—59 188
Order-to-chaos (see Design)
Orr, Ken 7 19 26 43 88 96 155—156 228
Orwell, George 102
Outside-in (see Design)
Overflow (see Floating-point)
Pamas, D.L. 92 149 193 228
Parsing 2 6—7 26 29 39 43—61 78 83—85 90 182 220 227
Pascal (see Language)
Pathological connections 148
Pipeline 35 85—86 91 93—95 104 115 129
Pirbhai, Imtiaz 171—172 217 228
Pirsig, R. 165 218 228
PL/I (see Language)
Plauger's Dogma 50 55
Plauger, P.J. 50 55 157—158 228
Plum, Tom 157 159 166 229
polling 130 134
POSIX (see Operating system)
Predicate 9—26 33 42—43 56—57 63 71 73 80—81 85 117 120 135 181 189
Principle of Latest Binding 136 192
Private memory 36—37 51 103—104 107 129
Program, exception 37 54—63 181
Program, grep 121—122 153 187 193
Program, inversion 109 114 156
Program, master-file update 77 86—87 110
Program, QED 60
Program, startup 36—37 112 192
Program, yacc 43 46 49 52
Prototyping (see System)
Pseudo code 10 19 21—24 27 31—36 39 111—113
PSOS (see Operating system)
putchar (see Function)
qed (see Program)
qsort (see Function)
Queen Victoria 50
Real-time (see System)
Recursion 6 44—47 75 204
Rendezvous 138
Repetition (see Structure)
Right-recursive (see Grammar)
right-to-left (see Design)
Ritchie, Dennis 60 153
Rounding (see Floating-point)
Rquick (see Function)
rule of three 210
Sarson, Trish 96 156 227
Savage, Brian 89
schedulers 137 139
Second System Effect 209
Semantic (see Analysis)
Semaphores 133 138 140 173 177
SEQUENCE 20 25—26 30 32 39 41—45 50 54—60 71—72 75-79 86 90—91 107 117 132 134 169 174 182 210 220
setjmp (see Function)
Signals 138 143
Significance loss (see Floating-point)
Software Engineering Institute 212 217
Software tools 1 73—74 76 123 158 228
Software, debugging 9 11 51 74 129 136—137 149 165 183—188 190
Software, documenting 5 67 179 186—191
Software, engineering 8 66—67 164 215—218 220—221 228
Software, maintaining 11 19 22 24 37 53 67 83 98—99 103 109 123 137 140 146—150 165 186 218 228
software, testing 42 66—67 73 75 181—183 197 212 220
Sorting 17 34 71—78 86 117 119 123 162 172 182 228
Sorting, radix 78
Sorting, topological 78
Stable-to-fast (see Design)
startup (see Program)
State, diagram 29 33
State, memory 29 35 181
State, variable 33—34
stepwise refinement 2 4—5 97 116 158 179
Sterbenz, Pat 162—163 229
Structure chart 3 5—7 97—111 115 147 182 195—196 204—205 220
Structure chart, mosque shape 5 147 195 204
Structure, alternation 19 25—26 42 45 56—57 71—74 79—80 182
Structure, clash 89—93 96 102 114 156 220
Structure, repetition 19 25—26 42 45 56—57 71—72 79—82 90 96 182 208
Synchronization 59 61 127—141 171—183
Syntactic (see Analysis)
System, batch 170
System, embedded 169—172
System, interactive 80 170
System, prototyping 97 210—211
System, real-time 127 138—141 169—177
Termination (see Program)
Testing (see Software)
Thompson, Ken 2 153
Throw one away 164 209
Timing diagram 127
Top-down (see Design)
Transaction center 107—110 146—147
Transparency 41 61
Tufte, Edward 163—164 218 229
Type cast (see Operator)
Ullman, Jeff 43 161—162 227
Underflow (see Floating-point)
ungetc (see Function)
UNIX (see Operating system)
Variable (see State)
VRTX (see Operating system)
Ward, Paul 171—172 217 229
Warmer, Jean — Dominique 7 19 26 43 96 155—156 229
Weinberg, Gerald 65 164—166 218 229
Whitesmiths, Ltd 1 25 33
Wirth, N. 31 229
WISCA syndrome 65 36
X3J11 committee 52 192
Yacc (see Program)
Yourdon, Ed 96 105 108 149 155—158 227—229
Z is for zebra 236
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