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! (bang)
" (double quote)
# (hash mark) 2nd
$ (dollar sign)
$ (dollar sign), and shell variables
& (ampersand) 2nd
&> (redirection operator)
' (backquote)
' (single quote) 2nd
* (asterisk) 2nd
. (dot)
. (dot), in filenames
. (dot), working directory
.. (parent directory)
./ (dot-slash)
/ (forward slash) 2nd
/ (root directory)
/ (root directory), partition, creating
/boot partition, creating
1023 cylinder limit
2> (redirection operator) 2nd
2>& (redirection operator)
; (semicolon)
< (redirection operator)
> (redirection operator)
? (question mark)
aborting the installation
absolute pathnames
access modes (permissions) 2nd
active windows
Address Book (Writer)
Addresses [See IP addresses]
adduser command
alias directive
alias name= command
Alt-Fn keystroke
AMD processors
ampersand (&) 2nd
Animation (Impress)
Anonymous ftp
anonymous FTP, security and
Apache Configuration Tool
Apache Configuration Tool, Main tab
Apache Configuration Tool, Performance Tuning tab
Apache Configuration Tool, Server tab
Apache Configuration Tool, Virtual Hosts tab
Apache, configuring
Apache, installing
Apache, starting and stopping
Apache, Testing
append redirection operators
application links
apropos command 2nd 3rd
apropos command, creating the database
arguments to commands
ascii command (ftp)
Assembly language
asterisk (*) 2nd
at command
at command, -f option
Athlon processor
atq command
atrm command
authentication, default options
Automatic Partitioning
AutoPilot (Writer)
autotune option
auxiliary buses
backquote (')
backslash (\) 2nd
backup and recovery, Linux under Samba
backups, importance of
bang (!)
bash shell [See also shells]2nd
bash shell, command-line editing
bash shell, commands, issuing
bash shell, control keystrokes
bash shell, history list
bash shell, prompts
bash shell, system commands
Berkeley Internet Name Daemon (BIND)
bg command
binary or bin command (FTP)
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Daemon)
BIOS, LBA (logical byte addressing)
BIOS, limitations of some versions
BIOS, settings
boot floppies
boot floppies, creating 2nd
boot floppies, creating, for install
boot loader
Boot sector
booting, boot drive order, configuring
booting, boot parameters
booting, boot parameters, general arguments
booting, boot parameters, RAM Disk arguments
booting, boot parameters, SCSI host adapter arguments
booting, boot prompt options
booting, bus mouse support arguments
booting, enabling from the floppy drive
booting, floppy drive arguments
booting, from a floppy disk
booting, GRUB
booting, IDE hard drive arguments
booting, information sources
booting, loadable Ethernet drivers
booting, loading of modular drivers
booting, MBR (Master Boot Record)
booting, non-IDE CD-ROM drive arguments
booting, parallel port printer arguments
break command
BSD (Berkeley Systems Division) Unix
built-in commands
burning CDs
buslogic= boot argument
buson and busoff options
bzip2 command
C programming language
cable modem configuration
caching name servers
cal command
case command
cat command
cd command 2nd
cd command, in FTP
CD Writer
CD-ROM drives
CD-ROM drives, installing, information required for
CD-ROM drives, mounting
CD-ROM drives, Windows device manager and
CD-ROM install media, booting from
cdrom option
Celeron processors
chainloader command (GRUB)
| chgrp command
chmod command 2nd 3rd
chown command 2nd
CIFS (Common Internet File System)
Clear command
CLI (command-line interface)
CLI, command-line editing
CLI, error messages
CMOS and drive boot order configuration
cmp command
command completion
command-line interface [See CLI]
commands, conditional commands
compression of files
Configuration files
configuration, information required for
conflicting files
continue command
Control Panel (MS Windows)
Copy and Paste
cp command 2nd
CPUs (central processing units)
cross-platform operating systems
ctl option
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace command
Ctrl-Alt-Delete, aborting the install
Ctrl-Alt-Fn command
Ctrl-D 2nd
curly braces ( {} )
Custom Graphics Configuration screen
custom installation
cyl,head,sect option 2nd
Cyrix 6x86 processors
date command 2nd
Debian GNU/Linux
default operating system, setting at install
default routes
delete command (FTP)
desktop environments 2nd
desktop environments, GNOME [See GNOME]
desktop environments, KDE [See KDE]
desktop environments, selection
desktop environments, virtual desktops
desktop sounds, enabling
desktop, pager
Detective (Calc)
Device Manager (MS Windows)
devices, specification at boot
dev_id option
df command 2nd
DHCP servers
dial-up networking and Red Hat installation
Dialog boxes
diff command
dir command (FTP)
directives for booting
directories 2nd 3rd
directories, associated commands
directories, contents, displaying
directories, creating
directories, naming rules
directories, removing
directories, web pages, location in
Disk Druid
disk druid, automatic partitioning
Disk Management tool
Disk Management tool, Win 2000/XP
disks [See hard disks]2nd [See floppy disks]3rd
dma option
dmaspeed option
dmesg command
DNS (Domain Name Services)
DNS, configuring
DNS, servers
do/while scripts
Dollar sign ($)
dollar sign ($), and shell variables
Domain names
dot (.)
dot (.), in filenames
dot (.), working directory
dot-slash (./)
double quote (")
Draw (OpenOffice.org)
drive icons (GNOME)
drives [See also hard disks]2nd
drives, mounting and unmounting
DSL configuration 2nd
DSL configuration, ADSL configuration
DSL configuration, xDSL device type
du command 2nd
echo command 2nd
echo command, and shell variable values
Effects (Impress)
email clients
email clients, Evolution
email clients, pine, installation
emergency boot floppy, creating
end-of-file character
Environment variables [See shell variables]
Ethernet adapters
Ethernet adapters, configuring Linux for multiple cards
Evolution mail client
Excel, compared to Calc
exit codes
export command
ext3 filesystem 2nd
ext3 filesystem, partitioning
extended option
external commands
failed dependencies
FAQ (Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers)
FAT and FAT32 filesystems
FAT and FAT32 filesystems, partitions, splitting with fips
fdformat command 2nd
fdisk command
fdisk, menu
fdomain= boot argument
fg command
file command
filename completion
filename globbing
filename metacharacters
Files 2nd
files, archiving
files, compressing
files, conflicts
files, copying
files, finding
Files, groups
files, important files, names of
files, launching executables
Files, links
files, moving
files, ownership
files, permissions 2nd
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